07-27-2006, 04:00 PM
if u beat ruby weapon tell me how u did it or if u beat emerald tell me how u beat it.

07-27-2006, 04:02 PM
I`m pretty sure a simple Google search wil offer you plenty of in-depth walkthroughs.

Desert Wolf
07-27-2006, 04:31 PM
Yeah Rubys easy.

First have Cloud equipped with:
Final Attack + Pheonix
W-Summon + KOTR

Second party member(Dead) with:
Mime + hades

Third party member(Dead) with:

Make sure the two of them are dead before you start the battle.
The reason for this is,if you have 3 alive at the start Ruby will keep using whirlsand (which wipes away one member completly) until theres only one left.Then he will put his hands in the ground (which means he cant use it again)

So if you start with only one member alive then he puts his arms in the ground straight away.Ok first use pheonix on his arms which appear behind you (Ruby will counter with Ultima if you attack him).So thats all your party alive.Now get your second member to cast hades on Ruby paralizing him.Now cast w-summon+KOTR on Ruby and then mime it with the other two.

And thats petty much it.
5.Mime(If you even need it,he might be dead.)

So thats him beat in 5 people say hes harded than Emerald?

Now for Emerald.

Basically have all your best stuff with you.And have a few turbo ethers,elixers and mega elixers too if you can.

have Cloud with:

Loads of HP and MP stuff and the underwater materia.

Second member with:
Final Attack+Pheonix
Loads of HP and MP stuff

Third member with:
Hp and MP stuff again

Make sure everyone Hp is at 9999 and MP is at 999.

First cast W-Summon and KOTR with Cloud and mime with the other two.He might attack in between mimes.If he does manage to kill everyone you'll all be revived by Pheonix.Use a Turbo Ether on Cloud and go again with the w-summon+KOTR.If he doesnt attack you then a quadra Ultima will kill him off after the KOTR's are finished.(Yes all 12 of them)

So thats it.You might have to think a bit yourself in battle depending on what Emerald does.IMO hes a lot harder than Ruby but if you know how there not so bad.It takes ages for all the KOTR's.First time i did it me and my friend started a boardgame to pass the time while we fought fun!

I did this ages ago but it should help.

07-27-2006, 05:38 PM
I can't remember. I wasn't all that strong though so i was lucky.

i probably looked at some guide on

07-27-2006, 11:44 PM
I used Lucky 7's on Emerald, and I beat Ruby with Limit Breaks and quadruple casting Ultima. I needed to defeat him so I could have the Gold Chocobo to get KotR.

My guys are pretty beefed u no.

07-28-2006, 03:24 AM
My strategy was definitely unusual because I was only on a quest for master materia at this point. Thus, I wasn't satisfied with beating them; I had to level up the crap out of my materia in the process. With my party all equipped with rune armlets and double or triple growth weapons, I was at a little bit of a disadvantage. Tack on to that the fact that I loaded them all down with the materia I wanted to master, and the fights are a little bit more difficult.

My basic strategy was to do what DW did, only I died very often. Thus, Emerald had little trouble killing me, and one counterattack Ultima took out my whole party. It took a number of tries, but I did it, and I mastered something like seven materia at once, and I took a huge chunk out of KOTR.

Desert Wolf
07-28-2006, 01:02 PM
I beat them both without kotr which is much more fun. I was only in the mid 80's though and since I dont believe in using power sources or any of those things. Emerald was ok but I ended up finding Cloud doing 400 damage each hit during Omnislash against Ruby. I had W-Summon but it wasnt leveled up and he ended up whirlsanding 2 of my players even with his hands in the ground. The last half hour was just Yuffie who didnt have final attack pheonix either. Pretty damn good achievement imo.

07-29-2006, 05:00 PM
what i did was i just used the 7777 hp thing