02-27-2002, 05:44 AM
I will be listing poems here from time to time. Mostly mine and some from other people that ive saved... feel free to let me know what you think of them...


02-27-2002, 05:50 AM
A poem my grandmother gave me a few weeks before she passed...

Keep my memories in your pocket
and my picture in your mind,
I'm leaving here forever
to a place of another kind.

As the years will pass
And time will push you on,
to the very place
I will go when I am gone.

So 'til that very moment
when our paths shall cross again,
Please accept my thanks
for always being there, my friend.

02-27-2002, 05:57 AM

Every day I go about
doing the things I do...
then all of a sudden I remember,
somewhere out there is you

My insides feel so hollow, then,
a feeling hard to share
because it's of futility
and yes, it's hard to bear...

Is there no way we'll meet again,
even if by chance?
Will I be left to wonder if...
you shared that 'knowing' glance?

You're always on my mind now
and, yes, you're in my heart...
But, it just seemed to be that way
right from the very start

I'm sorry I can't reveal to you
just who I really am
I'd never want to hurt you
or, get you in a jam

This poem comes from deep within,
yes, my soul to bare
If only I could see you again,
here or, ANYWHERE

02-27-2002, 04:59 PM
nice poems. I really enjoyed the second one a lot. keep em coming!

02-27-2002, 05:11 PM

My life is judged by those I know,
Who helped me love and fully grow,
And raised my spirits when lost at sea,
But loved me most for being me.

My friends are those who always cared,
And know my faults and always shared,
The good - the bad and all the grey,
And held my hand and showed the way.

But, I love them most for the times we've spent,
The laughter, tears, and for what they meant,
To me - my life and the things we've shared,
But I loved them most because they cared.

Rabid Monkey
02-27-2002, 05:22 PM
Nice poems, but ya know you don't have to make a new post every time you want to put up a new one, just use the edit button ;)

Anyway, like I said, nice poems...

02-27-2002, 09:28 PM
Why Freedom's Stripes Are Red

I don�t need a weatherman to tell me of this cloudy day,
I wasn�t playing against them when they took my rooks away,
I saw the pigeons fly as all the clouds were turned to gray,
And I hear the peoples cry, �We�ve got to make them pay!�

Who covered streets and people with such a dirty snow?
No one takes the blame whichever way we go,
Who has burned our books that we had stacked so tall?
We are now not running, for we can only crawl.

A saw a black man turn white and a white man turn red,
If we are not frightened then why have we fled?
The children were orphaned as their poor fathers leapt,
We mourn much more now than when their fathers wept.

I say all five sides were the wrong sides to strike,
And recall of pasts sins of the kings we don�t like,
But we didn�t bear arms or capture the game,
Out of our sloth march the bloody and lame.

Call up neighbor and brother to make use of your hands,
Don�t strip stars of freedom from all of our lands,
Lower your Glory and save all the dying,
All our heart was poured out in our sorrowful crying.

All they could do then was shed their blood,
All we can do now is give our blood,
All we can do is take more blood with the dead,
Twas the price of our freedom that stained our stripes red.

02-27-2002, 09:37 PM
Those are really good. Like em alot. I'd love to see more soon!:)

02-27-2002, 09:44 PM
nice. Very patriotic, i really liked it

02-27-2002, 09:45 PM
thank you guys...:D

02-28-2002, 01:55 AM
Very good! I like how you keep beat and meter ^___^ awesyoms

02-28-2002, 07:01 PM
New Life

I've been sitting around this life for years,
Not enough laughs and too many tears.
Trying to figure out where it all went,
These wasted years that I have spent.

Searching for something to go beyond,
Life's a stone skipping across a pond.
At the last skip, it hits with a splash,
Down the stone sinks, gone in a flash.

Pushing and pulling, it's tearing apart,
Poking and prodding an underused heart.
This dark velvet curtain that hides my soul,
Living this life has taken it's toll.

In a flash of bright light, the curtain is torn,
Tumbling down all tattered and worn.
Revealing new life, a child within,
Born free of hate, of suffering and sin.

Now my eyes see what has never been told,
Striving forth happy, confident and bold.
Into a world that's unfamiliar but friendly,
Into this new life my spirit will send me.

Living and laughing, loving it all,
I stood myself up and answered the call.
The darkness has gone, replaced by the light,
I gave up the darkness with hardly a fight.

I've been sitting around this life for years,
With laughter aplenty and hardly a tear.
Now I can see just where it all went,
Cherish every moment of this new life I've spent.

02-28-2002, 09:39 PM
:D Starts out in darkness, but finds inner light... ^_^ me likes!

03-01-2002, 05:05 AM
I like the last poem "New Life.." FF... very touching, and I 'specially like the last stanza... Like I told Tessa... I am a sucker for a good work... keep it up! :)

03-01-2002, 08:38 PM
My Dream

I'm not the best there is; I don't know the words to say,
To show you that I really care in each and every way.
Sometimes I think I'm dreaming, sometimes I think I'm dead,
So afraid I will awake and find it's what I dread.

I find it hard to comprehend, that you could love me so,
I just know I love the way you fill my heart and soul.
It's more than just a fling for me; it's more than simple love,
For me this is all there is, and I thank the lord above.

If, by chance, this is a dream I never want to wake,
To lose you now would simply be too much for me to take.
If this is just a dream I dreamt then take me in my sleep,
For this is just the type of dream that I would like to keep.

It's more than I can imagine, more than I can hope,
That this is real and you are mine, if only I can cope,
With real love so true and strong, so vital to my heart,
I pray each day I won't awake; for fear that we will part.

If this is truly not a dream and all is truly real.
I hope I can love you more and all your needs fulfill.
It's more than I deserve to have and more than I can dream,
I wonder if it's in God's plan and in his holy scheme.

03-01-2002, 08:45 PM
*sniff sniff* such a beautiful poem... so pretty... and utterly well written poem...*snyffle*

... want to see more work.. :)

03-01-2002, 08:53 PM
Wow! New life and my dream are really good. Very well done, 2 excellent peoms. You should keep on writing.:)

03-02-2002, 04:32 AM
A White Rose

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
O, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.

But I send you a cream-white rosebud
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

03-02-2002, 05:02 AM
A very romantic, heartfelt, emotional poem... the rose is my favorite flower...makes me think... a very well written work. :)

03-02-2002, 08:44 AM
It's Up to You

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handshake lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer doom.
One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference,
You see- it's up to you.

03-02-2002, 08:58 AM
You are sooooo an expert at this :D

03-03-2002, 05:30 AM
I felt like writing today. I had a chance to write two, but ill post this one first...

This Heart of Mine

This fragile porcelain heart of mine
Like crystal, so delicate, so rare...
Has broken at least a hundred times
Shards of dreams scattered here and there.

This heart of mine should steal away
To an island remote and still,
Where plunderous thieves remain at bay
Taking nothing they covet at will.

Yet, this heart of mine pumps steady and strong
Remaining in the midst of life...
Quietly beating a tender heart song
Despite its aching, despite my strife.

03-03-2002, 06:28 AM
...Utterly beautiful FF.... I like the last stanza... kinda brings home the heart of the poem.

03-04-2002, 04:17 AM
One of my first tries of Not-so-serious-Poetry


They say every castle has 'em,
wraiths just wreathed in ectoplasm,
mouldy mansions have protectors
in the form of evil spectres,
there's always a headless Duke
who's only duty is to spook.
Any supernatural being
sends we mortal folk a'fleeing,
'cos they scream like souls tormented
and lunatics demented,
it's not for the faint-hearted
to meet up with the departed.

Although it's been my life's ambition
I've never seen an apparition,
creaking floor-boards, noises mostly
but not a thing that I'd call ghostly,
so after due deliberation
I think it's just imagination.

Thought id throw this one in too:


Everyone hurts
Everyone cries
Everyone breaks down
Everyone lies
Some are filled with courage
Some are filled with fear
Some never understand
But I am still here

I�m here for comfort
I'm here for you
I�m here to listen
To what you're going through

So tell me your pain
Tell me your joy
Tell me your passions
And what you enjoy

I'll share with you my past
I'll share with you my heart
Just tell me you love me
And we'll never be apart.

03-05-2002, 05:20 AM
THe not so serious one is really cool! I like the word play with ghosts and the various related wordings. I seriously didn't catch the poem switch, so I thought that the second one was all one poem o_O it was like.. "I thought he said not serious.. oh wait, DOH! that wasn't a part of the poem, that actually meant

Thought id throw this one in too:

Heh, doh"

^_^ I'm so blonde..
anyway, good stuffs :D

03-05-2002, 05:24 AM

When diamonds never sparkle,
And flowers cease to grow;
When thunder doesn't echo,
And rivers fail to flow;

When hearts no longer wonder,
And hands are never held;
When smiles are only memories,
And hope is never felt;

When trees no longer blossom,
And stars refuse to rise;
When autumn has no falling leaves,
And winter never dies;

When time has no tomorrows,
And rainbows have no hue;
When God, alone, commands me,
Then I'll stop loving you...

03-05-2002, 05:35 AM
Aww... that's so sweet :D

03-05-2002, 05:43 AM
touching and very heartfelt... a nice emotional piece...

03-05-2002, 05:54 AM
Very nice...It makes my heart pouding ^-^

03-05-2002, 07:53 AM
Im sure some have you have seen this poem before, either through email, or from a website. I really enjoyed this piece, and felt that I should share it with everyone...

<CENTER>Class Ring

Close to the door he paused to stand
as he took his class ring off her hand.

All who were watching did not speak,
as a silent tear ran down his cheek
and through his mind the memories ran
of the moments they�d walked and laughed in the sand.

But now his eyes were so terribly cold
for he would never again have her to hold.

They watched in silence as he bent near
and whispered the words "I love you" in her ear.

He touched her face and started to cry
as he put on his ring and wanted to die.

And just then, the wind began to blow
as they lowered her casket into the snow.

This is what happens to many alive�
when friends let friends drink and drive.</CENTER>

. . . with thanks to Sean Weiner who shared this version of Ed Boring's 1980-82 original poem. Thanks, too, for those who wrote in to add pieces of the poem's history

03-06-2002, 04:26 AM
Im not sure what to think of this one. Id love any suggestions, or feedback of anykind on this one. Thanks

Tragedy of Love

I sit here in the sober surroundings
of just an ordinary day,
The melancoly sounds of silence
in my ears, as time slips away.
There is no one to hold me now
in this cruel world of hate,
Will I meet the love of my life
or, will lonliness be my fate?
High in spirits and ready to love,
then it goes so fast,
If this is my road toward destiny
my heart will never last.
My world is closing quickly,
it's falling at my feet,
Shall I take this road,
or, shall I admit defeat.
I don't know if I can go on
I'm afraid it will be the same.
Is it just a tragedy of love
or, is it my heart to blame.
I have nothing to show for love given
or, days I've shared before,
Please, God take my hand
and lead me to loves door.
Reality blinks my eyes
I know I must go on.
I'll just hide my love inside
my heart, hopless and alone.

03-06-2002, 06:34 AM
i love this, i didnt write it, but its i think it great... Its song lyrics

Do you want to know
If everything glittering
Will turn into the gold
I see in your hair
I feel it could be there
Somehow, tonight

And do you want to find
Something worth saving
The change would do me right
Cause i've been just waiting
And hesitating
With this heart of mine

You're still a mystery
But there's something so easy
In how you're sweet to me
I feel completed
Like it's something I needed
For this heart of mine

There's always something so tragic
About a hopeless romantic

So though we cannot know
If everything glittering
Will turn into the gold
I'm through with waiting
And hesitating
I want you taking
This heart of mine

03-07-2002, 06:36 AM
Ok, these are going to be my last two poems for a while. I need to sit down and write some more so I dont run out lol... ;)


Pitter patter is what I hear, as I listen to the rain.
Its falls against my window, and hits gently on the pane...

As I lie in bed at night, with the rain flling gently down.
I think of you lying next to me, just listening to the sound...

I remember how we talked, laughed, and held eachother tight.
And I remember how we loved til mornings light...

And as I lie here listening, to the rain on my window sill.
My memories of you and I, remain and always will...

So, gentle rain that makes life sweet, and fresh, and new.
Keep falling down on my window pane, til I get back to you...

::The Empress of My Soul::

She is in my every dream
When comes the darkness of the night.
My head is filled with thoughts of her
In the brightness of morning light.

She overwhelms my thinking
As I go through the days routine.
She is all I could ever hope for -
Far more than just a Queen.

Without her I am aimless.
With her I am whole.....
For she is the Queen of my heart
And the Empres of my soul.</CENTER>

Thanks for all the feed back, please keep em coming. Ill write some more in a few days. Thanks again... ;)

03-07-2002, 04:40 PM
Nice poems.. I especially both of them... they both remind me of me ex....:notgood:

But nonetheless they are beautiful and well written... well lemme go post my poems... ;)

03-09-2002, 08:24 AM
Magic Field

Holding you so close, in a field of magic love,
your eyes are shining brighter than the starlit sky above.

The flowers that bloom around us, they tickle at our feet,
the river sleeps behind us, the silence is so sweet.

The wind blows just so slightly, to tell us that its there,
and to blow the widswept petals, that lovedance in the air.

The passion that is bred here is as old as GOD above,
but the only way to feel it, is to bring the one you love.

And even though this magic field is natures' greatest feat,
without you here beside me... the magic is incomplete.

03-09-2002, 10:59 PM
ohhhh.... pretty.....^^.

Nice poem FF... very romantical... :D

03-11-2002, 06:41 AM
The Girl of My Dreams

As I look at all the poems, that ive written about you
I know theyre not perfect, but they are always true.

Not perfect because no words could explain how feel
A love this great... is it all for real?

I ask because I fear its just a dream
A very long one, of a fantasy theme

Everythings too perfect and you are just too good
I dont understand, but I wish I could

On the other hand, I guess I shouldnt try
Ill just cherish our love, before it quickly passes by

Yes, you are an angel, thats what I think of you to be
An angel from above, sent down from heaven just for me

I no longer try to understand what all this must mean
I just stay happy with the fact... Ive found the girl of my dreams.

03-11-2002, 10:55 PM
What a beautiful, well written work. Nice indeed FF. Reminds me of something someone once said to me...

But I like it. Keep up the prettiful works. :D

03-12-2002, 04:44 AM
<CENTER> I am Always Here </CENTER>

Tell me if youre hurting,
please letme feel your pain.
Because ill never leave you standing,
out in the pouring rain.

When your world is clouded over,
when you dont know who to turn to.
Just cry your tears and come to me,
for I am always here for you.

Lay your head on my shoulder,
tell me all your troubles nd fears.
I will listen to your stories,
I will try to dry your tears.

So when your world is out of control,
your life n longer a straight line.
Come to me ill make you see,
that soon it will all be fine.

Your life is what you make it,
so do what youve got to do.
But remember this when you cant go on,
I am always here for you.

03-15-2002, 05:51 PM
What a poweful piece... I can relate completely... I like ur style...

03-15-2002, 05:56 PM
Wow, there are alot of great poems in here! Excellent stuff. Keep up the great work!:)

03-15-2002, 06:33 PM

If you wish for the moon,
...I will bring you the stars.
If you wish for a touch,
...you can sleep in my arms.

If you wish for some love,
...all my heart you�ll receive.
If you wish for me gone,
...I will turn around and leave.

If you wish for the sun,
...I will bring you the sky.
If you wish for me now,
...from the ends I will fly.

If you wish for all joy,
...I will give you that, too.
But for all this I ask,
...just one thing of you.


Love me forever....
...and love me for always,
...and love me with everything
...you have to give.

Ill love you forever....
...Ill love you for always.
...We'll both love together,
...together we'll live.

Together, forever,
together you�ll see;
Together, forever,
together we'll be.

03-15-2002, 06:45 PM
I just wanted to say thanx to every one you takes time read what I post in this thread. And also big thanx to all of you who leave me encouragment in your posts...;)

03-15-2002, 09:28 PM
You have a lot of ability to express such happier sentiments... :).. I'm glad that the stars shine. Lovely poetry.

03-16-2002, 01:01 AM
"Wish" is a wonderful, emotional piece that rings true with it's romantic clarity.

I like ur style... finally someone who can make love sound more joyful than I do...

Nice powerful works... keep it up FFSilver... :D

03-18-2002, 09:46 PM

Before you, there was just one heart.
Ever searching, always reaching, never finding.

Before you, there was just one soul.
Ever seeking, always yearning, never resting.

Before you, there was just one thought.
Ever striving, always wanting, never fulfilling.

Before you, there was just one life.
Ever planning, always hopeful, never complete.

Before you, there was just one hope.
Ever lasting, always fleeting, never achieved.

Before you, there was just one dream.
Ever longed for, always missed, never believed.

Then you found me, on wings sent from above.
You taught me llife greatest lesson,
when two hearts merge... its Love.

But Loves just a concept, when all is said and done.
While on the surface, two hearts beat,
Only true Love, makes us one.

03-18-2002, 10:09 PM
Powerful piece... very well written and romantical! I want to say what stanzas I like but... :eye: I like all of them... o_0.

Keep up the kool works! ;)

03-18-2002, 11:52 PM
Those are really great poems. They just seem to get better and better. Each is unique and very well done. I hope you continue to make such great pieces of work.;)

07-23-2002, 12:09 AM
Hello all, its me, im back. After a very long Hospital recovery, I finaly have the energy to get back on this PC and dabble in a lil of what i like to do.
This is a poem that I wrote for my first g/f.... enjoy

First Kiss

As we lie here together gazing at the stars,
The glow of our love like fireflies in jars.
I turn my head and softly kiss your cheek.
My searching is over, no more shall I seek.

We hold each other so close, so tight,
To keep each other warm on this summer's night.
So close are we that our hearts beat as one.
So happy to be here, our hearts beat as one.

Soon the stars lose my interest, I stare into your eyes.
A twinkle more beautiful than the ones in the sky.
I get lost in my gaze. I see your lips smile,
Knowing not that this moment lasts but only a while.

I brush your hair back away from your face.
A promise to you to keep a slow pace.
As our lips draw close we don't utter a term.
Our souls are now stired while our lips are locked firm. </center>

I figured since i was gone for so long that id add a second poem.

I wrote this poem for my friend Travis after his death in '96

The Mask

You smile at the world
You keep it all inside
You won't let people help you
You refuse to lose your pride

You shut your eyes to pain
And you only cry alone
You tell them all you're fine
And you just hang up the phone

You turn your head from sadness
You push it all away
You block the sound of madness
You shield the clouds of gray

You force a smile to your face
You look up at the sun
You seem as though you fell from grace
As you slowly cock the gun

You raise the gun to your eyes
And point it at your head
Take a breath, pull the trigger
BOOM- now you're dead

If you would have let me help you
And if you would have got help yesterday
You would be smiling here with me
Instead of blowning yourself away</center>

07-23-2002, 01:18 AM
Glad to see ya back FFSilver! :D

Well, First Kiss is a very heartfelt innocent-ish poem. I like the rythum of it and I like. . . how sweet it is written.

Now The Mask is a very sad, moving, powerful piece. I felt the same when one of my close friends passed.

Keep up the inspiring works. ^__^.

07-24-2002, 11:01 PM
This is one of my only attempts at a "pissed-off, upset, or hate" poem. But for some reason I cant bash someone that I loved so instead of it coming out the way I wanted it to - which was to allow the reader to see how upset I was - I got this. I still like the poem, I just wish that I was better at those kind of poems, if you understand any of this rambling at all. lol Let me know what you think.

I Remember

I remember when we held hands
And walked together in the sun
You always called me 'baby'
And said I was the one

I remember the way you looked at me
What your eyes said to mine
We talked about forever
Far past the end of time

I remember all the times we shared
Hand in hand, and heart to heart
We always were together
Even when we were apart

We never thought of splitting
We believed that could never be
I'll always remember the love of my life
And all you meant to me

I remember well the pain in our hearts
And the tears that fell from our eyes
You never gave a reason
You only said, "Good-bye"

I thought my life was over
And I'd never find another one
But I remember all you taught me
My life has only just begun</center>

07-25-2002, 01:27 AM
What a beautiful poem, FFSilver. I'm kinda glad that it didn't turn into an all out hatey-bitterish poem. In honesty, I've never seen such a prettiful piece about heartbreak before. ^__^.

It's nostalgic, beautifully written with just a twinge of enough sadness to let the reader know how pained you were.

Nice poem. Keep it up. :D

07-27-2002, 12:18 AM
Ok here is the second "Heartbreak" poem that I was forced (when i say 'forced', i mean it was the only way that i new to express my feelings about rejection) to write. Are people supposed to have to go through this pain more than once..... or twice even??


You Never Knew

You never knew how much I loved you
You never knew how much I cared
You never saw the tears I cried
Or how my heart was scared

You never knew the joy and laughter
you brought into my life
Until one day
When you cast me aside

You never knew the emptiness
I felt deep inside
You never knew the pain I felt
When this love affair just died

Now the love I knew
Has come to an end
And I wonder
Will my heart ever mend?

My days are dreary
My night's are long
Dreams of you haunt me
Where did I go wrong?

You never knew the pain you caused me
Or seemed to even care
But life goes on and with each passing day
I'm getting stronger

In time my heart will mend
And thoughts of you will fade away
And one day you will realize
The love you gave away

07-27-2002, 01:47 AM
What a powerful, beautiful poem. It touched me and reminded me of some things.

You have a talent for prose FF, keep those works flowin. :)

07-30-2002, 07:08 AM
Well its been a couple of days, so I thought Id throw a couple in here.

This one I gave to a great female friend of mine.

What You Are To Me

Have you ever felt like you knew someone a long, long time ago?
Another place, another time, a friendship of the souls?
Two people who share a bond for reasons neither know,
A feeling that they were friends, a long, long time ago?

Did they stumble onto each other by pure circumstance,
Or was it fate and destiny that played a certain hand?
Two souls intertwined, they are worlds apart,
But the soul, it knows no difference, in matters of the heart.

Somehow they are drawn together, fate has brought them back,
Each living worlds apart, they journey separate paths.
When this life is over, and a new life begins,
Their souls will find each other, two souls that we call friends.

This one I wrote a few months ago for my g/f at the time. She flipped out and thought I was moving too fast (because I gave her a poem...how wierd) Even though I told her that I didnt write it to say I wanna marry you, but just to let you know that I was more interested than you might know. Can you girls help me out here.....Y do women jump to concusions when guys do things like this??? Or maybe it was just a one time thing. Let me know.

Love's Eyes

When first I looked into your eyes
each breath became a thousand sighs.
My heart drummed out a thunder beat;
I glowed with joy from head to feet.
The hand of heaven touched my soul,
as the bell of destiny began to toll.
The tide of love began to rise,
when first I looked into your eyes.

When first I looked into your eyes
the world was filled with summer skies.
My sodden clouds of cold and grey
glowed with gold, then wisped away.
A brilliant rainbow arched across,
as waves of love began to toss.
The air was filled with lovebird cries,
when first I looked into your eyes.

When first I looked into your eyes
all time and space were paralysed.
Each second became eternity;
between us lay infinity.
And in that instant, I was shown
a universe I had never known.
I dwell there still, in Paradise,
when ever I look into your eyes.