Van Finel
07-21-2006, 02:55 AM
Please give reasons when naming the show.

Dot Hack was mine. No clue why people liked this. I hope the game was better. I like when anime series will spend some time to have "deep" conversation between characters so you understand more about them, but that's all they did in this series. Like it was too the point where I didn't care anymore. Their was no story to this. The series kept hinting that something would happen the next episode but nothing ever did. Then they just took a big dump on the series by having the worst ending possible. It made no sense.

07-21-2006, 04:22 AM
i liked hack sign it was awesome

Van Finel
07-21-2006, 04:28 AM
I dont know which one that it is but i'm talking about the one with Sora in it.

07-21-2006, 04:39 AM
o were talking about a game ya dot hack sucked and i was talking about the show on tv hack sign

Van Finel
07-21-2006, 04:44 AM
no, i was talking about the show. but w/e

07-21-2006, 04:46 AM
Well.. it's hard to post anything that you absolutely HATE that other people thought was awesome. But since I am posting.. I'll have to say Hellsing. I had greater expectations.

.HACK sign reminded me of FFU and Lineage 2 a little bit.. but it was much better than I expected. respect.

07-21-2006, 04:52 AM
Ok, don't get me wrong but my friends are argueing wether Final Fantasy is an Anime or not. They say no, but I think it is. Am I wrong?

07-21-2006, 05:02 AM
Final Fantasy has two different animes made. If you're talking about the game.. a game is not a cartoon. If you're talking about the thing with pretty moving pictures in a box, then you are indeed correct.

07-21-2006, 05:03 AM
That answer works just fine, thx. :)

07-21-2006, 05:09 AM
yay horray! i'm helpful. i hope.. sometimes. lol!

07-21-2006, 07:08 PM
First of all, .hack//SIGN is something that I regard pretty highly. I understand that it bored as lot of people who only want to see flashy action scenes, and you're perfectly entitled to hate it if that's your thing, but it was rather exceptional as a character driven series. As for the ending, it resolved the show's primary conflict and served as a prelude to the games. It was obviously not going to tie up all the loose ends.

There are a lot of shows that I can't stand, even though they have legions of rabid fans. At the top of the list are Dragonball Z/GT, Naruto, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Inu Yasha, and Gundam Wing, mostly for the same reason.

I despise Dragonball Z/GT for being poorly animated and awfully paced with fight scenes that make no sense at all and continuity that a four year old could poke holes in.

Naruto, Bleach, and Inu Yasha are the popular shows I detest for being derivative and overly long. Each of those except Inu Yasha is also built on aspects borrowed from older (and better) shows, with characters that are obviously built more around mainstream appeal than being intriguing in their own right.

Samurai Champloo was an interesting enough concept right at first, I suppose, but it completely threw away all sense of the period it was set in and basically felt like someone was trying really hard to recreate Cowboy Bebop. I hated it enormously.

Gundam Wing is simply a disgrace to its franchise on the level of G Gundam or perhaps even SD Gundam.

07-21-2006, 07:23 PM
I liked hack sign because of the fact it reminded me of my life lol, It did have some fun things in it like how a bunch of users joined up and made a faction.

The show I hate the most is DragonBall (and all the other one's like DragonBall Z, GT etc.) because like Prak said the fighting scenes made no sense at all, it was way to overboard even for an anime! like Goku gets beat badly by Freiza then he gets up and turns yellow, then blows the whole god damn planet up WTF!? that was retarded

07-21-2006, 07:34 PM
i dont' see how people like DragonBall Z i just don't get it my mates baught me a book to read so i can't "like" it but it just doesn't appeal to me

Van Finel
07-21-2006, 07:49 PM
Dragonball Z/GT has probably the most predictable plot I've ever seen in any TV show. And DBZ/GT trys so desperately to draw out the show as long as they possibly can. The only plus i'd give this show is some of the likeable characters.

07-21-2006, 08:37 PM
exactly, i dont know how DBZ became so popular, it's possibly one of the worst anime's of all time, along side with Samurai Jack, now that was bad lol

07-21-2006, 09:52 PM
First of all, .hack//SIGN is something that I regard pretty highly. I understand that it bored as lot of people who only want to see flashy action scenes, and you're perfectly entitled to hate it if that's your thing, but it was rather exceptional as a character driven series. As for the ending, it resolved the show's primary conflict and served as a prelude to the games. It was obviously not going to tie up all the loose ends.
wasnt that one of the reason you hated FF7 and Advent Children?

Dragonball Z because it puts a shame on the original Dragonball name wich in itself is a pure classic.

GiTS because its such a cheap pretentious boring piece of shit.

Lain for the same reasons and because its hardly even animated.

Love Hina, Naruto, Berserk, Hellsing, Saikano, Alien 9, Cromartie High School, I''s, Ichi The Killer and many others for not living up to their Manga counterparts.

07-21-2006, 10:55 PM
wasnt that one of the reason you hated FF7 and Advent Children?

Yes, but FFVII was originally meant to be self-contained, not followed up immediately as .hack was.

Tidus 66
07-21-2006, 11:15 PM
First of all, .hack//SIGN is something that I regard pretty highly. I understand that it bored as lot of people who only want to see flashy action scenes, and you're perfectly entitled to hate it if that's your thing, but it was rather exceptional as a character driven series. As for the ending, it resolved the show's primary conflict and served as a prelude to the games. It was obviously not going to tie up all the loose ends.

Prak what did you think of .hack// Liminality?

07-22-2006, 12:01 AM
obviously, db/z became so popular because of its popularity. O_o i still love that show. ^^

shows i hate.

witch hunter robin: I don't know if it's me..but this anime is BORING as hell for me. i cannot manage myself to pay attention to it. it is so damn fucking boring. takes forever for anything to happen.

and no, it doesn't take forever like dbz, at least dbz keeps you entertained with some jokes or a lot of talking while waiting for some action. but whr doesn't. they just show you streets, and closeups of cups of water, or the sky, or some other super boring shit for like 20 mintues with like a word or two sprinkled everywhere to try put meaning into nothingness like some poem.

person 1: were you able to get the thing

person 2:......................

person 1: i see..........

person 2: ............................ I....................

person 1: yes i know but you have to realize that it wasn't your fault

person 2: .....................but.......................... ....

person1: ..............................................i know

20 mintues later of this boring ass bullshit

person 1: will you use your power?

person 2: .................................................. ..................

person 1: i see, it all makes sense

5 mintues later

person 3: look theres the bad guy, get him!

person 2: i burn you now *smoke*

person 3: oh no he got away

person 2: it was all my fault...................................*walks away*

person 3: ......................
person 1:....................
person 4:......................
every other person in the series:........................................... .. .........

episode ends

fucking retarted. most boring shit ever to have been shat!!

wofls rain: this show is retarted too. but mostly because it uses soap opera techniques to tell a story. i don't know if you've ever seen a soap opera. but their fucking annoying. cause what they do is, they're at one scene, with maybe 2 characters having a convo. that's fine, but after like 3 minutes, they cut into another scene, of some guy doing something. then like 2 minutes later to yet another scene of a group of poeple doing whatever and talking maybe. and then 5 minutes later a 4th scene of maybe someone getting off a plane, and then finally we go back to the first scene cause we werne't finished with it, but then they cut it short again and go back to the one guy..and you basically do this forever and try to add some stupid retarted "suspence" or "cliffhanger" for each 3-4 scene of whatever. FUCKING RETARTED!!!

i hate those fucking shows. hamtaro ownz these shows hardcore.

and i agree with .hack//sing sucking. cause it does. and it ain't because i need action or fanservice every 2 seconds. its because its just stupid. every episode is made to MAKE you watch the next one and instill the fear that if you miss the next one, you'll never be able to catch up to what you missed. but when you actually watch it, you realize you could have missed it and not have to worry. but you'll never know unless you watch it. and holy fuck everyone hurry up already. its like every character is a fucking procrastinator or something but out of fear or thinking too damn much about something. like a chess game with no time limits. they'll spend 20 episodes thinking about what to do, and then do it, and everything doesn't even go as planned or how they thought it would. but probably cause they waited so fucking long to beging with. lol

these shows suck balls. dbz ownz them x999999 to the power of 10

07-22-2006, 12:38 AM
exactly, i dont know how DBZ became so popular, it's possibly one of the worst anime's of all time, along side with Samurai Jack, now that was bad lol

samuri jack is not an anime and in japan DBZ was known as one of the greatest animes ever

Doctor Kei
07-22-2006, 02:18 AM
I'm going to go with Witch Hunter Robin. I didn't hate it, but I very much didn't enjoy it like my other friends.

When my friend finally let me borrow her box set, I was so ready to see it. She built up my anticipation, but after the first few episodes, I nodded off. I know that a plot might not always catch the viewer's attention right off, but the plot to Witch Hunter Robin seemed a little too slow for my tastes. I should probably give it a second chance one day just to see it all through, though. Then I can truly knock it if that's how I feel in the end.

07-22-2006, 04:29 AM
Haibone Renmei. I have no idea what people see in that show; it was very possibly the most boring anime I had ever seen.

Also, Saikano gets far more praise then it deserves; the protagonist must be one of the most unlikable characters ever. But at least it has a few cool death scenes to keep you interested...

Van Finel
07-22-2006, 04:50 PM
wasnt that one of the reason you hated FF7 and Advent Children?

Dragonball Z because it puts a shame on the original Dragonball name wich in itself is a pure classic.

GiTS because its such a cheap pretentious boring piece of shit.

Lain for the same reasons and because its hardly even animated.

Love Hina, Naruto, Berserk, Hellsing, Saikano, Alien 9, Cromartie High School, I''s, Ichi The Killer and many others for not living up to their Manga counterparts.

How'd you manage to get Hellsing on your hate list?

07-22-2006, 07:21 PM
Love Hina, Naruto, Berserk, Hellsing, Saikano, Alien 9, Cromartie High School, I''s, Ichi The Killer and many others for not living up to their Manga counterparts.

havent seen the new series wich is apparently following the manga more closely(or so i've heard)

Van Finel
07-22-2006, 08:15 PM
I haven't really read the manga so I wouldn't know.

Pickle Knight
07-24-2006, 12:48 PM
My most hated anime that others thought was good would be perhaps the Dragon Ball Series.

It's like every fight is the same and are just too repetitive.
People throwing some kind of fireball, teleporting and kicking.

It's just like they get the same Vegeta-like character, give him a different paint job and then make him plain cruel.

Sometimes it's not fun when everyone has the same abilities.

07-24-2006, 07:58 PM
you know. the way people talk about how dbz sucks, is like how a women reasons football/baseball/basketball sucks.

"its just a bunch of guys throwing a ball at eachother. whats so damned special?"

i guess you girly men will never understand how awesome dbz is. lol

07-24-2006, 08:44 PM
you know. the way people talk about how dbz sucks, is like how a women reasons football/baseball/basketball sucks.

"its just a bunch of guys throwing a ball at eachother. whats so damned special?"

i guess you girly men will never understand how awesome dbz is. lol

I hate dbz.
I regret losing my brain cells to it.
Watching it every day after school for a year straight = 10950 minutes wasted!
Whenever I hear the theme music I flinch and mute whatever it is coming out of.

Because I'm too girly to like dbz, I'm gonna go play with my little pony now.

Pickle Knight
07-24-2006, 10:11 PM
you know. the way people talk about how dbz sucks, is like how a women reasons football/baseball/basketball sucks.

"its just a bunch of guys throwing a ball at eachother. whats so damned special?"

i guess you girly men will never understand how awesome dbz is. lol

But it's more cool when you get struck in one shot and have blood spurting all over your face. One hit and sudden death. That's a real man's game. Screaming and having hair change to yellow every ten seconds is when animators copy and paste the same scenes.

Now Sports are about skill and team play that makes it fun to watch, Dragon Ball characters don't show any form of that. It's just the same power up and blast, the character is losing, he powers up to the next level and blast. And of course Goku never loses a fight. What difference does that make with Power Rangers or any of those anime I never bother to watch something where someone does the same thing and ends up winning.

Why couldn't there be someone who tore innards out of the enemy?

Another guy who can't fly but can throw homing fireballs?

One who can't throw fireballs but is fast enough to clone himself?

07-24-2006, 10:21 PM
Goku lost regularly. I bet you're just a generic hater who doesn't really know anything about the series!

07-24-2006, 11:48 PM
Gundam Wing

Hex Omega
07-25-2006, 03:57 AM
And of course Goku never loses a fight.

He loses a lot of fights. Ftr, I like DB, I know it's rubbish, but Majin Buu makes me lol.

07-25-2006, 08:52 AM
mine is FFU... it was crappy... i mean i didnt like the story line... they should of made a anime on the truks... haha

fastidious percolator
07-25-2006, 12:11 PM
Dragonball > Dragonball Z > Dragonball GT

07-26-2006, 01:30 AM
i can respect fallen cause he's one of the few who admits they loved the damned show to death. 10k + minutes? that's like 182 hours or 90+ episodes. what is that? half the series? not bad. but now its like you scarred yourself or something. lol maybe you made yourself sick of it. maybe you just grew out of it. meh. its like 6th graders not being able to accept that they loved blues clues only 3 years ago. lol

but pickle night still doesn't get it. its great you understand sports. but my point is still pretty much the same. the scope and level at which one watches anything greatly depends on what it is they see in it. if your reason for hating it is because it all looks the same to you, then its the same with some people and sports. "its just some guys passing around a ball". when someone thinks of sports like this, its simply assumed that "they just don't get it". and are not given a second though. not everyone can see sports the same way. the same how some poeple can't understand a nerd's fascination with technology or a geek's love for comics and collecting stuff.

which brings me to this conclusion.

should an anime really be considered bad if the person watching it doesn't get it?

can it be considered bad if you saw half the entire series like a crackhead and then grew out of it?


07-26-2006, 11:38 PM
should an anime really be considered bad if the person watching it doesn't get it?

can it be considered bad if you saw half the entire series like a crackhead and then grew out of it?


Yes and yes =\ First question: Someone who watches something and doesn't understand it will not proclaim its greatness, and that is their opinion. From an objective point of view, it might be a good show. Second question: "Growing out of it" would convey the ignorance of youth, which can be a bitch.

I don't get the point to Dragon Ball Z either. It was ridiculously long and boring. Goku dies and flies for ten years until he finds the portal back to the realm of the living, only to die again, and they use the Dragon Balls to bring him back to life, yada yada, blah blah. Someone is always dying, being resurrected, and powering up for years only to do it all over again. Yawn.

I had hoped Naruto would be good as well, but I am severely disappointed in it. Most of the show looks underproduced, like it was rushed into completion. I have a good eye, and I can tell when the same scene is used over and over, or when someone is doing dialogue for a still picture for five minutes. I was just hoping it would be as good as the manga, and the manga isn't too appealing to me. Also, awful english voice acting. I don't get why they hire women to do boy voices.

Another one I never liked is Wild Arms TV. I don't know if anyone else liked it, but I'm listing it anyway. Just another derivative, generic anime, with all of the cliche characters you would expect - well, less characters, since some of them were merged; Arronox was both the stereotypical brainiac and giant brute, and the girl was simulatenously Pita Ten cute and "stereotypical anime troupe demon." A cocky kid with destructive weapon, liberal Faye ripoff, talking Pokemon rejects, the previously mentioned character amalgamations, combined with an average plot of which nearly every episode digressed from and moronic villians, make this my most hated anime.

Pickle Knight
07-26-2006, 11:59 PM
i can respect fallen cause he's one of the few who admits they loved the damned show to death. 10k + minutes? that's like 182 hours or 90+ episodes. what is that? half the series? not bad. but now its like you scarred yourself or something. lol maybe you made yourself sick of it. maybe you just grew out of it. meh. its like 6th graders not being able to accept that they loved blues clues only 3 years ago. lol

but pickle night still doesn't get it. its great you understand sports. but my point is still pretty much the same. the scope and level at which one watches anything greatly depends on what it is they see in it. if your reason for hating it is because it all looks the same to you, then its the same with some people and sports. "its just some guys passing around a ball". when someone thinks of sports like this, its simply assumed that "they just don't get it". and are not given a second though. not everyone can see sports the same way. the same how some poeple can't understand a nerd's fascination with technology or a geek's love for comics and collecting stuff.

which brings me to this conclusion.

should an anime really be considered bad if the person watching it doesn't get it?

can it be considered bad if you saw half the entire series like a crackhead and then grew out of it?


Tact, I understand how people get excited over things that's not that great for others but there is no need to make others to like things that you like but others don't; there is no reason for you to try and get me into your religion.

I respect why you like it but that doesn't mean I have to agree that it is a great Anime/Manga.

It's like gay marriage. I can respect the gay couple that give good reasons why they are going to get married out of love and everything instead of me insulting them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to become gay as well and get married with a guy.

07-27-2006, 12:55 PM
I had hoped Naruto would be good as well, but I am severely disappointed in it. Most of the show looks underproduced, like it was rushed into completion. I have a good eye, and I can tell when the same scene is used over and over, or when someone is doing dialogue for a still picture for five minutes. I was just hoping it would be as good as the manga, and the manga isn't too appealing to me. Also, awful english voice acting. I don't get why they hire women to do boy voices.

Heh.. Naruto was good but then Zabusa died and the show died too :P.. the only reason i did see naruto to the filler crap started was because of Kakashi

07-27-2006, 10:36 PM
well, originally, naruto was one of my favorites. but.
it was dragged on and on and on....and the same kind of tune for me.
DB itself, when i watched it, i thought it was better than DBZ. it had a coupla funny jokes. DBZ was just....not for me.
i must admit BLEACH anime is not living up to my expectations. the soul society arc was great, but the recent fillers, with the bounto is just....dragging on....and on.....and on... plus, the artwork is getting sketchier.
love hina, too. it was good in the first few volumes. then. overkill. i just skipped straight to the last volume and was like wtf? all the girls fall in love with him? what kind of sad fantasy is that?
i can't really say i 'hate' them, but they just weren't right for me.
fruits basket manga got annoying in the middle, around chappie 115 or so. as soon as i got to *spoiler* 'let's never walk in the snow alone every again!' when yuki says that to the girl, i was like: 'no. noooo. '
but later fruits basket got better. i suppose i found it most annoying because of tohru. i don't see what others see in her. i see a dumb girl hiding her feelings and acting all happy and dumb and crying to some guy every other scene. many people have lost their mothers. deal with it!
but i guess tohru has her good points.

07-28-2006, 08:05 PM
Yes and yes =\ First question: Someone who watches something and doesn't understand it will not proclaim its greatness, and that is their opinion. From an objective point of view, it might be a good show. Second question: "Growing out of it" would convey the ignorance of youth, which can be a bitch.

your answer to question one helps prove my point. not understanding it will not and cannot proclaim its greatness the same way i say it cannot prove its crappiness either. that's the point i'm trying to make. -_-

your answer for the second question is a good one. and i agree with how we shiver at what we used to like as kids and stuff. but what if your like me. who first saw dbz at age 17. is now 22. and is not ashamed nor deny nor currently hate ever watching dbz? am i a miniority? aren't there others like me? i wasn't 9 when i saw dbz like the rest of you might have been. i was old enough to know what i like. and dbz, i liked and still like. its a FUN show. FUN!! its FUN to watch. it makes me laugh. king kai and master roshi are my fav characters. and i wish i was goku. :D its just plain fun. how can 'FUN' be so wrong? O_o

Tact, I understand how people get excited over things that's not that great for others but there is no need to make others to like things that you like but others don't; there is no reason for you to try and get me into your religion.

I respect why you like it but that doesn't mean I have to agree that it is a great Anime/Manga.

It's like gay marriage. I can respect the gay couple that give good reasons why they are going to get married out of love and everything instead of me insulting them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to become gay as well and get married with a guy.

never once in this whole thread did i even try to get anyone to see things my way in the sense that you have to like dbz like i do.

i'm trying to make people see things my way, in that your reasons for hating it are not good enough to say its bad.

think of it this way. i'm trying to HELP you, convince me, that it really IS bad. but every form of reasoning, now matter how well put together, is really just crap. heck. i thought maybe my arguments for whr, .hack and wolfs rain might have been challenged. then i'd get little bit of fun. but i guess everyone agrees with me?

you don't have to like dbz. i don't care if you do. what i do care, and why i always fight this with anyone, is their made up half thought out reasons for hating it. just not good enough.

and your gay example was just priceless. rofl. and it kinda helps prove my perception of everyone here who bashes ff7/dbz. it sounds like you hate gays but are willing to accept them in order to avoid being lynched or something because not being "understanding" or "accepting" of other's ways is like the big "no-no" in todays society.

is that the angle dbz/ff7 haters are comging from? they only say it sucks because liking it brings on the "wow your a noob/idiot" flames from everyone else? i always knew hating ff7/dbz was like the new "cool" thing at the forums. i mean. when i first joined, everyone and their mothers was fucking worshipping these 2 things. now, years later, everyone is fucking condeming it. lol. "to hell with ye!! vile demons!!"

rofl. i love this forum. why is everyone afraid of showing their true selves and how much they love dbz/ff7....O_O lol

no but seriously. i'm sure you'll come back saying i misunderstood your "gay" comment. i'm sure you really do like them and you were only speaking figuratively (sp?) when you said that you decided to accept rather than "insult", and then you'll prolly flip things around and question my feelings towards gays and dbz haters and who knows what else to try to escape the hole you dug yourself in. :p


so far. they are not. i'd be more than happy to switch the tables around if someone would like to question the reaons why i hate .hack//sign, wolfs rain, and which hunter robin, incase you don't like being pestered so much. go ahead. someone question my reasoning!! bring it on!! i'm ready! show me how wrong i am! show me why my reasons arne't good enough! surely they weren't that great? were they?

07-28-2006, 08:35 PM
your answer for the second question is a good one. and i agree with how we shiver at what we used to like as kids and stuff. but what if your like me. who first saw dbz at age 17. is now 22. and is not ashamed nor deny nor currently hate ever watching dbz? am i a miniority? aren't there others like me? i wasn't 9 when i saw dbz like the rest of you might have been. i was old enough to know what i like. and dbz, i liked and still like. its a FUN show. FUN!! its FUN to watch. it makes me laugh. king kai and master roshi are my fav characters. and i wish i was goku. :D its just plain fun. how can 'FUN' be so wrong? O_o

I think this sort of thing is determined by perspective. Everything I used to watch when I was 9, including DBZ, doesn't live up to my expectations now. It's like when you remember something being so good, like Super Mario Bros Super Show, that you want to buy it, and when you get it you have incredible expectations for it and it lets you down. That's the way I feel about DBZ - I dislike it because I feel I've been let down. Yeah it's mostly my fault for idyllizing the show. Nobody can really explain why it is bad, though, unless you were in their shoes. The same scenario week after week, battle after battle, for about ten years' worth of shows, gets to me a little.

07-28-2006, 08:48 PM
lol i tottally know that feeling. it happend to me with some old movies i saw as a kid and a few shows. its sad really. :(

i hope/think tiny toons and animaniacs are still good. i should watch those again to make sure. lol back when i was like 12 maybe, these shows were fking awesome.

Pickle Knight
07-31-2006, 03:01 PM
your answer to question one helps prove my point. not understanding it will not and cannot proclaim its greatness the same way i say it cannot prove its crappiness either. that's the point i'm trying to make. -_-

your answer for the second question is a good one. and i agree with how we shiver at what we used to like as kids and stuff. but what if your like me. who first saw dbz at age 17. is now 22. and is not ashamed nor deny nor currently hate ever watching dbz? am i a miniority? aren't there others like me? i wasn't 9 when i saw dbz like the rest of you might have been. i was old enough to know what i like. and dbz, i liked and still like. its a FUN show. FUN!! its FUN to watch. it makes me laugh. king kai and master roshi are my fav characters. and i wish i was goku. :D its just plain fun. how can 'FUN' be so wrong? O_o

never once in this whole thread did i even try to get anyone to see things my way in the sense that you have to like dbz like i do.

i'm trying to make people see things my way, in that your reasons for hating it are not good enough to say its bad.

think of it this way. i'm trying to HELP you, convince me, that it really IS bad. but every form of reasoning, now matter how well put together, is really just crap. heck. i thought maybe my arguments for whr, .hack and wolfs rain might have been challenged. then i'd get little bit of fun. but i guess everyone agrees with me?

you don't have to like dbz. i don't care if you do. what i do care, and why i always fight this with anyone, is their made up half thought out reasons for hating it. just not good enough.

and your gay example was just priceless. rofl. and it kinda helps prove my perception of everyone here who bashes ff7/dbz. it sounds like you hate gays but are willing to accept them in order to avoid being lynched or something because not being "understanding" or "accepting" of other's ways is like the big "no-no" in todays society.

is that the angle dbz/ff7 haters are comging from? they only say it sucks because liking it brings on the "wow your a noob/idiot" flames from everyone else? i always knew hating ff7/dbz was like the new "cool" thing at the forums. i mean. when i first joined, everyone and their mothers was fucking worshipping these 2 things. now, years later, everyone is fucking condeming it. lol. "to hell with ye!! vile demons!!"

rofl. i love this forum. why is everyone afraid of showing their true selves and how much they love dbz/ff7....O_O lol

no but seriously. i'm sure you'll come back saying i misunderstood your "gay" comment. i'm sure you really do like them and you were only speaking figuratively (sp?) when you said that you decided to accept rather than "insult", and then you'll prolly flip things around and question my feelings towards gays and dbz haters and who knows what else to try to escape the hole you dug yourself in. :p


so far. they are not. i'd be more than happy to switch the tables around if someone would like to question the reaons why i hate .hack//sign, wolfs rain, and which hunter robin, incase you don't like being pestered so much. go ahead. someone question my reasoning!! bring it on!! i'm ready! show me how wrong i am! show me why my reasons arne't good enough! surely they weren't that great? were they?

You really love to ramble don't you. At least put capital letters before every sentence so I can know you're not drunk or out of your mind please.

Arguing about an anime that's several years old isn't my idea of fun, so yeah I don't have to come up with reasons for you to agree with what my opinion is.

= D

07-31-2006, 08:31 PM
yes, yes i do love to ramble. :D

also. don't bother me with caps. obviously you understood everything i said otherwise you'd be asking me to clarify or something so caps are not imoprtant so long as my message gets across.

and finally. thanks for finally giving up. i knew you woudln't have been able to come up with any good reasons. i mean look at you pathetically trying to EXCUSE yourself from having to come up with one using crappy excuses like "i don't have to prove myself to you" or "its a xx old show what does it matter"?

lol. sad. just admit defeat. i love the damned show and even i can come up with better reasons IF i hated the show.

ok i guess i can't. lol. i guess the reason it boggles my mind is because its like people hating fun. how can someone hate having fun? are they like old cranky grouches? its like, the reason is not cause the show sucks, but cause the person watching has no sense of humor or something or can't enjoy a fun show. he's like a freagin emo zombie or soemthing. O_o have fun with life. jeez. this is why its hard for me to accept people HATING (i mean really hate, i don't mean dislike) DB/z/gt.

but then i've forgotten how much you hate it anyway. i might have made the mistake of placing you in the "insane unreasonable hate" category when in reality you probably belonged in the "it just doesnt' appeal to me (anymore)" category. which is ok by me. bad if that was the case. :p

if that WAS the case, i'm aiming my gunz at any true haters! die in hell emo zombies!!

i dare you to come at me and challenge me! i shall prove to you dbz ownz you!!! lol

07-31-2006, 08:33 PM
Do you really want to call me an emo zombie? After all, I happen to despise DBZ/GT more than I can possibly communicate.

07-31-2006, 08:35 PM
sweet! a new challenger. (but i kinda like you prak)

i shall only accept the challenge if you and i are mature enough to not let this get in the way of our fantastic freindship. :D (i hate you)

no but seriously. :p as i've said before. can you give me 1 or 2 GOOD reasons?

07-31-2006, 08:45 PM
But of course.

For one thing, there's the abominably cheap animation. It hurt my eyes to look at it. I cringed every time I saw another excessively long sequence of nothing but repeated punching/kicking animations.

Then there's the fact that the only episodes that had any measure of Dragonball's charm were the pointless filler episodes. The show took itself way too seriously in order to appeal to hormone-ravaged teenagers, effectively alienating anyone who liked the quirky style of the original.

Suspension of disbelief is necessary for a show like that, but how can you possibly believe that a planet is going to explode in a few minutes when the characters spend that time and more in utterly pointless dialogue between protracted fight scenes?

Why do all the fights look exactly the same, no matter how much more powerful the characters become? It's rather retarded that a viewer is supposed to believe that a villain who causes an explosion the same size as one we saw in the previous season is actually more powerful than the villain who caused the other one? It's all a mindless more-of-the-same drone-a-thon.

Mind you, I have no problem with anyone liking it, but I really do get annoyed when people say that it was good.

07-31-2006, 09:09 PM
ROFL, i agree, thats why i love the show!! ^^

you reminded of a lot of reasons why i love the show. the "filler eps" always good laughs and fun. the suspense part. your totally right. that's what always kept me on the edge of my seat. >.< i love that feeling. the fact that they talk forever during that time just makes me laugh because imo they did it on purpose. it frustrates the viewer and makes him wanna scream at the tv saying "hurry up before it explores omg!!" >.< ROFL!! i LOVE THAT!

this is prolly the only part i'll disagree with, and only a little. i thought the fight scences did look diffrent.

like in the early series, you can see the fight. right?

but in the later series, if you saw the fight from like...krillins point of view, he could barely follow them. all he saw was flashes. (remember those parts?)

and then the camera helped us by letting tv viewers see the real fight. :D cameras can follow anything nowadays. they can even go into that parrallel world that goku uses when teleporting like when he faught cooler in there. it ws all psychadellic with the colors. :D good stuff. lol

but in reality, like, if you imagine its real, and you were there, you would totaly not be able to see that fight cause its too fast for human eyes. thus proving that not all the fight scences are the same. they are more amazing and super fast. we just can't even keep up. O_o

but i tottally agree with like the explosion thing. remember when vegeta blew up that planet like nothing? but later on, freiza tries blowing up namek but it takes forever? O_o

my reasoning for this was "oh...well...maybe namek was like the size of saturn or something while the one vegeta blew up was prolly like the moon"

you gotta think like that. not all planets are the same size so that would explain almost any discrepensies between the power of explosions and things like that. also how in the begining of fights they always hold back their power, so thats why it looks the same. :p

anyway. good reasons though. whats wierd is that...those very same reasons are why i love it so much. i guess kinda like how people like campy B movies or something.

now i wish i can watch it all over again. :(

Vash The Stampede
08-02-2006, 04:19 PM
Samurai Champloo was an interesting enough concept right at first, I suppose, but it completely threw away all sense of the period it was set in and basically felt like someone was trying really hard to recreate Cowboy Bebop. I hated it enormously.

The Director of the Series did Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.

08-02-2006, 04:27 PM
I'm quite aware of that, thank you very much, and it further reinforces my point about the show.

Van Finel
08-02-2006, 04:33 PM
The Director of the Series did Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.

I wasn't too impressed with Cowboy Bebop: The Movie

08-07-2006, 04:58 PM
Mine has to be DBZ. Seroiusly, I remember watching an episode, and all some guy with golden hair did was say "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" You see all these other people just staring... it was so pointless...

08-07-2006, 07:28 PM
mine would have to be B-damen it was so stupid because they were really fighting each other with marbles shot out by flimsy bits of plastic

08-07-2006, 08:25 PM
Samurai Champloo is great and so is Bebop The Movie
There's hardly any anime produced out there thats as stylishly directed as those 2 shows

rewatchability of those shows is just insane
respect to Watanabe and i cant wait till he announces a new project

08-07-2006, 11:47 PM
I'm torn between a few of 'em.

First on my list is DBZ and all the other ones that go along with it. It was just so ... for lack of a better word, retarded. Someone mentioned it earlier where Goku would die just to keep coming back over and over again!

Next is Lament of the Lamb. I'll be honest, it started out pretty good, but it was just too weird for my taste. All my friends love the series, but I really can't sit through it at all.