jewess crabcake
07-20-2006, 11:45 PM
Well I've currently been d/l some N64 roms, I just want to know if there are any Turn based N64 games? Or Rpgs in general (not Zelda).

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-20-2006, 11:46 PM

07-20-2006, 11:49 PM
there really aren't

Hex Omega
07-20-2006, 11:49 PM
You could at least post it in the right section, you've been here long enough by now to know better.

07-21-2006, 12:03 AM
Well I've currently been d/l some N64 roms

07-21-2006, 12:26 AM

go nuts

jewess crabcake
07-21-2006, 12:29 AM
Aww come on I already have that one

07-21-2006, 07:45 AM
Quest 64...

... Yeah, don't play that game.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-08-2006, 03:54 AM
:smrt: lol, Turn-based games for the N64. I skipped the whole N64 phase. I just went from SNES to Gamecube.

08-08-2006, 05:35 AM
Roms :rolleyes:

Get a job and buy the games yourself

08-08-2006, 05:45 AM
All of you are idiots for not mentioning Ogre Battle 64.

Other than that, there is pretty much nothing in the way of Japanese console-RPG type stuff. I hear this game called Aidan Chronicles or something like that was okay, but by any account it is not anything to write home about. There were lots of terrific games for N64, but if that's what you're looking for you're barking up the wrong tree.

However, playing them on your computer is lame anyway. Get a real N64, they are cheap as hell. Go in an EB or something and you will find tons of used N64 games for dirt cheap.

08-08-2006, 10:21 AM
Roms :rolleyes:

Get a job and buy the games yourself

Well roms can work pretty well, but n64 ones often have glitches

08-08-2006, 10:25 AM
i dont think there is really any plus its better to get the original becuse there should not be any glitchs

08-08-2006, 03:16 PM
All of you are idiots for not mentioning Ogre Battle 64.


I was starting to think I was the only person here who was familiar with it.

08-08-2006, 08:17 PM
actually, i think that by now, n64 is now as precious as rare gold. eb/gamestop shouldn't even be selling them anymore. i remember reading a sign next to a box of n64 games going for clearance prices that after a certain date, they would no longer be selling them.

good thing i still kept mine and i amassed the collection i wanted before it was too late. (oh crap, did i get that copy of paper mario yet?)

*runs to check*

damn. no i don't. i got part 2 for the gc. lol

well anyway. i agree with everyone else that if your looking for that type of game, the n64 is NOT the system to look under.

that's like d/ling a xbox emu and asking if there are any GOOD games. ROFFLE ROFFLE!!! (i made a funny! ^^)

08-08-2006, 11:00 PM
actually, i think that by now, n64 is now as precious as rare gold. eb/gamestop shouldn't even be selling them anymore. i remember reading a sign next to a box of n64 games going for clearance prices that after a certain date, they would no longer be selling them.

Uh, I find this rather doubtful seeing as they still often sell old NES and SNES games.

Maybe it's just certain ones or something. It wasn't that long ago I was last in one, though, and they had a bunch of them. Or maybe it was GameStop, I really don't think there's much of a difference.

jewess crabcake
08-08-2006, 11:29 PM
Gamespoot does, not EB, Sad to admit but yes... I'm a used gamer :(

08-09-2006, 12:03 AM
They were supposed to sell or return all of the old N64 and PSX games, but I don't think they ever did. It could have been a rumor to get people to buy the ones they wanted, too.

Paper Mario is a good RPG, just thought of it now. Also, I think Mischief Makers is an RPG like Grandia, but not as good.

08-09-2006, 12:55 AM

I was starting to think I was the only person here who was familiar with it.


08-09-2006, 03:31 AM
Perfect dark. Well it's turn based in you play combat simulator a lot and only have one controller.

I saw a copy of Super mario 64 for the n64 in my local video game shop. But nowhere else does n64 games anymore.
Maybe gamestation. They sell master system games but i didn't really check out if there were any n64.

08-09-2006, 08:14 PM
ok. correction. i remember mostly the exact words.

it was a note saying that they would NO LONGER BE ACCEPTING TRADE INS OF PS1/N64 GAMES. that's what it was. but i took it as no longer selling either. because once they run out of wht they have, they'll have nothing ever again!

so yah. whatever you saw still selling, get it while you can.

08-10-2006, 02:50 AM
All of you are idiots for not mentioning Ogre Battle 64.

Other than that, there is pretty much nothing in the way of Japanese console-RPG type stuff. I hear this game called Aidan Chronicles or something like that was okay, but by any account it is not anything to write home about. There were lots of terrific games for N64, but if that's what you're looking for you're barking up the wrong tree.

However, playing them on your computer is lame anyway. Get a real N64, they are cheap as hell. Go in an EB or something and you will find tons of used N64 games for dirt cheap.
OB64 was the only turn based game that was enjoyable for the N64. Listen to TK.