the guy watching you
07-17-2006, 08:48 AM
Here's a new first person shooter being developed. The amazing part of the game is, it's only about 96kb large. 96 KB!!!

pic1 ()
pic2 ()
pic3 ()
pic4 ()
pic5 ()

if you were to make a 1gb game out of the same technology used for .kkrieger,then you could have a game that is much bigger than 1gb games that are out now.

Dj Remy
07-17-2006, 09:43 AM
What platform is it for? It looks kinda generic, but if its that small in size, it def is saying something about the tech advances in gaming.

07-17-2006, 09:45 AM
This means, that using this technology, your regular 1GB game could be up to 40-50 THOUSAND TIMES LARGER.
I don't get it.

07-17-2006, 11:15 AM
It means instead of 1GB games, using this new technology (?!?!?!?!?!) we could have 40-50GB games :)

07-18-2006, 01:39 AM
96kb? fucking bullshit! how is that possible? it defies so many logical factual laws of data sizes and file formats!!!

first of all, textures! gotta wallpaper all those wireframes/polygons with something! that alone would take up more than 96kb.

sprites! (do they still use sprites in modern games btw lol. its those funny flat things you see in worlds where if you try to go around the object, it'll always show the same side to you. lol duke nukem had tons of those)

how is this possible? unless its one of those stupid gimmicks.

the gimmick is, the d/l file you need to install the program is 96kb, but when your actually installing, its d/ling off the internet so that in the end, it's probably like 600 megs. basically, the d/l IS the installation. kinda like steam for half life. except they don't advertise "hl2 is 156kb". lol

07-18-2006, 01:44 AM
This specific example is several years old. The technology is decades old.

Everything in this game is procedurally generated. The 96kb contains instructions on what to make and how to make it. There are no textures, there are no wireframes, there are no polygons...not untill your computer makes them.

It's not in anyway, shape, or form, a gimmick. Download the file and unplug your network connection. It works all the same.

07-18-2006, 07:01 AM
wow. that's what i was trying to imagine when i was trying to figure it out. the only way possible is it somehow creates everything in real time. O_o but how can such a small space contain all the information of everything that needs to be made? just awesome.

the guy watching you
07-18-2006, 07:16 AM
I don't get it.

if you were to make a 1gb game out of the same technology used for .kkrieger,then you could have a game that is much bigger than 1gb games that are out now.

07-18-2006, 07:18 AM
You worded your sentence horribly and it confused me ;-;

07-18-2006, 12:45 PM
how can such a small space contain all the information of everything that needs to be made? just awesome.

Well they are working with rather full featured instruction sets, where a few words can do many things. Also, math. Think of the complex patterns of results you can get, or the complex designs that can be made in geometry with just a few numbers. Now imagine if every such problem can be represented with a few characters, and that you have 98,304 characters to work with.

Now I'm not a programmer, and I have no idea about the specifics of what they do, but maybe that will give you a very rough idea how such things are possible. Also, it's not like this game is very big/full featured. It's a demonstration of what can be done in such a small space. Regardless, doing the same thing in a more conventional manner would take hundreds of times the space.

I don't get it.

He's saying that by using procedural generation, you can get the same game in a much smaller space.

hb smokey
07-18-2006, 01:16 PM
Tact: you are a moron

07-18-2006, 09:27 PM
wow. thanks blameless. that really helped. ^^

and prof. i'm glad i was somehow able to make you feel better. you ARE the type that can only make themselves feel better by putting everyone else down right? lol

Dj Remy
07-19-2006, 05:31 AM
Hey be nice guys.....

You guys kinda lost me on tech stuff, but I think I kinda get it.