Hex Omega
07-15-2006, 09:34 AM
..who is actually buying a Wii? I know Smokey and Prak are, along with myself. Who else?

07-15-2006, 10:29 AM
I'm certainly considering it.=)

07-15-2006, 10:57 AM
Definitely. Looks like I'll get the most fun out of it over the PS3 and Xbox360, and it's at a cheap price too. Wii will be what I get first, then probably a 360 sometime after, or if I can save up enough maybe a PS3...

07-15-2006, 11:15 AM
Im not going to buy any new console but i beilive Wii will give the most fun

07-15-2006, 12:01 PM
They are plenty more people-for-definite than Smokey, Prak and you. I probably am going to buy one ftr.

07-15-2006, 12:09 PM
I'll be buying one.

Hex Omega
07-15-2006, 12:27 PM
They are plenty more people-for-definite than Smokey, Prak and you. I probably am going to buy one ftr.

I know, but those two I knew for certain. Hence this thread.

07-15-2006, 12:46 PM
I'm going to have to join the club on this one.

07-15-2006, 12:51 PM
i'm definitly getting it at launch
along with Twillight Princess and Excite Truck.. and depending on the price maybe Wii Sports aswell(tho they should sell that game within the console!)

07-15-2006, 01:06 PM
I am uncertain if I will actually buy one, but I will most probably obtain one eventually.

Desert Wolf
07-15-2006, 01:09 PM
I was going to get a PS3 but now that ive seen the price and the cool controller for the wii I have to say im thinking about it.

07-15-2006, 01:11 PM
I'm going to get a Wii for my Dad's, and a PS3 for my Mums.

Get the Wii first, Mum needs to compete, gives me some money, and I save on top of that to get a PS3.

07-15-2006, 01:32 PM
well, i'll buy PS3 first...

regarding that ffxiii and the next resident evil will be on the PS3...

then, i'll try to earn more money to buy Wii...

Valerie Valens
07-15-2006, 03:50 PM
I'm definitely getting a Wii. (As soon as I can afford it, lmao)

07-15-2006, 03:55 PM
Perhaps i`ll wait until it`s actualy out!!. :D

Buy heh, my 360 will do me for the next few years anyway. I`m in no rush to get a new console.

07-15-2006, 04:04 PM
I've kinda let gaming alone for now.
So until I can be arsed to get back into it nothing for me.

07-15-2006, 05:12 PM
Not sure yet, although i'm much more likely to get a wii than a ps3. Dunno about xbox 360 because it might get a price drop to make it comparable with the wii.

07-15-2006, 05:31 PM
I mgiht get one eventually. If I do ever get a next gen. console, Wii will be the one.

07-15-2006, 05:37 PM
I'll definitely have one, probably pretty soon after launch. My brothers will spend a lot more time with it than me, but I definitely want to fool around with it until SSB comes out.

07-15-2006, 07:06 PM
Metroid Prime 3, the new Zelda, possability of old-skool nintendo game... Hell Yeah!

07-15-2006, 07:56 PM

Mario Galaxy.



07-15-2006, 08:00 PM
I am for sure, if I could only have one, this would be it. I'm gonna wait until the prices go way down for the others.
I'm going to get a Wii for my Dad's, and a PS3 for my Mums.

Get the Wii first, Mum needs to compete, gives me some money, and I save on top of that to get a PS3.
You mean to say that you're getting a Wii from your dad and a PS3 from your mom? Talk about rich parents. Unless I misinterpretted that wrong

Sharon Agathon
07-15-2006, 08:04 PM
I'm certainly considering it.=)

07-15-2006, 11:11 PM

07-15-2006, 11:25 PM
You mean to say that you're getting a Wii from your dad and a PS3 from your mom? Talk about rich parents. Unless I misinterpretted that wrong


Me and my Dad will save up to get a Wii, together.

Then, my Mum will want to compete, and will save up with me (she will give slightly more money than my Dad,) to get a PS3. I will be working for my share.

I'm not rich, just sneaky.

07-16-2006, 12:05 AM
more like manipulating your (divorced?) parents.

I'm getting a Wii, with my own money. I should get a job maybe.

07-16-2006, 12:17 AM
more like manipulating your (divorced?) parents.


matt damon
07-16-2006, 01:00 AM
i'll get a ps3, a wii and an x-box 360. i want the wii for the new SSB and the new Zelda, and the x-box 360 for perfect dark zero. and the ps3 because, well, it's the ps3. i'll need to get a job, of course...

hb smokey
07-16-2006, 01:49 AM
well, i'll buy PS3 first...

regarding that ffxiii and the next resident evil will be on the PS3...

then, i'll try to earn more money to buy Wii...
So you're going to save up $800 to get a PS3, FFXIII and Resident Evil 5 (which may not even come out until 2008)? But you could get a Wii and a few of the great launch games that are actually going to be out soon, for roughly the same price as the Xbox360. Once again, you're totally useless.

Also: you guys shouldn't worry about the price. It's going to be really cheap, trust me.

Also again: Sarah I thought you might not get one because ITS A LIGHT GUN?

07-16-2006, 01:51 AM

Me and my Dad will save up to get a Wii, together.

Then, my Mum will want to compete, and will save up with me (she will give slightly more money than my Dad,) to get a PS3. I will be working for my share.

I'm not rich, just sneaky.
Man, I haven't gotten money for videogames from my parents since I was 10!

07-16-2006, 03:11 AM
Haha yeah I know.

If I want a new game I have to trade-in a bunch of crap, or borrow a game from a friend.

07-16-2006, 05:48 AM
Yeah--definitely investing in Wii. Too many excellent reasons to get it to ignore.

07-16-2006, 05:48 AM
i'm totally buying one. pfft. this will probably be the first and only console i'll ever buy on or near the release date.

i got the n64 like 6months to a year later. (forgot how long) snes like a 8 months later, gamecube like 2 years later O_o and the ps2 like 2-3 years later. O_O. lol once you reach the age where talking your parents into buying you useless things no longer works, its really hard to keep up with gaming on your own. lol

Hex Omega
07-16-2006, 09:24 AM
So you're going to save up $800 to get a PS3, FFXIII and Resident Evil 5 (which may not even come out until 2008)? But you could get a Wii and a few of the great launch games that are actually going to be out soon, for roughly the same price as the Xbox360. Once again, you're totally useless.

I know, unless your loaded I find the idea of spending so much more on the PS3 absurd. If there was $50-$100 difference, and you really want one, then fine.

07-16-2006, 10:09 AM
Meh, think I'll wait a year at least. The only title that interests me is Twilight Princess, and I could easily just buy a cheap Gamecube for that. Right now, 7th Gen. consoles aren't that high on my 'to buy' list, especially with titles like Xenosaga Episode III, FFIII: DS, FFXII, KH2 (PAL still doesn't have it) FFV:A and FFVI:A comming out at the end of the year (or early there after).

07-16-2006, 11:18 AM
I just bought a DS Lite while in Japan so money is an issue for unemployed me (though I still have plenty of money to buy a wii with).

By the way, ThroneofOminous, don't wait for KH2.

07-16-2006, 11:47 AM
I'll definitely be getting it !

07-16-2006, 12:09 PM
well, i'll buy PS3 first...

regarding that ffxiii and the next resident evil will be on the PS3...

then, i'll try to earn more money to buy Wii...

Probably what i'll end up doing as well. =)

matt damon
07-16-2006, 08:55 PM
By the way, ThroneofOminous, don't wait for KH2.
why? i admit it feels a little rushed and they crammed in too much at the end, but all-in-all, i'd say it was a pretty good game.

J. Peterman
07-17-2006, 08:06 AM
I'm not getting it most likely.

Go me.

07-17-2006, 03:03 PM
and the ps3 because, well, it's the ps3.

Comments like this always make me sad. Every person who buys a PS3 just because of brand recognition will fuel Sony's idea that consumers would buy their product if they stuffed dog shit in a box and put a big price tag on it.

07-17-2006, 03:14 PM
Well i will try and get the PS3 after prices fall, because like past Sony consoles, i like the huge range and diversity of the many available games. Also Final Fantasy ^^

Wii? I might consider it, like save up a year for it... but yeah, i'll probably wait til they invent interactive virtual reality consoles :D

07-17-2006, 03:26 PM
Comments like this always make me sad. Every person who buys a PS3 just because of brand recognition will fuel Sony's idea that consumers would buy their product if they stuffed dog shit in a box and put a big price tag on it.

Have to admit my PS2 has always been very reliable, as the playstation I've used has. If people have been satisfied with previous products from Sony from having the same experience then I think it's fair enough that they will want to look into getting hold of the PS3 although i'm not saying that all Sony's products have been of decent quality.

07-17-2006, 03:39 PM
My PS2, although still chugging along is on it`s last legs. At this point i can see at what a mess Sony did in the design. :(

My Xbox on the other hand is still perfect, still as reliable as the day i bought it.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-17-2006, 05:14 PM
My PSX (from 1995, whatever version they were putting out then; it has the parallel ports and such on the back) still works like new. My "fat" PS2 is working great (especially since I've got the 200GB hard drive on it with my favorite games stored and playable from there) and my PSP is all kinds of nostalgia from the old school game emulators + Lumines, Metal Gear Ac!d 2, etc.

I really don't see why I shouldn't buy the PS3, other than the fact that I'm still having fun playing with these older consoles and none of the newer generation consoles have jumped out at me to the point of OMGIGOTTAGETONE enthusiasm levels.

I may get a PS3 within a year of it's release, and a Wii after that, if I'm even still playing games then. I really haven't been playing them near as much since I started working in the engineering department here (my eyes need to rest after staring at a comp screen all day).

07-17-2006, 09:42 PM
I'm buying one

Also, PS3 because my PS2 crapped out

07-18-2006, 05:57 PM
I really haven't been playing them near as much since I started working in the engineering department here (my eyes need to rest after staring at a comp screen all day).

lol I know only too well what you mean there.

07-18-2006, 06:44 PM
Wii is just not my thing. I am not getting one. The only good game i can think of on the Wii is Legend of Zelda. I'm not buying a system for one game. PS3 is better, with Devil May Cry 4, FFXIII, FF Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Assasin's Creed, Tekken 6, Virtua Fighter 5, etc.

Swedish Fish
07-18-2006, 06:45 PM
I'm definately getting one, providing my mom doesn't throw a fit and burn my cash. Neither Sony nor Microsoft come close at the moment.

07-18-2006, 06:58 PM
Nintendo has always sucked. Gameboy sucked, Gamecube sucked, N64 ws okay, SNES was okay, and DS is the only one that strikes me with interest. Sony has always been and always will be....better.

07-18-2006, 07:05 PM
Oh look. BizarroSephiroth is making retarded fanboyish comments about things he clearly does not know anything about. This is a big surprise. [/sarcasm]

07-18-2006, 07:06 PM
I'll be buying one, only because the girlfriend will play on that and no other next gen console.

hb smokey
07-18-2006, 07:06 PM
Oh look, another fanboy!

07-18-2006, 09:30 PM
your looking into a mirror again, prof. ;)

07-18-2006, 09:36 PM
That's a pretty ridiculous statement, Tact. What exactly are you saying he's a fanboy of?

07-19-2006, 05:17 AM
Nintendo has always sucked. Gameboy sucked, Gamecube sucked, N64 ws okay, SNES was okay, and DS is the only one that strikes me with interest. Sony has always been and always will be....better.

Lol, no seriously, you're joking right? Nintendo is gaming. Other systems have had some truly great games in their time, but those games probably wouldn't have existed if not for Nintendo.

Have a look at the unbiased history of Nintendo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo), then post again saying they're inferior to a system derived from a Nintendo peripheral barely out of prepubescence.

matt damon
07-19-2006, 05:40 AM
Comments like this always make me sad. Every person who buys a PS3 just because of brand recognition will fuel Sony's idea that consumers would buy their product if they stuffed dog shit in a box and put a big price tag on it.

Well i will try and get the PS3 because like past Sony consoles, i like the huge range and diversity of the many available games. Also Final Fantasy ^^

Dj Remy
07-19-2006, 06:39 AM
I personally would get PS3, X-Box360, and Wii if I had the money, already have a psp and ds.

But my first choice will be the PS3 just for MGS4 Guns of the Patriots. I'm an abid MGS series fan so that will be my first choice.

07-19-2006, 06:49 AM
Buying a $700 system for one game, is really lame.

Dj Remy
07-19-2006, 06:52 AM
Not if your an abid fan, plus it's not just for 1 game dipshit, thats the deciding facter in my decision making equasion.

07-19-2006, 06:53 AM
Not unless you are a retarded fanboy.

The deciding factor in buying the system, is the system itself.

(well, at least it should be)

Dj Remy
07-19-2006, 07:26 AM
Not unless you are a retarded fanboy.

The deciding factor in buying the system, is the system itself.

(well, at least it should be)

retarded fanboy......hmmmmmm. Your gay. If I like a fucking game that is only on one platform, and I'm trying to decide between three systems, I'm gonna pick the one that has the game I like. Retarded fanboy, that doesn't mean alot coming from someone who has over a 170 posts in a final fantasy forum.
(no offense to ff fans)

hb smokey
07-19-2006, 08:46 AM
retarded fanboy......hmmmmmm. Your gay. If I like a fucking game that is only on one platform, and I'm trying to decide between three systems, I'm gonna pick the one that has the game I like. Retarded fanboy, that doesn't mean alot coming from someone who has over a 170 posts in a final fantasy forum.
(no offense to ff fans)
First of all, when someone mentions another member's post count as an insult, you automatically fail. It's probably the most idiotic insult you can use, and it's not even an insult. Various UR MOM jokes are also high on the list.

Also: you make it sound like the only reason you are getting a PS3 is because of MGS4, which is going to costs you roughly $700. So do you plan to let the $600 investment sit there and collect dust when you aren't playing Metal Gear Solid? That's fine if you like a game on a system, but you need to have more of a reason than IT HAS ONE GAME to buy a console. Especially for the case of the PS3.

07-19-2006, 09:54 AM
Whatt? 170 posts isn't a lot at all.

Well, don't think I am dissing on MGS but no matter how good that game will be, it would never be the sole reason for me to pay $700.

I agree with Nintendo Head.

Hex Omega
07-19-2006, 12:08 PM
retarded fanboy......hmmmmmm. Your gay. If I like a fucking game that is only on one platform, and I'm trying to decide between three systems, I'm gonna pick the one that has the game I like. Retarded fanboy, that doesn't mean alot coming from someone who has over a 170 posts in a final fantasy forum.
(no offense to ff fans)

Quoted for retardation.

Nintendo has always sucked. Gameboy sucked, Gamecube sucked, N64 ws okay, SNES was okay, and DS is the only one that strikes me with interest. Sony has always been and always will be....better.

This also.

Dj Remy
07-19-2006, 01:45 PM
Sorry Viper, he pissed me off, I lost my temper, and wrote something stupid. Plz forgive me.....

07-19-2006, 04:00 PM
I'll be getting a Wii Wii from Canada I think. Expensive console, cheaper in the long run.

EDIT: Oh crap, I just flamed somebody protecting the popular opinion :( I'm going to be roasted.

Lol, no seriously, you're joking right? Nintendo is gaming. Other systems have had some truly great games in their time, but those games probably wouldn't have existed if not for Nintendo.

Have a look at the unbiased history of Nintendo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo), then post again saying they're inferior to a system derived from a Nintendo peripheral barely out of prepubescence.
How was MGS influenced (and please do not refer to the old NES games, please please please) by anything Nintendo? How was Halo (I hate Halo but you know some cunt would bring it up if I didn't)? Half Life 2? Everquest, WoW, any other good MMO? Crazy Taxi? DOOM? The original Doom! Guitar Hero? RRRRRRRIDGE RACE-AHHHH? Tekken 1/2/3? Bubble Bobble? Puzzle Bobble? KoF2k3? Samurai Showdown? I'm thinking of lots and lots and lots of games, and I can go on.

These are truly great games, and I'd say they had negligible influence from Nintendo, if any. So please, stop claiming that Nintendo is the great powerhouse of gaming creativity, when the last really innovative game they put together was Mario 64.

First: It's wikipedia. Nothing unbiased about a thing that can be edited by anyone.
Second: They influenced the 2D platform genre heavily, I will 100% definitely give you that, but I think some of the old 2D Apoche (i think that's what they were called?) games like Secret Agent were part of that too, and I suppose the 3D, but not as heavily because you had Jumping Flash first that sort of made everyone go "oh that's interesting."

And what the fuck is that with the prepubescent thing. Just look at what you are writing there. You're saying that because the PS1 was a peripheral BEFORE it was a seperate console, it's worse than anything Nintendo does? Horsey-poop. It's called progress.

Nintendo's Gamecube WAS inferior to the PS2.
So was the N64.
The SNES was better than the Mega Drive.
And I'd say the NES was better than the Master System, as that really was a jumped-up Game Gear.
Gameboy has always had everyone beat, and I really do prefer my DS Lite to my PSP these days.

I really like Nintendo. Don't get me wrong. But I do not like it when any one console or company is being hailed for all greatness in the world. I'm saying this as someone who plays probably more Nintendo than anything else (Animal Crossing is like crack.)

My my that took a while. Also please note: I will not be buying a PS3 at launch. This is the first time since the PS1 came out in the UK that I have not picked up a major console release on its debut, and yes, that includes that goddamn PSP I shipped from Japan.

07-19-2006, 04:03 PM
Have you come to terms with the controller yet MMM?_?

07-19-2006, 04:17 PM
Have you come to terms with the controller yet MMM?_?
I imagine if it's able to turn off the motion sense, and it has the right diddlies to plug in places, it might work out. Otherwise it will tank like Po Po Po Po Popozao. I think it'll be fun. And it's going to be cheaper, too. And anything that gives me more animal crossing and more mario is quite alright with me.

07-19-2006, 04:39 PM
I always thought it was a really good idea, but people will only buy it as a fun side console. It is of course as you've said cheap as fucking chips 'n all so no worries there.

What bothers me though, is with the longer games like Mario/Zelda, etc surely people will get bored of the nunchuk and remote and want to play with a regular controller :\

07-20-2006, 02:41 AM
you know what'd be crazy? i just thought of this now. if maybe sony and nintendo had a secret deal that sony would make a super expensive system in order to make the nintendo more desirable. O_o

maybe its payback for letting sony borrow ff for so long. lol :p

this popped into my mind with the wii and cheap as chips comment. :p

07-20-2006, 02:49 AM
you know what'd be crazy? i just thought of this now. if maybe sony and nintendo had a secret deal that sony would make a super expensive system in order to make the nintendo more desirable. O_o

maybe its payback for letting sony borrow ff for so long. lol :p

this popped into my mind with the wii and cheap as chips comment. :pWere you dropped on your head as a baby.

matt damon
07-20-2006, 06:50 AM
i'm gonna buy the wii. i figure "why not?" it could be interesting. i'll also get a ps3

oh, and DJ Remy, it's "avid"

07-20-2006, 07:05 AM
Were you dropped on your head as a baby.

hehe. all geniouses and radical thinkers are always critizised. :p

07-20-2006, 08:09 AM
lots o words

I didn't say "the games today were influenced by Nintendo games." You cannot honestly tell me that if Nintendo hadn't stepped it up a notch in videogaming that we'd be waiting for systems like these, and that was what I said. Change and competition makes everything better. I'm not a fanboy of any company; I'm just discouraged that someone would discredit Nintendo when they know jack shit about it.

The PS2 and Gamecube are equally matched in my opinion. They both had some great titles, and they both had some shit titles, but I think that the great/shit ratio was better with the Gamecube since Sony seems to approve anything that comes their way. It was a matter of making bootlegs, which was definitely harder to do with a mini-disc than a PS2 DVD-ROM. The same goes for the N64, when compared with the PS1. Most people just prefer Playstation games because they are cheaper, and it's easier to copy them and return them to the store.

And, just for the record, I said that Sony has been in the business of making videogame systems since 1995, a measly 11 years, while Nintendo has been in it for much longer. I suppose that prepubescence could've been taken with the direction you put it in, but even then you have to give Nintendo credit for having that peripheral developed in the first place.

PS: Wikipedia is moderated and checked for fanboyism =\

Dj Remy
07-20-2006, 09:23 AM
i'm gonna buy the wii. i figure "why not?" it could be interesting. i'll also get a ps3

oh, and DJ Remy, it's "avid"

Hahaha, I'm retarded. I agree, if I had the money, I'd get both, the Wii sounds great and fun, I saw a vid of a guy payin some sword fighting game on the Wii, and was using the remote like a sword, who doesn't want that?

07-20-2006, 04:37 PM
Hahaha, I'm retarded. I agree, if I had the money, I'd get both, the Wii sounds great and fun, I saw a vid of a guy payin some sword fighting game on the Wii, and was using the remote like a sword, who doesn't want that?

Cripples, actually.

Dj Remy
07-20-2006, 11:47 PM
Cripples, actually.

What do you mean? *curious*

hb smokey
07-20-2006, 11:58 PM
What do you mean? *curious*
He's saying cripples won't be able to play the Wii.

Dj Remy
07-21-2006, 12:18 AM
oh.....yeah never thought about that, but cripples cant play the other systems either, if thats the case. Thats depressing.

jewess crabcake
07-21-2006, 12:39 AM

Desert Wolf
07-21-2006, 01:01 AM

Its a game.

07-21-2006, 08:59 AM
It is a console. The closest it comes to being a game is Wii Sports. Yeah.

hb smokey
07-21-2006, 09:14 AM
It is a console. The closest it comes to being a game is Wii Sports. Yeah.
It's not a console it's <B>the</B> console.

07-21-2006, 11:11 AM
It's not a console it's <B>the</B> console.
no it is a console because there is more than one console u c

07-21-2006, 11:27 AM
Eventually he's just going to capitalize the word "console" and use it as a reverential title.

Valerie Valens
07-21-2006, 12:17 PM
']The deciding factor in buying the system, is are the system games itself themselves.

Fix'd. :D The affordability, reliability and durability are also important factors as well. The PS3 fails on the first two factors, the price tag is way out of the spending range of most people and there are videos of the PS3 at E3 locking up in Sonic next gen. I don't think that it's too big a deal since the games that are coming out for it are pretty decent. However, until the price drops and I can afford it without having to whore myself out in dirty and highly-illegal ways , I'm gonna have to turn my nose up at the PS3.

Dj Remy
07-22-2006, 07:17 PM
Fix'd. :D The affordability, reliability and durability are also important factors as well. The PS3 fails on the first two factors, the price tag is way out of the spending range of most people and there are videos of the PS3 at E3 locking up in Sonic next gen. I don't think that it's too big a deal since the games that are coming out for it are pretty decent. However, until the price drops and I can afford it without having to whore myself out in dirty and highly-illegal ways , I'm gonna have to turn my nose up at the PS3.

My sentiments exactly. $600 is a bit to much for me right now, but I'm patient, I can wait. But I would still like to have all three.

07-22-2006, 10:07 PM
Same here, I'll eventually grab all 3 up. Probably start with Wii, then 360 and PS3 last until it drops to $300 at least.

I really cannot wait until Wii comes out, I want to play my classic TurboGrafx games that I traded in a long time ago like Neutopia 2, Ys Book, and some other games. Even the crappy Keith Courage :)

hb smokey
07-23-2006, 12:51 AM
I found an interesting article from the genius Miyamoto himself. Most of it is rehashed, but still worth the read imo:


07-24-2006, 02:58 AM
Genius my left nut.

07-24-2006, 03:24 AM
Miyamoto feels that some games will actually work better with the classic controller. He mentioned F-Zero as one such game.
now if they only bring this baby online http://mangaisland.forumup.be/images/smiles/Trilly-27-63.gif

07-24-2006, 05:31 PM
Well, the only reason i will probly buy it is because of the new SSBM.

07-24-2006, 06:39 PM
Im positive im going do buy one and the first game im buying for it is
ZELDA!!! Ive been waiting so long for it to come out
i know its coming out on gamecube but the wii will probably be alot funner

Dj Remy
07-26-2006, 04:24 PM
OOOOHHHHH! Zelda looks so awsome, I hate being broke.