07-13-2006, 10:23 AM
is it me of ids this music addictive, i can't stop listening to it half the time and now that all the soundtracks are up to dl here i will listen to the albums about 4 or 5 times over.. i love them, does anyone else have this, that they can't stop listening to this soundtrack, i got this craze form playing the games too much and i got hooked on the music

08-31-2007, 02:31 AM
Klonoa games are really fun to play, its a shame there are no new titles in a near future. My favorite theme is probably Sign of the Hero.

I even recorded it from the GBA rom. There is also a Klonoa Fan Disc, some tracks are really good. Yet other are just lame. Search for KLONOA FAN DISK 3 in yahoo.

There are samples of each one. About a minute long.

I tried to buy the cd but is Japan only.

08-31-2007, 09:13 PM
I love Klonoa music too, mostly because Klonoa 1 was one of the two games I really loved when I was younger.

I only posted because I felt you may be interested in the fact that I own the ost cd to Klonoa 1 and plan to upload it in FLAC (long live lossless) on the forums soon, maybe on monday. :)

And yeah, that fan disc sounds veery interesting. Is there any chance it will reach the forums anytime soon?

09-01-2007, 03:09 AM
Well... I have to say that Klonoa: Door to Phantomil was the first game for the psx that I have bought =).... and I love the music, especially Baladiums Drive.... thanks to that and Alundra now I love Video Game Music

09-01-2007, 10:41 AM
Well... I have to say that Klonoa: Door to Phantomil was the first game for the psx that I have bought =).... and I love the music, especially Baladiums Drive.... thanks to that and Alundra now I love Video Game Music

Really? The one song that got you into vgm was Baladium's Drive? Same here, exactly the same!

09-01-2007, 04:27 PM
Really? The one song that got you into vgm was Baladium's Drive? Same here, exactly the same!

really?? thats nice :D....

In fact, I remember that in that time I didnt have a memory card, so every day I had to beat the game and the special stage to unlock the music player XD....

The bad is that 4-2 boss is too easy =(... It took me like 1 minute to beat it the first time X_x, and after that I reseted the game and had to make all te way back to that boss just to listen to the music XD!!

i cant belive someone started in vgm just like me :D:D:D!!!
Nice to meet you =)

PD: Sorry for my bad spelling, Im from argentina

09-08-2007, 01:13 AM
I dont think so. Im trying to get my hands on it. If I ever do I'll get it up right away.

Here is the site link. Yo can check on the samples for yourself. Its comes with some artwork and a mini game. Probably a Flash game.

MMMMM.... FLAC sounds goods. I already have it as mp3 but I'll download it again anyway!!!!

09-25-2007, 03:44 PM
Hello there! I'm making a Klonoa Heroes soundtrack for myself. This is just a small sample. Its the Sigh of the Heroe full version. If there are some Klonoa fans left I may drop this one for you.

Please confirm.

04-25-2008, 04:26 AM
perrito the sigh of the Heroe full version link is out of date please make it active again I need that song.