07-12-2006, 08:42 AM

And just OOC, does anyone really give a shit about any of this stuff I've been uploading? Because if no one does, I'm just going to stop bothering ._.;

07-12-2006, 08:45 AM
i download almost all of it that hasn't been uploaded to gh.

I appreciate it too. hopefully this forum will take off eventually ;-;; I have a few ideas to help it along

07-12-2006, 04:07 PM
Okay (makes sense)~~~ In that case, seeing as the user feedback on just about everything I've uploaded thus far is practically nonexistant, I'll just stick to stuff that isn't already on GH~~~

I'm really looking forward to what ye plan on doing with this forum (seeing as it's a really nifty idea, IMO). Can't wait to see what you have in mind!

07-12-2006, 06:12 PM
I'm more than open to suggestions. I currently link to the newest threads on the bottom of gh. while it does seem to be getting traffic driven to the threads, no one is registered. the average thread in here is viewed like 10 times more than the average requests thread.

one idea is to require user registration to see the links in the thread. don't know how much that'll increase posting though.

also thought about pulling data from the forum for a new gh section, "zipped albums" or something. this comes with some problems but I could probably find a way to make it decent.

last idea was to offer some sort of incentive for people to post albums, like giving away gh rewards points or something. not entirely sure how I'd set that up though.

I think it's a pretty damn nice resource as it is, just not many people are registering / talking / posting more albums. ;-;;

07-12-2006, 07:25 PM
So Sarah, is the new download links actually help reduce GH traffic even just a slight?

Anyway, good idea for registration demand to view the links. But you know, leechers, they will just stay as zero posters forever.

07-12-2006, 07:51 PM
no, it isn't to reduce gh traffic.

I could do a post restriction thing but that'd just result in shitty posts to reach the limit they need, probably

07-12-2006, 08:43 PM
I like the idea of requiring user registration as well. That way it's more of a perk to being a forum user than a free service for leechers to storm en masse and walk all over >_>~~ Not too sure about the zipped albums thing, though :x. Especially since it might spawn more "Why isn't this up at GH" posts, but instead whining about a soundtrack not being zipped so they have to download it track by track :x. Don't really have any ideas on how to encourage people to post albums themselves, though~~ TT. That's a tough sell, seeing as for a lot of these high quality anime/game albums coming out (especially HUGE ones, like the Okami soundtrack), it means sinking hours into uploading~~ ;_;~

I do think it would be neat if people who reaaaaally don't want to have to download soundtracks track-by-track (like, for example, the WoW gamerip, at 100+ tracks) could vote someplace or somewhere for that soundtrack to be zipped and uploaded, though~ Don't really know that could be managed, but yeah XD;;;. Just a random idea~. If I think of something that will actually be of use, I'll be sure to post it TT~~~~~~~

And RE: post restriction - That's more than likely what would happen, and I personally think it would be nicer to do without that, if at all possible~ I usually avoid forums with post restrictions for things simply because I'm not big on posting, and at the rate I do go it usually takes me forever to meet the requirement ._.~

07-12-2006, 09:03 PM
re: the zips of existing albums, I already kinda have something like that planned. I'll be making my own file sending site and plan on hosting the most popular albums in zipped format through the site. it wouldn't be based on "need" (ie, how many tracks there are) as much as just he popularity of them though.

if post restrictions turn you off to a forum, what exactly appeals to you?

another possibility for rewarding people is just manually giving mass-leach privs to regular contributors in the community. I wouldn't have a problem with you or eriol etc getting it for free ~ then it wouldn't be so much MAKE SOME QUICK SHITTY POSTS and you get rewards because it'd be a lot more transparant.

07-12-2006, 10:09 PM
Ah~ That makes a lot more sense for a feature, though! The whole popular album thing sounds really nifty, especially since in being restricted to popular stuff, it might prevent the bulk of "Why isn't this up at zipped" type complaints *_*~~~

Not much, actually. I usually don't have anything to talk about, and on topics I can contribute to, someone usually beats me to saying what I was going to say anyway, so I generally cry off joining forums altogether. What really drew me to GH was the Request forum, not only because I had wanted to request a few things that I was having difficulty finding, but also because I felt that it was finally something that I could actually contribute to ^^. So that's essentially it XD;;.

I think that would work as a great incentive, and it would definitely remove the necessity of a post restriction. I would be surprised if people -didn't- start contributing more with something like that in place o_o~~~~

02-07-2008, 03:27 AM
Asiding that this post had been posted almost two years ago, I still want to thank you for megsl83 for uploading Hako no Niwa (though I get it from gh, and not on the senspace linked since it had already expired, but thanks anyway).

I always love Yasunori Mitsuda's work and I enjoyed hearing Hako no Niwa~

Thanks a bunch~!

04-28-2010, 03:46 AM
Wow, this is going back a ways, but could you please reupload? I'd vastly appreciate it. Can never get enough Mitsuda.

04-28-2010, 06:35 AM
Can a beggar be a chooser? I think I would love to listen seeing as Mitsuda can do no wrong. I just found a FLAC of Kirite with good quality scans, if your want a reason to post this... Or whatever...