02-26-2002, 07:27 AM
Ok plese read this before you do anything...that means you..anyone who reads this.

Im thinking of making a clubish thred type thing, not like the old ones though! just a thred where people can always poast their art and have people give them constuctive critisism. There wont be any leader trying to be a mod or any of that crap, just people helping others with art and getting helped themselfs....ok club isnt a good name...but can you think of a better one...ok but I cant.

I thought of this because so many threds were poping up and around and I thought that if they were all together it would work much better.

If you thinks this is a bad/good idea speak up! And plese dont close this untill people have spoken their opinion.

02-26-2002, 01:18 PM
Well.. no. There's been a few people suggesting this before, but it's not a good idea. The entire Artistic Discussion is for people to post art, or to give constructive criticism.
If you feel like people don't give enough criticism, then why don't you give the example and start with it? ;) :)

One thread for a lot of art is not going to work.. but you can ground some kind of 'club' with people who do give constructive criticism for artwork. Works for me ^_^
But leave all art in their own threads.. it's better that way.

02-27-2002, 12:07 AM
Ok, sounds good.