07-12-2006, 03:54 AM
I'll make this quick:

1. Where did Mitoko go after Zidane and the others rescued all the Gnomes out of Terra? Because didn't all of them go to Black Mage Village? If so, then how was she on the Red Rose with Bellatrix? And after the Ifia Tree stopped spazzing, the Red Rose obviously didn't land, why would it? so how was Mitoko all of the sudden off the Red Rose on the the roots of the Ifia Tree saying that "Omg! Kuja's so awesome! He gave us hope!"

2. Okay if Eiko at the end, before Zidane went to save him, she said "Zidane, I love you! You'd better come back!!!" (and I thought during Disc3 she said she was through with Zidane), now if Eiko has the guts to say that, why didn't Garnet just say that too instead of giving him a long speech which was kind of stating the obvious delaying Zidane from saving him?

"...but...I think I finally know what's important" - Dagger (or DOES she)

3. Kuja: "Then, I finally realized what it means to live... I guess I was too
late." what is it mean to live for him anyway? he was created by Galand to get souls for him from Gaia, I think he knew that quite well. so what is Kuja's REAL mean to live by what he said.

Interesting thing: Kuja dies after that. But honestly, I think he was only half dead right after that and when Zidane said "Don't die on me!", because I believe Kuja used his magic to protect Zidane one last time from the branches of the Tree and Zidane protected Kuja's (now dead) body. That why Zidane could have escaped and return to Alex. So then why didn't he bring Kuja's body back to Alexandria and made a similar thing like Queen Braham's grave thing and Doctor Tot would say that speech about how many people hated him but people still's sad that he's dead.

4. Is it possible for Zidane to marry Dagger? They loved each other, yes. but didn't Zidane had a life span like Kuja (that's why Kuja died), and does anyone know how long is Zidane's. And isn't Zidane like 16 or so, in FFIX, is there a 18 year old rule about marriage? And he's a peasant marrying a queen like Blank said. But what do you think?


07-13-2006, 01:18 AM

1. ....huh? Through the magic of special effects.

2. Becuase Eiko is always blunt and doesn't have any reservations about saying the first thing that comes to mind. She doesn't care if it's proper or not. Dagger isn't Eiko, simple as that. Sure Eiko is old enough to know what romance is, but do you think she's old enough to be in love? And I like her line in Japanese better. She just says, "Zidane, you have to come back, or I'll never forgive you!" But that's moot point.

3. Kuja's reason to live is to find a pair of pants. That much is obvious.

Why would Zidane lug his dead body back to Alexandria? Kuja was certainly not someone that Alexandria would consider as important as Queen Brahne. So why would Alexandria honor him? Maybe he pulled an Obi-Wan and just poofed into a big ball of thong-clad gas, who knows? :P

4. Dagger's the Queen. She can marry him if she wants.

As for the age thing, Zidane was born with the body of a child when he was born on Terra, so that he would age/mature like a normal person. Kuja didn't grow up that way.

fastidious percolator
07-13-2006, 01:45 AM
1. Where did Mitoko go after Zidane and the others rescued all the Gnomes out of Terra? Because didn't all of them go to Black Mage Village? If so, then how was she on the Red Rose with Bellatrix? And after the Ifia Tree stopped spazzing, the Red Rose obviously didn't land, why would it? so how was Mitoko all of the sudden off the Red Rose on the the roots of the Ifia Tree saying that "Omg! Kuja's so awesome! He gave us hope!"

Well, Mikoto went with the fleet of Alexandria and Lindblum, as you obviously see her aboard the Red Rose. How she got there? Well, probably travelled with the rest of the crew that got on the Invincible (remember, it's not that Disc 4 inmediatly starts with the departure towards the Iifa Tree, so the gathering of the fleet of Alexandria and Lindblum would have taken some amount of time, and it didn't look like they were in a hurry, only when they finally approached the Tree, then all the Dragons attacked :-\ ). :-P

2. Okay if Eiko at the end, before Zidane went to save him, she said "Zidane, I love you! You'd better come back!!!" (and I thought during Disc3 she said she was through with Zidane), now if Eiko has the guts to say that, why didn't Garnet just say that too instead of giving him a long speech which was kind of stating the obvious delaying Zidane from saving him?

"...but...I think I finally know what's important" - Dagger (or DOES she)

Obviously Eiko grows up towards the end of FFIX, and does realize that Zidane and Dagger love eachother and should be together, of course Eiko loves him, especially as a friend, 'cause of the whole journey and ventures they went through. ;) So somewhere, deeply Eiko still loves the guy, but she definetly loves him as a friend, although that sentence does sound like "you know, be happy, i still love you, just in case" sexpot

And like Kurohime says, expressing feelings isn't the same for every character, especially not when you look at the characters of FFIX, each has its own personality and way of dealing with things, even though they sound or a bit vague and static, or a bit bold and quite extrovert. ;)

3. Kuja: "Then, I finally realized what it means to live... I guess I was too
late." what is it mean to live for him anyway? he was created by Galand to get souls for him from Gaia, I think he knew that quite well. so what is Kuja's REAL mean to live by what he said.

Interesting thing: Kuja dies after that. But honestly, I think he was only half dead right after that and when Zidane said "Don't die on me!", because I believe Kuja used his magic to protect Zidane one last time from the branches of the Tree and Zidane protected Kuja's (now dead) body. That why Zidane could have escaped and return to Alex. So then why didn't he bring Kuja's body back to Alexandria and made a similar thing like Queen Braham's grave thing and Doctor Tot would say that speech about how many people hated him but people still's sad that he's dead.

Maybe Zidane left him there in the Iifa Tree, since both Zidane, Kuja and the Iifa Tree are creations by Garland. That's why Zidane (or maybe Kuja at the end made it clear that) thought it was appropriate at the moment. Besides, story-wise would've been quite a downer, imagine it, not only Zidane approaching Dagger, no, it's Zidane with the dead body of Kuja! What a lovely surprise! :D

And about Kuja saying the thing about life, well, it's probably meaning that Kuja finally turned human after all. Zidane spent his time on Gaia in the good part, facing the light side of mankind. Kuja also spent time on Gaia, but not approaching anything learnful, only at first obeying his master, and later turning into a narcissist villain.
But in the end he turns out to be a good guy (even if it's at the bitter end of his life), he learned and observed everything what Zidane has faced, how his life on Gaia was much better than his evil plottings. =/

4. Is it possible for Zidane to marry Dagger? They loved each other, yes. but didn't Zidane had a life span like Kuja (that's why Kuja died), and does anyone know how long is Zidane's. And isn't Zidane like 16 or so, in FFIX, is there a 18 year old rule about marriage? And he's a peasant marrying a queen like Blank said. But what do you think?

It's quite clear that it no longer matters at all which status they both have, even from what planet they're from, they love eachother deeply with their heart and soul. Why wouldn't they marry?.. :rolleyes:
And about his life span... I'm not sure if Genomes age..maybe it's the same like in Vincent's case: at a very slow rate, barely ageing physically, but mentally ageing like a normal being? (Just like the Black Mages, they have quite a short period of time to live, and they don't change physically at all =/ ) But i'm not sure about this at all, though. ;)


No problem. =)

07-25-2006, 03:29 PM
About Zidane and Kuja's Life-Span... Kuja's only point in existing was to create total and irreversable chaos on Gaia so that the Iifa Tree could gather tonnes upon tonnes of Spirit Energy (or whatever you like to call it) to help with the Assimilation with Terra. Kuja was only allowed to live until "The Worthy Genome" Zidane matured. Seeing as Zidane is 16 in-game I don't understand how that could have been fulfilled. With Zidane's life-span, well, it can be assumed that he will live until he's an old dude. I mean, really, you don't want all that happy ending and stuff tainted with Zidane's impending death, do you?
"And then they lived happily ever after... until Zidane died a year later." Say, that could be a blueprint for a sequel! Dagger, driven insane with the death of her beloved Zidane, decides to conquer the entire known WORLD!!! And so, Vivi's KIDS must stop Dagger before she can... *cuts off* Ahem. So yeah, Zidane'll probably live until 75... or something.