07-11-2006, 08:02 PM
I bought doom 3 as soon as it came out, being a massive fan of the first game in the series and to my dismay my computer did not have a sufficient graphic card to play it. A few days ago I dug it out of my game collection and decided to try and play it again, and it worked!
After playing it for a few hours I was stunned by how good the game actually is. It is the most atmospheric game I have ever played. You turn every corner fearful of what is lurking around it. The flashlight idea is also amazing. I have never been a massive fan of first person shooters, only really enjoying playing doom. Doom 3 has introduced me to a new world of computer gaming.

Are there any PC of PS2 FPS that anyone can recommend that is on the same level if not better than Doom 3 as now I have had a taste of a top class FPS I want more!

07-11-2006, 08:06 PM
Have you tried F.E.A.R?

07-11-2006, 08:29 PM
I was totaly let down by Doom 3, and F.E.A.R for that matter.

Doom 3 was just too scripted. If you died when a monster leaps out at you, next time it happens it happens the exact same.

Monter jumps out, ALIENS strobelight flickers, big guns, maries with bad attitudes, yadayadayada........

Give me Half Life 2 anyday baby.

07-11-2006, 08:33 PM
Half-Life 2 ftw. I wonder why a highly trained marine can't hold a flashlight and a gun at the same time, but a random scientist can.

07-11-2006, 08:37 PM
Half-Life 2 ftw. I wonder why a highly trained marine can't hold a flashlight and a gun at the same time, but a random scientist can.

I think the having to switch from flashlight to weapon is an added challenge that makes the game just a tad bit more challenging.

I am a noob to first person shooters and if Doom 3 is a let down then Half-Life 2 must be amazing.

What is the main storyline for half-life?

07-11-2006, 08:40 PM
The usual oppresive government up against a civilian resistance but it pulls it off great. The opening level in City 17 lets you see the oppresion from a first hand experience with gives a great chance for Valve to show off some stunning scenes and lovely voice acting.

07-11-2006, 08:42 PM
The only ps2 fps i bothered with is Timesplitters 2. But it's better with a few friends and a multitap.
I much prefer Halflife 2 to doom 3. I ony got 20 minutes into doom 3 and have never played it since.
Half life 2 ive played all the way through and gone back to a few sections.

07-11-2006, 08:44 PM
For one thing, you don't play a shooter for its story. Anyway, Half-Life 2 is basically about earth having been taken over by aliens in the wake of the original HL. Gordon Freeman reappears after being missing for years and starts kicking alien ass.

07-11-2006, 09:01 PM
Half-Life 2 is incredibly awesome. It has amazing graphics and an awesome physics engine. You can spawn an enemy, take out your crossbow, and crucify him on the wall. His limbs will sway, and his wrists will dangle.

If you want story, Indigo Prophecy is awesome, and it's only $9 at Circuit City right now.