07-11-2006, 05:02 PM
if you need to cheat an any game or an ideot i admit ff is challenging in some cases but i meen c'mon i admit that i cheat but only after i beat the entire game first.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-11-2006, 05:03 PM

07-11-2006, 05:05 PM
im just saying its stupid to cheat it takes the fun out of it. like the feeling when your fighting a boss and you think your gonna lose and you have nots in your stomche and then you beat it. you woulde for a fact beat him if you cheated and are on the hghest level. it just takes the fun away.

07-11-2006, 05:06 PM
Well, obviously I agree to disagree.

07-11-2006, 05:09 PM
Please stop making threads. You're no good at it.

07-11-2006, 05:43 PM
it just takes the fun away.

It doesn't take the fun out of it for me lol

Doctor Kei
07-11-2006, 06:14 PM
Opinions are overrated. Let people cheat if they want.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-11-2006, 06:49 PM
you woulde for a fact beat him if you cheated and are on the hghest level. it just takes the fun away.

What? You find no fun in annihilating the strongest opponents in a game? You fucking freak.

07-11-2006, 07:16 PM
This isn't a competition. Let people play games how ever the fuck theyd like.

07-11-2006, 08:55 PM
Well, cheating in a game by yourself is pretty low and does take the fun out of it. I hardly remember anything about FF8 because I started it up with a Gameshark and beat it in not even 20 hours. I had all the cards, Squall had maxed out stats and 100 of every spell (including The End, even), and nothing presented a challenge to me. I suppose you have to take it the way you want to; you get a certain feeling when a boss is really tough, but you also get one when a boss is supposed to be really tough, and you defeat it with one hit.

Multiplayer cheating really pisses me off though, I'll give you that one.

07-11-2006, 09:02 PM
I don't really care if someone cheats to complete a game; why shoud I? Each to their own.

Now when we're talking online-gaming cheats, that's a different story, seeing as it just wrecks the fun for everyone.

07-11-2006, 09:26 PM
Well, cheating in a game by yourself is pretty low and does take the fun out of it. I hardly remember anything about FF8 because I started it up with a Gameshark and beat it in not even 20 hours. I had all the cards, Squall had maxed out stats and 100 of every spell (including The End, even), and nothing presented a challenge to me. I suppose you have to take it the way you want to; you get a certain feeling when a boss is really tough, but you also get one when a boss is supposed to be really tough, and you defeat it with one hit.

Multiplayer cheating really pisses me off though, I'll give you that one.

How is it low? You cheating in a single player game concerns you and you only. Why do other people care? Some people like having uber characters that kill anything in one hit. Or maybe they just don't feel like doing mindless training to be strong enough to fight a boss. People need to shut the hell up and mind their own business unless it's ruining your gaming expierence, like in a multiplayer.

07-11-2006, 09:26 PM
The only think that i hate on cheating, is cheating on multyplayer games.

But developers of mutyplayer games have already started fighting against it. :)

Valerie Valens
07-11-2006, 09:59 PM
Cheating on single player games - I think it's pretty stupid to cheat in order to gain extra advantage on a game when they are getting easier as the years progress. However, it's not really annoying or hurting anybody, so it's okay as long as you don't get the wrong idea that you have bragging rights for that game.

Cheating on multiplayer games - Now this is a mixed bag, there are a couple of factors to be considered, but the point is, if it's not agreed on, gives ONLY the cheater an unfair advantage and carried on for an indefinite period of time, then it's bad. However, it could add a bit of flavour to the game, and can be good for training. For example, say I send you a cheat that gives you double health in a typical PvP game, then I go 'See if I still could beat you!' Cheats that unlock everything for everyone is good though if you don't want to go through missions to unlock those things manually.

07-11-2006, 10:46 PM
this poll sucks, you should only hate multiplayer cheaters. Single-player cheating is not bad and doesn't hurt anyone.

07-11-2006, 11:13 PM
this poll sucks, you should only hate multiplayer cheaters. Single-player cheating is not bad and doesn't hurt anyone.


fastidious percolator
07-11-2006, 11:19 PM
Agree and disagree.

07-11-2006, 11:20 PM
I think this can go both ways. But cheating in games can be fun. Like getting the infinite rocket launcher in RE4 for free. It saves the time and effort of getting all that freakin money to buy it, then do it again for the Chicago Typewriter. So this way, it's fun to me.

But I agree about multiplayer cheaters.

07-12-2006, 12:50 AM
How is it low? You cheating in a single player game concerns you and you only. Why do other people care? Some people like having uber characters that kill anything in one hit. Or maybe they just don't feel like doing mindless training to be strong enough to fight a boss. People need to shut the hell up and mind their own business unless it's ruining your gaming expierence, like in a multiplayer.

People can cheat as long as they don't gloat about how skilled they are on a game they're cheating on - they're obviously not skilled at all. In their own time, of course they can cheat if they absolutely feel the need to. And yeah, if they shut the hell up and don't talk about how they cheated to beat Elmo's Letter Game, then it's cool. Otherwise, it's low, and as a gamer they deserve zero respect.

07-12-2006, 12:54 AM
Oh i fully agree with you there. But then again I don't think I've met any loser who actually brags about winning a game. Actually i take that back. Their was one from EoFF who bragged about beating Kingdom Hearts 2 on Proud mode and called everyone who played normal mose a pussy.

Valerie Valens
07-12-2006, 02:52 AM
They're probably newbies, many experienced gamers complained that KH2's normal mode is too easy. Which leads me to think that KH2 is geared as an entry-level game.

07-12-2006, 04:51 AM
it doesnt realyl matter if someone cheats or not especially since its a one player rpg however if you cheat online in a multi player enviornment it really shows how weak you are,its really pathetic

07-12-2006, 05:23 AM
personally I find it hilarious that often the same people that bitch about people that cheat (in single player games, that is) have no qualms with using a strategy guide to solve every remotely puzzling aspect of a game-- when often that's the only real challenge to be had in the particular games anyway. ;(

07-12-2006, 06:29 AM
Thats right, using a guide to play a single player game can be considered cheating 2. I dont understand why calling someone who cheats in a single player game fag.

Valerie Valens
07-12-2006, 12:09 PM
However, translation guides are good. ^_^

07-13-2006, 12:11 AM
cheat all you want. i dont' care. if you come braggin to me that you beat a hard boss in 2 seconds, and i ask you if you cheated, and you say yes then i'll kick you in the nuts for lying cause you didn't really beat him. so long as you don't walk around bragging that you did something when you didn't, then i'm fine with you cheating.

i myself love to start any new rpg with max money. its a good enough cheat to get rid of the annoyance of never having enough, but not a big enough cheat to kill the fun of everything else.

cheating in online games pisses the fuck out of me though. that's a whole diffrent ball game.

07-15-2006, 02:37 AM
cheating is what makes the games fun.

matt damon
07-15-2006, 03:30 AM
i'll admit that i used a guide for ff7 to try to get all the materia (really for chocobo raising, oh and to get all the secret characters). the only thing that makes it better is that the guides are my cousins and they live in costa rica, so they were in spanish. and guess what: i can barely read spanish, so it made it extra challenging for me.

jewess crabcake
07-15-2006, 03:44 AM
The only game I cheat in is GTA, FF... I don't feel like buying Gameshark.

Floyd _the_Barber
06-12-2007, 09:37 AM
i only cheat in GTA also (Everyone does), they should just put the cheats in the booklet!

Valerie Valens
06-12-2007, 02:53 PM
People who revive long-dead topics are flaming faggots.

Floyd _the_Barber
06-12-2007, 03:51 PM
Why does it matter to you? Just don't worry about it! I just felt like commenting on that's all, I wasnt here when the topic started! So maybe I felt like sharing something what's it to you.

06-12-2007, 04:00 PM
Look, while I do think Morgan Freeman is indeed a very talented actor I just feel that his acting in Batman Begins was a little stale.

06-12-2007, 04:09 PM
maybe the movie just wans't able to use his talents to the fullest cause i think morgan freeman awesome.

06-12-2007, 04:26 PM
I agree

06-12-2007, 08:24 PM
Why does it matter to you? Just don't worry about it! I just felt like commenting on that's all, I wasnt here when the topic started! So maybe I felt like sharing something what's it to you.

It's fucking annoying to revive threads, this thread is utter bullshit anyway so why revive it? do you really need to look back 5 or 6 pages to find a thread? no you don't, it's too bad that you wern't here, and we worry about it very much, the fact that faggots like you are allowed internet access is laughable, fuck off.

06-12-2007, 09:10 PM
Meh, I think cheating is alright. Personally I don't do it, I think it takes too much enjoyment from the game. The only time I think people shouldn't hack/cheat is in online play or multiplayer modes.

Also, does anyone else find the above post a bit....hypocritical?

06-12-2007, 09:27 PM
How so? please don't tell me you are refering to my past on the forum.

06-13-2007, 02:17 AM
Cheating on single player games - I think it's pretty stupid to cheat in order to gain extra advantage on a game when they are getting easier as the years progress. However, it's not really annoying or hurting anybody, so it's okay as long as you don't get the wrong idea that you have bragging rights for that game.

Cheating on multiplayer games - Now this is a mixed bag, there are a couple of factors to be considered, but the point is, if it's not agreed on, gives ONLY the cheater an unfair advantage and carried on for an indefinite period of time, then it's bad. However, it could add a bit of flavour to the game, and can be good for training. For example, say I send you a cheat that gives you double health in a typical PvP game, then I go 'See if I still could beat you!' Cheats that unlock everything for everyone is good though if you don't want to go through missions to unlock those things manually.

*nods in approval.

ps. wasnt here for origanl.

Argus Zephyrus
06-13-2007, 02:35 AM
cheat all you want. i dont' care. if you come braggin to me that you beat a hard boss in 2 seconds, and i ask you if you cheated, and you say yes then i'll kick you in the nuts for lying cause you didn't really beat him. so long as you don't walk around bragging that you did something when you didn't, then i'm fine with you cheating.

i myself love to start any new rpg with max money. its a good enough cheat to get rid of the annoyance of never having enough, but not a big enough cheat to kill the fun of everything else.

cheating in online games pisses the fuck out of me though. that's a whole diffrent ball game.

06-13-2007, 04:59 AM
I cheat a lot in RPGs. I fight lots of monsters and gain lots of exp and money.
Then I go kick the boss' ass and tell people about it.

06-13-2007, 05:09 PM
lol @ brzrkr.


(that one honestly made me laff for realz ^^)

*kicks him im the nuts*

06-13-2007, 06:03 PM
I used a gameshark for KH after beating it about 3 times, lol it was fun.

06-13-2007, 07:51 PM
I used a gameshark for KH after beating it about 3 times, lol it was fun.

What kind of stuff can you do? I'd like full-flight like in Neverland in all worlds.

I'm a simple man.

06-13-2007, 08:48 PM
I had the dream sword, infinite hp and mp, and top stats, and fought sephiroth for fun.

06-15-2007, 03:57 PM
I dont give a shit if people cheat it doesnt affect me at all if you care so much about other people and what they do that doesent even affect you your a fag. The only time it ever matters is when its an mmorpg but even if you do it then your probably going to get banned sooner or later. And I didnt even know you could cheat on FF

06-15-2007, 08:44 PM
I always beat a game first before using cheats (strategy guides I use if I'm stuck and have been trying for an hour to figure out what I'm supposed to do next). Like getting Sephiroth, Zack, Aeris, and young Cloud in my party in FFVII and getting Seifer and Edea along with all magic (including The End and Apocolypse) in FFVIII. It just adds more fun to an already beaten game.

06-15-2007, 09:02 PM
cheating in online games pisses the fuck out of me though. that's a whole diffrent ball game.

Hah, i find it fun fighting hackers in online games. Especially when you beat them. It's also fun when you claim they're hacking and they instantly log, making it completely obvious they were.

Hacking is fine in my eyes, as long as you don't god mode. Those who god mode truly are noobs.

06-15-2007, 09:13 PM
I think putting games on easy is cheating. Unless it's like Ninja Gaiden ridiculously hard. Fucking game.

06-15-2007, 09:33 PM
Putting a game on easy is not cheating, I play it to get used to the game.

06-15-2007, 09:37 PM
That doesn't count as cheating then. I have this friend who plays through an entire game on the easiest level of difficulty. I talk to him a week later and then he says he got bored cuz it was too easy. WTF

06-15-2007, 09:45 PM
haha @ that dumbass.

06-15-2007, 09:48 PM
I had the dream sword, infinite hp and mp, and top stats, and fought sephiroth for fun.

Sephiroth is really easy to beat once you know how without cheating. :/

and fun!

06-15-2007, 09:49 PM
yeah i beat him before, and then fought him with the cheats, it's kinda funner when you don'y have to worry about dieing.

06-16-2007, 12:43 AM
I think putting games on easy is cheating. Unless it's like Ninja Gaiden ridiculously hard. Fucking game.

If you play games mainly for story, playing on easy is perfectly fine. I do it all the time. I'm not in it for bragging about how l33t I am. Finishing Poster Duty in 30 seconds and getting the Sun sigil are difficult and rewarding enough for me ;)

Also, obviously, fighting Sephy is always much easier once you know how.

06-16-2007, 02:29 AM
I guess I hear you on that one.

I wish those Shin Megami Tensei games had an easy setting. Well, I guess they do. Game Shark. I only play that game for story, but the constant random battles get in the way. *shakes fist at ATLUS*

06-17-2007, 11:05 AM
Cheaters are cock eating asshats who deserve to burn in hell. Calling them fags isn't "politically correct".

06-17-2007, 11:38 AM
Oh wow, what a retard.

06-17-2007, 07:15 PM
I guess I hear you on that one.

I wish those Shin Megami Tensei games had an easy setting. Well, I guess they do. Game Shark. I only play that game for story, but the constant random battles get in the way. *shakes fist at ATLUS*

There's Estoma for a reason.

06-18-2007, 12:36 AM
Cheaters are cock eating asshats who deserve to burn in hell. Calling them fags isn't "politically correct".

I doubt you even know what that is...

also cock eating asshats are people that care about people that cheat even though it doesnt affect them at all

06-19-2007, 12:06 AM
if it's mmo's you bet your ass it affects us!

otherwise..whatev. :p

06-19-2007, 01:48 AM
otherwise..whatev. :p

thats exactly what I ment. Hackers on MMOs are annoying but not that bad I just get jealous when i see them

jewess crabcake
06-19-2007, 03:53 AM
Hackers? or learned Programmers?

06-19-2007, 06:43 AM
more like wannabe script kiddies. it's the noobie dickwads that go to hacking forums asking for trainers and a step by step guide to which settings to enter into their UCE.

the learned programmers i'd respect if they were the only ones doing it. but it's obviosu they're not. they give away too many of their secrets.

06-19-2007, 06:54 AM
Cock eating ass hats? Isn't that an enemy in FFVII?
They say "Gimme cocklixers." And then they give you lots of AP.

jewess crabcake
06-19-2007, 11:51 AM
Well you are right Tact.

06-19-2007, 04:24 PM
lmfao at brzrkr. i remember them.

06-21-2007, 09:14 PM
Hackers? or learned Programmers?

I guess im jealous of the learned programmers cause i have no clue how to do anything java or c++

jewess crabcake
06-21-2007, 09:21 PM
take a college course, in computer programming. You may not learn how to hack games, but you'll understand a little bit of the concept.

06-24-2007, 12:13 PM
who cares, if you dont like cheating, dont its that simple, who cares if other people do it?

06-24-2007, 08:30 PM
who cares, if you dont like cheating, dont its that simple, who cares if other people do it?

I care. I don't play many games online these days, but when it's happened where someone cheated/hacked an online game, I usually got a little ticked, then just logged off.

See, if I cheat a game (like Gran Turismo 4) where it'll take months of gameplay time to get everything, then I'll cheat. I have a life and I don't want to spend all of it trying to get 84723194 versions of the Mitsubishi Lancer. The same thing applies if I'm just not good at a game, say, a 3d fighter game or something really hard like Devil May Cry or Godhand. If I cheat, it affects me, and I'm usually happy about it since I saved myself a huge chunk of time and got a kick out of unbalancing the game.

But say (example only, I know its hard to cheat WoW), if someone were to go into WoW and really mess things up, then it ruins the experience of other players who pay good money and give up time to invest themselves in the game. It's not right to do that to someone else.

06-24-2007, 08:33 PM
I hardly think he was refering to online games.

06-24-2007, 08:39 PM
I'd hope not. But we're all on the same page. A cheat and a game guide aren't too gear from each other.

Lil' Sain
07-01-2007, 01:02 AM
Please stop making threads. You're no good at it.
