RedXIII's Shadow
07-10-2006, 09:01 AM
I know i show this pic a lot, but i am proud of it. ITs Red XIIIs tribal, but i tweaked it a bit to make it more of a tribal and plus i didnt have any good pics to use at the time. Still looks cool. I figured id see if anyone else stepped up to teh plate like me.

fastidious percolator
07-10-2006, 01:49 PM
XD Again that picture.

07-10-2006, 01:53 PM
it's everywhere

RedXIII's Shadow
07-11-2006, 06:44 AM
sorry guys, it was one time only that i repeat posted, no more.

07-11-2006, 06:59 PM
i had the FF VIII and X logo bodypainted on me once...Sadly i don't own a digital camera or scanner, so no pics

Also, we get it, it's a nice tat and ur proud of it


RedXIII's Shadow
07-12-2006, 04:56 AM
like i said, my apologies to all its done i have shown it off, and now its done but i just wanted to know if anyone had an actual Final Fantasy tattoo, or possibly a tattoo from a character in the game or similar to it like mine was. I just got curiuous and Tattoos are a form of art therefore i thought it would fit in this area of teh message boards to see what the outcome might be.

fastidious percolator
07-12-2006, 01:24 PM
Well, like i said in your welcome thread, it's a nice tribal. ^_^