07-08-2006, 03:49 PM
I know I've already posted something like this, but I'm going to again~

I'm in the mood for a new video game that I will likely pick up today because I am an impulse buyer.

I was actually thinking about picking up Oblivion, but I'd like some more thoughts first. Other than that, I'd be interested in a... Japanese-type RPG (saying this for Prak's sake) for the PSX or PS2. No strategy games or tactics like games, sorry. :( It also doesn't have to be anything new or old school.

Generally, any game recommendations you have would be appreciated~ But I only have a PS2 and a PC to play games on.

Meet the Jim
07-08-2006, 03:57 PM
One RPG I would recommend buying(if you like dungeons and dragons) is neverwinter knights. It's a top down rpg and the graphics are really poor but the gameplay and the size of it is really good. You can create your own weapons and characters as well. It's only avalable for PC I think.

07-08-2006, 04:06 PM
Well as far as Oblivion goes......

It`s a massive game, it really is. The amount of missions, sub-missions, and other little quests is at first pretty daunting but once you get to grips with it it`s just one massive playground. After playng 100+ hours on the previous Elder Scrolls game Morrowind, for me getting Oblivion was a no brainer but thankfully you don`t need any prior knowledge of the previous games to enjoy Oblivion as much as someone who lives and breaths these games. What can i say, it`s a huge RPG that, for me at least, really satisfies me on so many levels-the huge and beautiful world, the feeling of exploration, the character customization and last but not least the Lord of the Rings-like story. Worth a buy if you`re looking for a game that could possibly consume a chunk of your waking life.

07-08-2006, 07:14 PM
One RPG I would recommend buying(if you like dungeons and dragons) is neverwinter knights. It's a top down rpg and the graphics are really poor but the gameplay and the size of it is really good. You can create your own weapons and characters as well. It's only avalable for PC I think.

Neverwinter Nights had poor graphics, you say? And what godly standards are you comparing it to? The only way anyone could say that is if they had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.

07-08-2006, 08:31 PM
I found what I played of Oblivion overwhelming. Then again, I only have played it for a small time at a friends house, and then a little bit while heavily modded (which wasn't fun).
Then again, my computer doesn't have the enormous system requirements to run it at all decently, so I wouldn't get it anyways.

I don't know if you've played it but Parasite Eve could be worth a look, maybe.