07-08-2006, 02:56 PM
Ge-Maga, a long running Japanese gaming magazine, polled a large number of game developers on their opinions of the recent PS3 developments. The results are in, and it looks seemingly grim for Sony.

90.29 percent of the developers feel the PS3 is too expensive.
56.31 percent disagree with Sony's choice of releasing two versions of the console.
55.82 percent feel that the PS3 will not sell with the current lineup of launch titles.
32.52 percent say they are not confident in the PS3 as a console.
62.13 percent feel the system will not reach its 6 million sales goal by March of next year.
3.39 percent said they were relieved by Sony's announcements at E3 06.

It doesn`t do Sony any favours with news like this coming to light. Still, i doubt it`s very important but it can`t be good when your developers lack faith in the system.

What do you guys think?.

07-08-2006, 03:21 PM


Seems like

07-08-2006, 03:32 PM
dont think they'l reach that 6 million sales.. or even half of it if Microsoft does some aggresive pricecut on the 360

the Wii60 setup is just very attractive option compared to just a ps3 and blue ray
especially with the 360 having a great christmas line up and a possible price cut

and it'l probably take even longer to get a decent flow of good to great games on the ps3 then it did on ps2

Mr. Bunniesworth
07-08-2006, 04:05 PM
Price-wise the PlayStation 3 will be good value when contrasted to other blue-ray players out there. So the aspect of "cost" can be taken care of with a marketing campaign that highlights this fact for all those who are not so tech-savy in the world of home entertainment.

I think Sony will face a big hiccup at launch... but if they can secure some good contracts and keep some high quiality titles flowing onto the market regularly... they'll put up a strong performance. But I'm not sure they'll get the win...

07-08-2006, 05:41 PM
Yeah, with the next generation console war looming i don`t think that Sony have it in the bag sales wise as easy this time around.

07-08-2006, 11:03 PM
Price-wise the PlayStation 3 will be good value when contrasted to other blue-ray players out there. So the aspect of "cost" can be taken care of with a marketing campaign that highlights this fact for all those who are not so tech-savy in the world of home entertainment.

I think Sony will face a big hiccup at launch... but if they can secure some good contracts and keep some high quiality titles flowing onto the market regularly... they'll put up a strong performance. But I'm not sure they'll get the win...
as tk pointed out earlier, it doesn't matter how good of a "value" it is if the far, far majority of gamers won't be able to afford it.

hb smokey
07-09-2006, 01:16 AM
Japanese people also spend a lot more money on video games when they walk into a store. They are more likely to buy the system, an extra controller, and a few games, so it's not as huge as a concern for them money wise as it is over here. And again, PS3 may be a good value compared to blue-ray players out there, but 90% of the people interested in buying the system don't give a shit about it. They want a video game console, and $600 does not merit the price.

07-09-2006, 02:51 AM
Price-wise the PlayStation 3 will be good value when contrasted to other blue-ray players out there. So the aspect of "cost" can be taken care of with a marketing campaign that highlights this fact for all those who are not so tech-savy in the world of home entertainment.

I think Sony will face a big hiccup at launch... but if they can secure some good contracts and keep some high quiality titles flowing onto the market regularly... they'll put up a strong performance. But I'm not sure they'll get the win...

but what is this blu-ray hope to achieve/replace/solve?

is there a need for such a thing anywhere else BESIDES gaming?

movies: no need for it here. dvd's are great. they hold more than enough. and when they don't, they can easily fit a second dvd in the same case.

music: were still using cd's. no need for it there

pc: data for sure. i can see its purpose there. but i've somewhat tried comparing the prices for backing up data in a portable hdd to buying an 100pack of dvd-r's. and i think i'd preffer the portable hdd if its for backup purposes. pc games? dvd's doing all it needs to do.

the only area blu-ray seems to be of ANY possible use is in console games. and even then, dvd's still seem better. couldn't they have waited for rpg games to take up 3-4 dvd's BEFORE thinking about blu-ray? ff7-9 all use up like 3-4 cd's. so dvd was an obvious choice. ffx is like 1dvd right? where is the need? there is no need!!!

thinking of the future? hd? pfft. that's still gonna take a little while longer. the full hd revolution (hd in every home) prolly won't even happen until that proposed idea about completely getting rid of broadcast channels and converting to some other type of cable/fiberoptic? for local/broadcast/airwave channels. (i heard this somewhere that it was prolly gonna happen in 10 or so years O_o and stuff)

anyway. so what good will this blu-ray do anyway?

Mr. Bunniesworth
07-09-2006, 03:33 AM
as tk pointed out earlier, it doesn't matter how good of a "value" it is if the far, far majority of gamers won't be able to afford it.

True enough.

but what is this blu-ray hope to achieve/replace/solve?

is there a need for such a thing anywhere else BESIDES gaming?

movies: no need for it here. dvd's are great. they hold more than enough. and when they don't, they can easily fit a second dvd in the same case.

music: were still using cd's. no need for it there

pc: data for sure. i can see its purpose there. but i've somewhat tried comparing the prices for backing up data in a portable hdd to buying an 100pack of dvd-r's. and i think i'd preffer the portable hdd if its for backup purposes. pc games? dvd's doing all it needs to do.

the only area blu-ray seems to be of ANY possible use is in console games. and even then, dvd's still seem better. couldn't they have waited for rpg games to take up 3-4 dvd's BEFORE thinking about blu-ray? ff7-9 all use up like 3-4 cd's. so dvd was an obvious choice. ffx is like 1dvd right? where is the need? there is no need!!!

thinking of the future? hd? pfft. that's still gonna take a little while longer. the full hd revolution (hd in every home) prolly won't even happen until that proposed idea about completely getting rid of broadcast channels and converting to some other type of cable/fiberoptic? for local/broadcast/airwave channels. (i heard this somewhere that it was prolly gonna happen in 10 or so years O_o and stuff)

anyway. so what good will this blu-ray do anyway?

There is a lot of sense to what you are saying, but that's just it. Sony want to develop the "standard" medium that is going to be used across the board, it may not be required just yet for gaming... but if they get in early enough they can skew the market to their technology and make it the day-in-day-out standard.

People are saying the PS3 vs. Xbox 360 clash is like Sony's Betamax vs. VHS... but its not, this is a whole new ball game where the stakes are far more important. Now we are talking about high-capacity discs, which as you rightly point out... have practical uses everywhere.

The Xbox 360 came out with HD-DVD, and now the PS3 is going to come out with blu-ray; moving the consoles to one side... this is a clash to see which of the two formats comes out on top and gets adopted as mainstream. Sony have the edge in that regard, but its meaningless right now because nothing will fully take advantage of it for a while. So what Sony need to do is say "hey, in five years time or beyond... we'll be the one's to side with" they have to market their machine in terms of the future to make it seem worth the added money.

I think Sony just wanted to introduce their "baby" as soon as possible. It may be overkill right now, but technology is moving faster and faster and it will catch up eventually.

07-09-2006, 10:10 AM
oh ok. that does make sense. and i am not one to question what direction big companies like that take because i have no say in it and i like mostly everything pioneer's make anyway. true tech pioneers that take big steps like that, i salute such peeps. reminds me of the message you see in macross plus at the end (or begining) of the ova. "dedicated to all pioneers". i love that quote. makes me wish i could be one of the original pioneering engineers behind things like robotechnology and awesome cool stuff like that. :D

i root for whoever is thinking of humanity and the future in this race. and I boo for whoever is in it just for the money. :p

07-09-2006, 10:50 PM
there's a lot of reason for blu-ray/hd-dvd to exist.

the resolution on DVDs is not incredible, not even close to it. a DVD is 420P. an HD-DVD or blu-ray movie would be 720i/p or 1080i/p. huge, huge difference.

hb smokey
07-09-2006, 10:54 PM
At this point, I've grown tired of all the things that companies are trying to build into their consoles. I don't give a shit about the resolution of a game. I don't give a shit about if it's HD or not. I just want to stick the game in and have a great time.

07-10-2006, 02:03 AM
resolutions smesolution. the diffrence is barely noticable. not enough to pay the hunk of money required to truly use up all the diffrent aspects of the technology.

first you need the SPECIAL tv
then you need the SPECIAL hd/blu-ray discs to SEE the technology
or pay for those SPECIAL hd channels through sat/cable
or you just end up owning a SPECIAL tv that shows the same old NOT SPECIAL crap.

when's it all gonna come together? when is the STANDARD, gonna be hd? until then, its all a waste of money imo.

07-10-2006, 02:09 AM
the resolution on DVDs is not incredible, not even close to it. a DVD is 420P. an HD-DVD or blu-ray movie would be 720i/p or 1080i/p. huge, huge difference.

Yeah, 'cause everybody has HD monitors.

07-10-2006, 02:50 AM
At this point, I've grown tired of all the things that companies are trying to build into their consoles. I don't give a shit about the resolution of a game. I don't give a shit about if it's HD or not. I just want to stick the game in and have a great time.

An awful lot of people do care though, or so I hear.

07-10-2006, 12:55 PM
It is not the console that is what sells is, but the games that is offer. That's why Sony can't go wrong with Final Fantasy ^^

Anyway Mr Bunniesworth, it is not The PS3 Against the XBOX 360 that is like the Beta and VHS. It is actually Sony against Toshiba, but i reckon Sony has grown into such a powerhouse and so many people trust it, that Blu Ray will come out the winner.

Anyway about the uses for Blu Ray and HD DVD, well they do need it for games, because all the good recent games we're double sides, which means that even one scratch makes your game fuck up. And with the addition to high definition, its gonna neeed a whole heap more data.

For Movies, im thinking more of those special editions where it has all those extra disks and features. *shivers*

For Music, music is not related to how big it is, but how long the disk can play for. Nomal CDs can play for 80 minutes, but we don't know how long Blu Ray Disks can play for, if they even can.

Yes Data, the Blu Ray is fully superior to anything else. Getting just 2 or 3 is like getting a brand new hard drive for your computer. YAY

For artists. Seriouslly when drawing on A3 or A2 and you need a circle, Tracing around the blu ray is the way to go!!! Screw Compasses!!!

For people who are in a rage. Don't you just want to piff a Blu ray at someone sometimes? And you can be safe because you know that it won't cause any serious damage that could get you arrest for assault. Muahahahah And perfectly nice round edges, extremely safe.

A toy, God knows what little children's imaginations can come up with.

WEll thats all the uses i can think of for the Blu Ray at the moment. ^^ SEe very useful!

07-10-2006, 02:47 PM
At this point, I've grown tired of all the things that companies are trying to build into their consoles. I don't give a shit about the resolution of a game. I don't give a shit about if it's HD or not. I just want to stick the game in and have a great time.

I totaly agree. But as TK pointed out, many people seem to care about that kind of stuff. But count yours truly out of that bunch.

07-10-2006, 05:00 PM
It is not the console that is what sells is, but the games that is offer. That's why Sony can't go wrong with Final Fantasy ^^

Anyway Mr Bunniesworth, it is not The PS3 Against the XBOX 360 that is like the Beta and VHS. It is actually Sony against Toshiba, but i reckon Sony has grown into such a powerhouse and so many people trust it, that Blu Ray will come out the winner.

Anyway about the uses for Blu Ray and HD DVD, well they do need it for games, because all the good recent games we're double sides, which means that even one scratch makes your game fuck up. And with the addition to high definition, its gonna neeed a whole heap more data.

For Movies, im thinking more of those special editions where it has all those extra disks and features. *shivers*

For Music, music is not related to how big it is, but how long the disk can play for. Nomal CDs can play for 80 minutes, but we don't know how long Blu Ray Disks can play for, if they even can.

Yes Data, the Blu Ray is fully superior to anything else. Getting just 2 or 3 is like getting a brand new hard drive for your computer. YAY

For artists. Seriouslly when drawing on A3 or A2 and you need a circle, Tracing around the blu ray is the way to go!!! Screw Compasses!!!

For people who are in a rage. Don't you just want to piff a Blu ray at someone sometimes? And you can be safe because you know that it won't cause any serious damage that could get you arrest for assault. Muahahahah And perfectly nice round edges, extremely safe.

A toy, God knows what little children's imaginations can come up with.

WEll thats all the uses i can think of for the Blu Ray at the moment. ^^ SEe very useful!

lol. the artists example was great. ^^ now i won't have to rely on dumb cd's for my circles. they kept coming out all wrong. i can't wait for blu-ray so i can finally do PERFECT circles. :p

07-15-2006, 12:06 PM
s. so dvd was an obvious choice. ffx is like 1dvd right? where is the need? there is no need!!!

Star Ocean: 'Til the End of Time is 2 DVDs.

Not that I think it's a really big issue. Back when games could only fit on an SNES cartridge they were easily fucking amazing. Now we have sub-par games (see aforementioned Star Ocean) sucking up space for no particularly good reason.