07-08-2006, 01:43 PM
Ever had to write a story for a test or exam, or even as an assignment for school? Ever had those last minute nights where you're just trying and trying to write a story and having trouble?

Well, it only takes 3 steps to write a good story.

1. This is one of the most basics but have a well thought out storyline. Know what you are going to write and have a general idea where the story will head. Stripping away all the flesh of best selling stories, you will find that all exist on a well thought out storyline. Without it, it is hard to make a good story.

2. Have a good beginning, otherwise known as an introduction, and a great ending! It doesn't really matter where the middle takes you, but you need something that will get the reader insterested and want it to read it at the start, and you want them to leave on a good note.
Generally breathtaking endings are the best, something wild or not expected, yet fits into the story. Read some of Paul Jenning's short stories collections, as each one is a masterpiece ^^.

3. The Final step to writing a good story is a simple one, yet hard to master. Go for people's most deepest emotions. If you can make people cry, laugh or even just smile just by reading your work, you know you have written a good story.

If you can follow these steps, an A+ is in your reach. So have fun writing guys.

07-08-2006, 07:05 PM
You don't seriously believe any of that, do you?

07-08-2006, 07:12 PM
You don't seriously believe any of that, do you?

Are you saying that having a well thought out storyline with a strong beginning and ending which can move people is an example of a bad story?

I think my two step method is much better than alvins's though:

step 1. Be a good writer.

step 2. write.

07-08-2006, 07:34 PM
I'm saying there's a lot more to it than he makes it out to be. If you want to simplify it, your two-step method is much better.

07-08-2006, 11:35 PM
Are you saying that having a well thought out storyline with a strong beginning and ending which can move people is an example of a bad story?

I think my two step method is much better than alvins's though:

step 1. Be a good writer.

step 2. write.
I see you've been learning from me.

07-09-2006, 02:25 AM
I see you've been learning from me.

Please, everyone knows your method is entirely derivative of my legendary "to win at fighting, repeatedly hit the enemy while dodging all of their attacks" advice.

Which is legendary.

There are legends about it.

07-09-2006, 04:32 AM
You're all wrong. The key to writing a good story is to be able to type extremely fast.

07-09-2006, 07:39 AM
Rezo's back. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-09-2006, 09:36 PM
Are you saying that having a well thought out storyline with a strong beginning and ending which can move people is an example of a bad story?

I think my two step method is much better than alvins's though:

step 1. Be a good writer.

step 2. write.

Wise, you are