02-25-2002, 10:47 PM
Whats your 5-10 most wanted games of 2002(or 2003)
1. Final Fantasy XI(PS2)
2. Dragonball Z: Legacy Of Goku(GBA)
3. Dragonball Z(PS2)
4. Lunar Legend(GBA)
5. Jet Set Radio Future(X-BOX)
6. Star Wars Knights Of the Old Republic(X-BOX)
7. Mortal Kombat Deadly Allience(PS2, X-BOX)
8. Wild Arms 3(PS2)
9. Metal Gear Solid X(X-BOX)
10. Shenmue II

02-26-2002, 06:50 AM
2.Suikoden 3(PS2)
3.Grandia X(PS2)
4.Star Ocean 3(PS2)
5.Wild arms 3(PS2)
7.Shingoku Senki??(PS2)
8.New TR(PS2)

Ya know.....I've bad feeling about this one....i wonder why?:confused: :(

02-26-2002, 08:29 AM
In no particular order...

1. Final Fantasy 10
2. Metal Gear Solid 2
3. Grand Theft Auto 3
4. Medal of Honour: Frontline
5. Star Ocean 3
6. Pikmin
7. Super Smash Bros. Melee
8. The new Legend of Zelda for GCN.

..That's all I can think of right now. There would be a heap more if I had a decent PC though. These are the ones I want for PS2, which I shall hopefully be getting soon and a Gamecube which I will get one day...not in the near future though. I'll probably end up getting it near the end of it's lifespan, like I did with the N64.

02-26-2002, 01:39 PM
Sorry, but there already is a thread like this. :o

Please use that one ^_^;