Majin Sephiroth
02-25-2002, 08:19 PM
My First Time

The sky was dark
The moon was high
All alone
Just her and I
Her hair so soft
Her eyes so blue
I knew just what
She wanted to do
Her skin so soft
Her legs so fine
I ran my fingers
Down her spine
I didn't know how
But I tried my best
To place my hand
On her breasts
I remember my fear
My fast beating heart
But slowly she spread
Her legs apart
And when she did it
I felt no shame
All at once
The white stuff came
At last it's finished
It's all over now
My first time

i bet you all thought i was talking about sex....yup you dirty buggers all of ya! lol

|Majin Sephiroth|

02-25-2002, 08:26 PM
I so thought that was a sex poem. Like I never thought of a COW! LOL thats a good one, think i'll show this to some people.

Dark Messenger
02-25-2002, 09:08 PM
That was pretty good at being misleading, plus it all rhymes but it should be in the fiction and poetry section.

02-25-2002, 09:14 PM
omg! lol i thot it was about sex lol i dun have a dirty mind >.> <.<
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: but that was pretty good! i was almost ready to yell at you for putting inappropriate poems on the boards LoL

02-25-2002, 09:17 PM
Sephy! That is so friken hilarious. But it is a poem. Should have posted it there. AHH, what the heck. ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Extremely misleading!

Luna Star
02-25-2002, 09:20 PM
Well, I already knew that it was a cow, one of my friends told me that one and at first I was ignoring him, but then I paid more attention and I though he was being nasty, but then he said... COW!

02-26-2002, 01:30 AM
Great. Thanks to you, I'll never look at cows and milk the same way again.-_- Now I feel sick(just had some milk with chocolate chip cookies for snack).