02-25-2002, 08:16 PM
FF7 FF8 FF9 are being remade for the PSX2 I don't really care for ff8 or 9 but to see FF7 with the power that the ps2 has and the story line tweaked it is going to be great. I for one can't wait what about every one else?

02-25-2002, 10:41 PM
Uh, shouldn't that be FF7 Re-make?

I think I saw a thread like this a few days ago, so don't be surprised mate if they close this thread...

Last I heard, a re-make was in the works, but it may only get a japanise release... :mad:

Frankly all I want them to change is the graphics and music. They should leave the story as it is IMO.

02-25-2002, 11:28 PM
only a japanese release!?!?!?!??! DOH! i really wanted to get the FF7 one. :( cuz i really liked that game, the graphix really bothered me tho lol. great game n all, but i think it should be remade and let the WHOLE FRIGGIN WORLD have it ^-^

02-25-2002, 11:32 PM
The story should remain the same. I hope they don't change the music, maybe just increse the sound quality and 3-d effect. But It would be awsome to see it in all new graphics.

02-25-2002, 11:45 PM
they wouldnt change the story, and yes, it will most likely be only for a japanese market.

02-25-2002, 11:59 PM
i heard they will add more sidequests and another charactor

02-26-2002, 12:16 AM
Yeah It should say Re-make but I messed up..anyway Some rumors do say that the remakes off FF7-FF9 will only be released in Japan but to only release it in Japan would be bloody stupid. If they want to sell the Game then they will covert it into English Frence German or whatever there are more FF7 fans across the world than there are just in Japan.

The changes in the story line are only to fix the errors such as Yuffie who is 16 is said to remember a war that happend 15 years go which would make her 1 year old! I have not checked if this is true I will have to start the game again to find out.

But I am sick of people putting FF7 down or not buying FF7 because of the graphics (My nephew for one) and I know of a few others. Let Square Only the release the game in Japan (if they pull if off) but they will lose alot of money. I would like to see the game in English and in all it's PS2 glory to show the weirdos (My Nephew) That Final Fantasy 7 is the Best Final Fantasy Game ever and one of the best game ever created.

The Remakes of FF7- 9 was first confirmed on April 16 2001 as shown here


I am not sure if there is any more new information on the net but I will be sure to look If anyone has more information post it

(Edited the Doulble Post)

02-26-2002, 01:33 PM
Cloud1802, please don't double post.. if you need to add something, edit your previous post :o

Anyway.. I'm going to move this to Gen FF, 'cause it's not only about FFVII.

02-26-2002, 04:04 PM
This game kicked ass out of all the other final fantasys!!! I think it would be best if they take the graphics of FFX, with the stryline of FF7. That would be awesome.

02-26-2002, 10:23 PM
be nice if they ported it to GameCube to cos GC owners are cryin out for a decnt RPG (me for one)

02-26-2002, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Cloud1802
But I am sick of people putting FF7 down or not buying FF7 because of the graphics (My nephew for one) and I know of a few others. Let Square Only the release the game in Japan (if they pull if off) but they will lose alot of money. I would like to see the game in English and in all it's PS2 glory to show the weirdos (My Nephew) That Final Fantasy 7 is the Best Final Fantasy Game ever and one of the best game ever created.

Same here mate. You should tell you're nephew to play the game for a bit. Tell him that graphics aren't important in an RPG, and to just play it. It anoys me, as there are classic games made on old consels, but becuase they have bad graphics people won't tuch them? Why? I don't give a shit about graphics.

The only aditions i'd like in the remake are extra spells, weapons, optional boss monsters. Yes, a graphical facelift would be nice, but that's bottom of my list. But they should leave the story as it is.....
The results of the end of disk one should be kept the same, and there should be no way to undo it.

And a UK release.

Black Mage#1
02-26-2002, 10:59 PM
I heard that 7 will only come out for ps2 for Japan. But I don't know if there's going to be A Ruby and Emerald Weapon in it if it doesn't I don't know if I should buy it because the game would be alot easier than the American version. ( I love the weapons, there so cool! )

02-26-2002, 11:07 PM
i say dont make one at all. you're just paying more money for the same game!

Black Mage#1
02-27-2002, 01:03 AM
TacoG, you're right. I wouldn't buy it anymore. But it would be cool.:)

02-27-2002, 04:09 AM
Its Probaly just the same The Origanal

02-27-2002, 07:52 PM
so what if it's the same game, characters ....great game made greater that works for me

03-18-2002, 12:06 AM
Wait, wait wait. Remakes, as in, different things about the FF's? Or are they just the same game on PS2? If they are remaking them, well, that'll be interesting..FF7 would be MOST interesting...but the original 7 will ALWAYS remain best.

03-20-2002, 01:22 AM
i doubt its gonna be the exact same
its probably gonna be extended and have some more stuff to do
what would really be cool is to have a online compatability so u can do a side quest on the internet with other players but not have any effect on the actual game itself
kinda like pc games such as diablo, mechwarrior series, starcraft, etc.
theyre gonna add "fingers" to the characters and remake the fmv sequences