hb smokey
07-05-2006, 11:07 PM

Hopefully this means that they can surpass the 6 million mark they plan to have out by March of next year, and an October release.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-06-2006, 03:27 AM

Hopefully this means that they can surpass the 6 million mark they plan to have out by March of next year, and an October release.

Shouldn't this be re-titled "OLD NEWS FROM A STUPID FAGGOT"?

07-06-2006, 03:33 AM
I hope the Wii doesn't fuck up like the Gamecube did with its lack of good third party games

hb smokey
07-06-2006, 03:56 AM
I hope the Wii doesn't fuck up like the Gamecube did with its lack of good third party games
Well we can only wait. Wii has already garnered a ton of third party support, probably more than the Gamecube ever recieved. And with the really small costs it is to develop for the Wii, that's only going to warrant more support.

Hex Omega
07-06-2006, 04:04 AM
Tbh, I haven't been as excited about the impending release of a console, more then have this one.

J. Peterman
07-06-2006, 05:51 AM
Wii needs more money imo

Valerie Valens
07-06-2006, 11:15 AM
I hope the Wii doesn't fuck up like the Gamecube did with its lack of good third party games

Actually the cube did pretty decent, and the Wii is about as likely to fuck up as Bush growing a brain, so don't worry, Nintendo is doing a whole lot of things right with the Wii, a whole lot more than the PS3 or the XB360.

07-06-2006, 02:02 PM
I hope the Wii doesn't fuck up like the Gamecube did with its lack of good third party games

Well lets hope that the dirt cheap dev-kit ($2000) can add to the possibility of not only more third party devs but also some independent devs.

07-06-2006, 06:52 PM
Tbh, I haven't been as excited about the impending release of a console, more then have this one.

Ditto. As for third-party support, I do believe there will be a Squeenix game at launch...unless things have changed, of course.