02-25-2002, 06:26 PM
well, it took me long enough. . .here a poem titled. ..

I Love You

i wet my lips
wait for your kiss
-the distance kills me

I Love You

your all i think of
all i dream
-it could never change

you are my hope
the only truth
-i live for you

my heart is yours
my soul too
-i live for you

my life has finally gone right
my days are now bright
-all because of you

I Love You

you are the only substenance i need
the only thing i couldn't go a day without
-you fill me

i feel complete
you make me whole
-i don't feel alone

it doesn't scare me anymore
i feel i can take on the world
-if your by my side

i crave your touch
your voice, an angel's song
-i yearn to hear it

I Love You

i found my dream
my angel love
-i've found you

i wish to hear you breathe
watch your peaceful sleep
-the distance truly kills me

i had wondered if this was love
then you said three words
-i had no doubt

if i quiver now
at the thought of your touch
-imagine when we're finally together

I Love You

i can't imagine a day without you
i don't understand hot i lasted this long
-you complete me

i'm finally able to write
still no words can do
-still it's all i think

I Love You

02-25-2002, 07:17 PM
Thats a great love poem. One of the best of that kind I ever read. Keep up the awsome work!:)

02-25-2002, 09:10 PM
Wow Deus... never knew ya had so much poetic talent... :) Very heartfelt... ^_______^ Frog thumbs up.

02-25-2002, 09:37 PM
Wow... truly beautiful work Deus.. didn't know you had it in you.. ^___^. A very, very nice poem...heartfelt and moving. I want to see more!! ;)

02-25-2002, 10:08 PM
*wipes away a tear* I love touching poems.. It's also beautifully written. Great work!

Fatal Divide
02-26-2002, 08:08 AM
Nice poem, Bro. Keep up the great work, I always enjoy reading your work.

03-05-2002, 06:14 PM
So I finally add a few more to my lil' ole poetry corner, enjoy what you can, and live for what there is, never question, never doubt, just believe, or in other words, have fun ya'll

Another Dawn, Another Dusk </center>

I lay and listen
To the beating of my heart
As the sun rises on a new day
Painting the sky

Colors abound
The grace of God with a brush
A beautiful blue canvas
Riddled with whispy whit

A generation to early
A life to late
Nothing could be sweeter
Than a lovers embrace

As the celestial heart
Races across the sky
The days cannot pass swiftly enough
I need your touch

I lay and listen
To the rythm of my breathe
As the moon smiles on the night
Bringing her children forth

Hope abound
The twinkling of twilight
Watching over all
As Angels near our hearts

Tears rise to my eyes
For the broken heart
Bleeds from them
The pain of missing you

And as I pass out
Exhaustion taking control
I think of you
And our dawn

Funny word Life is
There is nothing else
No other word in any language
Past - Present - Future
That amounts to as many meanings
As many emotions
as Life

Life is Love and War
Hate - Joy - Pain - War
So much more
Yet so much less
It is a simple complexity
Turning on a whim
Life is Life

Life can be Hell
In the same moment ecstacy
It can be what you make it
Or what you don't
You can let it pass you by
Or grab it by the horns
So is Life

It is ever changing - Life is
Ever growing - Exolxing
From Dawn to Dusk
Through out the night
But one thing I know
It is about Love
Life is Glorious
. . .Crushed Me. . .</center>

You like Pain
You like to Hurt
Leave me battered and bruised
Without leaving a mark

You know I'm weak
A fool who cares
Selfless, Sacraficing
All, all you wanted you took

Tease me with a touch
Drive me mad with a look
I was in the palm of your hand
You smashed me, crushed me

I was left for dead
I was dead inside
My eyes were hollow
My soul frozen

I'd take my life
But I'm afraid
I'd take yours
But you crushed me. . .

You Walked In

I was on the verge of death
I had fallen
My soul gone hollow

The last star of hope
Twinkling in the night sky
Dimly burning out

There was no magic
All desire gone
My words were weak and frail

My hands trembled from fatigue
I had given up on life
Nothing could have saved me

There was no eternity
Only the Hell I lived
I was nothing

Then you walked in

Found life where there was none
Kindled it and lifted me
Filling void with love

That last star of hope
Became an eternal Super nova
Blinding all who dare see

You are magic
My one desire
My words are now strong and soft

My hands still tremble, but with love
You�re my reason for living
You saved me

Seconds without you are eternities
Hell is when I can�t speak to you
You are everything

You walked in

03-06-2002, 06:44 AM
Very heartfelt and touching pieces Deus... :) Keep up the good works.

03-13-2002, 03:39 AM
Testing my Faith

What more do you want from me life?


You've cut me, bled me dry
You've torn me, left me hollow

All this before I could even talk

It's been one long trial
Uncountable tests set before me

And I've never faultered
Never given up

When will you realize that?

As long as I have a speck of spirit
I will fight you

I will over come anything you throw at me

But killing me isn't enough

you have to get others involved

I'm not going to fall before you
I stand in defiance to your will

You hear me life
I am not going to faulter

I will stand, fight

Drained as I might be
Pained as I might be
As much pain as I might be in

You havn't won
You never will

I will go survive
I always have

So whatever you want to throw at me

Bring it

I tire of the wait

Kill me now, and win it all

Or do you enjoy testing my faith?

I've never lost it
Test all you want

I may fall down
But I never stop getting back up

03-13-2002, 03:42 AM
A very touching piece Deus... very moving and emotional... I feel the anguish behind it, a very strong work... keep it up. ^^.

03-13-2002, 04:21 AM
Kick it's ass, and tear it up!

Fatal Divide
03-13-2002, 08:45 PM
Wow, these are some amazing poems Bro. I look forward to more of your great work in the future. Keep going Bro.

03-15-2002, 06:40 AM
i'm gonna drop some old stuff, really havn't been in the mood to write anything new. . .

this first one is one i'd like to hear at my funeral, it's about life, it's really about death, passing away, sad, but true. . .
Cry not

Cry not child for this is sweet
Cry not parent for this is life
Cry not brother for we all must leave
Cry not sister for we all must carry on
Cry not lover for we all must part
Cry not friend for all must end

As we stand here
So much unknown
So much untold
We take the first steps

As we walk here
We begin to learn
We begin to experience
We take the first strides of a run

As we run here
So much passes by
So much done and missed
We take the first slows of the jog

As we jog here
We begin to understand
We begin to grow wise
We take the first steps of the last walk

As we walk here
So mush disappears
So much done
We take the first wink of the last sleep

Cry not child for this is sweet
Cry not parent for this is life
Cry not brother for we all must leave
Cry not sister for we all must carry on
Cry not lover for we all must part
Cry not friend for all must end
this next one. . .hmmm, a rather psychotic lil' diddy i wrote just to be silly i suppose, it's funny, side not though, Cherio should not be pronounced like the cereal or the english word, but like Cherry-o, also, is best song off key when your really really tired or goofy

Ho Hum Cherio

Ho Hum here we com
Riding over hill and dale
Ho Hum here we come
Flying swiftly through the air

Chery Cherio I can see the sun jerry
Riding high in the sky jerry high
Chery Cherio I can see the sun
Flying gently through the sky without a nigh or kigh

Dipper Dapple I smell apples
Riding through the orchards not having a carey care
Dipper Dapple I smell apples
Flying low through the trees sniffles in the air

Ho Hum Cherry Dapple Dipper Cherio!

03-15-2002, 07:21 AM
It is good to see someone talented with positive poetry ^__^ Very lovely works, Deus!

03-15-2002, 04:03 PM
Thats alot of great poetry. Very well done. I'd like to see some more soon.

05-23-2002, 01:03 AM
it's short, but the muse descended and I was sittin' here soooooooooo. . . .
I've seen the fires of the Northern lights in the eyes of those who claim to care

I've seen the rains fall from the eyes of those who would keep you there

I've seen the clouds roll by from their minds as they realze how special you truly are

Leave it as you've found my Dear
Only live for what is
Slam the night
Meet the foes
Drive away the shadows in my soul

I've seen the leaves shake in the autumn twilight like stars in the southern glide

I've seen sun shine pouring from the heavens above to bathe the world in a glow of love

I've seen the moon beams bring the lunacy of tides and mortal thought

My tears fade away into dry river beds
One of a million things you do
Turning dusk to dawns
Fear to hop
Life, living, thats all I have, that and you

Fatal Divide
05-23-2002, 07:11 AM
That's an incredible poem Bro! It's very well written and the lay out is interesting and effective. Glad to see you writing more poetry again, as I enjoy reading any work by you. Keep it up Bro!

05-23-2002, 03:41 PM
Took you long enough Immortale. :D A wonderful piece. Really. I like it. The phrazing was just right and the rythum was amazing. Keep it up Deusy.

Allen Schezar
05-23-2002, 03:50 PM
Bra that was kick ass.

09-13-2002, 07:04 AM
Another Life - Another Place

I never asked for an ending like this
I never asked for the tale to end this way
I never asked God in Heaven to tare my soul out
and I never asked the only question the hung at my lips

I can't turn back the hands of time
I can't ask fate to ever be kind
I can't tell you everything is dead
and I can't tell you I still feel the same

I do not control what my heart dictates
I do not control what yours calls to you
I do not now what brought it all to this
and I do not wish to take any of it back

I could have seen it coming
I could have fought every bit of it
I could have cried the tears that filled my eyes
and I could have to Heaven from the skies

I never told you I expected this out come
I can't ask your forgiveness
I do not forgive myself
and I could never say Goodbye, only Goodnight

Til the Next Dream that Comes; Another Life - Another Place

Never can a man change how his heart fills, never will he choose his path entirely. He only does what his heart and mind tells him. I've found something I'm never letting go unless I'm let go of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .again. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Allen Schezar
09-13-2002, 06:46 PM
Yes, yes so deep yet so great a poem. You are still the man bra keep them coming like this.

FD Return
09-13-2002, 08:55 PM
Say whatever you want Bro, in my opinion you're still one of the greatest writer's and poets to bless this website. Seriously, every poem is awesome, a true work of art. The emotions you portray, each expertly written in a style unique and incredible. You're writing talents will serve you well, now and in the future, I'm sure of it. Keep it going Bro! The Shrine needs you!