Rabid Monkey
02-25-2002, 04:59 PM
Having trouble deciding which one to post first cause I can't remember which ones I already have posted to revive no replies, but I guess I'll start off with one of my older ones that I when I was either a Sophomore or Freshman in High School...don't remember exactly...

A few Simple Thoughts

Every man started off as a child
As a child every man learned to grow
To grow first from within themselves
From within themselves change the world

Time has taken its toll on every one of us
Every one of us have taken our toll on others
On others we have relied for help and trust
Help and trust have come when least expected

We have learned to change the world around us
The world around us has made us who we are
Who we are depends on where we�ve been
We�ve been where we were brought

Things can change and remain untouched
Remain untouched and remain alone
Remain alone and stay unchanged
Stay unchanged and live untouched

Live life happily and you won�t die in vain
Die in vain because of unfinished business
Unfinished business can ruin your life
Ruin your life by striving too hard

Common sense is very rare indeed
Very rare indeed is a man that can see the truth
The truth is what was once seen by every man
Every man started off as a child

Not really the greatest in my opinion, but oh well...

02-25-2002, 10:16 PM
there is a lot of meaning behind how you've tied in everything to restore it back to its simple beginnings... very well thought out, good job, RM.

Rabid Monkey
02-27-2002, 04:47 PM
An untitled one I think I posted before...

Twisting and turning nearly burring
At the thoughts within your head
Falling and crawling every day
Till the one at which you�re dead

Seeing life for what it is
A world full of lies
Seeing yourself for what you�re worth
Less than a battered dime

Steeling then reeling
From a new curse you now bare
Then hiding away from life�s rebellion
And its ever blinding glare

Never knowing or ever showing
How you really feel
Always preparing but never caring
For the day of your last meal

Realizing what is materializing
Out of all that you have done
Through trying and striving all this time
You have lost all hope for love

02-27-2002, 09:41 PM
Those are nice. Well done, as they sound great. Both were better than what I can write. Keep them up!:)

Rabid Monkey
02-28-2002, 06:25 AM
Life�s Greatest Lesson

Corruption has claimed my soul
Destitution ensnared my mind
While the light within me weakens
And the darkness makes me blind

I no longer have feelings of hope
For my emotions have gone numb
And it is not by a mere coincidence
That my fated hour has come

Though it is not a question of life
Nor the possibility of sudden death
There is still the lingering suspicion
That I may soon breathe my last breath

For I am trapped within myself
Encased in a tomb of hate
Shackled by my surroundings
And left dangling in a decrepit state

For every hit my mind has taken
My body has been made all the worse
The mere feeling of blood flowing through my veins
Has become my daily curse

Because it reminds me that I live
And that I must continue along my weary path
To a place where I may finally rest
And be done with the wrath of the past

When I find this place
Where my river of life runs clean
Where the forest sprouts of truth
And the light within is redeemed

When I look to my past and see
That I have passed all my trials
Turned my hate into my joy
And made peace with all my rivals

Turned the tide of time in my favor
And bent the hand of fate to my will
Lived the life I was born to lead
And from the cornucopia had my fill

Then I will know the struggle was worth it
And the trials all the same
For you cannot know true pleasure
Unless you have know the truest pain

Rabid Monkey
03-23-2002, 07:14 AM
Yes, I'm double posting...but seen as this is on the second page and we aren't supposed to make another topic for our pomes I figured it was all right. However, I don't know why I'm even bothering posting this cause my stuff tends to get ignored, but oh well...

Anyway, the reason I'm posting this poem is because I just wrote it and thought it was decent. I'm not going to post the title because, well its named after someone I know and I would rather not go posting her name on the internet...anyway, here it is...

You�re all I think about
I don�t know why
But because of you I lay down at night
And try to fall asleep as I cry

I cry because I swear I love you
But that is something you can never know
You don�t want me in your life
But you still want me to be alone

Because every single time
I show mere interest in someone else
You scold me with a confused heart
When you should really snipe at yourself

For you insist that we are merely friends
But you restrict me to simply you
So let me ask the question
What am I to do?

Because I try to do what you wish
While putting what I want to the side
I could never love anyone else regardless
But my feelings for you I must hide

However, every time I see you
I just want to hold you close
And kiss you softly just once
And know we are no longer alone

To feel the sweetness of your smile
While you and I embrace
And hear the beauty of your voice
While I am blessed with your grace

But when I look into those eyes
That I have grown to hold so dear
I soon realize the fact
That I will never hold you near

For when I look into the deep blue sea
That others would call your eyes
I am saddened in every meaning of the word
While I begin to fall apart inside

Because in those eyes that shine
Like the sun in the blue sky
I have come to see the truth of life
That I�m alone till I die

After you I can love no other
And before you I never really had
Though there was one person before you
I knew it would not last

Every time I�m near you
My heart begins to sore
And every time we touch
I love you all the more

But you want nothing to do with me
As more than mere friends
So in my feelings I have for you
Is where my hope for happiness ends

Well, there ya have it... *waits patently for this thread to fall to the bottom of the page again*

Anima Relic
03-23-2002, 07:18 AM
I feel all that man! Great great great emotion! excellence.

03-23-2002, 02:37 PM
Yea thats really good. Nice work. Hope that you make some more soon.:)

Rabid Monkey
04-07-2002, 06:43 AM
Here's one I just wrote...

The World Today

The shattered mind of a battered soul
The body that harbors them both
The twisted temper from tattered times
Spread wide from what is known
Sanity shackled and stored deep within
The chaos of a changing world
Happiness slowly ebbing away
And under sadness to be ruled
Rearranging but always remaining
Crippled dreams long since past
That control in full a blade made dull
By time that moves to fast
Leaving to die, and in death hide
The truth of a tainted path
By those taunted and tamed
By truth's burning wrath
The loss of self in selflessness
And the pain of pleasure in plentifully plight
Of ego and id and morals without ethics
Of all that is wrong being deemed right

04-11-2002, 12:42 AM
Yes, do not tell yourself that these are being ignored, for they aren't. It's kind of funny, I always judged you as a funny guy, but through your poems and duty as a mod, I suppose everyone has to be mature some time in their life, hm? Keep it up, yesh? :)