Valerie Valens
07-04-2006, 02:25 PM
Okay, for the sake of garnering interesting anecdotes, I am excluding CRPGS from this thread. This thread is for those who've been in tabletop/pen & paper RP sessions with friends, either IRL or over IRC.

The question is, have your party ever been in a very close call? Have you ever been in a situation where your party is saved from certain doom by a lucky saving roll? If so, share them here.

Also, what is the most stupid move you yourself or a party member have done that you bore witness to? Share them here, I'm sure you've dealt with crazy idiots who tried meleeing a dragon without any back up.

I've witnessed one dumb move in which a Bard tried to melee a dragon, he promptly was impaled by the dragon's claw. XD The funny part is that although he's new to d20 DnD, he acts as if he knows everything about it. So that was an important lesson to him to never melee a dragon unless you use the Spring Attack feat AND have at least 2 strength-oriented characters to back you up.

07-04-2006, 02:46 PM
Heh. As long as I've spent playing AD&D, I have a lot of neat gaming stories to tell. I still play occasionally with a group we've had together for years, all top-notch players.

I DM about half the time, so most of my stories are of people screwing up my plans by doing outlandish thngs I never could have predicted. Case in point, I tossed an homage to Discworld into one game: the man-eating trunk. In the game's context, it was usually just a storage device that followed one of the party members wherever he went. However, it could be used to swallow weaker enemies and simply spit out their loot, provided it made a couple of successful grapple checks.

Now the game that was involved in had 14 custom-designed bosses with abilities made up off the top of my head. Each and every one of them was a certifiable badass that would eat most parties for breakfast. I have to make them that nasty just so they'll have a chance. One of the last four was initiating combat with the party when "Chest" had his big moment. The crazy bastard who owned the thing told it to eat the boss. Now of course, that was meant to be nothing more than a distraction tactic. Alas, I made the mistake of making my rolls public at that moment. Chest rolled a nat 20 (we usually use critical successes/failures on all rolls). The boss botched his reflex roll, then failed to beat the grapple. Chest rolled another nat 20 to eat him. The boss botched again. I even gave him an extra roll to try and escape, but it was yet another natural 1. All I could do was throw my hands up and accept it.

The worst part is that the boss in question might have savagely raped them if they had tried to take him. He was a type of assassin with some really powerful abilities, including a huge critical threat range and a 20x sneak attack, in addition to his beefed-up acrobatic abilities that would let him use a tumble check instead of a regular move action to slip behind someone, regardless of orientation.