07-02-2006, 12:23 PM

Originals for the cover songs used in the game (all 15!) ^^~~~!

09-07-2006, 02:29 PM
How to download?

not success.

09-08-2006, 12:06 PM
Click on the download link at the bottom~ Sendspace is busy at certain times, so it may take multiple attempts before it works.

12-05-2006, 06:07 AM
thank you very much! Ive had a very hard time getting all these. :)

01-14-2007, 07:46 PM
Yetah! finally if found the Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! soundtrack. Good job megsl83.

01-14-2007, 08:01 PM
thank you!! Elite Beat Agents OST was rather... meh. So thanks for uploading the true OST.

01-18-2007, 07:37 AM
Awesome, I've been looking for this for awhile. Most of the torrents were dead.

Thanks again~!

01-22-2007, 05:19 PM
thank you!! Elite Beat Agents OST was rather... meh. So thanks for uploading the true OST.
Elite Beat Agents is a totally new game, so this is not the "true" OST to EBA, EBA is more of a sequel. :P

But anyway, thank you for this!

02-03-2007, 06:37 AM
EBA is hardly a sequel. It's just the westernized version of Ouendan. They're practically the same game just with different artwork and songs (and voice actors for that matter). Other then that they're completely unrelated. EBA could never be compared to Ouendan since Ouendan is 100000x better. (Note: I have both and have defeated both 100% so i know what I'm on about XD)

Speaking of Ouendan, there's been a lot of unusual games coming out of Japan lately don't you reckon? Maybe they finally realized that those games appealed to the western market too? A great example would be Phoenix Wright. There's been three of them on the game boy which were never released outside Japan and now all of a sudden they're re-releasing them on DS with another DS exclusive Phoenix Wright coming out with them, and they're apparently selling REALLY well. I'm just happy they finally realised these games appeal to the western market as well because I've had more fun playing these games then pretty much any other game I own.

By the way, i forgot to say; Thanks for the songs, been looking for them for ages.

02-03-2007, 09:03 AM
more importantly, does this have the menu music, which i personally think is the best music in the game

02-03-2007, 02:50 PM
No, this does not have the menu music. This only has the originals of the 15 songs chosen and covered by other singers in the game. There is a gamerip floating around which has the menu music as well as the actual covers from the game. If I had the time I'd upload it, but atm I don't so all I'll say is check GFF if you're looking for it.

02-03-2007, 10:00 PM
Thank you for hosting it. I can't wait to try it out!

02-04-2007, 05:23 PM
No, this does not have the menu music. This only has the originals of the 15 songs chosen and covered by other singers in the game. There is a gamerip floating around which has the menu music as well as the actual covers from the game. If I had the time I'd upload it, but atm I don't so all I'll say is check GFF if you're looking for it.

Oh ok, thanks for letting me know. I'll look around for it.

02-11-2007, 04:34 PM
EBA is hardly a sequel. It's just the westernized version of Ouendan. They're practically the same game just with different artwork and songs (and voice actors for that matter). Other then that they're completely unrelated. EBA could never be compared to Ouendan since Ouendan is 100000x better. (Note: I have both and have defeated both 100% so i know what I'm on about XD)

That's funny, because I've also got both games and I love EBA. Perhaps it's just that I'm not some kind of western-music-hating weeaboo, or maybe I'm just an old lady, but I think the new stories are fun and I am fond of a large number of the songs (I never thought I'd see a Stray Cats song in a video game, ever, although I REALLY could have done without Avril). I think it's fair to call if a "sequel" since the characters are different, the songs are different, and the amusingly retarded scenario stories are different, but the gameplay and concept are the same. Of course they're related. (Especially since the original artist also did all the new designs and art.) And if you dare say the music is just plain better (er, quality of covers aside), I'll really have to ask you if you listen with equal fervor to Western boybands, top 40 rock, and pop idols, since that is what represents a large chunk of the Ouendan OST.

I don't know why people have to bash EBA in order to say they like Ouendan. Can't you like both? :(

To the OP, thank you for posting these hard-to-find tracks! :D

02-12-2007, 04:59 AM
I know the same person made each of them (i thought that went without saying), but i mean as in the ACTUAL game, they're completely unrelated (Other than they play exactly the same lol). They take place in completely different countries and there's no time difference at all, so either of them could take place after the other. Therefore neither of them are sequels or prequels.

I don't particularly care if I'm listening to the eastern equivalent of the western boy bands, it sounds better than western boy bands anyway. Nor do i care if it's j-pop or j-rock. I just like the sound of it better, also the fact that i don't understand many of the lyrics might help since the song might seem stupid if i understood everything they were on about.

02-15-2007, 07:20 PM
I know the same person made each of them (i thought that went without saying), but i mean as in the ACTUAL game, they're completely unrelated (Other than they play exactly the same lol). They take place in completely different countries and there's no time difference at all, so either of them could take place after the other. Therefore neither of them are sequels or prequels.

I don't particularly care if I'm listening to the eastern equivalent of the western boy bands, it sounds better than western boy bands anyway. Nor do i care if it's j-pop or j-rock. I just like the sound of it better, also the fact that i don't understand many of the lyrics might help since the song might seem stupid if i understood everything they were on about.

I completely agree with the not understanding the lyrics part, Actually some songs that i used to love lost some of their meaning after learning the lyrics. "LAST DINOSAUR" by the pillows comes to mind here. Its still an awesome song but i see it completely different now. Anyways thanks for puttin this up. Tired of tryin to get this stuff from Japanese itunes, lol.

02-18-2007, 01:24 AM
I didn't say it was a direct sequel. It's a sequel in spirit, i.e. they made Ouendan, wanted to make a game to appeal to the Western market, made EBA. I own and love both, and no, they're not related except for the fact that they have the exact same gameplay, EBA has some stories that are "Western" versions of Ouendan stories... etc. The salaryman and the washed-up baseball player? The family who lost their father and the man who wants to see his girlfriend again? I would hardly say that EBA is so inferior when they used the same ideas. But thanks for picking apart my post. I was just saying EBA isn't a port of Ouendan with new music, as someone seemed to think it was.

02-21-2007, 09:35 AM
I didn't say it was a direct sequel. It's a sequel in spirit, i.e. they made Ouendan, wanted to make a game to appeal to the Western market, made EBA. I own and love both, and no, they're not related except for the fact that they have the exact same gameplay, EBA has some stories that are "Western" versions of Ouendan stories... etc. The salaryman and the washed-up baseball player? The family who lost their father and the man who wants to see his girlfriend again? I would hardly say that EBA is so inferior when they used the same ideas. But thanks for picking apart my post. I was just saying EBA isn't a port of Ouendan with new music, as someone seemed to think it was.

I'm also not saying EBA is 'inferior'. I just think Ouendan is better. Like i said before, I like both. And I don't particularly care if it has similar stories. It's not the stories that make the game is it? Sure they add to it, but I could easily play Ouendan without the story lines. And like I said before, neither of them are sequels. It doesn't matter if one was made after the other.

Noun: sequel
1. A part added to a book or play that continues and extends it
2. Something that follows something else

I got that from a dictionary. It's not a sequel in spirit either. Them seeing that Ouendan sold well and made a version for western audiences does not make it a sequel or a sequel in spirit. They are completely unrelated, story wise. They or not continuations of each other, therefore not sequels. They're pretty much just two versions of the same game. One based in America, one based in Japan. One with western music, one with Japanese music. It's obvious neither of them are sequels and each person is entitled to their own opinion on which is better.

02-21-2007, 10:18 AM
Thanks for sharing
I know those song are from NDS Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan
But I did not play yet
So I want to listen the muisc from NDS
today i found this OST
Thanks again !!!!

06-09-2007, 03:33 PM
gotta ask sumthing: is moero! nekketsu rhythm damashii osu! tatakae ouendan 2 better than osu! tatakae ouendan???

09-16-2007, 12:08 AM
gotta ask sumthing: is moero! nekketsu rhythm damashii osu! tatakae ouendan 2 better than osu! tatakae ouendan???


09-19-2007, 05:48 PM
oendan 2 is INFERIOR to oendan 1 and EBA.
the songs fail horribly.

09-20-2007, 12:10 AM
Finally I've found it! Thank you so much. I really like all the songs they have in there. :)

11-20-2007, 12:01 AM
Nmm.. the link don't work......

03-28-2008, 09:35 PM
oendan 2 is INFERIOR to oendan 1 and EBA.
the songs fail horribly.

Zoku and Samurai Blue are brilliant :P
However, Over The Distance is quite brilliant ;)

But EBA's songs fail. No question.

03-31-2008, 03:21 PM
I totally agree with Warmijwilf!