02-25-2002, 03:10 AM
I think that it should be a lot longer. Some of the storylines could be better. Bigger, Longer, and better fmv's. I also think the characters and voices could be improved just a little with updated graphics and voices that fit the characters perfectly. Well i also think that they shouldn't make Final Fantasy XI on the internet. They should also make versions for each. I also think that they need to make more then up to Final Fantasy XII. It would be cool and stuff. Please post and don't delete.

02-25-2002, 03:15 AM
It needs better mini games that would add more time to the game if they had good mini games

02-25-2002, 03:31 PM
Maybe not as much random battles

02-25-2002, 04:29 PM
1.Much longer

2.Many side quest and secret.

3.Many limit(Tidus has only four overdrive not like Cloud )

4.Put some tournament event like in Star Ocean 2 and face it with their rival.

I think that's all......Also, how about making two ending depending on how we play it.....one for good ending, the other for bad ending.;)

02-25-2002, 07:40 PM
The games don't really need to be longer. Have you ever played a game that takes 200 hours to beat? Sometimes too long can take away from the game. 50-75 hours is plenty.

I think they need to make FF harder, not longer. Make bosses and enemy's and leveling up harder, and make the last boss a awsome challenge for once. Then you don't really need the game to be long.

Bahamut ZERO
02-25-2002, 09:20 PM
One thing which could improve the game is if the A.I of the enemies was a little better. It would make things much more interesting if the enemy worked on your weakest character and tried to kill them off first. Boss characters could change their attack patterns dependent on how you are equipped. If their main attack is healing your characters instead of damaging them, have the boss not use the attack (after all, if your bolt spell heals the enemy, would you keep on using it?)

The storylines can be a little tricky to follow, but it's a fantasy game, that's how it's meant to be. In fact, if Square want to borrow one of my convoluted plots, they're more than welcome to it. ;) FF XI could be a mega hit with the online aspect, as your enemy will be trickier to battle.

02-25-2002, 11:08 PM
i) bring back the gold saucer (not really, but sumpin similar)

ii) bring back a materia-like system, but make it impossible to make god-like characters.

iii) harder and if possible, longer.

02-26-2002, 05:51 AM

02-26-2002, 08:39 AM
More sidequests, that aren't as boring and useless as some quests in FF8 (like the vase quest in Winhill *Yawn*)

02-27-2002, 12:05 AM
Less importantance in Mini games. I know people love blitz ball and those other games, but some of us don't like that stuff. We shouldn't be punished for not likeing these games, therefore they shouldn't require them for the ultimate weapons in a game.

No Random battles. Chrono Cross I thought had the best leveling system out of any game ever made. Nothing more annoying when your trying to find something then having to go into a random battle all the time. Yes I know most of them have items you can get that allow you to get rid of them, but usually they are difficult to find.

All party members get exp at end of battle. Chrono Cross is the only game I know of that does this. But it is a nice feature. I think alot of people get chairactors they just don't like in ff games, therefore they don't spend much time leveling that chairactor up. Well then POP you get to a situation where it is that 1 chairactor against something and you have troubles since he/she is a weakling. Final Fantasy 9 I seem to remember having problems with this.

Those are the only 3 things that I dislike about the ff series. It won't keep me from buying them though (well except for ff 11 since it isn't a TRUE ff game)

03-28-2004, 09:09 PM
when cloud is out of battle his arms look screwed up they should remake it so he looks better

03-28-2004, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
One thing which could improve the game is if the A.I of the enemies was a little better. It would make things much more interesting if the enemy worked on your weakest character and tried to kill them off first. Boss characters could change their attack patterns dependent on how you are equipped. If their main attack is healing your characters instead of damaging them, have the boss not use the attack (after all, if your bolt spell heals the enemy, would you keep on using it?)

I think this would be the most logical "next-step" in Final Fantasy and any game in general. It's just that it would take a lot more programming than usual, and would take longer and generally more programming code. I can see that happening in the future, though.

Especially when a new, more powerful, system comes out, better AI becomes more of a reality. After all, how much improvements can be made to graphics and gameplay? It now takes a lot more work to make less graphical improvements than before. It would make sense to make AI a focus on future games/consoles.