06-30-2006, 01:57 AM
God, i am so excited to find these forums, i am a HUGE Final fantasy fan, i started playing when 8 came out and am completetly addicted. if Final Fantasy was a drug id be hooked up to an IV.

God I cant wait for the next installment in the series, although i feel the weak point of Final Fantasy 12, is it hasnt really been shown off or anything much, its all about next gen final fantasy and such which is think weakens ff12's standing. i think ff12 might be a flop, not like x-2 but the whole active system like ff11 will kind of be, not FF style. i always liked the random battles, its how ff has always been.

i just found out today about ff13, and am wondering why two versions? a regular and a versus version? yeah i think ff13 is going to shadow ff12, but who knows.

06-30-2006, 02:08 AM
I personally think 12 looks rather neato ~

and there will be five XIII games. they're not set in the same world and don't have the same characters. who the hell knows what SE's thinking ~

matt damon
06-30-2006, 02:15 AM
and there might be movies

06-30-2006, 04:02 AM
i just found out today about ff13, and am wondering why two versions? a regular and a versus version? yeah i think ff13 is going to shadow ff12, but who knows.

There's no way it'll over-shadow XII. By the time XIII comes out, XII will already be a classic.

06-30-2006, 04:13 AM
you have to know where to look for the news to get all the hype. i totally missed out on FF11 (though i heard i didn't miss alot - best co-op stuff i hear though) due to playing Lineage 2.

FF12 from what i'm seeing looks real nice. i wonder if it'll be similar to tactics.. i didn't look up on this one alot

FF13 sounds really weird at the moment. like i think a couple of them are ONLY gonna be available for cellphones (and yes, you must pay to play). but they did some huge things already, like for E3. but not alot of details were released.. though there are rumours of the main characters name.

06-30-2006, 04:21 AM
you have to know where to look for the news to get all the hype. i totally missed out on FF11 (though i heard i didn't miss alot - best co-op stuff i hear though) due to playing Lineage 2.

FF12 from what i'm seeing looks real nice. i wonder if it'll be similar to tactics.. i didn't look up on this one alot

FF13 sounds really weird at the moment. like i think a couple of them are ONLY gonna be available for cellphones (and yes, you must pay to play). but they did some huge things already, like for E3. but not alot of details were released.. though there are rumours of the main characters name.

FF11 is great when you have the money in your checking account each month to play it, when you're finaly out of the slump of growing your character and when you're playing in a party. But you have to invest time.

FF12 demo was fun and at times the music and style reminded me of tactics, tactics being one of my all-time fav games.

FF13... I'm not going to say much untill I learn more about it. I was kinda hoping they would go to more of a style/time period between FFV and FFVI. If I won the lotto, I would definitly give square $10,000,000 for them to remake FFVI for PS3, (assuming I won $100,000,000)

matt damon
06-30-2006, 04:41 AM
i think 13 will be amazing, as will 12. but with 12, my interest just recently got rekindled. they made me wait too long, so i was like, "eh, whatever" but then i read an article about it and about the judges and i was like, "THIS GAME'S GONNA BE AWESOME!!!!" i'm gonna buy it on the first day.

if i won the lotto, i'd give square to remake 8 (maybe 9) or make a sequel to 8 and maybe a prequel to X

06-30-2006, 04:47 AM
lotto's jackpot June 29: 8.0 mil.. i would be hesitant.. hesitant to RETIRE~!

but i agree with the making us wait so long part.

06-30-2006, 06:15 AM
God, i am so excited to find these forums, i am a HUGE Final fantasy fan, i started playing when 8 came out and am completetly addicted. if Final Fantasy was a drug id be hooked up to an IV.

God I cant wait for the next installment in the series, although i feel the weak point of Final Fantasy 12, is it hasnt really been shown off or anything much, its all about next gen final fantasy and such which is think weakens ff12's standing. i think ff12 might be a flop, not like x-2 but the whole active system like ff11 will kind of be, not FF style. i always liked the random battles, its how ff has always been.

i just found out today about ff13, and am wondering why two versions? a regular and a versus version? yeah i think ff13 is going to shadow ff12, but who knows.

08-04-2006, 05:21 PM
I bet Square Enix know that everyone loves Final Fantasy at the moment, so having that many they know people will buy at least two = double profit ^^.

08-08-2006, 09:42 AM
I personally think 12 looks rather neato ~

and there will be five XIII games. they're not set in the same world and don't have the same characters. who the hell knows what SE's thinking ~

i read that there is only going to be three XIII games one for the mobile(i think) and two for the ps3

08-08-2006, 09:17 PM
only three have been announced, but they've talked about the likelyhood of more.

08-08-2006, 09:32 PM
so that means that they wont be as good as they will focus on the seperate games and not do then one at a time

08-10-2006, 04:25 PM
no they are doing one at a time since it is a different team doing each one

08-10-2006, 09:03 PM
its the next stages of the FFVII compilation that get me going the most, another 10 years of it??