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06-29-2006, 01:49 PM
he is not so cool like others say...

06-29-2006, 01:52 PM
he is not so cool like others say...

quina is cooler...

as cool as ice...

although he/she not in ffvii...

06-29-2006, 01:58 PM
He's cool because people like him. Woohoo. His sword is big and his dressed in black with silver hair.

Why wouldn't ya like 'im?

Meet the Jim
06-29-2006, 02:15 PM
Sephiroth is a legend one of my favorite characters.

06-29-2006, 02:26 PM
Maester Seymour, ftw!

Captain Sephy makes me want to play Maple Story instead of Warcraft, therefore, I don't like him because I hate Maple Story.

06-29-2006, 02:39 PM
He's cool because people like him. Woohoo. His sword is big and his dressed in black with silver hair.

Why wouldn't ya like 'im?

You're really trying hard to make sure that no one can take you seriously about anything, aren't you?

06-29-2006, 02:42 PM
Everyone likes Sephiroth because he is supposed to be like this huge godly villian. Totally unstoppable, uncontrollable, and highly powerful.

Although I think he kind of sucks...

but then again, he does have that huge sword.


06-29-2006, 02:45 PM
If I had a huge sword, I would be SUMA.
Probabaly poke people too but I'm going for the long gray hair and huge sword look. It's what's fab today, zomg! Didn't you guys get Glamour or Seventeen this month!

Dirge of Cerberus
06-29-2006, 03:04 PM
People like Sephiroth because he is cool, has a big sword, and he owns.

06-29-2006, 03:09 PM
Oh look. Another silly fanboy. What a shock.

06-29-2006, 03:11 PM
Oh look. Another cool fanboy. What a shock.

06-29-2006, 03:12 PM
Oh shit! Break out the confetti! Fanboy, awww I was going to put my favorite "ftw" but fanboys suck. Poo.

06-29-2006, 03:15 PM
Well, although i loved Sephiroth when i first played the game my taste in characters has changed somewhat since then.

Also, The G-Man ftw!

fastidious percolator
06-29-2006, 03:29 PM
']Everyone likes Sephiroth because he is supposed to be like this huge godly villian. Totally unstoppable, uncontrollable, and highly powerful.

King of Kings
06-29-2006, 05:47 PM
In every story eventually the good guys always win. Every T.V show every game. Everything. Yes people wanted to beat Final Fantasy VII. However, deep down even though they wanted to win most people saw Sephiroth as the acception to the "good guys must win" rule. People wanted him to be on top of it all. To rule everything. There's just something about him. And everyone likes it. He's not the villian everyone loves to hate. On the contrary he's the villian evryone loves to love. He's just amazing.

06-29-2006, 05:50 PM
Don't you just love it when people speak for everyone else based on nothing more than the assumption that everyone else shares their point of view?

hb smokey
06-29-2006, 05:53 PM
In every story eventually the good guys always win. Every T.V show every game. Everything. Yes people wanted to beat Final Fantasy VII. However, deep down even though they wanted to win most people saw Sephiroth as the acception to the "good guys must win" rule. People wanted him to be on top of it all. To rule everything. There's just something about him. And everyone likes it. He's not the villian everyone loves to hate. On the contrary he's the villian evryone loves to love. He's just amazing.
There have been very few 'villians' which I have loved as a villian, and one of the more recent ones is Seymour. Not some whiny ass bitch who has to hide in a crater and manipulate another whiny bitch to do his dirty work for him.

06-29-2006, 07:47 PM
I like quite a few of the FF villains. Sephy most definitely ISN'T one of them. I mean, he's clearly overcompensating for something with that ZOMG KOOLZ SORD. I also personally dislike the Drizzt-wannabe look--y'know...wearing black...silver hair...FR's most well-known Drow had that going for him at least half a decade before Sephy was created. Sephy also led Cloud and co. on for a very long time for no apparent reason--he seriously could have gotten the Black Materia without Cloud, and then there wouldn't be all this "vengeful hero" stuff to put up with. Real bright there, crippled angel.

Bashed his looks...check.
Bashed his brains...check.
Mocked the "One Winged Angel" gimmick...check.
Mocked his fans...meh, they do plenty on their own.

Zell dincht X0
06-29-2006, 08:23 PM
OMFG you n00bz Sehfiroff iz dee best 1!!!!

Dirge of Cerberus
06-30-2006, 01:30 AM
Of cool evil people, I think the only one is Sephiroth. Reno was close, but not really.

06-30-2006, 03:03 AM
They like him so much, becuase they haven't played FFVI, or they didn't look deep enough into it to see that Kefka could kick Sephiroth's ass.

Sephiroth = Wussy

Dirge of Cerberus
06-30-2006, 03:07 AM
Sephiroth = Owned.
If sephiroth fought Kefka they would need someone to scrape Kefkas remains of the ceiling and Sephiroths sword.

hb smokey
06-30-2006, 03:27 AM
Sephiroth = Owned.
If sephiroth fought Kefka they would need someone to scrape Kefkas remains of the ceiling and Sephiroths sword.
Go away.

06-30-2006, 03:34 AM
Now, if possible. Or at least in the near future. Very near.

Ignoring that comment, I blame the death of aries. Wow, He killed someone so that means he's automatically cool. [/sarcasm] Thats not really the best way to look at life.

06-30-2006, 04:43 AM
However, deep down even though they wanted to win most people saw Sephiroth as the acception to the "good guys must win" rule.

you do know what acception means right? and not everyone loooves sephiroth. lotsa hardcore aeris lovers hate him. cloud hates him. i dunno, tifa probably wants his babies. but cloud hates him. i mean, he THINKS he's all big and all dat, but really he's a tiny man.. a very likeable tiny man apparently. that everybody likes. why? it's a mystery.

06-30-2006, 05:02 AM
what makes sephiroth cool

-He has a cool outfit on and a long sword
-How he basically waits for Cloud to come before killing aeris right in front of him.
-Instead of leaving bread crumbs behind so people can follow him, he leaves dead bodies.
-He enjoys taking things important away from people and watching them suffer because of it.
-He can do all this shit alone without any help from henchmen
-When he was fighting Cloud in AC you could tell he was just playing with him and not trying his hardest
-He talks with his blade most of the time.

The sheer coolness of the part where cloud and company wake up to find their jail cells unlocked and then they see a trail of dead bodies that once were guards lying everywhere. Then when they reach the top, they find the leader of the shinra organization dead at his desk with sword sticking out of his back. How is that not cool? Did kefka ever do that? I dont think so

Safer Roco
06-30-2006, 06:19 AM
-He can do all this shit alone without any help from henchmen
What do you mean he doesnt need henchmen? He's frozen in northern crater using clones and he manipulated Cloud into giving him the black materia.

06-30-2006, 08:51 AM
Just for the record, Kefka actually succeeded at what he was trying to do. The heroes don't "thwart" him. They more or less "overthrow" him. So in the score department, that's a very big "one" for Kefka, and a very large "zero!" for Sephy.

hb smokey
06-30-2006, 09:08 AM
-He has a cool outfit on and a long sword
<A HREF="">This</A> is a cool outfit? It's nothing more than a black cloak, with thigh-high boots (yeah that's not gay or anything), and don't forget the awesome shoulder plates that will protect him in a swordfight.

-How he basically waits for Cloud to come before killing aeris right in front of him.
Yeah, that's not cool either. He decides to take a long sleep in a crater, and when Aeris gets close enough he is aroused, wakes up, and kills her. That's pretty cool.

-Instead of leaving bread crumbs behind so people can follow him, he leaves dead bodies.
What kind of a villain leaves bread crumbs behind?

-He enjoys taking things important away from people and watching them suffer because of it.
I enjoy taking candy from a baby and watching it cry its eyes out. Pretty sure that doesn't make me cool.

-He can do all this shit alone without any help from henchmen
First he should bust out of that ice casing from the Northern Crater with his almighty sword.

-When he was fighting Cloud in AC you could tell he was just playing with him and not trying his hardest
If he wasn't trying his hardest, he's a fucking pussy.

-He talks with his blade most of the time.
Yeah, when people aren't looking and he knows he can win the battle.

The sheer coolness of the part where cloud and company wake up to find their jail cells unlocked and then they see a trail of dead bodies that once were guards lying everywhere. Then when they reach the top, they find the leader of the shinra organization dead at his desk with sword sticking out of his back. How is that not cool? Did kefka ever do that? I dont think so
Kefka only split the world from the World of Balance to the World of Ruin. That's pretty cool in my book.

Sharon Agathon
06-30-2006, 10:25 AM
what makes sephiroth cool
-He has a cool outfit on and a long sword
-How he basically waits for Cloud to come before killing aeris right in front of him.
-Instead of leaving bread crumbs behind so people can follow him, he leaves dead bodies.
-He enjoys taking things important away from people and watching them suffer because of it.
-He can do all this shit alone without any help from henchmen
-When he was fighting Cloud in AC you could tell he was just playing with him and not trying his hardest
-He talks with his blade most of the time.
Maybe you should've shorten it like how most of the FFVII fanboys does it:

fastidious percolator
06-30-2006, 11:17 AM
...I like Sephiroth, but it looks like i can't be bothered explaining why, due to an instant-flaming.

Desert Wolf
06-30-2006, 11:53 AM

I agree!

06-30-2006, 02:28 PM
This thread is really making me sad. Honestly, what is really so special about the character? Visually, he's entirely generic. The clothes are ripped stright out of more fantasy works than I can count. The sword is just an overly long katana or something. Not really impressive, especially when you realize that a weapon like that would break under its own weight in combat. Maybe it's the silver hair? I guess kids think that's cool or something, but we'll see if they're cheering when their hair starts turning that color.

And as far as actions go, he did virtually nothing the entire game except sit in a block of ice and summon a meteor that wouldn't even do half the damage Kefka did.

Altogether, Sephiroth is a very poor antagonist that's only popular because kids like the way he looks, which is due to their ignorance of other works.

Special mention goes out to Dirge of Cerberus for being an idiot.

Valerie Valens
06-30-2006, 02:31 PM
Bah, Sephiroth is just an emotionally weak pussy with too much power in his hands. I mean...what the hell!? Is angsty the new 'cool' now?

I mean, heck, Kefka poisoning an entire kingdom's water supply and pillaging Cyan's city and murdering his family all while Kefka laughed in sheer insanity is cooler than what Sephiroth could ever hope to do.

06-30-2006, 03:35 PM
cool outfit, big shiny sword, nope.
he was a big child having a tantrum, which i think a lot of sooks can relate to. legend warrior finds out he was created then questions his self-being, then hates himself, then hates every living thing. solution. kill em all..
no strategy, no real point just pure hatred.
most interesting thing bout him was that this powerful warrior was reborn 'evil' by something as simple as 'who am i'

my 2 cents. say what ya will.....

Zell dincht X0
06-30-2006, 05:06 PM
cool outfit, big shiny sword, nope.
he was a big child having a tantrum, which i think a lot of sooks can relate to. legend warrior finds out he was created then questions his self-being, then hates himself, then hates every living thing. solution. kill em all..
no strategy, no real point just pure hatred.
most interesting thing bout him was that this powerful warrior was reborn 'evil' by something as simple as 'who am i'

my 2 cents. say what ya will.....
fanboy nooooooooooooooooooob!!!!!!!!!

06-30-2006, 05:58 PM
Just because someone likes something, doesn't mean that they're a fanboy. If he was a fanboy, he'd be going on about how "OMGHEHASASWORD N LONG HAIR OMGDATS SO COOOOL!".

I happen to think Sephiroth filled the bad guy role nicely, but he's way off being the best bad guy ever.

06-30-2006, 06:15 PM
I mean, heck, Kefka poisoning an entire kingdom's water supply and pillaging Cyan's city and murdering his family all while Kefka laughed in sheer insanity is cooler than what Sephiroth could ever hope to do.

And at that point, Kefka was only getting warmed up.

06-30-2006, 06:45 PM
Of cool evil people, I think the only one is Sephiroth. Reno was close, but not really.

Reno wasn't evil...

Dirge of Cerberus
06-30-2006, 06:54 PM
I know but you had to fight him so technically, he was an enemy.

fastidious percolator
06-30-2006, 06:57 PM
Reno wasn't evil...

But then again, what is evil?

Kefka! :p

Valerie Valens
06-30-2006, 07:04 PM
I know but you had to fight him so technically, he was an enemy.

Nope, that just makes him an antagonist/rival/opponent. Not necessarily an enemy.

06-30-2006, 08:29 PM
Well I think that most of your views are rather biased.... either you hate him or you don't. heres what I think:
cool sword BECAUSE it's so long and probably made of titanium or something.

clothes and hair: alright this is like a heavy metal fanboys dream so it is pretty cool.

He DID have a real mommy complex though (not metal)

And he's not necessarily throwing a temper tantrum... He wants to find the promised land as an act of his mother will... honoring the dead is still cool you grave robbers.

Oh sorry maybe she's just handicapped.

06-30-2006, 08:30 PM
And don't forget he is also on a quest to nearly destroy the Planet With No Name and bring all that knowledge upon himself... but the mommy complex is still stupid.

Valerie Valens
06-30-2006, 08:41 PM
And don't forget that the Edit button is more than just a decoration. ;)

06-30-2006, 09:10 PM
Bah, Sephiroth is just an emotionally weak pussy with too much power in his hands.

But lets be honest, almost every FF villian could fit that description.

06-30-2006, 10:08 PM
<A HREF="">This</A> is a cool outfit? It's nothing more than a black cloak, with thigh-high boots (yeah that's not gay or anything), and don't forget the awesome shoulder plates that will protect him in a swordfight.

Yeah, that's not cool either. He decides to take a long sleep in a crater, and when Aeris gets close enough he is aroused, wakes up, and kills her. That's pretty cool.

What kind of a villain leaves bread crumbs behind?

I enjoy taking candy from a baby and watching it cry its eyes out. Pretty sure that doesn't make me cool.

First he should bust out of that ice casing from the Northern Crater with his almighty sword.

If he wasn't trying his hardest, he's a fucking pussy.

Yeah, when people aren't looking and he knows he can win the battle.

Kefka only split the world from the World of Balance to the World of Ruin. That's pretty cool in my book.

I am now about to own you.

- Sephiroth's suit is gay? Take a look at Kefka. He looks like a mixture of a fucking mime, a clown and a whore. If you like Kefka's outfit then you are probably a homosexual. (kefka ---> )

- No, he waited for Cloud came before killing her, obviously you didn't play the game.

- Obviously you dont know what an analogy is.

- If you weren't being an idiot, you'd realize that their's a large difference in watching people suffer and then killing them, and stealing candy from a baby.

- He was confident in his power so he was just playing around with him because he takes pleasure in fighting and he wanted to make Cloud suffer more. How does that make him a pussy?

- The fuck are you talking about. please think before you say stupid shit.

Wow, what kefka did was so orginal!!! Wait, i forget, which other villian had that same idea of taking over/destroying earth? Oh that's right, all of them. Sephiroth did it in style.

06-30-2006, 10:17 PM
Geez. From time to time, you show signs of being someone genuinely interesting, but fanboy crap like that really keeps your cool points down.

06-30-2006, 11:14 PM
I'm not a fanboy, i am merely defending my point.
A fan boy would be like "OMFG SEPHY IS SO COOL BECAUSE HE HAS A LONG SWORDDDDDD :) :)" I actually brought up good reasons on why i liked him.

Although I guess i could cut down on the swearing a bit :D

hb smokey
06-30-2006, 11:29 PM
- Sephiroth's suit is gay? Take a look at Kefka. He looks like a mixture of a fucking mime, a clown and a whore. If you like Kefka's outfit then you are probably a homosexual. (kefka ---> )
Use a costume from the original game, not a remake where they make Kefka look absolutely nothing like what he did on the SNES version. And whether or not I do like his outfit doesn't have any spot in this point. I was saying how lame and unoriginal Sephiroth's outfit is, yet you think it's pretty cool.

- No you retard he waited for Cloud came before killing her, obviously you didn't play the game.
I'm making fun of the pathetic reason you used, saying that because he waited for Cloud to come to him, it's cool. Hiding in a crater for much of the game, and then only popping out when Cloud's woman comes near is pretty cowardly. Then he flies off right after killing her. Yes, that's so fucking cool!

- Obviously your too stupid to know what an analogy is.
Obviously you don't know what a villian entails. They are supposed to be mean, they are supposed to kill things, humans, animals, whatever. What makes Sephiroth so special that he deserves extra credit for doing that a ton of villians in history have done?

- If you weren't such a dumbass, you'd realize that their's a large difference in watching people suffer and then killing them, and stealing candy from a baby.
See my second statement. The part about your pathetic reasoning.

- He was confident in his power so he was just playing around with him because he takes pleasure in fighting and he wanted to make Cloud suffer more. How does that make him a pussy?
If I have HOLY SHIT POWERS like he apparently does, I'm not going to hold back in a fight and 'play around' with my opponent. I'm going to go all out, leave everything on the battlefield, make sure I give it my all. I will try to hurt my opponent as much as possible. Sephiroth should have finished him off when he had the chance, instead of playing tag with him. Yeah, now he definately seems pretty bad ass to me.

- The fuck are you talking about. Do me a favor and take the dick thats in your mouth and actually go play the game before you say stupid shit.
He has a knack for killing people from behind, when they don't have a chance to defend themselves, when they won't be able to fight him and expose him for the truly badass motherfucker which he supposedly is.

Wow, what kefka did was so orginal!!! Wait, i forget, which other villian had that same idea of taking over/destroying earth? Oh that's right, all of them. Sephiroth did it in style.
Yup, and Sephiroth killing people is pretty original as well. He sticks his unbelivably long sword through their back (which btw means he doesn't want any part to do with any of his victims so he stays away as much as possible), then runs away like a coward. And let's not forget, he also did what he did in style.

Valerie Valens
06-30-2006, 11:36 PM
I am now about to own you.

- Sephiroth's suit is gay? Take a look at Kefka. He looks like a mixture of a fucking mime, a clown and a whore. If you like Kefka's outfit then you are probably a homosexual. (kefka ---> )

Wow, what kefka did was so orginal!!! Wait, i forget, which other villian had that same idea of taking over/destroying earth? Oh that's right, all of them. Sephiroth did it in style.

HA! I knew you'd bust in and harp on Kefka's dress sense, I've dealt with a lot of Sephiroth fanboys and I've heard this excuse all too often and it's just like you to be shallow enough to judge a character by appearance instead of character traits and attributes. Sure Kefka looks like a "faggot" as you put it so subtly, but look at it this way, he's one insane and destructive joker. It's his personality quirk as an evil jester, and that is infinitely cooler than an angsty mama's boy who can't deal with life's hangups and thus destroys everything in it's path. Kefka's appearance makes it all the more embarassing when your party gets their asses kicked by him several times.

Oh and if you haven't noticed, unlike Sephiroth, Kefka actually managed to take over the world and fuck it over in one fell swoop.

Valerie Valens
06-30-2006, 11:41 PM
fuck, double post.

06-30-2006, 11:51 PM
Use a costume from the original game, not a remake where they make Kefka look absolutely nothing like what he did on the SNES version. And whether or not I do like his outfit doesn't have any spot in this point. I was saying how lame and unoriginal Sephiroth's outfit is, yet you think it's pretty cool.

I'm making fun of the pathetic reason you used, saying that because he waited for Cloud to come to him, it's cool. Hiding in a crater for much of the game, and then only popping out when Cloud's woman comes near is pretty cowardly. Then he flies off right after killing her. Yes, that's so fucking cool!

Obviously you don't know what a villian entails. They are supposed to be mean, they are supposed to kill things, humans, animals, whatever. What makes Sephiroth so special that he deserves extra credit for doing that a ton of villians in history have done?

See my second statement. The part about your pathetic reasoning.

If I have HOLY SHIT POWERS like he apparently does, I'm not going to hold back in a fight and 'play around' with my opponent. I'm going to go all out, leave everything on the battlefield, make sure I give it my all. I will try to hurt my opponent as much as possible. Sephiroth should have finished him off when he had the chance, instead of playing tag with him. Yeah, now he definately seems pretty bad ass to me.

He has a knack for killing people from behind, when they don't have a chance to defend themselves, when they won't be able to fight him and expose him for the truly badass motherfucker which he supposedly is.

Yup, and Sephiroth killing people is pretty original as well. He sticks his unbelivably long sword through their back (which btw means he doesn't want any part to do with any of his victims so he stays away as much as possible), then runs away like a coward. And let's not forget, he also did what he did in style.

I am going to have fun disecting this :)

- Okay so you think it's unorginal. Prove it. Find me a picture of the person sephiroth stole his custom from.

- Yes, it is cool in my point of view. And sorry, but more people think my Sephiroth is cooler than Kefka (they had a vote on Filter for best villian and *surprise* Sephiroth was first) So your opinion on whats cool has just been over ruled.

- I'm not saying it's original. Just the way square presented it. The only reason Cloud knew where he was going was by following the dead corpses (like that giant impaled snake) He doesn't just kill them, he mutalates them.

- See my second paragraph

Obviously you do not know the defination of the words "attrition" or "suffering". What good would sephiroth do if he fucking killed Cloud at the start. I'm assuming you didn't watch the movie or you wouldn't be saying the stupid shit you are right now.

"Tell me what you treasure most...
Give me the pleasure of taking it away"

What good will it do if he kills Cloud and then takes away everything cloud cherishes. He wants to see him lose everything. He can't do that if he's dead.
You'd be a sucky villian.

- Are you retarded? Who is he running from? He killed everyone. He doesn't know Cloud is even their.

Please play the game before you make retarded statements Here we go. He still looks like a retard, sorry

And to Joan, saying that he suceed in basically fucking over the world means nothing condering it all depends on the protagonists. You nor anyone can say that if FF VI's protagonists came to FF VII they could defeat Sephiroth. Second I never dissed Kefka's traits, i merely said he dresses like a queer.

fastidious percolator
06-30-2006, 11:56 PM
Kefka may look like a "retard", as you genuinely describe it. But it actually suits him. He turned psychopatically evil because of the experimental side-effects of the magitek-injections. But that what makes him a great villain, and still better than Sephiroth: everything suits him perfectly, imo, he is a psychopatic "jester", as he once served an emperor who became neglactant and untactful over his powers. Kefka is far more brilliant in his ways of achieving power.

Valerie Valens
06-30-2006, 11:58 PM
Just one question though, what did Cloud do to provoke Seph's wrath? Or was Cloud just unfortunate enough to be caught in Sephy's warpath?

07-01-2006, 12:00 AM
uhh, im not all sure about this, but i think it was what cloud did to sephiroth in the past at the reactor and then later on after he met up with barret and tifa he actually went to hunt sephiroth down and finish him off. He discovered sephiroth was alive after sephiroth had completely raped the largest organization in the world and stole JENOVA. Also Cloud had a score to settle with sephiroth for burning down his hometown and killing everyone

And for trent. Kefka and Sephiroth definately differed in the way they disposed of their enemies. As i said before, Sephiroth talks with his blade

fastidious percolator
07-01-2006, 12:34 AM
Exactly. And as for me, i really like both villains, i'm a big fan of Sephiroth, but sure, you may continue defending that opinion, as for me, sometimes i just can't find the right words (especially not in english, even harder, me), and sometimes you don't need a reason to like something, or you just can't explain the feeling why you like something, but after all: this is still a forum, and you should sure continue with defending your opinion on Sephiroth. I agree with you on most points, there. =)

hb smokey
07-01-2006, 12:36 AM
- Okay so you think it's unorginal. Prove it. Find me a picture of the person sephiroth stole his custom from.
I never said he stole it from any single person. His outfit is so boring, so lame, so unoriginal. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? He's wearing black boots accompanied by basically a black cape. Give me something that has more spice, more life to it. Not something that you would wear at a funeral.

- Yes, it is cool in my point of view. And sorry, but more people think my Sephiroth is cooler than Kefka (they had a vote on Filter for best villian and *surprise* Sephiroth was first) So your opinion on whats cool has just been over ruled.
Oh shit, a vote on Filter. There's a quality show. Everything on that show much be concrete, which most of the voters are adolescent teens who personify the FFVII fanboy better than any. They weren't even old enough to play FFVI when it came out. OH SHIT, YOU HAVE BEEN OVERRULED. Please, hold your breath and use it for something a lot more productive.

- I'm not saying it's original. Just the way square presented it. The only reason Cloud knew where he was going was by following the dead corpses (like that giant impaled snake) He doesn't just kill them, he mutalates them.
Sephiroth put a snake on a really high stake, putting a few holes through it's body. Where's the mutilation in that?

Obviously you do not know the defination of the words "attrition" or "suffering". What good would sephiroth do if he fucking killed Cloud at the start. I'm assuming you didn't watch the movie or you wouldn't be saying the stupid shit you are right now.
What good would he be? Well, he would be the victor thats what, instead of some pussy-asswipe that likes to play little games with his spiky-haired friend.

What good will it do if he kills Cloud and then takes away everything cloud cherishes. He wants to see him lose everything. He can't do that if he's dead.
Blame Cloud for being a dumbass, because he just stared at Sephiroth as he killed one of his girlfriends. I guess he really liked Tifa more, now didn't he?

- Are you retarded? Who is he running from? He killed everyone. He doesn't know Cloud is even their.
Swoops down, kills Aeris, flys away immediately. Cloud standing right there with a thumb up his butt, takes no action whatsoever.

It's funny that Kekfa dresses odd, but he had more success with taking over the world and destroying it than Sephiroth and his bad-ass outfit (complete with sword which does all the talking for him).

If you want more as to who the better villain is, then I guess I'll do what you want.

- Kefka spent a good portion of the game playing mind games with Terra.
- While he may not have been successful, he tried to burn down Figaro Castle.
- He poisoned the water supply of Doma, and when people were crying out in pain as they died, he laughed. He loved hearing it.
- Kefka punched Shiva in the face, and he also kicked Ifrit in the nuts.
- He turned rebel espers into Magicite, and added them to his collection with the rest of the 'familiar faces'
- Murdered General Leo, whilst chanting HATE HATE HATE
- As he was leaving Thasama, he kills off his own troops.
- Killed Emperor Gestahl. Then kicks the corpse off the Floating Continent.
- Don't forget he drained the Gods of their awesome power, and used it to bring about the World of Ruin
- Yes, he did destroy the world, and rebuilt it to his own liking.
- Remember when he nuked a few towns with the Light of Judgment? Yeah, he heard that some people in town didn't like him/opposed him, so he used it.
- There was a cult devoted to Kekfa
- And, in the final battle, he rips his own head off, puts it in his hand, and starts laughing.

Kekfa seems pretty 'cool' and 'badass' to me, a lot more than a guy with long, silver hair.

Want more?

fastidious percolator
07-01-2006, 12:48 AM
I never said he stole it from any single person. His outfit is so boring, so lame, so unoriginal. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? He's wearing black boots accompanied by basically a black cape. Give me something that has more spice, more life to it. Not something that you would wear at a funeral.

Sometimes the appearance doesn't really matter.

- Kefka spent a good portion of the game playing mind games with Terra.
- While he may not have been successful, he tried to burn down Figaro Castle.
- He poisoned the water supply of Doma, and when people were crying out in pain as they died, he laughed. He loved hearing it.
- Kefka punched Shiva in the face, and he also kicked Ifrit in the nuts.
- He turned rebel espers into Magicite, and added them to his collection with the rest of the 'familiar faces'
- Murdered General Leo, whilst chanting HATE HATE HATE
- As he was leaving Thasama, he kills off his own troops.
- Killed Emperor Gestahl. Then kicks the corpse off the Floating Continent.
- Don't forget he drained the Gods of their awesome power, and used it to bring about the World of Ruin
- Yes, he did destroy the world, and rebuilt it to his own liking.
- Remember when he nuked a few towns with the Light of Judgment? Yeah, he heard that some people in town didn't like him/opposed him, so he used it.
- There was a cult devoted to Kekfa
- And, in the final battle, he rips his own head off, puts it in his hand, and starts laughing.


07-01-2006, 01:01 AM
I never said he stole it from any single person. His outfit is so boring, so lame, so unoriginal. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? He's wearing black boots accompanied by basically a black cape. Give me something that has more spice, more life to it. Not something that you would wear at a funeral.

Oh shit, a vote on Filter. There's a quality show. Everything on that show much be concrete, which most of the voters are adolescent teens who personify the FFVII fanboy better than any. They weren't even old enough to play FFVI when it came out. OH SHIT, YOU HAVE BEEN OVERRULED. Please, hold your breath and use it for something a lot more productive.

Sephiroth put a snake on a really high stake, putting a few holes through it's body. Where's the mutilation in that?

What good would he be? Well, he would be the victor thats what, instead of some pussy-asswipe that likes to play little games with his spiky-haired friend.

Blame Cloud for being a dumbass, because he just stared at Sephiroth as he killed one of his girlfriends. I guess he really liked Tifa more, now didn't he?

Swoops down, kills Aeris, flys away immediately. Cloud standing right there with a thumb up his butt, takes no action whatsoever.

It's funny that Kekfa dresses odd, but he had more success with taking over the world and destroying it than Sephiroth and his bad-ass outfit (complete with sword which does all the talking for him).

If you want more as to who the better villain is, then I guess I'll do what you want.

- Kefka spent a good portion of the game playing mind games with Terra.
- While he may not have been successful, he tried to burn down Figaro Castle.
- He poisoned the water supply of Doma, and when people were crying out in pain as they died, he laughed. He loved hearing it.
- Kefka punched Shiva in the face, and he also kicked Ifrit in the nuts.
- He turned rebel espers into Magicite, and added them to his collection with the rest of the 'familiar faces'
- Murdered General Leo, whilst chanting HATE HATE HATE
- As he was leaving Thasama, he kills off his own troops.
- Killed Emperor Gestahl. Then kicks the corpse off the Floating Continent.
- Don't forget he drained the Gods of their awesome power, and used it to bring about the World of Ruin
- Yes, he did destroy the world, and rebuilt it to his own liking.
- Remember when he nuked a few towns with the Light of Judgment? Yeah, he heard that some people in town didn't like him/opposed him, so he used it.
- There was a cult devoted to Kekfa
- And, in the final battle, he rips his own head off, puts it in his hand, and starts laughing.

Kekfa seems pretty 'cool' and 'badass' to me, a lot more than a guy with long, silver hair.

Want more?

Not going to deny that your Kefka explanation was pretty damn cool. But i am afraid i'm going to have to destroy everything else you wrote.

- And here's a picture of where Kefka stole his out fit from and unlike you i can actually give examples.

- It's funny to see you try to throw out thousands of voters by simply calling them fan boys. Sorry, Thousands of Voters > you. Idiot.

- It's sad really because no matter what picture i would give you, you would automatically dismiss it.

mu&#183;ti&#183;late ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mytl-t)
tr.v. mu&#183;ti&#183;lat&#183;ed, mu&#183;ti&#183;lat&#183;ing, mu&#183;ti&#183;lates
To deprive of a limb or an essential part; cripple.
To disfigure by damaging irreparably: mutilate a statue. See Synonyms at batter1. To make imperfect by excising or altering parts.

He turned the snake into a popsilce.

- Are you fucking retarded? Please read the 4th bullet down on my last comment i wrote to you.

- Aeris was dead before cloud could react. Sephiroth left because he wanted Cloud to suffer. he wanted Cloud's hatred for him to grow unitl vengence took over.

But why do i explain this to you since you are just going to repeat the same stupid shit you already have been saying. Please play the game before you write your next post and save your self from some embarresment

07-01-2006, 01:01 AM
eff posted twice

fastidious percolator
07-01-2006, 01:14 AM
- And here's a picture of where Kefka stole his out fit from and unlike you i can actually give examples.

What are you saying with that? It's pretty hard to not compare Kefka to picture of a random clown, 'cause Kefka just looks like a jester/clown-like character. So?

07-01-2006, 01:25 AM
I added that because he was saying how sephiroth's outfit was sooo unoriginal yet he couldn't produce any proof of who sephiroth was ripping off. Compared to Sephiroth, Kefka's outfit is far more unoriginal.

Dirge of Cerberus
07-01-2006, 01:26 AM
must you people all be asswholes?

hb smokey
07-01-2006, 01:34 AM
- And here's a picture of where Kefka stole his out fit from and unlike you i can actually give examples.

Once again, I never said Kefka's outfit was cool, wacky, gay, or whatnot. And I never even asked you for a picture of a random clown that took you a few seconds to look up.

- It's funny to see you try to throw out thousands of voters by simply calling them fan boys. Sorry, Thousands of Voters > you. Idiot.
You got the number of people who voted? Show me.

Also, I said the majority of people who watch that show are teenage boys several years younger than me, who have probably NEVER played FFVI. It's like FFVII fanboys when they say its their favorite game, but THE VAST MAJORITY OF THEM say they never played the games prior, and FFVII was the first one. Filter is such a crap show, which usually has no clue what they are talking about. I don't even like g4 that much at all; get me some people who know real gaming.

- It's sad really because no matter what picture i would give you, you would automatically dismiss it.
I've got the exact image in my head. That's not mutilation.

- Aeris was dead before cloud could react. Sephiroth left because he wanted Cloud to suffer. he wanted Cloud's hatred for him to grow unitl vengence took over.
And Cloud stared at Sephiroth for seconds and seconds as he swooped down for the kill. Again, he could have moved and tried to stop him, but didn't.

But why do i explain this to you since you are just going to repeat the same stupid shit you already have been saying. Please play the game before you write your next post and save your self from some embarresment
haha oh man, that's pretty hilarious.

I added that because he was saying how sephiroth's outfit was sooo unoriginal yet he couldn't produce any proof of who sephiroth was ripping off. Compared to Sephiroth, Kefka's outfit is far more unoriginal.
His outfit is unoriginal. What's so great about a black cape and black boots? That's not cool, sorry. Get over the fact that you seem to believe I think Sephiroth is ripping off every villain in history, and explain to me why his outfit is cool.

07-01-2006, 02:02 AM
- Sigh

Once again you missed the whole point completely.

- No, i took an estimate and the facts are Sephiroth won, Kefka lost. He wasn't even on the top 10
A mass majority of them say they haven't played VI? Prove it. You dumbass, Filter can be the shittiest show on the face of the earth. It's the people who voted, not Filter. Those people don't know real gaming? Prove it.

- Considering your a dumbass, i wouldn't rely on that image in your head. The picture matches with the definition. The dictionary won, get over it.

- Aeris was dead before cloud could react. god damn you are illiterate.

- Yeah it is hilarious, i'm laughing at your stupidity as I type this.

- It really doesn't matter what i would say because no matter how cool it would be, you would put it down anyway.

*Black is a fitting color for evil
*Overcoat looks good under his shoulder pad armor
*I like how the straps come over his chest like an "X"
*I think the gloves and boots go well with the overcoat.

Unfortunately for you, more people with my idea of "cool" out rule your idea of "cool". But since it's all of it is opinion and not fact no one can be right which is why this arguement will go on forever

07-01-2006, 02:02 AM
effing computer keeps posting twice

07-01-2006, 02:06 AM
I fail to see why kefka is cool, he is a completel nutcase, which is not really cool in my books.
What does cool mean nowadays anyway?

Sephiroth, has that fire scene in Nibelhiem flashback which is quite cool. But then again he gets noobed by Cloud, twice.

hb smokey
07-01-2006, 02:24 AM
No, i took an estimate and the facts are Sephiroth won, Kefka lost. He wasn't even on the top 10
A mass majority of them say they haven't played VI? Prove it. You dumbass, Filter can be the shittiest show on the face of the earth. It's the people who voted, not Filter. Those people don't know real gaming? Prove it.
People tend to flock to traits that they are associated with. Almost every FFVII fan acts like a complete dumbass, can't give any decent reason why the like the game as much as they say they do. I really don't feel like arguing, once again, what makes FFVII a really bad game. But fyi, I'll have a post in the 'FFVII is excellent thread' in a couple days that you might find very interesting. Though you might want to bring popcorn and soda when you start reading it. It's an <I>insanely</I> long post.

Anyways, like I said, people flock to other people who share the same traits as they do. The jocks at high school tend to usually hang out all the time, emo's go behind school and cut themselves, niggers are often seen in gangs that populate the ghetto, etc. Filter is a horrible show, one of many on g4. It's my belief that that show has mostly hosts that don't know that much about video games, and it shows. I can see it. It's why I rarely watch it, because I don't want to associate myself with such stupidity. Hence, FFVII fanboys come in. They will defend anything about their precious game to the death, no matter how wrong they are. So when they hear word of best villian, they rush to the computer and vote SEPHY SEPHY SEPHY over and over again, without even giving any real thought to other, better villians. I see it happen all the damn time, not only on this forum, but several other places as well. And like I said, they flock to the computer screen and vote vote vote without any real reason why they are voting for Sephiroth, other than OMG HE IS SO COOL LOOK AT HIS SWORD. Do you happen to know who came in second in that marvelous poll?

- Considering your a dumbass, i wouldn't rely on that image in your head. The picture matches with the definition. The dictionary won, get over it.
Sorry, my definition of a word doesn't follow verbatim what a dictionary says. In fact, it can vary a considerable amount on particular words.

- Aeris was dead before cloud could react. god damn you are illiterate.
How long does it take a person to fucking see that a guy with a 10 foot sword is floating down from behind to kill his woman? He had plenty of time to do something beforehand.

- It really doesn't matter what i would say because no matter how cool it would be, you would put it down anyway.

*Black is a fitting color for evil
*Overcoat looks good under his shoulder pad armor
*I like how the straps come over his chest like an "X"
*I think the gloves and boots go well with the overcoat.
At least you finally told me why you think he is cool.

Unfortunately for you, more people with my idea of "cool" out rule your idea of "cool". But since it's all of it is opinion and not fact no one can be right which is why this arguement will go on forever
Oh, so because more people think Sephiroth is cool, it means my opinion is void? Remember, it's always quality over quanity dear.

07-01-2006, 02:51 AM
People tend to flock to traits that they are associated with. Almost every FFVII fan acts like a complete dumbass, can't give any decent reason why the like the game as much as they say they do. I really don't feel like arguing, once again, what makes FFVII a really bad game. But fyi, I'll have a post in the 'FFVII is excellent thread' in a couple days that you might find very interesting. Though you might want to bring popcorn and soda when you start reading it. It's an <I>insanely</I> long post.

Anyways, like I said, people flock to other people who share the same traits as they do. The jocks at high school tend to usually hang out all the time, emo's go behind school and cut themselves, niggers are often seen in gangs that populate the ghetto, etc. Filter is a horrible show, one of many on g4. It's my belief that that show has mostly hosts that don't know that much about video games, and it shows. I can see it. It's why I rarely watch it, because I don't want to associate myself with such stupidity. Hence, FFVII fanboys come in. They will defend anything about their precious game to the death, no matter how wrong they are. So when they hear word of best villian, they rush to the computer and vote SEPHY SEPHY SEPHY over and over again, without even giving any real thought to other, better villians. I see it happen all the damn time, not only on this forum, but several other places as well. And like I said, they flock to the computer screen and vote vote vote without any real reason why they are voting for Sephiroth, other than OMG HE IS SO COOL LOOK AT HIS SWORD. Do you happen to know who came in second in that marvelous poll?

Sorry, my definition of a word doesn't follow verbatim what a dictionary says. In fact, it can vary a considerable amount on particular words.

How long does it take a person to fucking see that a guy with a 10 foot sword is floating down from behind to kill his woman? He had plenty of time to do something beforehand.

At least you finally told me why you think he is cool.

Oh, so because more people think Sephiroth is cool, it means my opinion is void? Remember, it's always quality over quanity dear.

- True I have seen alot of fanboys who flock to the crowds. But considering neither of use know if they were fanboys we can never be 100% sure. My mistake though, kefka was in the top 10. According to someone who said he just watched the show he said Kuja was next and Kefka is 4th (although i don't know if he is a reliable source.) I do remember seph being first though from when i watched.

- Float? Theirs this thing called gravity that makes us all fall not float.

- Quality? Since you don't know how much "quality" you or anyone else has that saying doesn't apply.

I do hate how people sometimes automatically dismiss people who like FF VII as fanboys

hb smokey
07-01-2006, 03:09 AM
- True I have seen alot of fanboys who flock to the crowds. But considering neither of use know if they were fanboys we can never be 100% sure. My mistake though, kefka was in the top 10. According to someone who said he just watched the show he said Kuja was next and Kefka is 4th (although i don't know if he is a reliable source.) I do remember seph being first though from when i watched.
Well, I'll check that list to see just exactly who was on it and all that junk.

- Float? Theirs this thing called gravity that makes us all fall not float.
And he fell away out of the scene instead of floating away as well. I mean seriously, you're arguing this point? He floated/fell/descended slowly downwards. Whatever.

- Quality? Since you don't know how much "quality" you or anyone else has that saying doesn't apply.
I'm talking about the quality of the reasoning, not the quanity of people who think Sephiroth is cool. Compare the reasons that FFVII fans come up with, and it's just laughable compared to others.

I do hate how people sometimes automatically dismiss people who like FF VII as fanboys
I don't always do it, but with the really bad reputation that FFVII fans have in general, you can see where I'm coming from. If someone says they like the game, ok. But I'll ask why, and 95% of the time, it's some truly dumbass reason that just makes me put them in the fanboy sentence.

07-01-2006, 03:37 AM
This is kind of like the whole "emo" thread in General discussion. I didn't play this game till the ps2 had been out for a while. I knew about all the hype which kinda led me not to get it at first because i hate hype. But then i finally bought it and it grew to be one of the top 5 of my favorite games because they did the character interactions so well and the i liked the twist. It annoys me how people would dismiss me for a fanboy if i liked FVII but i see where your coming from now.

Hex Omega
07-01-2006, 04:40 AM
I'd just like to add something:

A good villian is not a villian that is 'cool' or some shite like that. A good villian is a person that makes you hate him, makes you long to see him die slowly and painfully. Sephiroth is not this. Kefka is, and anyone who think Sephiroth is a better villian is a fucking ignorant cretin.

07-01-2006, 06:00 AM
I'd just like to add something:

A good villian is not a villian that is 'cool' or some shite like that. A good villian is a person that makes you hate him, makes you long to see him die slowly and painfully. Sephiroth is not this. Kefka is, and anyone who think Sephiroth is a better villian is a fucking ignorant cretin.

I think it's fair to label you fanboy viper. When sephiroth killed aeris and all those other people I wanted him dead and that motivated me to train shitloads with cloud and kill him. It's about 3 years later. I'm over it. If you still have the urge to see a videogame character die after that long you A) are a fanboy or B) need to get a fucking life. Anyone who dismisses anyone who likes something without giving reason why, is a fucking ignorant cretin

Hex Omega
07-01-2006, 06:07 AM
I think it's fair to label you fanboy viper.

Hahahaha, the irony of that is quite astonishing.

When sephiroth killed aeris and all those other people I wanted him dead and that motivated me to train shitloads with cloud and kill him.

You're on your own there, I had no real desire to murder him and didn't give two fucks about him to be honest.

It's about 3 years later. I'm over it. If you still have the urge to see a videogame character die after that long

Where did I say I did you dyslexic moron? I merely pointed out(correctly) thats what makes a good villian.

you A) are a fanboy

There's that word again.

or B) need to get a fucking life.

See 2 replies up.

Anyone who dismisses anyone who likes something without giving reason why, is a fucking ignorant cretin

Emm, actually I did explain why Kefka is surperior to Sephiroth, and Eric and Joan have already covered much of what I think.

07-01-2006, 06:19 AM
Hahahaha, the irony of that is quite astonishing.

You're on your own there, I had no real desire to murder him and didn't give two fucks about him to be honest.

Where did I say I did you dyslexic moron? I merely pointed out(correctly) thats what makes a good villian.

There's that word again.

See 2 replies up.

Emm, actually I did explain why Kefka is surperior to Sephiroth, and Eric and Joan have already covered much of what I think.

I'm on my own? HAHAHAHAHA. Ok dumbass, because no one liked FF VII... Sorry, FF VII is shitloads more popular than FF VI.

Hmmm so basically you just like it for the reasons they do. Someones's following the crowd. Think for yourself and get your own opinions. Until you can, i'm afraid i must label you a fanboy

Hex Omega
07-01-2006, 06:25 AM
I'm on my own? HAHAHAHAHA. Ok dumbass, because no one liked FF VII... Regardless it's shitloads more popular than FF VI.

So you honestly think Sephiroth is a better villian? You really don't have a clue do you? It's really sad to be honest. Still funny though. Also, how many of those fanboys have actually played FFVI? Anyone with even the slightest taste in games knows FFVI is far superior.

Hmmm so basically you just like it for the reasons they do. Someones's following the crowd. Think for yourself and get your own opinions.

Yet more irony, please, please keep it up. It's highly entertaining. As a matter of fact, we happen to be like-minded people who actually have taste in good games and who undertstand what makes a good villian.

07-01-2006, 06:37 AM
So you honestly think Sephiroth is a better villian? You really don't have a clue do you? It's really sad to be honest. Still funny though. Also, how many of those fanboys have actually played FFVI? Anyone with even the slightest taste in games knows FFVI is far superior.

Yet more irony, please, please keep it up. It's highly entertaining. As a matter of fact, we happen to be like-minded people who actually have taste in good games and who undertstand what makes a good villian.

Your stupidity entertains me. Keep it up:)

Most of them haven't played FF VI? Prove it. Your still not giving me any of your own reasons why you like kefka.

You call it irony yet you still can't produce your own opinions. If you weren't such a illiterate shit you would have seen my own opinion on why i like sephiroth.

*still unimpressed*

Hex Omega
07-01-2006, 06:46 AM
Your stupidity entertains me. Keep it up:)

Most of them haven't played FF VI? Prove it. Your still not giving me any of your own reasons why you like kefka.

I'd just like to add something:

A good villian is not a villian that is 'cool' or some shite like that. A good villian is a person that makes you hate him, makes you long to see him die slowly and painfully. Sephiroth is not this. Kefka is, and anyone who think Sephiroth is a better villian is a fucking ignorant cretin.

You were saying? Anyway, i'll explain myself further. I think Kefka is the best villian of the FF series, because he has all the traits required to make him a good villian. Like I previously said, a good villian is one that makes you hate him etc. Kefka does this. Sephiroth is a whiny fag and doesn't bring out any hatred in me. Furthermore, Kefka achieves his aims, he becomes the most powerful figure in the world, tears the world asunder, eliminates many of the threats to him, poisons a castle(with his own men inside), fries more then one town with the Light of Judgement, and many other atrocities. What does Sephiroth do in compariosn? Kill Aeris, and a few other people. Yes, he summons Meteor but it fails to achieve its goal.

You call it irony yet you still can't produce your own opinions. If you weren't such a illiterate shit you would have seen my own opinion on why i like sephiroth.

It's irony because you are too stupid to see that your reasons for prefering Sephiroth are entirely wrong. Didn't Smokey shred your pathetic arguements enough for you?

07-01-2006, 07:11 AM
You were saying? Anyway, i'll explain myself further. I think Kefka is the best villian of the FF series, because he has all the traits required to make him a good villian. Like I previously said, a good villian is one that makes you hate him etc. Kefka does this. Sephiroth is a whiny fag and doesn't bring out any hatred in me. Furthermore, Kefka achieves his aims, he becomes the most powerful figure in the world, tears the world asunder, eliminates many of the threats to him, poisons a castle(with his own men inside), fries more then one town with the Light of Judgement, and many other atrocities. What does Sephiroth do in compariosn? Kill Aeris, and a few other people. Yes, he summons Meteor but it fails to achieve its goal.

It's irony because you are too stupid to see that your reasons for prefering Sephiroth are entirely wrong. Didn't Smokey shred your pathetic arguements enough for you?

Kefka looked like a fucking joke. how do i take a guy seriously when he dressed like a clown. I fucking laugh whenever i see him. I expect him to blow baloon animals for me.

"Sephiroth is a whiny fag and doesn't bring out any hatred in me."

What a great reason. fucking fanboy.

He kill's aeris and a "few" other people? He kills the whole shinra corp and basically anyone else who got in his way. (which was alot of people)

How are my reasons wrong? It's all opinions, no one can make any facts here.

*still unimpressed*

07-01-2006, 07:12 AM
Every time I read "arguments" based on popularity, I have to chuckle. I know I've said this a million times before, but our current presidente won a majority of the popular vote a couple years ago. If we're following (a part) of Pontius' reasoning (Sephy/FFVII is way popular so :-p to you), then good ol' Dubya must be ZOMG AWESOMEZ.

As for Sephy's appearance and originality, I've already pointed out a prominent fantasy character who Sephy "borrowed heavily" from: Drizzt Do'Urden. He's been around since (I think) '89, and stars in over a dozen books now. While we're at it, the whole "villain in black" thing has been around in fantasy lit for about sixty years now--have you read LotR? Try the Ringwraiths on for size.

Anyway, at one point, Pontius went on about Sephy wanting to take everything away from Cloud, blah blah blah. Where exactly does this come from? Sephy never expresses any hatred for Cloud--he just stupidly plays tag with him until Cloud (finally) Omnislashes him to oblivion. I mean, he had a fairly good plan for making himself the god he so wishes to be, why ruin the plan by not only letting Cloud & Co. in on it, but giving them reason after bloody good reason to come after him?

As for your hair-splitting with "mutilate," whether your dictionary says it or not, you know as well as I the connotation of it. If you want to keep splitting hairs, a well-placed poke with a penknife could be (by that dictionary) considered mutilation. What word would you then use for, say, a dozen or so hacks with a broad axe? Or sixty-three and a half stabs with a butcher knife?

Anyway, since you're playing Sephy/Kefka games...

Your response to Joan's "Kefka screwed the world over" point is ridiculous. You see, while I cannot say that Terra & Co. could stop Sephy, you cannot say that they wouldn't, either. Which makes your "it depends on the protagonists" point moot.

As for Aeris being dead before Cloud can react--for one, she died in his arms. So that in itself proves your little point to be quite wrong. But that might just qualify for hairsplitting, something I razzed you about earlier. So try this: Sephy was traveling downward through the air (to avoid words like fall or float or fly) toward Aeris for quite a long time--if Cloud *couldn't* react to that, then it's through some retardation on Cloud's part--not Sephy's inherant "coolness," or whatever.

"Sephiroth spoke with his blade." So did Drizzt Do'Urden and Artemis Entreri. Not only have they been around longer, but they're both far more interesting as characters. Oh, and they both used *two* blades. ( ::ka-snicker:: )
By the way, I know I've used Drizzt already for comparison, but he's fresh in my head, and mentioning Drizzt without Entreri is a bit of a crime.

Oh, and Viper: Welcome back. :-D

Hex Omega
07-01-2006, 07:21 AM
Kefka looked like a fucking joke. how do i take a guy seriously when he dressed like a clown. I fucking laugh whenever i see him. I expect him to blow baloon animals for me.

I would have thought you'd see past someones apperance. Actually no, I didn't. Also, clowns are deeply unfunny, almost sinister.

What a great reason. fucking fanboy.

It's quite a bit better then:

-He has a cool outfit on and a long sword
-Instead of leaving bread crumbs behind so people can follow him, he leaves dead bodies
-When he was fighting Cloud in AC you could tell he was just playing with him and not trying his hardest
-He talks with his blade most of the time.

Yet, you call me a fanboy. Lmao.

He kill's aeris and a "few" other people? He kills the whole shinra corp and basically anyone else who got in his way. (which was alot of people)

The whole Shinra corp? How about Rufus, Heidegger, Palmer, The Turks, the entire Junon regiment(save for a few soldiers)?

How are my reasons wrong? It's all opinions, no one can make any facts here.

Yes, your reasons are very wrong. You entire arguement is based on how 'cool' Sephiroth is, and that he is clearly cooler then Kefka and that makes him a better villian. Anyone with half a brain will tell you 'coolness' is irrelevant when asked how good a villian is. Therefore, you are totally wrong.

*still unimpressed*

That's just sad. I'm not out to impress you, i'm out to shred your pitiful arguements.

Also: Thanks Cyan :)

07-01-2006, 08:00 AM
Your arguements suck viper and im ignoring them till you can stop being such a fucking hypocritical fanboy (for more detail look at the other thread).

Anyway, thank you cyan for at least putting a good explanation behind your arguement.

I don't know much about drizzt other than he was a secret character in Baldurs gate dark alliance. Thanks for the enlightenment though. your theory on the dead of aeris makes sense, although i wouldn't know why cloud wouldnt do anything because we know he isn't really retarded (except for that one part where he is in the wheel chair)

The quote above gave some proof that he wanted cloud alive so he could take everything away from him so he would suffer. Although I did feel that Sephiroth shouldn't have played around with cloud so much because it led to his defeat. Him underestimating cloud was also a factor is his downfall which explains why he thought he could keep cloud around.

Hex Omega
07-01-2006, 08:04 AM
Hahaha, i've been called a fanboy again. Marvellous.

07-01-2006, 08:07 AM
shhh it's bedtime viper! Nighty Night

Valerie Valens
07-01-2006, 11:29 AM
JFTR, Black is such a cliche colour for evil. Reno, Rude, Cloud and Kadaj's gang were all dressed in black, are you gonna mark THEM as evil too?

07-01-2006, 11:47 AM
The quote above gave some proof that he wanted cloud alive so he could take everything away from him so he would suffer.

At the risk of sounding like a moron, which quote above are you talking about? There have been an awful lot of quotes...

Anyway, my point about Sephy is that there isn't any point in the game where we find out that Sephy has a special rancor for Cloud, that he would jeopardize his entire becoming-a-god plan just to make Cloud a bit miserable. But, that being said, he does jeopardize his grand plot for some (in comparison) cheap thrills at Cloud's expense. However, as I said before, there's never an explanation as to why. We're left to assume Sephy has it out for Cloud in particular, but we never see why. While it's natural to assume it has something to do with Cloud giving Sephy a little toss in Nibelheim's Mako Reactor, we've no way of knowing.

I wrote all that for a reason. If we put assumptions aside (for we all know what happens when we assume), we see that Sephy hasn't really got it out for Cloud in particular. Which leaves us with a couple of possible conclusions. One, Sephy is just outright stupid. Colossally stupid. Cosmically stupid. Or two, Sephy's leading the party all the way across the world is just a contrivance to push the story along. All the while, Squeenix is rather hoping that gamers don't pick up on that.

Edit for Joan: I thought the Turks wore a dark blue?

fastidious percolator
07-01-2006, 01:57 PM
I fail to see why kefka is cool, he is a completel nutcase, which is not really cool in my books.
What does cool mean nowadays anyway?

It's each interpretation for its own. I think Kefka's cool, but that's just me. And by Kefka's coolness i mean his incredible insanity, which makes me give him brownie-points. :D I just love a mad character like that.

And, yeah, it was originally dark-blue, CyanCyde.

07-01-2006, 02:18 PM
Anyway, my point about Sephy is that there isn't any point in the game where we find out that Sephy has a special rancor for Cloud, that he would jeopardize his entire becoming-a-god plan just to make Cloud a bit miserable.
Didn't Cloud throw Sephiroth into a reactor? If some guy did that to me I would be more than a little pissed about it and more than likely out for revenge.

Then again, I would probably remember said guy when I saw him years later as well...

07-01-2006, 03:21 PM
Didn't Cloud throw Sephiroth into a reactor? If some guy did that to me I would be more than a little pissed about it and more than likely out for revenge.

Then again, I would probably remember said guy when I saw him years later as well...

I understand where you're coming from, but nowhere in the game does it even imply that Sephy wants revenge for Cloud's little toss. Like I said in my last post, we're left to assume. And you know what happens when you assume.

07-01-2006, 07:08 PM
JFTR, Black is such a cliche colour for evil. Reno, Rude, Cloud and Kadaj's gang were all dressed in black, are you gonna mark THEM as evil too?

Although it's cliched i find it fitting. not saying only villains where black, i find it goes better than dressing like a clown (kefka)

pretty sure cloud wears black

My mistake, cyan. The quote was "tell me what your cherish most... Give me the pleasure of taking it away" If i was an evil mofo like sephiroth and had my sword impaled in my rival thats a line i would say. Yeah and i'd be a bit pissed if some weak drone from SOLDIER threw me in a reactor

And when i said i liked Cloud, I meant from the game. He was too depressed in AC (although he does have a good reason to be)

07-01-2006, 07:40 PM
Yes, your mistake, Mr. Sarcasm. You missed my entire point. All you're going on is assumptions. What you would do, what you would feel. You, however, are not Sephy. In the game, we're given pretty much no clue as to what the heck is going on in Sephy's head, if anything. If I got got chucked by Cloud the way Sephy did, I'd be pretty peeved, too. But I'm not Sephy either, and I can't just say, "well I'd be mad, so he has to be."

07-01-2006, 07:55 PM
Feels kinda like stepping into the middle of a domestic, but . . .

I really like seph as a bad guy, he was cool lookin in the classic way, admittedly not going along with the movie-style bigger is better approach. Other than the bigass sword, dunno whether that classes him as cool but it makes him stand out a bit. Looks is a really superficial thing to judge coolness on tho, it's the character that's really important.
I like the mommy complex in him, and in the AC movie bad guys, it brings them down to earth a little. A big monster bad guy is scary in a very blunt way, but when there's some normal sized guy who's worrying about his mum all the time, but then suddenly turns around and decimates towns and calls down giant meteors, it gives them an unhinged feel, you don't quite know where you stand.
You can kind of relate to seph a little, his mum's been locked up and experimented on by these watered down cetra who were the people responsible for the death of his kin in the first place. They perform their experiments and withhold information from him, all the while using him to do their dirty work. So when he finds out he goes ape, goes on a rampage and then sets about trying to fulfil his mothers, and the origional cetras, goals. He goes over the heads of humanity and there doesn't seem to be anything they can do to stop him. That's pretty cool.

As for the blokey from FFVI, haven't played the game so can't really comment, but i like the sounds of him too. There's not many people i'd run from faster than a psychotic lunatic with ultimate power.

Of the gaming badguys i do like sephy the best, but then the coolness of him is in his style, and different people like different styles. If you disagree with that then talk to your grandparents about "cool" clothing, you'll soon see a difference of opinion.

defn: fanboy:- anyone who feels the need to swear while debating their favourite computer game character.

07-01-2006, 08:03 PM
Yes, your mistake, Mr. Sarcasm. You missed my entire point. All you're going on is assumptions. What you would do, what you would feel. You, however, are not Sephy. In the game, we're given pretty much no clue as to what the heck is going on in Sephy's head, if anything. If I got got chucked by Cloud the way Sephy did, I'd be pretty peeved, too. But I'm not Sephy either, and I can't just say, "well I'd be mad, so he has to be."

Okay then Mr. SmartyPants. I know that if sephiroth had no feelings of hatred or vengence for cloud he would have never said the quote i said above or stabbed him in the shoulder instead of somewhere more fatal.

If swearing is the difference between a fan and a fanboy then that's pretty lame.

Fuck! <--- look i'm a fanboy now

07-01-2006, 08:12 PM
I'm just saying chill a little, no need to get worked up. Let your argument speak for itself, and leave the name-calling and swearing as padding for those of us who haven't got any real arguments to take up the space with. :D

07-01-2006, 08:26 PM
Yeah i get your point. Just stupid comments like " and anyone who think Sephiroth is a better villian is a fucking ignorant cretin" annoys me

07-01-2006, 08:30 PM
I actually like kuja a lot more....but...i guess it�s all about seph having a background makes ppl like him �cause they feel empaty about his past or something.

You're really trying hard to make sure that no one can take you seriously about anything, aren't you?
This is a forum about video games..............i don�t know but,are we supposed to take discussions here seriously?
Come on... it�s a video game discussion! :-\

07-01-2006, 08:41 PM
double post.sorry

fastidious percolator
07-01-2006, 08:53 PM
I always considered Kuja like this: A mixture of Kefka's madness and Sephiroth's power-craving, but he pays no tribute to both characters.

Zell dincht X0
07-01-2006, 09:12 PM
Sephiroth is a pussy who claimed to be awesome and powerful and then he got no scoped in the face by the gang(bunch of chavs)

Valerie Valens
07-01-2006, 09:26 PM
Tanequil, you fail. THIS ( is a fanboy.

07-01-2006, 10:27 PM
thats a cute and humorous definition

07-01-2006, 11:58 PM
hmm, well everyone as there own opinions on there character's you can't judge that if someone like's him they like him if they don't they don't you must respect that :)

07-02-2006, 12:01 AM
hmm, well everyone as there own opinions on there character's you can't judge that if someone like's him they like him if they don't they don't you must respect that :)

Though annoying and often disruptive, Fanboy is a relatively harmless Warrior because his interests and knowledge are strictly limited a single obsession. He's fixated on a particular video game, a celebrity, a television show, a sports team, � almost anything, really. Fanboy�s compulsion makes him very easy to identify, but it also arms him with supernatural tenacity. The most benign criticism of his beloved immediately provokes a cascade of virulent abuse. Once alerted to Fanboy's sensitivities Evil Clown, Troller and Jerk will goad himmercilessly. CAUTION: ANYONE can become a Fanboy, but the warning signs of an emerging Fanboy are subtle and easily overlooked. For example, are you a little hasty to defend Linux?

lol fun....

07-02-2006, 01:24 AM
Okay then Mr. SmartyPants. I know that if sephiroth had no feelings of hatred or vengence for cloud he would have never said the quote i said above or stabbed him in the shoulder instead of somewhere more fatal.

If swearing is the difference between a fan and a fanboy then that's pretty lame.

Fuck! <--- look i'm a fanboy now

Despite the fact that you're apparently quite willing to rip civility apart, I'm not going there. Read my arguements again; I was quite clearly referring specifically to the game. If you want to apply one of Sephy's four AC lines to the entire game, then that's your prerogative. At any rate, If Sephy really wasn't giving his all during the AC fight, then he's so colossally stupid that he deserves to be killed. Again. And again. I have a hard time seeing anything likeable in that.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 01:28 AM
Don't bother Cyan, no matter how much better your arguements are(and they are far, far better then his)he won't even stop and think for a minute. Been there, done it.

Also, you should post here more.

07-02-2006, 02:23 AM
Haha viper, you do realize that cyan basically does all the speaking for you. All you've done is say that i'm a moron and my opinions are wrong. I'll start actually replying when you can think for yourself you unoriginal fuck.:)

This is to cyan. I was talking about the story, which does include the movie. I never said the fact that he underestimated cloud was cool. That was a stupid mistake on his part (and he payed for it). If you have any other theories that relate to that quote feel free to add them

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 02:56 AM
Go back a page half-wit. I shredded your arguement and you simply said my opinions suck. Pot. Kettle. Black. Also, notice how everyone who has posted in this thread has DISAGREED with you? Has it occured to you, that you are totally wrong, and not me?

Edit: I know exactly how you're going to respond with this. Rather then another futile arguement, let's call it quits, to each his own. Your obviously never going to get my point, so further arguing is useless.

07-02-2006, 03:07 AM
Haha shredded, cute viper, cute. I will now pull out totally random quotes from when you "shredded" me.

"So you honestly think Sephiroth is a better villian? You really don't have a clue do you? It's really sad to be honest. Still funny though. Also, how many of those fanboys have actually played FFVI? Anyone with even the slightest taste in games knows FFVI is far superior."

"Yet more irony, please, please keep it up. It's highly entertaining. As a matter of fact, we happen to be like-minded people who actually have taste in good games and who undertstand what makes a good villian"

"I think Kefka is the best villian of the FF series, because he has all the traits required to make him a good villian. Like I previously said, a good villian is one that makes you hate him etc. Kefka does this. Sephiroth is a whiny fag and doesn't bring out any hatred in me."

Wow you really showed me. I never know a dumbass could type so much and have it mean so little. "Sephiroth is a whiny fag".... Is that the best you can think of?

Edit: Pardon me, I typed this before i saw your edit.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 03:08 AM
what makes sephiroth cool

-He has a cool outfit on and a long sword
-How he basically waits for Cloud to come before killing aeris right in front of him.
-Instead of leaving bread crumbs behind so people can follow him, he leaves dead bodies.
-He enjoys taking things important away from people and watching them suffer because of it.
-He can do all this shit alone without any help from henchmen
-When he was fighting Cloud in AC you could tell he was just playing with him and not trying his hardest
-He talks with his blade most of the time.

The sheer coolness of the part where cloud and company wake up to find their jail cells unlocked and then they see a trail of dead bodies that once were guards lying everywhere. Then when they reach the top, they find the leader of the shinra organization dead at his desk with sword sticking out of his back. How is that not cool? Did kefka ever do that? I dont think so

You were saying?

All I have been trying to say to you, is that 'coolness' is not what makes a good villian. Most people will tell you that, you disagree, fine. I have failed in my duties to educate you, now let's leave it at that shall we? :)

07-02-2006, 03:11 AM
Whats wrong with what i said. I meant it all. That is the reason I like him. And you have your reason for liking Kefka so as you said lets end it to save time.

PS educating will work better if you don't call the person a fucking ignorant cretin right off the bat

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 03:14 AM
Well, I was simply trying to explain that 'coolness' doesn't mean a good villian.

07-02-2006, 03:16 AM
And i was merely trying to say that IMO sephiroth accomplished both

07-02-2006, 03:59 AM
And I'm 'merely' saying that Kefka did the 'good villain' thing far better, while being far more entertaining. Kefka totally screwed the world over, while Sephy was stopped by a flower girl and her terrorist friends. Kefka did his business with a very unique style--and no, I'm not referring to his appearance. Kefka was a villain you could laugh at and hate simultaneously. In the midst of being all evil and whatnot, he's dropping classics like, "Ahem! There's SAND on my boots!" "Son of a submariner!" "Wait? Do I look like a waiter to you?" "Run! Run! Or you'll be well done!!" "You sound like a chapter from a self-help book!"

Just because I feel like it, let's compare the two villains "burn the town" scenes. Sephy in Nibelheim, Kefka in Figaro Castle. With Sephy, the town burns, there's an FMV, he stands there, does the whole emo/I'm-such-a-bad-dude thing, turns, and walks away. While Kefka tries to burn the castle (hard to burn something that can bury itself beneath the desert!), he and his two cronies are having a ball. I do believe Kefka's line is something like, "Mwa ha ha ha, Welcome to my little barbeque!!" Meanwhile, his cronies say, "Heh heh, FIRE! Heh heh!" Unless you're totally enraptured by the whole emo thing, Kefka definitely wins style points for sticking around for a few laughs at his victims' expense, even if that particular plot winds up being foiled.

Most Sephy-lovers think he's so great because he's just such a bad dude or whatever. While Kefka doesn't strut around in black with silver hair (coughlikeDrizztcough), he punched Shiva in the face, then kicked Ifrit in the balls. Since it wasn't responded to earlier, I thought I'd restate that little fact.

07-02-2006, 04:32 AM
And I'm 'merely' saying that Kefka did the 'good villain' thing far better, while being far more entertaining. Kefka totally screwed the world over, while Sephy was stopped by a flower girl and her terrorist friends. Kefka did his business with a very unique style--and no, I'm not referring to his appearance. Kefka was a villain you could laugh at and hate simultaneously. In the midst of being all evil and whatnot, he's dropping classics like, "Ahem! There's SAND on my boots!" "Son of a submariner!" "Wait? Do I look like a waiter to you?" "Run! Run! Or you'll be well done!!" "You sound like a chapter from a self-help book!"

Just because I feel like it, let's compare the two villains "burn the town" scenes. Sephy in Nibelheim, Kefka in Figaro Castle. With Sephy, the town burns, there's an FMV, he stands there, does the whole emo/I'm-such-a-bad-dude thing, turns, and walks away. While Kefka tries to burn the castle (hard to burn something that can bury itself beneath the desert!), he and his two cronies are having a ball. I do believe Kefka's line is something like, "Mwa ha ha ha, Welcome to my little barbeque!!" Meanwhile, his cronies say, "Heh heh, FIRE! Heh heh!" Unless you're totally enraptured by the whole emo thing, Kefka definitely wins style points for sticking around for a few laughs at his victims' expense, even if that particular plot winds up being foiled.

Most Sephy-lovers think he's so great because he's just such a bad dude or whatever. While Kefka doesn't strut around in black with silver hair (coughlikeDrizztcough), he punched Shiva in the face, then kicked Ifrit in the balls. Since it wasn't responded to earlier, I thought I'd restate that little fact.

I was really hoping this whole thing would be over but i guess not.

The emo thing? Lost respect for you with that line. Of course if you knew what Emo actually mean you wouldn't have said that. But if you really want to label Seph as emo then i will just go ahead and label Kefka as a clown

07-02-2006, 05:26 AM
I was really hoping this whole thing would be over but i guess not.

The emo thing? Lost respect for you with that line. Of course if you knew what Emo actually mean you wouldn't have said that. But if you really want to label Seph as emo then i will just go ahead and label Kefka as a clown

Having had emo friends, I'm quite up to date about just what 'Emo actually mean.'

- And here's a picture of where Kefka stole his out fit from and unlike you i can actually give examples.

You already have labeled Kefka as a clown. Clown. :-p

07-02-2006, 05:30 AM
Having had emo friends, I'm quite up to date about just what 'Emo actually mean.'

then please englighten me on why he is emo

07-02-2006, 05:57 AM

Or you could actually try to counter the points I made.

07-02-2006, 06:30 AM
since when does everyone like sephiroth? i guess a lot of ppl do but not everyone. i know i don't. i never understood why ppl like him, just because he's supposedly a bad *ss villain? he's alright at best, hardly anything original and not that badass. he really didn't put up much of a fight nor gave any feeling of intimidation throughout the game.

07-02-2006, 03:50 PM
Because he acts like clown (a clown on crack) and looks like one too.
Wow! HE KICKED IFRIT IN THE NUTS AND PUNCHED SHIVA IN THE FACE?! They are the weakest shit summons in the game. Who kicks Ifrit in the nuts? I'd expect to see something like that on one of the shows my brother watched on his Saturday Morning Cartoons. Or i'd expect that from a clown since they make me laugh. Okay so i covered your point in your last comment. Your turn

Zell dincht X0
07-02-2006, 05:11 PM
Because he acts like clown (a clown on crack) and looks like one too.
Wow! HE KICKED IFRIT IN THE NUTS AND PUNCHED SHIVA IN THE FACE?! They are the weakest shit summons in the game. Who kicks Ifrit in the nuts? I'd expect to see something like that on one of the shows my brother watched on his Saturday Morning Cartoons. Or i'd expect that from a clown since they make me laugh. Okay so i covered your point in your last comment. Your turn
clowns are scary, also who summons ifrit?

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 05:43 PM
Because he acts like clown (a clown on crack) and looks like one too.
Wow! HE KICKED IFRIT IN THE NUTS AND PUNCHED SHIVA IN THE FACE?! They are the weakest shit summons in the game. Who kicks Ifrit in the nuts? I'd expect to see something like that on one of the shows my brother watched on his Saturday Morning Cartoons. Or i'd expect that from a clown since they make me laugh. Okay so i covered your point in your last comment. Your turn

What about him decimating Doma and destroying the world and rebuilding it in his image?

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 05:52 PM
Because he acts like clown (a clown on crack) and looks like one too.

You haven't gotten any of this, have you?


As opposed to impaling a Flower Girl while her back was turned?

They are the weakest shit summons in the game.

And? President Shinra was a really formidible opponent wasn't he?!

I'd expect to see something like that on one of the shows my brother watched on his Saturday Morning Cartoons.

What about poisioning a castle, tearing the world apart, murdering his leader etc, etc.

Or i'd expect that from a clown since they make me laugh.

Clowns are deeply unfunny, almost sinister creatures. You know I was willing to drop the whole thing, but you keep posting biased rubbish.

07-02-2006, 05:56 PM
Wow he destroyed the world and rebuilt it in his own image!?!?! HOW COOL! Why's that sound so familiar? Oh thats right, because they ripped it off from Ganon in Zelda a Link to the Past(1991).

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 05:59 PM
That is fairly inaccurate, Ganon built a mirror world in his own image and threatened to destroy the world he had fashioned the world off of. Ganon never succeded.

PS : LttP was released in 1993, not 1991

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 05:59 PM
Wow he destroyed the world and rebuilt it in his own image!?!?! HOW COOL! Why's that sound so familiar? Oh thats right, because they ripped it off from Ganon in Zelda a Link to the Past(1991).

And that proves what exactly?

07-02-2006, 06:04 PM
You haven't gotten any of this, have you?

As opposed to impaling a Flower Girl while her back was turned?

And? President Shinra was a really formidible opponent wasn't he?!

What about poisioning a castle, tearing the world apart, murdering his leader etc, etc.

Clowns are deeply unfunny, almost sinister creatures. You know I was willing to drop the whole thing, but you keep posting biased rubbish.

Just responding to your good buddy Cyan.

-The shinra president isnt a formidable opponent? Well no shit sherlock. George Bush isn't in office because he himself is a formidable opponent. Sephiroth killed off the largest corp. in the world not because he disliked them it was because they were in his way. And I'm pretty sure the Aeris was fucked either way. Unlike Kefka, Sephiroth didn't need to suck up to his leader before backstabing him to get to the top. He just walked in the front door walked up to the top of the shinra tower (killing anything that got in his way) and killed the president

07-02-2006, 06:04 PM
It proves that Kefka was playing a bit too many Zelda games before he took over the world ;)

07-02-2006, 06:05 PM
Silly. That wasn't even Sephiroth. Even I know that and I despise the game.

fastidious percolator
07-02-2006, 06:06 PM
Wow he destroyed the world and rebuilt it in his own image!?!?! HOW COOL! Why's that sound so familiar? Oh thats right, because they ripped it off from Ganon in Zelda a Link to the Past(1991).

Well, now your replies are just not good for a discussion.

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 06:09 PM
It proves that Kefka was playing a bit too many Zelda games before he took over the world ;)

I like how you so conveniently ignored the key-points presented in this thread.

07-02-2006, 06:10 PM
Ok it was one of his little henchmen if you want to put it that way. Which means if it was actually Sephiroth then it probably would have been alot worse. Actually referring to the movie, Sephiroth made the shinra building collapse with a slash from his sword.

And i like how you stalled because you couldnt think of an arguement.

By the way the whole Kefka playing zelda thing was pure sarcasm if you didn't catch on.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 06:12 PM
Just responding to your good buddy Cyan.

-The shinra president isnt a formidable opponent? Well no shit sherlock. George Bush isn't in office because he himself is a formidable opponent. Sephiroth killed off the largest corp. in the world

No he didn't. That is complete crap.

And I'm pretty sure the Aeris was fucked either way.

'Pretty sure' doesn't work in a debate.

Unlike Kefka, Sephiroth didn't need to suck up to his leader before backstabing him to get to the top.

Sephiroth never got to the top. Also, why did he kill the President, it seems to be a totally pointless act, apart from making he seem 'cool' of course. Kefka killed Gestahl as he was an obstacle in his rise to power.

He just walked in the front door walked up to the top of the shinra tower (killing anything that got in his way) and killed the president

And Kefka killed anyone who got his way, and his bodycount was considerably more then Sephiroth's.

Edit: Joan wins this thread, rofl.

fastidious percolator
07-02-2006, 06:13 PM
And i like how you stalled because you couldnt think of an arguement.

By the way the whole Kefka playing zelda thing was pure sarcasm if you didn't catch on.

Isn't it ironic :rolleyes:

07-02-2006, 06:19 PM
No he didn't. That is complete crap.

'Pretty sure' doesn't work in a debate.

Sephiroth never got to the top. Also, why did he kill the President, it seems to be a totally pointless act, apart from making he seem 'cool' of course. Kefka killed Gestahl as he was an obstacle in his rise to power.

And Kefka killed anyone who got his way, and his bodycount was considerably more then Sephiroth's.

Edit: Joan wins this thread, rofl.

Yeah i know Joan made some really good points with that picture of the garden knome

I love how your idea of a good arguement is "No he didn't. That is complete crap." Then tell me how did Cloud and Co. escaped from the jail cell and why didnt they encounter any enemies before reaching the top?

Maybe you should replay the game because your facts are a little rusty. His goal was to get JENOVA. He got JENOVA (killing anything that would try and stop him) and exited from the top of the building.

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 06:21 PM
Ok it was one of his little henchmen if you want to put it that way. Which means if it was actually Sephiroth then it probably would have been alot worse. Actually referring to the movie, Sephiroth made the shinra building collapse with a slash from his sword.

And i like how you stalled because you couldnt think of an arguement.

By the way the whole Kefka playing zelda thing was pure sarcasm if you didn't catch on.


07-02-2006, 06:23 PM

Your right Viper, Joan has won. I mean with intelligent quotes like this I really don't have any comebacks

07-02-2006, 06:23 PM
PompousPilate, Jenova took on the form of Sephiroth and left on its own, so the things you're attributing to him were done by someone totally different.

hb smokey
07-02-2006, 06:24 PM
Eventually, you just get tired of arguing with a person who doesn't have any shot of explaining himself and his 'opinions'. Hence, why I don't even bother to read PontiusPilate's posts anymore.

07-02-2006, 06:26 PM
Indeed Smokey. That's why I just pop in here from time to time now to take quick potshots, then leave.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 06:27 PM
Yeah i know Joan made some really good points with that picture of the garden knome

Yes, and you've made some good arguements all throughout...........................

I love how your idea of a good arguement is "No he didn't. That is complete crap."

You said that Sephiroth wiped out Shinra Corp. He didn't, therefore your points are complete crap.

Then tell me how did Cloud and Co. escaped from the jail cell and why didnt they encounter any enemies before reaching the top?

Because they were dead, duh. But that isn't what you said 10 mins ago. Yet another u-turn!

Maybe you should replay the game because your facts are a little rusty. His goal was to get JENOVA. He got JENOVA (killing anything that would try and stop him)

I know my facts thank you. I simply said killing President Shinra didn't seem to have any purpose whatsoever.

and exited from the top of the building.

And how did he do that exactly? Oh, sorry I forgot, he's a One Winged Angel.............

Edit: Yes, Joan has ripped you to pieces, you still insist on arguing from a hopeless position, so she responds with what you deserve. Mockery.

hb smokey
07-02-2006, 06:31 PM

07-02-2006, 06:32 PM
For someone who can cut down buildings with his sword i doubt jumping off the top of the building to be a problem. The president didnt really have a purpose except for getting in Sephs way and dying. But his death was the introduction to his son, Rufus who played a major role in Shinra.

Well since you were talking about how no one cares about FF VII I thought i'd impale you with the fact that FF VII's sephiroth was more popular then your beloved Kefka

07-02-2006, 06:33 PM
Did you even pay attention to me? Sephiroth wasn't even there.

07-02-2006, 06:34 PM
yo smokey?...

is it FILTER?...G4TV?...

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 06:34 PM
For someone who can cut down buildings with his sword i doubt jumping off the top of the building to be a problem. The president didnt really have a purpose except for getting in Sephs way and dying. But his death was the introduction to his son, Rufus who played a major role in Shinra.

Well since you were talking about how no one cares about FF VII I thought i'd impale you with the fact that FF VII's sephiroth was more popular then your beloved Kefka

07-02-2006, 06:35 PM
PompousPilate, Jenova took on the form of Sephiroth and left on its own, so the things you're attributing to him were done by someone totally different.
Well, yes and no. Yes, as in it was technically someone else’s body that had taken Sephiroth's image. No in that it was Sephiroth was in complete control of said entity.

*Xenogears spoilers*

Kind of like Grahf from Xenogears. Sure, he has taken over someone else’s body, but all the acts he commits within the game are attributed to him because it was his consciousness that was moving said host.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 06:35 PM
For someone who can cut down buildings with his sword i doubt jumping off the top of the building to be a problem.

I didn't think you could get any dumber, but alas, i've been proved wrong.

The president didnt really have a purpose except for getting in Sephs way and dying.

Yet more assumption.

But his death was the introduction to his son, Rufus who played a major role in Shinra.

I always thought Rufus was totally pointless, there is no need for him whatsoever.

Also rofl@ Smokey.

07-02-2006, 06:40 PM
I didn't think you could get any dumber, but alas, i've been proved wrong.

Yet more assumption.

I always thought Rufus was totally pointless, there is no need for him whatsoever.

Also rofl@ Smokey.

Thanks for "breaking it down". But if you actually did it right, the last two lines you quoted seperately should be together since the first one explains the second. Rufus had a vital role in FF VII whether you think it or not.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 06:42 PM
If you did it right, you wouldn't be getting mocked and belittled by 99% of the people on here. Rufus most certainly did not have a vital role. The story was going along quite nicely with President Shinra.

hb smokey
07-02-2006, 06:42 PM
Did you even pay attention to me? Sephiroth wasn't even there.

07-02-2006, 06:49 PM
If you did it right, you wouldn't be getting mocked and belittled by 99% of the people on here. Rufus most certainly did not have a vital role. The story was going along quite nicely with President Shinra.


Sadly no, you guys pretty much put down every Seph fan regardless. Well of course things were going well with President Shinra. Thats why we have the antagonist to fuck everything up. Without Rufus, who's methods far different from his father, Midgar would have been completely destroyed by the Weapon. Rufus and his Turks also played a major role in stopping Kadaj and his brothers.

Smokey, please read Thrones post.

07-02-2006, 06:49 PM
double post, sorry

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 06:54 PM
Sadly no, you guys pretty much put down every Seph fan regardless.

Wrong. I have no problem with people liking him, that's fine(and most of the mockery is light-hearted banter). What I do have a problem with is people claiming he's the best ever, and he's superior to Kefka, which he clearly isn't.

Well of course things were going well with President Shinra. Thats why we have the antagonist to fuck everything up.

I was talking about the story. There is no need to kill of President Shinra so early and suddenly introduce Rufus 'he's been away somewhere for a while' Shinra.

Without Rufus, who's methods far different from his father, Midgar would have been completely destroyed by the Weapon.

Haven't you learned anything from this thread? I am 100% convinced you are properly retarded beyond redemption now. Congratulations.

hb smokey
07-02-2006, 06:55 PM
Smokey, please read Thrones post.

Eventually, you just get tired of arguing with a person who doesn't have any shot of explaining himself and his 'opinions'. Hence, why I don't even bother to read PontiusPilate's posts anymore.

07-02-2006, 08:22 PM
Wrong. I have no problem with people liking him, that's fine(and most of the mockery is light-hearted banter). What I do have a problem with is people claiming he's the best ever, and he's superior to Kefka, which he clearly isn't.

I was talking about the story. There is no need to kill of President Shinra so early and suddenly introduce Rufus 'he's been away somewhere for a while' Shinra.

Haven't you learned anything from this thread? I am 100% convinced you are properly retarded beyond redemption now. Congratulations.

Since you have failed to give me a response I am 100% sure that your just a dumbass with no life. I win, sorry get over it. Well i'm done butchering you in this thread. No point in writing back for I will surely ignore it

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 08:38 PM
Congratulations, here's your medal.

07-02-2006, 08:49 PM
Nah, I'm to nice to except medals. It looks alot better on you.

:) It matches your shirt:)

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 08:55 PM
Oh snap! A No U comeback? How original!

Pffft, hold on to that medal PontiusFaggot, it's the only medal you'll ever have a chance at winning.

07-02-2006, 09:02 PM
Oh snap! You changed the Last part of my name to faggot! How original.

You are a waste of life. You are one of God's mistakes. But theirs still hope! Haha just kidding, choke and die!

You just got fucked!

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 09:20 PM
Since you have failed to give me a response I am 100% sure that your just a dumbass with no life. I win, sorry get over it. Well i'm done butchering you in this thread. No point in writing back for I will surely ignore it

Ahahahaha, you truly are pompous and deluded, even more so then I gave you credit for.

Since you have failed to give me a response I am 100% sure that your just a dumbass with no life.

I'm not the one who has failed to respond to ANYONE's arguements in here.

I win, sorry get over it.

Declaring yourself the winner of a debate reeks of severe retardation and desperation, it is up to the observers to decide who wins.

Well i'm still being butchering from all sides in this thread.


Edit: Personal attacks(like your last post)are sure signs that you are well and truly beaten. It's sad really, still funny though.

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 09:24 PM
Declaring yourself the winner of a debate reeks of severe retardation and desperation, it is up to the observers to decide who wins.


Edit: Personal attacks(like your last post)are sure signs that you are well truly beaten. It's sad really, still funny though.

Not only that, his porn muppet pic reeks of failure. At least we now know to what Pontius strokes his lil meat-filet.

07-03-2006, 03:35 AM

Personal attacks? Guess we have a loser right here. Sucks doesn't it? I turn all of your arguements against you. I hereby deem you a fullfledged faggot. Well I'm done raping your statements like a priest would rape an alter boy. Don't bother writing back because I will probably ignore your desperate attempts to make a comeback.

Thank you for the entertainment.

07-03-2006, 09:22 AM
No, thank you.

Declaring yourself the winner of a debate reeks of severe retardation and desperation, it is up to the observers to decide who wins.

are sure signs that you are well and truly beaten

I don't like doing this but aren't you basically also declaring yourself the winner of the debate?

Controversy ftw!

07-03-2006, 09:36 AM
I don't think 'controversy' was the word you were looking for...

07-03-2006, 10:02 AM
Oh look. Another silly fanboy. What a shock.

Are you anti Sephiroth.

I myself have not played FF7, tough I've seen trailers etc, and I've seen AC 3 times.

I just like Sephiroth, because he looks cool

07-03-2006, 10:42 AM
Personal attacks? Guess we have a loser right here. Sucks doesn't it? I turn all of your arguements against you. I hereby deem you a fullfledged faggot. Well I'm done raping your statements like a priest would rape an alter boy. Don't bother writing back because I will probably ignore your desperate attempts to make a comeback.

Thank you for the entertainment.
Ever get that feeling when you should just stop?

You had something good going in the beginning of this debate, but now you're just acting like an idiot. Nobody's won, but as an onlooker of this debate I can say that while Sephiroth was a good villian, from what I've seen/heard of Kefka, I'd consider him way more badass than Sephy. Maybe the whole destruction take no shit villian like Kefka appeals more to me.

@YFFSephiroth: If you liked the trailers and AC, then you should play the game. You'll enjoy it. ;)

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 11:02 AM
Ever get that feeling when you should just stop?

You had something good going in the beginning of this debate, but now you're just acting like an idiot. Nobody's won, but as an onlooker of this debate I can say that while Sephiroth was a good villian, from what I've seen/heard of Kefka, I'd consider him way more badass than Sephy. Maybe the whole destruction take no shit villian like Kefka appeals more to me.

@YFFSephiroth: If you liked the trailers and AC, then you should play the game. You'll enjoy it. ;)

Finally! A newbie worth his salt, welcome to the fold, man. :D

Pontius, that is about as much of a personal attack as Bill Clinton is a faithful husband to Hillary Clinton. For one, the fact that you're retarded beyond all hope is far from private or personal. Hell, you're flaunting it out so much to everyone that even a newcomer picked up on it. Secondly, I am putting that in the nicest way possible, it's the sugar-coated fact that I am telling to you. If you don't like it,'re entitled to your own delusions, just don't try to pass it off as fact because that just makes you look like an even bigger cunt than you already are. ;)

Have a good day. Smiles and giggles, buddy. :)

I don't like doing this but aren't you basically also declaring yourself the winner of the debate?

Controversy ftw!

Actually, he's just declaring Pontius as the loser. That's a completely different thing.

fastidious percolator
07-03-2006, 01:15 PM
Are you anti Sephiroth.

I myself have not played FF7, tough I've seen trailers etc, and I've seen AC 3 times.

I just like Sephiroth, because he looks cool

:) I declare you Member of the Month! ^_^

07-03-2006, 01:25 PM
Actually, he's just declaring Pontius as the loser. That's a completely different thing.

That's the same as saying Pontius didn't exactly lose. He just didn't win.

If Pontius and Viper were debating (I know they weren't the only ones involved) and Viper says "you lose", that means Viper (and the parties opposed to Pontius) won and, therefore, Viper was announcing himself as the winner.

It's exactly the same thing, Joan.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 03:14 PM
Okay fine, *I* declare Viper to be the winner. Happy now?

07-03-2006, 03:20 PM
Haha you're misunderstanding my intentions. I wasn't looking for the winner. I just thought Viper wasn't following his own advice and I just pointed it out to him.

Carry on!

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 05:09 PM
I was talking about his personal attacks at Joan ftr, Espanha. Also, Pontius is incapable of objective, civil debate.

Personal attacks? Guess we have a loser right here.

Glad you've realised it. Learn from it and you might just have a future on here besides being a form of amusement.

Sucks doesn't it? I turn all of your arguements against you.

Oh yes, you made some amazingly retarded assumptions and statements, wow I am totally beaten by those!

I hereby deem you a fullfledged faggot.

That hole is just getting deeper and deeper.................Also, no-one of worth on here considers me a faggot, while those same people think you are one, among other things.

Well I'm done raping your statements like a priest would rape an alter boy.

Which ones have you raped? Oh yes, the one where you replied that Sephiroth can surely jump off a building as he can cut down buildings with his sword! Oh dear, how will I recover from that convincing and entirely factual response!

I still haven't realised that i'm a pompous, deluded idiot who is providing all the regulars with a laugh, but nothing more.


Edit: I'd also like to point out that your efforts to save face, by throwing out insults, have failed miserably and have only served to make you look even more pitiful then you already were.

07-03-2006, 05:28 PM
I was talking about his personal attacks at Joan ftr, Espanha. Also, Pontius is incapable of objective, civil debate.

Glad you've realised it. Learn from it and you might just have a future on here besides being a form of amusement.

Oh yes, you made some amazingly retarded assumptions and statements, wow I am totally beaten by those!

That hole is just getting deeper and deeper.................Also, no-one of worth on here considers me a faggot, while those same people think you are one, among other things.

Which ones have you raped? Oh yes, the one where you replied that Sephiroth can surely jump off a building as he can cut down buildings with his sword! Oh dear, how will I recover from that convincing and entirely factual response!


Edit: I'd also like to point out that your efforts to save face, by throwing out insults, have failed miserably and have only served to make you look even more pitiful then you already were.

lmao, its cute how he breaks it down and thinks he won. Towards the end i wasn't really trying to make a point. i was just being a total dick because i 'realized' that you guys would never admit your wrong because of the fact that you spent your whole lives on a forum. It's funny how you get worked up so easily and write a page's worth response to me

07-03-2006, 05:29 PM
You were being a dick before you came to that moronic conclusion. Hell, you were being a dick in your first post.

07-03-2006, 05:30 PM
lol. 5,376 posts

07-03-2006, 05:33 PM
before this i've seen FILTER show about your most favourite villain...

Sephiroth is in the top three (as i remember), defeating kefka...

who vote sephiroth?...because my favourite is igniz...

07-03-2006, 05:36 PM
lol. 5,376 posts

What's your point? You have a much higher posts per day average than I do. That must mean you spend more time here than me. OMG you have no life and you spend all your time on a forum!

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:37 PM
lol. 5,376 posts

You remind me of Zulu, only fucktards point out the post count of others in a debate. Also, your PPD count is twice as high, so you're saying that you're twice as pathetic?

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 05:38 PM
lol. 5,376 posts
Quality over quantity dear.

07-03-2006, 05:39 PM
What's your point? You have a much higher posts per day average than I do. That must mean you spend more time here than me. OMG you have no life and you spend all your time on a forum!

Hahahaha. Prak pathetically attempts to try and make it seem like i have no life.

5378 Hahahaha

07-03-2006, 05:40 PM
Quality over quantity dear.

Right.... You used that quote in the wrong context if you were trying to make prak look good. if anything you would be complimenting me.

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 05:41 PM
And Pontius Faggots degeneration into a hopeless moron is complete, I was wondering when he'd break!

07-03-2006, 05:42 PM
Look at you, Pompous, double posting to try and drive your post count higher. You really have no life if you care about a forum that much.

07-03-2006, 05:42 PM
can i talk about this topic?...

why i like sephiroth?...

maybe because of his name...

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:43 PM
Actually you don't Pilates, most of your posts consists of needlessly being a muppet-fucking moron while Prak and Uranus contributes to the forum greatly overall.

07-03-2006, 05:44 PM
Look at you, Pompous, double posting to try and drive your post count higher. You really have no life if you care about a forum that much.

5380. Get a life

07-03-2006, 05:44 PM
217 in just a few days. Get a life.

07-03-2006, 05:45 PM
5381 lol. Get a Life.

07-03-2006, 05:46 PM
I officially love Prak and Joan.

That is all.

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 05:46 PM
Also, Smokey and Prak have been members for 2 years i'd like to point out.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:46 PM
5381 lol. Get a Life.


07-03-2006, 05:47 PM

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 05:47 PM
Right.... You used that quote in the wrong context if you were trying to make prak look good. if anything you would be complimenting me.
Yes, at this rate, after being here 2 years like Prak has, you'll have about 8,660 posts.

Zell dincht X0
07-03-2006, 05:47 PM
fight fight fight... also sephi is a fag

07-03-2006, 05:49 PM

ok mybe you need to calm down there lol.

07-03-2006, 05:49 PM
fight fight fight... also PompousPilate is a fag

07-03-2006, 05:53 PM and yuna are in love...

Desert Wolf
07-03-2006, 05:54 PM

Is that a guy.....

07-03-2006, 05:57 PM
Is that a guy.....

yeah, i'm curious too...

Desert Wolf
07-03-2006, 05:58 PM
err you can check...

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:59 PM
Please note as well that PontiusPilate STILL hasn't refuted my implication that he faps to muppet porn.

07-03-2006, 06:00 PM

yes, he's a guy that suddenly operating and implanting his breast...

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:03 PM
PompousPilate = Wandererwillow


Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:06 PM
PompousPilate = Wandererwillow


I doubt it, note that he didn't tell you to google his arguements...


07-03-2006, 06:08 PM

07-03-2006, 06:08 PM
No, two complety different people. Both have accounts at EoFF (well PotiousPilate is banned now, but you know what I mean).

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:11 PM
Rofl, even EoFF rejects him.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:14 PM
No, two complety different people. Both have accounts at EoFF (well PotiousPilate is banned now, but you know what I mean).

rofl! Hahaha, even EoFF rejected him! Now THAT's pathetic! PM me the links to the threads where he flamed himself into ban-nation!

07-03-2006, 06:16 PM
eoff is strict...

if you insult other people, you'll be warned from their moderator...

fastidious percolator
07-03-2006, 06:19 PM
eoff is strict...

if you post a link to a site where you could find one little link to a site with pornlinks, you'll get banned


07-03-2006, 06:19 PM
I too have been banned (long time ago), so it would be hypocritical for me to make fun of someone elses banning (although my reason for being banned was far different from his). Just run a search from PontiusPilate and check his last post.

07-03-2006, 06:20 PM
haha...trent, how did you know that?...

you're awesome!!!...

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 06:24 PM

These are pretty much the gist of what you've been posting the last week or so. Get a life.

fastidious percolator
07-03-2006, 06:25 PM
haha...trent, how did you know that?...

you're awesome!!!...

..I actually edited your post so that it'ld fit to my description..

=O You got banned 'cause of the same reason?

07-03-2006, 06:26 PM
..I actually edited your post so that it'ld fit to my description..

=O You got banned 'cause of the same reason?

yeah, i got banned because of that...


07-03-2006, 06:35 PM

"fight fight fight... also PompousPilate is a fag" -Prak


Those pussies at EoFF ban you if you swear or disagree with one of the admin

07-03-2006, 06:36 PM
yo pontius pilate, you seem to enjoy it...

but your effort is too risky...

07-03-2006, 06:38 PM
Being a dick is always fun.

They kept warning me for reasons like swearing or talking in an "innapropriate" tone and eventually i just got bored and cursed them all off so i got banned :)

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:41 PM
Your not being a dick at all, fyi. Your doing nothing but bringing heaps of mockery upon yourself, and amusing everyone for a while. Get over yourself.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:42 PM
That is the most pathetic attempt at salvaging one's pride I've ever heard.

07-03-2006, 06:43 PM
Your not being a dick at all, fyi. Your doing nothing but bringing heaps of mockery upon yourself, and amusing everyone for a while. Get over yourself.

Do you know whats amusing, you made 2074 comments. No life!

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:46 PM
Total Posts: 2,075 (3.89 posts per day)
Total Posts: 221 (11.82 posts per day)

You were saying?

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:47 PM
Do you know whats amusing, you made 2074 comments. No life!

Oh what a remarkable and cutting rebuttal, where in the world could I have found such an intelligent reply!?

Oh wait...I already know...

...this book.

07-03-2006, 06:47 PM
Oh what a remarkable and cutting rebuttal, where in the world could I have found such an intelligent reply!?

Oh wait...I already know...

...this book.

07-03-2006, 06:48 PM
That is the most pathetic attempt at salvaging one's pride I've ever heard.

Do you know what's pathetic? Resorting to forum porno.

Thread 25228


I really doubt you ever had any pride

07-03-2006, 06:50 PM
Total Posts: 2,075 (3.89 posts per day)
Total Posts: 221 (11.82 posts per day)

You were saying?


I think my point as been proven

07-03-2006, 06:52 PM

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:52 PM
Do you know what's pathetic? Resorting to forum porno.

Thread 25228


I really doubt you ever had any pride

Haha, you actually took that serious?

Also, I thought it was obvious that I don't have any pride when I posted a thread that showed embarassing smut fics that I wrote 2 years ago for everyone to laugh at. ;)


I think my point as been proven

That was automatically calculated by the forum system when you check the profile.

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:53 PM

I think my point as been proven

It doesn't need to be calculated cretin, it's right there on my profile.

07-03-2006, 06:55 PM
Hahaha im sorry 2,077 you lost. Considering most of my comments are about a sentence long (usually mocking one of you) and you guys write a page response in return and actually go waste time looking up pictures you can't really compare us

07-03-2006, 06:57 PM

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:57 PM
You have ceased to be amusing, the inevitible ban cannot come soon enough now.

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 06:59 PM
Do you know whats amusing, you made 2074 comments. No life!

TK Sunglasses

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Top Cat

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Alice Wonderbra

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Mr. Denny

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Top 15 posters on this site. All have contributed greatly in their time here, and continue to do so everyday. There are a ton of other people just like this, but hopefully you'll finally get it through your thick skull that post count means shit. Or, I guess, everyone of us needs to get a life.

07-03-2006, 06:59 PM
uhhhhh . . . . . ( Im not getting into this ) . . .

07-03-2006, 07:01 PM
ok i am topic starter!
now i like sepiroth too!
now i play ff7 and he is sooo cool!!!!
i watched advent children yesterday and i confirmed that sephirot is best villain ever!!!
u can close topic now :D

07-03-2006, 07:03 PM
TK Sunglasses

Join Date: 12/31/2001
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Join Date: 12/31/2001
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Join Date: 12/09/2001
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Join Date: 1/01/2002
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Join Date: 1/07/2002
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Top Cat

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Alice Wonderbra

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Join Date: 12/31/2001
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Join Date: 3/23/2004
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Join Date: 12/31/2001
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Join Date: 6/27/2004
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Mr. Denny

Join Date: 12/28/2003
5,061 posts (5.51 per day)

Top 15 posters on this site. All have contributed greatly in their time here, and continue to do so everyday. There are a ton of other people just like this, but hopefully you'll finally get it through your thick skull that post count means shit. Or, I guess, everyone of us needs to get a life.

It's still a large of waste of your life, but the major difference between a good amount of them and you 4 is you guys just insult the newcomers, the others actually help them

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 07:03 PM
Hahaha im sorry 2,077 you lost. Considering most of my comments are about a sentence long (usually mocking one of you) and you guys write a page response in return and actually go waste time looking up pictures you can't really compare us

You try too hard and you fail. There's a difference between mocking idiots and being a muppet-fucking troll.

07-03-2006, 07:04 PM
ok i am topic starter!
now i like sepiroth too!
now i play ff7 and he is sooo cool!!!!
i watched advent children yesterday and i confirmed that sephirot is best villain ever!!!
u can close topic now :D

Respect the smiley^^^

Please comment more with those cute little pictures you have Joan so my point can be proven further

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 07:04 PM
It's still a large of waste of your life, but the major difference between a good amount of them and you 4 is you guys just insult the newcomers, the others actually help them

We are helpful to newcomers who deserve respect. Note that I congratulated a newcomer here for making a decent post.

07-03-2006, 07:07 PM
One newcomer out of how many others you've insulted?

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 07:08 PM
I helped quite a lot actually.

07-03-2006, 07:09 PM

07-03-2006, 07:10 PM
It's still a large of waste of your life, but the major difference between a good amount of them and you 4 is you guys just insult the newcomers, the others actually help them

You just don't get it. It's not to do with when you joined; it's the fact that you can't debate at all without becoming an ass eventually. Take a long look at this whole topic is what I suggest.

Note that I congratulated a newcomer here for making a decent post.

Yes, and thank you. :)

07-03-2006, 07:12 PM
yo pontiuspilate, i'm a newcomer too...

and i have been insulted before this too...

but i don't mind about that...

i think that you don't have to be like them...

and joan is cool, i respect her...

and i respect you too...

it just that i got tired of your arguement...

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 07:16 PM
I help out a lot more members than I insult. I pm people if they need help, I post if they need help, etc. But if you are going to be a complete dumbass, or ask a question about a game I don't like, I feel no need to help.

07-03-2006, 07:17 PM
yo pontiuspilate, i'm a newcomer too...

and i have been insulted before this too...

but i don't mind about that...

i think that you don't have to be like them...

and joan is cool, i respect her...

and i respect you too...

it just that i got tired of your arguement...

People like you make this world a happier place

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 07:23 PM
I'd just like to point out that I am perfectly friendly and amicible to people who deserve it. Note people like Ultimetal, who if he continues as he is, will be respected and liked by me. Morons like you however, deserve every bit of mockery they get.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 07:27 PM
You just don't get it. It's not to do with when you joined; it's the fact that you can't debate at all without becoming an ass eventually. Take a long look at this whole topic is what I suggest.


Top Cat
07-03-2006, 07:28 PM
fao this thread: