06-28-2006, 10:19 PM
I just finished FFIX about half an hour ago and does anyone get the feeling of that the FFIX ending is incomplete by any chance? I mean what happened to Zidane and Dagger? Steiner and Beatrix? Where's Vivi? Did he "stop"? How long was the ending after the final battle with Necron? And most of all, how did Zidane escape from the Ifia Tree just by singing "Melodies of Life"? One thing is that FFIX's ending is, IMO, more confusing than FF seven (cause of advent children came out) and eight...

06-28-2006, 11:21 PM
I wouldn't say its incomplete, imo.

Just left a lot open to interpretation. Dagger/Zidane and Steiner/Beatrix, well... y'know, adds to the whole ending that it isn't shown, I reckon.

Vivi stopped, I believe, as the Japanese version (apparently) makes it clearer than the English.

The ending must have been seven years after (or, Squaresofts lawyer would say so,) to avoid Vivi's child-bearing habits being illegal, ewww, I hope it was.

06-28-2006, 11:23 PM
The question is, just who did vivi 'get jiggy' with?

06-28-2006, 11:31 PM
Uh... I think you're thinking too hard.

What happened to Zidane and Dagger? He came back home to her, that's all. Doesn't need to be deeper than that.

What happend to Steiner and Beatrix? They stayed in Alexandria to continue protecting their kingdom and its rulers. What more needs to be said?

Where's Vivi, and does he stop? That's the only thing that truly remains unanswered, but all signs point to yes. :P

How long was the ending after the final battle with Necron...? Does it matter? The journey through Memoria and the Crystal World lasted for 4 days. The Final Battle with Necron was on the fifth day, and that's when Zidane and his friends parted ways. As for "some time later..." Again, does that matter? Enough time passed so that various towns and cities had the chance to be rebuilt (or get back on their feet, so to speak). Chances are, about 10 months (FF9 takes place over about two months). But who knows, and really, does it matter?

And how did Zidane escape the tree just by singing Melodies of Life...? Who said that's ALL he did. Think of it this way: Dagger said that the song gave her hope and comfort when she felt lonely. At some point, it became "their song." A song that joined them together as friends and more. He's just saying that he sang her song to give him the hope and strength to return home.

Personally, I don't think it gets any less confusing than 9's ending.

Vivi stopped, I believe, as the Japanese version (apparently) makes it clearer than the English.
Not necessarily clearer that he died, it just makes it clearer that it was him, and ONLY HIM, speaking at the end. In the English version, I know a lot of people couldn't quite tell who the speaker was. In the Japanese version, it's very obvious that it was Vivi.

Given that the last words he said are "farewell, my memories are part of the sky," it really does seem like it was a final goodbye, especially when a lot of Vivi's story had to do with the fact that he was going to eventually die, as the rest of his friends did. As

The English translation, BTW, is not that much different from the Japanese.

fastidious percolator
06-28-2006, 11:42 PM
The question is, just who did vivi 'get jiggy' with?

A cute Black Mage girl, of course. ^_^

06-29-2006, 02:07 AM
wow, japanese people sure do clarify things a lot better.
um...avinte, if they pause was in fact 7 years, then why would Zidane wait that long to put on that show for Dagger and reunite? it's not that far from the Tree to Alex. you know.
Vivi's was a troubling character when I battled Necron, he deserved to be STOPPED! hehehe
and i thought black mages were created out of the Mist? not by getting jiggly with other black mages?

fastidious percolator
06-29-2006, 11:21 AM
7 years sounds really too long. The time between the death of the Lifa Tree and the second play in Alexandria surely would've been something like a year.

And on the Vivi's kids thing: sure, it's fun to think about a serious explanation, but the kids are just a cute comical relief to put in. ;)

06-30-2006, 03:00 AM
okay okay i went on gamefaqs and got some answers besides these two question, can anyone answer these?

question1: How does singing a song send Zidane back to Alexandria? I mean come on the Ifia Tree trapped Kuja (dead) and Zidane inside, how did he get out? (yes that was a nice ending)

question2: Did Dagger really love Zidane, she never speified, if someone who been missing for "some time later", you would at least hug him, won't you?

06-30-2006, 06:02 AM
You didn't read my first reply at all, did you.

1. He had a really nice voice that even impressed the idiots who ran "American Idol," so it made him a lot of money and shit. He was able to buy a ticket on the first flight out of Iifa tree land.

2. Zidane and Dagger's hot, hot, gratuitous sex scene was in the special Director's Edition, 2006 release of FFIX. It's only released in Japan and through YouTube, though, so chances are you'll never see it.


06-30-2006, 08:32 AM
2. Zidane and Dagger's hot, hot, gratuitous sex scene was in the special Director's Edition, 2006 release of FFIX. It's only released in Japan and through YouTube, though, so chances are you'll never see it.

Are there other goodies to be seen, as well? You had better not be holding info back, Kuro! I'm heading to Q9D after I'm done here, and I had better see info!! :-p :-p

06-30-2006, 09:20 AM
Hehe, Cy, would I hold back from you?? :D 'Course not! Hehehe. You'll definitely find all the secrets on the Dyne. I promise! ;)

But, hmm... there was also a part that also explains how Zidane got into alchemy and how Mikoto actually ended up zapped into a body of big armor...

But I suppose I shouldn't say too much, though. It might ruin the SUR-PRYE-ZEZZ!!! ^_____^

06-30-2006, 09:45 PM
sorry kurohime...