06-28-2006, 03:48 PM
A very good music!!!I downloading allsongs of allcrashgames!!!The 1,2,3 and 4!!!Why Galbadia hotel didn't have Crash Team Ra�ing,Crash Bash,Crash Nitro Kart,Crash Twinsanity and Crash tag Team Ra�ing in music?
I want the songs for this games too.Please GH,give me this music!!!

PS:I'm not very English,i'm French but i'm say speak English...:-P

06-28-2006, 03:51 PM
I'm not very English,i'm French but i'm say speak English...:-P

I'm reminded of the penguin.
Ahh, le fag what happened to you..................

06-28-2006, 04:02 PM
I'm French and i'm say speak English...
Look,a vocabulary English and traduct in French!!!

English words:Music,video game,and your login:RedBat.

French words:Musique,jeu video et ton pseudo:Chauve souris rouge.

Now response me for Crash Bandicoot Music please...

06-28-2006, 04:12 PM
I'm French and i'm say speak English...
Look,a vocabulary English and traduct in French!!!

English words:Music,video game,and your login:RedBat.

French words:Musique,jeu video et ton pseudo:Chauve souris rouge.

Now response me for Crash Bandicoot Music please...

I know french words too.

I was just reminded of le fag/ angedechu.


06-28-2006, 04:17 PM
Now I want to speaking on Crash Bandicoot Music.
In particular,the videogames music not present in the site.
Crash Team Raçing,Crash Bash,Crash Twinsanity,etc...

06-29-2006, 04:33 PM
Sorry for the 2 posts,but help me.Give me a download site.For download THE FIVE MUSIC ALBUMS.Their names are writing in the precedent post.

06-29-2006, 11:47 PM
currently the other crash games arn't added because they are on a list, it'll be some time before it comes but you can get crash twinsanity by going on google and useing GZ downlaod as your keyword, for some reason the CG movie tracks are missing but the rest of the music are in there

06-30-2006, 12:30 PM
So,Galbadia Hotel Group aren't the others Crashmusic?They are only 1,2,3 and 4?And GBA and SCSZIPS?They never search this music for the site?

07-01-2006, 05:07 PM
they could be checking other site for music, but thats not really the case, there are various reasons why the soundtracks we want aren't here

1 - can't be found
2 - can't be added
3 - taken off for repairs
4 - it's applied on a later month

so you see, even if they find the album, it'll take some time to get here

07-01-2006, 06:10 PM
Why exactly?

07-03-2006, 11:40 PM
i didn't say they would never be on this site, i just said that someone else may have asked for the same thing and since there are other anime/video games ahead of crash bandicoot games it could take some time to get here i bet if you ask sarah she'll give you a list of the upcomeing albums

07-04-2006, 11:44 AM
She as not others albums of Crash Bandicoot?Only the GBA,1,2,3,4 and SCSCZIPS?Where did she go(a site?)for had this music?
In the site,where is CRASH BASH music?TAG TEAM RACING music?And CTR Music?
For help you,I say who are the composers of these OST:
CRASH BASH:Steve Duckworth.
CRASH TAG TEAM RACING(and Twinsanity):SPIRALMOUTH(A group composed by six members).
CRASH TEAM RACING:Josh Mancell(Mutato Muzika).
After this...Do you had this music for GALBADIA HOTEL?Please?
I have it too:Extrait of some CTTR Music:
We not can downloading it...

07-04-2006, 07:29 PM
The Crash Bash OST( Thread 30230) by sendspace was not compatible by VLC media player.Why?Can you help me?I want to upload this file to read it with real player,not VLC.RapidShare?
Or GH can upload the file for the site?This is a Rip game:
-Crash Bash(PSX Gamerip),exemply.Thanks.

09-25-2006, 09:21 PM
Hiya I'm interested to know how to get the crash bandicoot soundtracks. Where can I get the Downloading tracks?

09-28-2006, 07:14 PM
You can get Crash Bandicoot 1,2,3,4,NITRO KART and GBA episod in GH. = CRASH NITRO KART

For the rest,in download link,you can get Crash team racing , Crash warped Big Version , Crash tag team racing , Crash twinsanity extra rip(101 TRACKS) , Crash bash.Go to GAMINGFORCE too,get an FTP client and get some Crash Bandicoot OST in the some servers ;-)

09-30-2006, 07:56 PM
Hiya I wonder if you can get the crash bandicoot tracks onto Ipods because it would be fantastic if you also had crash bandicoot tracks onto Ipod. and is it Windows media player to play the tracks on. Or is there something better to play it in the UK.

09-30-2006, 08:18 PM
You can get all Crash bandicoot Soundtrack in my Game Rips Collection,in GH.

09-30-2006, 08:43 PM
Hiya I wonder if you can get the crash bandicoot tracks onto Ipods because it would be fantastic if you also had crash bandicoot tracks onto Ipod. and is it Windows media player to play the tracks on. Or is there something better to play it in the UK.

TO answer your question correctly, yes.
What type of files are your tracks? If they're anything other than mp3s or mp4s, then iTunes should convert them.
If you're having trouble actually uploading the tracks onto the iTunes library, its simple. In the top-left corner, click on File and select "Add File To Library" from the dropdown list. Then its a simple case of searching for you songs and adding. ;)
Does that help?

10-20-2006, 05:40 PM
So where can you easily get crash team racing, crash bash, crash nitro kart, crash Twinsanity and crash tag team racing soundtracks from because crash team racing rar didn't work to open.

10-21-2006, 10:44 AM
get winrar

10-21-2006, 11:25 AM
Yes,here,that free!

10-27-2006, 08:45 PM
Hiya yepe I'm actually getting WinRar for christmas & theres one soundtrack that you might have forgotton about well to remember, you know on OPM playstation Demos well when it came to crash bandicoot 3 video demo it had a good background soundtrack when you saw the video of crash. du da du du du du do.

08-02-2007, 05:24 PM
Hello again you know on Video demos that crash has been on in 1998 and 1999 well in thoughs times there was a song in the background which went on for 2:38 I wonder where If I can download that. Here's youtube where I've herd it. fingers crossed

08-02-2007, 06:04 PM
If you meant the trailer music, you can find it in my thread =).

08-02-2007, 08:33 PM
Hello I've just clicked on your game rips thread and went through the list until crash 3 trailer music and it says file cannot be found.
Any other ways

from Adam Black

08-03-2007, 08:25 AM
Okay, you're right, the linik is dead.
Here's a new link :

08-03-2007, 09:30 AM
Thankyou Ghoulies I've finally downloaded that song onto itunes have a good week from Adam Black big Jason Rubin, crash, jak, ratchet and Ape escape fan

08-03-2007, 09:31 AM
Lol ^__^
Glad to help you !

aaron mckenzie
12-20-2009, 11:06 AM
If you meant the trailer music, you can find it in my thread =).

crash bandicoot 4 ost plz re upload :D

aaron mckenzie
12-27-2009, 03:06 PM
can sombody rip the crash bandicoot 3 ost in stereo mono sucks bad XD

06-10-2014, 06:14 PM
Thread: Thread 174917