Black Mage#1
02-25-2002, 01:10 AM
What does Great Gospel do? Does it heal you? Oh, if it does, Aeris' last limit break for level 3 does recovery, why have Great Gospel.

02-25-2002, 02:01 AM
Great Gospel doesn't just heal you. It refills all of your hp and mp. I also removes all your negative status. And... it makes you immune to enemies' attacks for something like 5 minutes! So after Aeris uses great gospel, you are guaranteed to win the fight if you can finish the opponent in 5 minutes.

02-25-2002, 07:09 PM
I'm not sure if it lasts 5 minutes, but Great Gospel is an awsome limit. With the invinciblity you can beat alot of strong bosses quite easily.

#*Lord Materia*#
02-25-2002, 07:44 PM
Great Gospel restores your HP, MP and your current status problem, plus it makes you temporarily invinsible. Cool, huh? I wish you had Aeris by the end of the game so you can cream Sephiroth more easily.

Black Mage#1
02-28-2002, 09:30 PM
Another thing, How do you get it?

03-01-2002, 02:56 AM
Get your buggy and go all the way back to junon. Enter junon while you are still inside the buggy. Get on the boat to go across the ocean to the otherside. When you are on the otherside, exit the city and you should have your buggy with you. Use the buggy to get to the sleeping man in the cave. Talk to him when the last two digits of your battles fought are the same(example: 177), and he'll give you great gospel. If you don't know the number of battles you've fought, just talk to him once, battle once, talk to him, battle, and repeat until he gives you great gospel.

03-01-2002, 08:20 AM
You know... it took me awhile to figure out that you drive that stupid buggy directly INTO Costa Del Sol inorder to transport it via boat. o_O I remember just parking just outside the place and trying to virtually kick the buggie for not movin *grumbles*

Black Mage#1
03-02-2002, 05:10 AM
I got myrthil and a bolt ring but he never gave me the Great Gospel. Is there something you have to do with the myrthil to get Great Gospel? Or is there a special amout you have to fight?

03-02-2002, 05:52 AM
Like I said. The last two digits of the number of battles you fought must be the same. For example, 55 battles. The best way to get the Great Gospel is to go into battle once, talk to the man once, battle once, talk once. Repeat this until the last two digits of your battles fought match and the man should give you Great Gospel.

03-02-2002, 08:32 AM
Great Gospel's kewl if you can be bothered. Invincibility lasts the whole fight (which would be kewl against the weapons and that) It's too good actually.

<font face="tahoma" size="-1" color="#545C7C">

Too good that Squaresoft had to kill her off to prevent the game being too easy <-----FACT

<font face="tahoma" size="-1" color="#545C7C">Eh, Cloud.. please mark your spoilers :o</font>

Bahamut ZERO
03-02-2002, 12:45 PM
***Minor Disk 1 Spoilers.***

As an extension of what's being said, the man in the cave DOESN'T give you Great Gospel, he gives you Mythril. If you go to the house where the person who tells you about the Keystone is, and talk to him, he'll mention that he's looking for Mythril. Choose the option to give the Mythril to him, and then go up the stairs to the top chest and open it, and it'll contain Great Gospel.

03-05-2002, 12:34 AM
Hello? dont you have the stratgey guide???!!! you TAKE THE Mithdril, and give it to the weapon maker in that small hut on the gold saucer continent. then he'll say you can take a treasure from his store take the SMALL box (in the wall) on the SECOND floor, and that's the great gospel. i've done it so IN YOUR FACE whoever was the idiot who said that the guy in the cave gave you the great gospel. BTW it ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Divine Strike
03-05-2002, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by megalomania
Like I said. The last two digits of the number of battles you fought must be the same. For example, 55 battles. The best way to get the Great Gospel is to go into battle once, talk to the man once, battle once, talk once. Repeat this until the last two digits of your battles fought match and the man should give you Great Gospel.

Ok how long have you been playing FF7...obviously not very long...neither have I (1 year and a half)

Sleeping Man:
two odd numbers (ex. 133,555,399,etc...) will get you a Mythril.
Two even numbers (ex. 122, 766, etc...) will get you a Bolt Ring.

Then take the mythril to the Weapon Maker in the Hut in the Gongaga area....and then he will allow you too take one of his two treasures....take the one that is on the second floor.

There ya go you have the great gospel.......personally i liked the 3rd limits better........Planet Protector, and Pulse of Life, which also revived you.....Great gospel does not revive you.

03-05-2002, 01:44 AM
Oops, sorry. Actually, I've played the game a few times, and I've even gotten Great Gospel twice. Excuse my poor memory.:not good: Yes, you exchange the mythril and you'll get Great Gospel.