06-25-2006, 04:28 AM
added it up for the first time ever.

315GB :-*

06-25-2006, 04:45 AM
Holy christ. I'd love to have that much HDD space. XD.

06-26-2006, 08:14 PM
and my harddisk usage only counts 1/15 of yours...

I'm more curious about the web traffic, sarah

06-26-2006, 08:19 PM
web traffic is about 18TB (~18,000GB) a month

06-26-2006, 08:41 PM
And how many download traffic per day and seconds?

I wish I could donate even just a dollar =(. damn paypal blacklisting my country.

06-26-2006, 09:33 PM
just divide that by 30 for daily stats.

06-27-2006, 04:24 AM
18,000:30=600 gb/day
600:24=25 gb/hours

06-27-2006, 03:21 PM
25 GB an hour?
what do you pay for this massive Server and the high Traffic?

06-27-2006, 06:21 PM
about 1,500$/month

06-27-2006, 06:25 PM

Pretty impressive indeed.

06-29-2006, 06:20 PM
Damn, I got 2 160GB HDs on my PC, so I can barely store all GH files (practically not possible due to 4 operating systems and the total user space is ~ 305GB)...
You're really doing an amazing job...keep it up.

06-29-2006, 07:19 PM
someday Gh will become the largest and the most important game music archive in the world.:)
It's still the 2nd largest after VGM hub.

Hex Omega
07-01-2006, 06:06 PM

Pretty impressive indeed.

01-01-2007, 02:26 AM
LOL @ The AIM Smiley Kiss Face

01-01-2007, 04:28 AM
Too bad there's still a bunch of duplicate OSTs munching on that space because you don't pay attention to the "GH Problems?" sticky. I bet if you got rid of those (since that's what the sticky is for, I thought) you'd free up 100GB.

01-01-2007, 06:55 AM
Just wondering, how much of that $1500 is paid through the site's advertising?

01-01-2007, 09:01 AM
Too bad there's still a bunch of duplicate OSTs munching on that space because you don't pay attention to the "GH Problems?" sticky. I bet if you got rid of those (since that's what the sticky is for, I thought) you'd free up 100GB.

gift horse. mouth. etc etc.

Alvinz: depends on the month. some months the ads + donations pay for more than that, sometimes less.

01-01-2007, 11:25 AM
Gift horse? Mouth? What?

You're the one who stickied that thread. You're the one who's paying for bandwidth. Excuse me for trying to help you.

Now to make a note to not donate, since Sarah doesn't want (or obviously need) people's help. Just let the ten-year-old kid magically pull $1,500 out of her ass some how.

Yep. You looked that gift horse in the mouth real good. GG.

01-01-2007, 11:44 AM
I bet with the strange things happening on these forums, the forums take up 300GB of those 315 GB :P. Don't ask me how, it just works out some how.

01-01-2007, 12:16 PM
Except the forums are hosted on a separate server.

01-01-2007, 01:20 PM
Gift horse? Mouth? What?

You're the one who stickied that thread. You're the one who's paying for bandwidth. Excuse me for trying to help you.

Now to make a note to not donate, since Sarah doesn't want (or obviously need) people's help. Just let the ten-year-old kid magically pull $1,500 out of her ass some how.

Yep. You looked that gift horse in the mouth real good. GG.

I intend on going through the "problems" thread at some point, just not now. I'm focusing on adding new features and adding newsoundtracks rather than removing problematic stuff. I don't have an unlimited amount of time, I need to choose where to focus my energy.

help is good. which is why I made the thread. saying "THE THREAD IS BULLSHIT YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK AT IT WTF OMG" isn't helping. it's being an annoying twat.

Except the forums are hosted on a separate server.

gh is hosted on two servers. one of which is the same server as the forums. stop pulling things out of our ass, please.

01-01-2007, 01:34 PM
I intend on going through the "problems" thread at some point, just not now. I'm focusing on adding new features and adding newsoundtracks rather than removing problematic stuff. I don't have an unlimited amount of time, I need to choose where to focus my energy.

Stuff it Sarah. You have already become the biggest collection of video game music anywhere on the web! And for free too! Who cares if one or two soundtracks aren't working. If they complain about it, then let them suffer. i don't see them hosting and managing a website, let alone the most popular video gaming soundtrack website on the net (probably). And if they want the music so bad, then they can bloody by the game and listen to it how's its mean to be heard.

01-01-2007, 07:06 PM
added it up for the first time ever.

315GB :-*

Man Sarah! That's a lot of space!

Even my parents & I can't get that much!

You are so lucky! I'm now officially using the site as all of my VG music needs from now on.

01-01-2007, 11:44 PM
I intend on going through the "problems" thread at some point, just not now.Just not seven months ago when you first stickied it, either.

I'm focusing on adding new features and adding newsoundtracks rather than removing problematic stuff. I don't have an unlimited amount of time,That's all great and dandy, but there's stuff that was posting seven months ago in that thread and it still hasn't been taken care of.

I need to choose where to focus my energy.So you choose to focus your energy on a troll who's taking potshots at you. Good job.

help is good. which is why I made the thread. saying "THE THREAD IS BULLSHIT YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK AT IT WTF OMG" isn't helping.Well it's not like the thread itself is helping, either.

it's being an annoying twat.Now I know which Sherlock your users get their no shit from. Does that happen to be Sherlock Holmes in your current avatar?

gh is hosted on two servers. one of which is the same server as the forums.And when you calculated the disk usage of GH, you included the forums in your calculation? That seems rather illogical; it would be logical to compute the disk usages of the mp3s, which is what people care about.

stop pulling things out of our ass, please.Why? Not my fault my ass produces logic, whereas yours somehow illogically produces $1,500.

01-01-2007, 11:52 PM
Stuff it Sarah."Stuff is" is an insult, dumb ass. It looks like you're trying to compliment Sarah, so pick a better term.

You have already become the biggest collection of video game music anywhere on the web!I don't see the FF OSTs. My collection is bigger than GH's, since I've got the FF OSTs.

And for free too!Never heard of torrents?

Who cares if one or two soundtracks aren't working. If they complain about it, then let them suffer.Are you blind, or just unable to comprehend what's going on here? I'm not complaining about the soundtracks being down. I'm telling her that she has duplicates. I'm trying to help her save money by reducing bandwidth usage. Shit, a fucking retard is you.

i don't see them hosting and managing a website, That's because you're not clicking the links to our websites which are in our signatures. Webspace is so cheap these days that anyone can have a website.

let alone the most popular video gaming soundtrack website on the net (probably).Popularity is determined by the masses. If our site is not number 1, it's because there's another site which is. Only one can be #1. That's pretty illogical, dumb ass.

By the way, earlier you typed, "Who cares if one or two soundtracks aren't working. If they complain about it, then let them suffer." Now, if Sarah were to not give a shit just let people suffer, then how the fuck do you propose her website become popular? Websites become popular by working properly, not being fucked up.

Seriously. You need to get your brain examined.

And if they want the music so bad, then they can bloody by the game and listen to it how's its mean to be heard.Well then don't you ever come near GH ever again, if that's how you feel about VG music. Go on, fuckface. Get lost. Stop being a hypocrite. Take your own advice and go "by" (WTF?) the game and listen to it "how's its mean" (LOLROFLMAOWTF?) to be heard. Go pay $200 for Suikoden II, just so you can listen to the music. Go pay $350 for MvC2, just so you can listen to the music. Go on, get lost hypocrite.

Man Sarah! That's a lot of space!

Even my parents & I can't get that much!

You are so lucky! I'm now officially using the site as all of my VG music needs from now on.How can you not get 315GB of space? The average harddrive is 300GB, and most external drives range from 600GB to 1T. It's not hard to get 315GB.

And since deleting posts is not enabled on this forum, I can not delete this post and edit the above message. So, I guess we'll have to settle for this double-post.

01-02-2007, 03:21 AM
I don't download the video game soundtracks on this site :)

Anyway when I told Sarah to stuff those people, it wasn't regarding you. Did I mention your name? No! The people I was referring too was the people nagging her to fix the problems on the site.

And Sarah site become popular because it does work properly, dumbass. Otherwise the problems thread would have a hundred times more posts.

And what the hell do you mean "how can you not get 315 GB of space". Not everything is as geeky as you to buy the newest technology for your computer as soon as it comes out. I still have a 40GB, which is nothing compared to 315GB.

01-02-2007, 03:30 AM
Haha, who pissed in GG4ever's tea

For the record, GH used to have all of the FF soundtracks, but due to it's popularity, came under the eye of square enix and got hit legally, forcing sarah to remove them.

01-02-2007, 04:24 AM
Anyway when I told Sarah to stuff those people, it wasn't regarding you.You didn't tell Sarah to stuff anyone! You simply typed "Stuff it Sarah." which is an insult to Sarah herself. If you don't know what the term "stuff it" means then don't use it. Likewise, don't show the bottom of your foot to someone from Iraq.

Did I mention your name? No!Did I type you mentioned my name? No!

The people I was referring too was the people nagging her to fix the problems on the site.Oh, so you actually were mentioning me after all. Just implicitly instead of explicitly.

And Sarah site become popular because it does work properly, dumbass.First, "dumb ass" is two words; learn from people who can type correctly. Secondly, yeah, it's popular because it works properly. I already typed that, fuck face.

Otherwise the problems thread would have a hundred times more posts.Which is what you want, judging from from what you told her: screw those people.

And what the hell do you mean "how can you not get 315 GB of space".I mean what I type. Are you failing to comprehend?

Not everything is as geeky as you to buy the newest technology for your computer as soon as it comes out.Not everything is as geeky as me? Well amen! I don't need geeky things going out and buying computers! I mean, can you imagine a computer buying another computer? They'd be like enslaving each other! Or maybe worse: CANNIBALISM! Maybe a Sony PS3 will buy a Nintendo Wii and Microsoft XBox 360 to rule over them.

I still have a 40GB, which is nothing compared to 315GB.Good for you. But don't bitch and whine about being outdated. FYI, 300GB is standard these days; low-end computers that cost $100- come with that.

Haha, who pissed in GG4ever's teaWas that supposed to be a question? I'll presume it was and answer your question: Alvinz did.

For the record, GH used to have all of the FF soundtracks, but due to it's popularity, came under the eye of square enix and got hit legally, forcing sarah to remove them.Yes, but the point is they are no longer up, and thus GH no longer has the biggest collection of music on the Internet as someone claimed it does.

01-02-2007, 08:18 AM
Yes, but the point is they are no longer up, and thus GH no longer has the biggest collection of music on the Internet as someone claimed it does.

If they meant Biggest collection of VGM on the internet, then it's entirely true, as far as anybody knows. Which I'm pretty sure they were on about.

I don't get how you think FF or not changes that. Not having the FF music is a tiny dint into the total amount of stuff on there.

The whole lot (going by the space usage of my FFMA thing linked in my sig) is 9.07 GB. So let's say 7 or 8 GB taken away from GH, since I host higher bitrates over what GH used to have (if I can find them).

What are you actually even pissed about? It's sarah's site, she can update as little or as often as she likes and if you don't like it you could either bear with it or piss off. Even though that's not the case, she's said that she will be sorting it.

You basically come across like one of those people who gets angry at fansub groups when they're a little late in releasing a new episode.

01-02-2007, 10:20 AM
Why? Not my fault my ass produces logic, whereas yours somehow illogically produces $1,500.

haha what.

I'd like to see you send close to 20TB of bandwidth a month for under that.

01-02-2007, 10:29 AM
I do it all the time. It's called BitTorrent.

If they meant Biggest collection of VGM on the internet, then it's entirely true, as far as anybody knows.Or it could be entirely false; read below.

Which I'm pretty sure they were on about.Yeah, me, too. And the statement become invalidated; see how below.

I don't get how you think FF or not changes that.You don't get it because your brain is incapable of comprehending this subject. And yet, for some reason, I'm still wasting my time with you.

Not having the FF music is a tiny dint into the total amount of stuff on there.Okay, GH has 315GB of music, minus 100GB since it's all duplicate material. Now, let's say someone has all the music on GH (I'll let you guess who), PLUS the FF soundtracks. Thus, the statement "GH has the most VG music on the Internet" is invalidated because, no, GH does not have the most VG music on the Internet; it's missing something.

The whole lot (going by the space usage of my FFMA thing linked in my sig) is 9.07 GB. So let's say 7 or 8 GB taken away from GH, since I host higher bitrates over what GH used to have (if I can find them).Now you're just typing technobabble that no one gives a shit about.

What are you actually even pissed about?Did you miss the place where I said Alvinz pissed in my tea? That's what I'm pissed off about; go back and read that statement.

It's sarah's site, she can update as little or as often as she likes and if you don't like it you could either bear with it or piss off.That's not what I'm pissed off about, fucking dumb shit. Really, stop making assumptions.

Even though that's not the case,Holy mother fucking of shit! This is not the reason I'm pissed off, and you admit it! Yet for some reason you argue like it is the reason I'm pissed off! "Even though that's not the case, you're pissed off at Sarah." Shit, dumb ass.

You basically come across like one of those people who gets angry at fansub groups when they're a little late in releasing a new episode.And you come across as a total dumb fuck who can't follow a thread for shit.

01-02-2007, 10:42 AM
I do it all the time. It's called BitTorrent.

you don't "send" 20TB over torrents, dear.

GH isn't a torrent site anyway. if that's what you want there are better options for you.

if you honestly think you can directly send 20TB for under 1,500$ I'd like to see your logic. you basically implied I'm lying about what it costs to host GH. back it up.

01-02-2007, 11:09 AM
Oh, trust me, when my share ratio says I've sent over 20TB, I've sent over 20TB. And don't call me "dear;" I'm not interested in ten year olds. Do your parents know you're trying to do cybersex?

And no, I did not say you're lying about the costs of GH. You're as incapable of following a thread as your fans; go back and find the post about you springing money from your ass. And while you're at it, find the post about you being a male.

01-02-2007, 11:37 AM
I didn't say total. I said per month.

the fastest home upload linespeed in the us is 5Mbps. 20 terabytes / 5 Mbps = 1.0632985 years. beyond that, our servers need fast latency (relative to home lines) and high burstability. you cannot do this without spending well over a thousand dollars a month.

enough with the retarded tangents. either prove to me you can do this for less money or admit you have no idea what you're talking about.

01-02-2007, 12:20 PM
Wait, 20 TB = 20 000GB right? Wow :)

01-02-2007, 12:43 PM
I didn't say total. I said per month.

the fastest home upload linespeed in the us is 5Mbps. 20 terabytes / 5 Mbps = 1.0632985 years. beyond that, our servers need fast latency (relative to home lines) and high burstability. you cannot do this without spending well over a thousand dollars a month.

enough with the retarded tangents. either prove to me you can do this for less money or admit you have no idea what you're talking about.

buy 10 dreamhost accounts duh


01-02-2007, 01:54 PM
I don't download the video game soundtracks on this site :)

Anyway when I told Sarah to stuff those people, it wasn't regarding you. Did I mention your name? No! The people I was referring too was the people nagging her to fix the problems on the site.

And Sarah site become popular because it does work properly, dumbass. Otherwise the problems thread would have a hundred times more posts.

And what the hell do you mean "how can you not get 315 GB of space". Not everything is as geeky as you to buy the newest technology for your computer as soon as it comes out. I still have a 40GB, which is nothing compared to 315GB.

We can't afford that much right now. Our house PC can hold under 80GB and my laptop can only support under 20GB.

01-02-2007, 03:28 PM
I love reading stupid messages from stupid people. Lol.
Torrent sucks! :P

01-02-2007, 08:09 PM
I didn't say total. I said per month. And I didn't say it's uploaded from one single location.

the fastest home upload linespeed in the us is 5Mbps. 20 terabytes / 5 Mbps = 1.0632985 years.Good for it. That's why you run BitTorrents from multiple houses.

beyond that, our servers need fast latency (relative to home lines) and high burstability. you cannot do this without spending well over a thousand dollars a month.Or simply rig up 20+ houses to seed torrents. Or even go to school with several laptops and hook into their T3 lines.

enough with the retarded tangents.I agree. Stay on target, Sarah.

either prove to me you can do this for less money or admit you have no idea what you're talking about.Well I'm presenting all the evidence in the world, but I can't prove anything to someone who lacks the brain to understand the evidence. So, it's quite impossible to prove something if you fail to understand. But, I'm certainly not going to "admit" (protip: stop making assumptions; that's how we got on this "random tangent" to begin with, bitch) that I know nothing about something which I actually do know stuff about.

And apparently some of the other forumers have taken my side and provided other ways in which to host that much space for less money.

I love reading stupid messages from stupid people. Lol.You're one of those people who likes the sound of his own voice, aren't you?

01-02-2007, 08:31 PM
Speaking as a coward, I personally fear that such a complete source for music will eventually fade away, leaving the miserable mass to scatter to collect the pieces.
What can one do without air with which to breathe, without ground with which to stand, without water with which to clense?
When things fall apart, who will pick them up? WHO?
Torrents offer no dependable solution.

01-02-2007, 08:34 PM
Speaking as a coward, I personally fear that such a complete source for music will eventually fade away, leaving the miserable mass to scatter to collect the pieces.
What can one do without air with which to breathe, without ground with which to stand, without water with which to clense?
When things fall apart, who will pick them up? WHO?
Torrents offer no dependable solution.

i eat crisps

01-02-2007, 08:53 PM
Well I'm presenting all the evidence in the world, but I can't prove anything to someone who lacks the brain to understand the evidence. So, it's quite impossible to prove something if you fail to understand. But, I'm certainly not going to "admit" (protip: stop making assumptions; that's how we got on this "random tangent" to begin with, bitch) that I know nothing about something which I actually do know stuff about.




all of those prove you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. the first has been discussed and is not relevant as gh is not, and will not become, a torrent site for reasons discussed previously. the second two are incredibly stupid and are not by any means practical solutions.

gh requires business hosting, not residential hosting. residential hosting has downtime, latency issues, doesn't offer secure, climate controlled environments, etc, etc. not to mention that residential hosting (and all hosting up to enterprise level unmetered bandwidth solutions) resort to overselling. if you're using 100% (or close) of the bandwidth from a residential or small business hosting provider, you are costing them money. this is obviously not a stable situation to be in-- they can cut you off whenever they like, and frequently do.

And apparently some of the other forumers have taken my side and provided other ways in which to host that much space for less money.

if you mean roph, he was joking. no one has provided a single suitable alternative for GH's hosting needs.

01-02-2007, 09:19 PM
all of those prove you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.No, bitch, you have proven you have no idea what you're arguing about. You told me to prove something and I did. You didn't specify that it has to be from your own webspace. Not to mention the whole reason we got into the stupid argument in the first place was because you're too fucking stupid to follow your own thread and didn't realize that when I made the comment about "illogically pulling $1,500 out of your ass" that I was referencing an earlier post about magically producing money out of thin air, not that I was claiming that figure is impossible.

You fail, Sarah. You always have. And I will continue you argue, as you know.

the first has been discussed and is not relevant as gh is not, and will not become, a torrent site for reasons discussed previously.Yeah, and it was previously discussed about pulling money out of thin air. How convinent that that previous discussion slipped your mind, ne?

the second two are incredibly stupid and are not by any means practical solutions.They're practical solutions for my side of the argument, which was to supply data at a cost cheaper than $1,500. You never specified which means had to be met.

gh requires business hosting, not residential hosting.Good for it! But this is my hosting that I'm typing about, not GH's. Get with the program you stupid fucking bitch. You keep going off on random tangents.

residential hosting has downtime, latency issues, doesn't offer secure, climate controlled environments, etc, etc. not to mention that residential hosting (and all hosting up to enterprise level unmetered bandwidth solutions) resort to overselling.And like professional hosting doesn't have those problems? Just look at the Problems thread to see how much downtime some of your own stuff has. Latency issues? I can only download two tracks at any given time from GH; have to wait for one of those two tracks to finish before I can get another. But with a torrent, I can get it all at once. I fail to see what climate has to do with servers, but professional servers can be as unsecure at the residential; who knows what the company is doing with those cookies, and who they're selling what to? And what exactly are the residential areas overselling that all these advertisements plastered on your site aren't?

if you're using 100% (or close) of the bandwidth from a residential or small business hosting provider, you are costing them money.Yeah, what, $20 a month? $20 x 20 houses equals $400. Oh noes! $400 to transfer 20TB!

this is obviously not a stable situation to be in-- they can cut you off whenever they like, and frequently do.Unless they're trying to transfer the data in the first place, which is usually what the torrent community does. Har, har, har!

if you mean roph, he was joking. no one has provided a single suitable alternative for GH's hosting needs.And that certainly wasn't what I was trying to do, either. I simply stated how data can be transfered at a cost of less that $1,500, not how GH's data can be hosted for less. Fucking dumb bitch you ate.

01-02-2007, 09:23 PM
Fucking dumb bitch you ate.

Fucking dumb bitch you ate.

Fucking dumb bitch you ate.

01-02-2007, 09:29 PM
Kinda pathetic that's the only comeback you can come up with. But, whatever.

You are what you eat.

You are what you eat.

You are what you eat.

Now, if you ate a fucking dumb bitch, and you are what you eat, what does that make you?

01-02-2007, 09:55 PM
Why in the same post do you mention sarah apparently pulling money out of thin air and also the advertisements on the site.

Also, in this very thread, she mentions that the money for GH's hosting comes from the ads and dontations.

You say you know what you're talking about, but then you go on to babble about hosting something such as GH through anything less than what it's on. It's pretty funny.

Please basically sum up your argument, because you look like you're just being an arrogant bastard for the hell of it.

01-02-2007, 10:24 PM
Why in the same post do you mention sarah apparently pulling money out of thin air and also the advertisements on the site.Because I can. DUH!

Also, in this very thread, she mentions that the money for GH's hosting comes from the ads and dontations.Okay, Roph, let me spell it out for you.

Now to make a note to not donate, since Sarah doesn't want (or obviously need) people's help. Just let the ten-year-old kid magically pull $1,500 out of her ass some how.That was my response to Sarah getting pissy about me trying to help. You see the part where I typed, "let the ten-year-old kid magically pull $1,500 out of her ass"? THAT is what I've been alluding to.

You say you know what you're talking about, but then you go on to babble about hosting something such as GH through anything less than what it's on.Sarah told me to provide a way to send 20TB for less than $1,500. She didn't tell me to provide a way to send 20TB of GH's data for less than $1,500. And even if she had, she hadn't specified that it had to be within the parameters which GH currently sends data, hence the torrents.

It's pretty funny.So's your face. OH! BURN!

Please basically sum up your argument,Sorry. I don't write for idiots. Comb back through this thread and fit the pieces of the puzzle together yourself.

because you look like you're just being an arrogant bastard for the hell of it.I don't give a shit what I look like. If I cared about what I looked like, I would comb my hair with something besides spit and my hand. And I might bathe once in a while. But I really don't give a damn what I look like.

You, on the other hand, look like a fucking dumb ass who can't follow a thread. Do you care about what you look like?

01-03-2007, 01:45 AM
Kinda pathetic that's the only comeback you can come up with. But, whatever.

You are what you eat.

You are what you eat.

You are what you eat.

Now, if you ate a fucking dumb bitch, and you are what you eat, what does that make you?

I ate a whole clove of raw garlic for a dare recently... does that mean I'm new Vampire Killer?

Oh yeah Sarah, you know Kyle556 on Youtube (a very reputable and awesome pianist) looks at this site for sheet music, so you know, you might wanna update it any time soon :)

01-03-2007, 02:12 AM
Oh boy. Heads will roll.

Now, On topic: I never imagined over 20TB of potential hard drive space is currently occupied by this site. That's very impressive that you (Sarah) are able to keep it all up. There's just one problem: Updating. I can't imagine having to upload the soundtracks onto the site, and then just when a new batch of files comes in, having to delete the files you just uploaded.

It would also seem that, with all this terabitial damage you cause, your computer must be really slow. Sucks, don't it?

01-03-2007, 02:26 AM
I ate a whole clove of raw garlic for a dare recently... does that mean I'm new Vampire Killer?Yes it does; go breathe on a vampire and it'll die. Stupid garlic-breathed moron.

Oh boy. Heads will roll.Yes they will. Yours is no exception.

Now, On topic: I never imagined over 20TB of potential hard drive space is currently occupied by this site.No, dumb fuck, that is not on topic. 315GB of hard drive space is currently occupied by this site; 20TB is the amount of data transfered in a month.

There's just one problem: Updating.How is that a problem for you? You're not the one doing behind-the-scenes work.

I can't imagine having to upload the soundtracks onto the site, and then just when a new batch of files comes in, having to delete the files you just uploaded.You can't imagine it because something is wrong with your brain. Sarah does not delete files she uploaded when a new batch comes in; they all pile up. That's why there's posts in the "Problems With GH?" thread saying, "Hey, you've got duplicates of this, that, and the other OST."

It would also seem that, with all this terabitial damage you cause, your computer must be really slow.Yes, because people have 20TB of hard drive space on their computer. Yes, because people use their personal computers as file servers. Yes, because people connect their computers for DDL services to the Internet, leaving their personal computers wide open to hackers.


Sucks, don't it?Sucks for you not having a brain! LOL!

01-03-2007, 02:35 AM
Hackers + FFShrine Forums brings back memories :D Well technically A hacker. Whatever happened to her?

01-03-2007, 04:17 AM
If "300GB is standard these days" as our angry friend says,
and "low-end computers that cost $100- come with that."
then where may I ask, can I purchase such a computer?

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B. ers%2Cn%3A172282%2Cn%3A541966%2Cn%3A565098&page=1

Exhibit C.

01-03-2007, 08:02 AM
At Best Buy. After mail-in rebate.

Stop using the shitty Internet to do shopping. Get your fat ass away from the computer and go outside once and a while.

01-03-2007, 01:41 PM
Oh boy. Heads will roll.

Now, On topic: I never imagined over 20TB of potential hard drive space is currently occupied by this site. That's very impressive that you (Sarah) are able to keep it all up. There's just one problem: Updating. I can't imagine having to upload the soundtracks onto the site, and then just when a new batch of files comes in, having to delete the files you just uploaded.

It would also seem that, with all this terabitial damage you cause, your computer must be really slow. Sucks, don't it?

20TB of bandwidth, not 20TB of space.

01-03-2007, 07:50 PM
Um excuse me GG4ever, but someone with 300 plus posts in a forum can't tell someone with about 10 posts to "Get your fat ass away from the computer and go outside once and a while." That's just not logical.

But anywho. My question to Sarah is why can't the bulk of the Albums be shared between sister sites, new ones or older ones?
Or perhaps rotating the Albums available by day or week?
I would think the average person looks for a few albums that they really need and then they comeback for newer stuff as it becomes available.
Anyone with a "collection" "bigger than GH's" ought to put in some work I say.

01-03-2007, 09:59 PM
20TB of bandwidth, not 20TB of space.

I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing that out.

01-03-2007, 10:00 PM
er? I'm not really sure what it is you mean by sister sites?

the bandwidth and the space taken isn't a problem. it's not like we need a solution to it or something.

01-03-2007, 10:44 PM
point taken

01-03-2007, 11:14 PM
Um excuse me GG4ever, but someone with 300 plus posts in a forum can't tell someone with about 10 posts to "Get your fat ass away from the computer and go outside once and a while."Obviously someone with 300 posts can tell someone with 10 posts to "Get your fat ass away from the computer and go outside once and a while." because it just happened! OH! BURN!

That's just not logical.No, what's not logical is that you can't discern the difference between "can't" and "shouldn't." Furthermore, discern the dates of registration; the one with 300 posts have been registered longer than the one with 10. It's only natural that the one who's been around longer has posted more. Now, if the one with 300 hadn't been around as long as the one with 10, then the one with 300 shouldn't tell the one with 10 to "Get your fat ass away from the computer and go outside once and a while."

Note that I can properly discern "can't" and "shouldn't."

A fucking dumb ass you ate. And you are what you eat. Thus, a fucking dumb ass you are.

01-04-2007, 02:35 AM
It's great that you can distinguish "can't" and "shouldn't" in such a coherent way. Cudos FF7CloudFanboy. You should be an English teacher.
Sadly when it comes to a petty fight over semantics, I just can't win, I accept that. So I won't try.
In my absolute misery I also honestly can't discern why I even posted anything at all. Obviously If everything posted isn't typed in perfect spelling, grammer and concise meaning, it's ripe for insults and distortion from any random person who is either in need of attention, or who truely should "go outside once and a while."

01-04-2007, 02:46 AM
Hey Sarah, i was just wondering why do problems in gh occur? I mean like once you do upload the file, do all the html and stuff like that it should be all fine, right?

01-04-2007, 12:38 PM
which problems are you referring to?

01-04-2007, 12:43 PM
Like broken links and all that. I never understood how links get broken, if they were working fine a day ago

01-04-2007, 12:46 PM
usually the problem is that they were never working, actually.

although recently we redid some of the backend code and that caused some problems

01-04-2007, 01:35 PM
oh.. i get it now ^_^.

01-08-2007, 08:44 AM
It's great that you can distinguish "can't" and "shouldn't" in such a coherent way. Cudos FF7CloudFanboy. You should be an English teacher.
Sadly when it comes to a petty fight over semantics, I just can't win, I accept that. So I won't try.
In my absolute misery I also honestly can't discern why I even posted anything at all. Obviously If everything posted isn't typed in perfect spelling, grammer and concise meaning, it's ripe for insults and distortion from any random person who is either in need of attention, or who truely should "go outside once and a while."You accept you won't win and that you won't try, and yet you make a long-ass post. What a fucking moron.

01-09-2007, 08:29 AM
Ignore the moron above me.

03-05-2007, 05:12 PM
Hey GG4ever how about you just shut up, Sarah does a fantastic job with the site & for most of this Topic you have been ripping at her & everyone else so how about u shut your fat ass up & grow up. * Sarah you do a fantastic job with the site & thank you for all the soundtrack music. & if i could find anyway to donate i would gladly do it.

03-05-2007, 05:29 PM
I think it's here to donate for GH, thewoz:

12-11-2007, 05:21 AM
either way. this is really really really good in my case so all i wanna say is Thankyou for keeping the website up and your doing the best job i seen at keeping things organized. i never once had a problem on this site.

12-11-2007, 06:56 AM
I'll echo the above comment. Sorry I missed all the inanity of GG4ever's coments on this thread when it first happened.

12-11-2007, 08:30 PM
about 1,500$/month
If you used around $1000 a month on purchasing video game music, your video game music collection would probably exceed mine in about a year's time. My video game music collection might be the largest, legit collection on this site.

someday Gh will become the largest and the most important game music archive in the world.:)

Considering that most of the audio files on GH are in mp3 format, I doubt it will ever become an "important" video game music archive.

And for free too!
Paying over a $1,000 a month to host the music collection kind of negates the idea of getting something for nothing.

Why? Not my fault my ass produces logic, whereas yours somehow illogically produces $1,500.
With regards to you saying that the forum is hosted on a separate server, only to have Sarah correct you later on, is not something I would relate to "logic". Well, not the positive kind, anyway.

I don't download the video game soundtracks on this site :)
Likewise, I don't download full soundtracks from GH. I originally came here to compare a song from two Street Fighter soundtracks, believing I didn't need to buy both soundtracks, but I ended up buying them both. So, this site is, more or less, a preview site for me.

And Sarah site become popular because it does work properly, dumbass.
People love free music.

For the record, GH used to have all of the FF soundtracks, but due to it's popularity, came under the eye of square enix and got hit legally, forcing sarah to remove them.
I actually find this kind of interesting because there was a seller on eBay who was/is selling "realistic" bootleg copies of video game music in series collections (Like all the Metal Gear soundtracks bundled into a custom case he designed). Now, this particular seller had put up images of receipts from and of the original CDs with their cases, trying to convince potential buyers that his/her items were legit. However, winning the auction only got you the "authentic" CDs inside a custom designed case of his design, so you didn't get the original cases or inserts (He claims that the cases and inserts were ruined, so he is able to purchase them cheaply as "salvage lots".) From what I've heard/seen from an individual that bought them, the discs look close to the real thing (Though he mentioned the CDs smelled like syrup). Anyway, a few people from that forum sent letters to various organizations about the bootlegs, including Square Enix, but I don't believe they ever did anything about it.

First, "dumb ass" is two words; learn from people who can type correctly.
Actually, both "dumb ass" and "dumbass" are acceptable and so neither one is incorrect.

Now you're just typing technobabble that no one gives a shit about.
On the subject of bitrates, I care enough to buy the actual soundtracks rather than download them as mp3s from some site. No matter how high quality the mp3s are (The higher the bitrate, the better the quality), they're still inferior in quality to any audio format that's considered "lossless" (No loss in audio quality) and even to some audio formats that are "lossy" (Signiciant loss in audio quality). Of course, "lossless" files take up much more space and thus take much more time to download, so mp3s are a more viable option for a site like this. So, a soundtrack encoded as a 320 kbps mp3 is of higher quality than the same soundtrack encoded as a 128 kbps, though the 320 one take up a little more space. None of this really matters unless you're trying to get the most out of the CDs you own.

12-12-2007, 02:06 AM
@ Lackadaisical

The principal matter with "legit - non-legit" stuff is Availability...

God, i would really buy more stuff if it could be found where i live.
All the good stuff i want is completely unavalaible outside of Japan.. even on auctions website.. (and i mean really unavailable! i aleady know the principal soundtracks stores -like vgmworld..-)
Then.. i don't read/talk Japanese..
And i can't find someone able to buy/ship soundtracks from Japan for me..

I hope you get my point.

For the rest i am completely agree with you.
I never downloaded anything from GH since it's a pain to download anything there, but then again it's free for everyone but Sarah.. So it's normal every casual VGM listener come here..

gironimo appleton
12-13-2007, 10:49 PM
I need that guy back at this site. He's a guinnea pig who is trying really hard to be human.

12-14-2007, 12:19 AM
@ Lackadaisical

The principal matter with "legit - non-legit" stuff is Availability...

God, i would really buy more stuff if it could be found where i live.
All the good stuff i want is completely unavalaible outside of Japan.. even on auctions website.. (and i mean really unavailable! i aleady know the principal soundtracks stores -like vgmworld..-)
Then.. i don't read/talk Japanese..
And i can't find someone able to buy/ship soundtracks from Japan for me..

Maybe I should create a topic about places/individuals that deal in video game soundtracks? I've been able to locate just about every and any soundtrack I wanted, which would include my recent purchase of the slightly uncommon Shining the Holy Ark soundtrack.

The problem I see is that older, out of print soundtracks cost a little bit more than those that are still widely available.

At any rate, I can try and help you locate some soundtracks if you need it.

12-14-2007, 09:16 PM
I've been able to locate just about every and any soundtrack I wanted....

I don't care about the price for the soundtracks "I really really want".. i just need a way to import these soundtracks from Japan, and that's the matter.

If you think you can locate those soundtracks, i'll admit you have very good finding skills..
I am an SNK collector, and i am still missing some soundtracks that have not been ripped yet.. try to find those:

Buriki One In Tokyo ~ Grapple Tournament '99 - OST [PCCB-00379]
Fuu'un Mokushiroku (Savage Reign) - OST [PCCB-00181]
The King Of The Monsters + Quiz Daisousasen - OST [PCCB-00072]

This kind of soundtracks pop like once every 6 month on Japan auctions..
The rest of the soundtrack i am searching are more common but they only can be found on Japan i guess, like

Top Hunter ~ Roddy & Cathy - OST [PCCB-00157]
King Of Fighters '97 - Drama CD ~Syukumei Hen~ (Destiny Chapter) [PCCB-00286]

This is kinda off-topic.. but i wanted to give you some idea of the rare soundtracks some people are searching.. ;)

12-15-2007, 04:52 AM
It's just a little off topic, but it fits well with what these combined sites are mostly about.

Anyway, I was able to locate all those soundtracks you listed, though I think you mixed up Buriki and Top Hunter because I found several new copies of Buriki at a reasonable price while the new Top Hunter copies were in the $200 range. The only one I couldn't find new was the Savage Reign soundtrack, but that soundtrack is also pretty costly.

12-15-2007, 12:50 PM
It's just a little off topic, but it fits well with what these combined sites are mostly about.

Anyway, I was able to locate all those soundtracks you listed

Any chance to have an adress? an url to see where you found a place to buy this soundtracks ?
Is it ebay or something like this?

12-15-2007, 10:50 PM
Actually, I found three of them on (Buriki, KoF 97 DC, and Top Hunter) and the other two on Yahoo! Japan auctions. Anyway, without the aid of a Japanese middleman service, you only have a shot at the Buriki soundtrack, which there is only one copy left available to purchase through

Keep in mind I only checked and Yahoo! Japan auctions because that's where I usually go first when I'm looking for hard-to-find soundtracks. Since these two sites had all that you listed, I didn't really see the point in going through my other sources.

As for links, using the catalog numbers in the search engine of is easy enough.

12-16-2007, 01:33 AM
Thanks you for your time searching those soundtracks.
Actually, i am an intensive "searcher" from YJA, and i told you some of this soundtracks pop-ups from time to time.. but i can't do anything but dying seeing the low price of their soundtracks.

I never thought using Amazon, it's a miracle they got a few of these gems.
If i can achieve to fulfill the forms in Japanese.. maybe i'll take a command.. if they ship internationally..

Anyway, i think i am right.. this is the kind of soundtracks that are available only from Japan.. and that's the major matter for collectors.

Thanks again, now let's get back onto the topic real subject.

gironimo appleton
12-16-2007, 01:51 AM
This one's already gone up in flames guys. These servers use a whole lot of disk space and require a whole lot of work. No one can really argue about that point, because its so blatantly obvious.

12-16-2007, 01:56 AM
I'm curious.... what are the requierements for a soundtrack or game rip to get uploaded into the site?

12-16-2007, 02:19 AM
I'm curious.... what are the requierements for a soundtrack or game rip to get uploaded into the site?

Not much requierements i think.. the soundtrack just need to be uploaded in the forums via some hosting service (like rapidshare).
For rips, if it could be quite "complete" it would be better (like.. uploading 2-3 songs for a game that contains 30 is kinda useless, it will probably be skipped).

That.. and time.. since the website is on reconstruction you will not see it before it's done.

12-20-2007, 09:12 PM
hello, I'm new here so HI!

btw, are you really 10 years old Sarah? It's a joke right?

oh sorry I was reading the earlier posts and wondering why were you all arguing over something so immaterial.