06-25-2006, 03:58 AM
I really don't see why this show is labeled "the greatest anime show of all time". It's good, don't get me wrong, but i've just seen so many better shows (Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, GetBackers, Outlaw Star, Inuyasha etc.) Please tell me why this considered the "best anime show" (Please refrain from bitching or whining, keep it civil)

06-25-2006, 04:35 AM
Cowboy Bebop is the best anime show of all time.

matt damon
06-25-2006, 04:38 AM

*slaps both teknoblade and pontiuspilate*

06-25-2006, 04:56 AM
Cowboy Bebop is the best anime show of all time.
Someone just read my fucking mind. I declare that Watanabe is a god, and with that said, Samurai Champloo is also amazing. My top two favorite anime's, Bebop and Champloo, ftw!

06-25-2006, 05:03 AM
ahh damn i forgot about Champloo, great show. I was watching Cowboy Bebop ON DEMAND for comcast and they only showed the first 6 or so episodes before canceling which angered me greatly

06-25-2006, 05:06 AM
Jin and Mugen, ftw!

But with Bebop reference; Spike Spiegel and Faye Valentine, ftw!

matt damon
06-25-2006, 05:44 AM
Evangelion is so much better than both CC and SC

06-25-2006, 05:47 AM
i disagree. Their was nothing special about evangelion and it probably had one of the crappiest endings i've ever seen

And if you disagree with me please give me a reason why it was good

matt damon
06-25-2006, 05:50 AM
i admit it's weird, but thats why it's so awesome. it causes you to think. i love watching things that have tons of symbolism and like, cause you to think and are just so deep.

and if you watch end of evangelion, it gives you a different ending that's soooo crazy and awesome.

06-25-2006, 05:54 AM
i admit it's weird, but thats why it's so awesome. it causes you to think. i love watching things that have tons of symbolism and like, cause you to think and are just so deep.

and if you watch end of evangelion, it gives you a different ending that's soooo crazy and awesome.

yeah the show did have good symbolism. Nice fight scenes too

06-25-2006, 07:18 AM
I don't know. I've only really seen one anime that I would consider superior to Evangelion (His and Her Circumstances/Kare Kano), but then it’s not as if I’ve seen every anime out there (Or even a decent proportion. Basically what’s popular). It’s definitely overrated, the more devoted Eva fans shit me to no end, but it’s not as if the hype surrounding it is entirely undeserving.

Also, which ending are we talking about? If we are talking about The End of Evangelion I felt it was somewhat appropriate to the demeanor the later episodes had taken, even though it didn’t really give closure on…anything. Anime in general seems to be rather notorious for having shitty ending; in fact the only decent ending I recall was in Cowboy Bebop. Hell, Kare Kano didn’t even end…

06-25-2006, 04:53 PM
i havent seen it in a while but i think it's the ending where basically everyone dies cept for like 3 people

06-25-2006, 05:00 PM
It's open to interpretation. You only see two people alive at the end (and one, er..ghost thing) but dialogue from about 10 minutes prior to that point suggests that they are probably not alone.

matt damon
06-25-2006, 08:05 PM
I don't know. I've only really seen one anime that I would consider superior to Evangelion (His and Her Circumstances/Kare Kano), but then it’s not as if I’ve seen every anime out there (Or even a decent proportion. Basically what’s popular). It’s definitely overrated, the more devoted Eva fans shit me to no end, but it’s not as if the hype surrounding it is entirely undeserving.

Also, which ending are we talking about? If we are talking about The End of Evangelion I felt it was somewhat appropriate to the demeanor the later episodes had taken, even though it didn’t really give closure on…anything. Anime in general seems to be rather notorious for having shitty ending; in fact the only decent ending I recall was in Cowboy Bebop. Hell, Kare Kano didn’t even end…
my friend has his and her circumstances and he says that yeah, it doesn't even end.

a lot of animes do have shitty endings; FMA, NGE, Trigun, i think. there are a few that have good ones like ghost in the shell:stand alone complex and....oh crap, i forgot the name of the one i was gonna say

i havent seen it in a while but i think it's the ending where basically everyone dies cept for like 3 people
It's open to interpretation. You only see two people alive at the end (and one, er..ghost thing) but dialogue from about 10 minutes prior to that point suggests that they are probably not alone.
this is End of Evangelion. but if you think about it, it makes sense. shinji and rei are talking and saying that human kind can bring back it's form if they truly wished it. then, at the end, shinji tries to kill asuka (which i think is him trying to like, kill himself, as in the way he acted and his personality. asuka represented like, shinji relying on others to help him and just being weak) but he doesn't kill her and she says, "i feel sick." i read a wiki page about it and it said that the most direct translation was "i'm nauseous" as in morning sickness. so if that means asuka is pregnant (by shinji, because scenes earlier in the movie indicate that they had sex) then that means that the human race is starting again.

06-25-2006, 08:57 PM
Evangelion is so much better than both CC and SC

It's pretty weird that you'd say that, then talk about how much symbolism is in Eva. Every episode of Cowboy Bebop is nothing but symbolism; with such episodes as "Sympathy For The Devil", which isn't just an allusion to a great Rolling Stones song, to Asteroid Blues, an homage to the "El Mariachi" series, and even some Bruce Lee and Orson Welles influences, I'd say Cowboy Bebop is full of symbolism and pop culture. It grossed an average 262,000 viewers per episode while it was running, and was voted second all-time greatest anime in 2002. This was before the Cowboy Bebop REMIX DVD's hit stores, which include all of the episodes in original, unedited form (all previous US releases were edited) and the Session 0 interviews and production bonuses.

If you incorporate the "better-than-the-original" english dub, the award-winning music, and the gravity of the storyline, Cowboy Bebop turns out to be much better than Evangelion.

The only thing Eva has going for it is the considerable amount of "alien/underaged girl/otaku-looking guy with glasses" hentai Gainax produced.

The Ricky
06-25-2006, 09:13 PM
I find that Eva and Xenogears have too many similarities.

06-25-2006, 09:30 PM
If you know the backgrounds of mecha anime before EVA you know why it was considered as great.
Cowboy bepob was good too, but it wasnt so good as I expected.
I myself prefer animes and mangas like aria, chobits, yotsuba&, Air, Azumanga, Grenadier...
This is only matter of opinion, though.

06-26-2006, 12:13 AM
the answer is simple.

its considered the best of all time by anyone and everyone who was into anime way before you were. new anime fans, who prolly have 1-3 years of anime fandom experience watch this, and think its overrated. this could be a result of 3 things.

1. hype: hype can kill anything. don't let hype influence you

2. your wrong. how dare you question the vast and great knowlede of hardcore anime fans that came before you

3. there really HAS been better stuff SINCE eva, and you just happen to have seen them BEFORE you ever saw eva.

either way. if you closely match number 2 (was introduced to anime with fma, bleach, naruto, anything on adult swim) then you don't know what your talking about, don't understand why people went crazy over it, woudln't know good anime if it hit you in the head, and you just plain don't have a say in anything anime related. go watch the past 30 years of anime before ever thinking of commenting on anything.

after all that is said and done however. i gotta say, hamtaro is totally more awesome than everything mentioned above. lol

matt damon
06-26-2006, 02:05 AM
If you know the backgrounds of mecha anime before EVA you know why it was considered as great.
totally right. i forgot to mention that point

I find that Eva and Xenogears have too many similarities.
when did Xenogears come out in relation to EVA (or vice-versa)?

06-26-2006, 04:34 AM
the answer is simple.

its considered the best of all time by anyone and everyone who was into anime way before you were. new anime fans, who prolly have 1-3 years of anime fandom experience watch this, and think its overrated. this could be a result of 3 things.

1. hype: hype can kill anything. don't let hype influence you

2. your wrong. how dare you question the vast and great knowlede of hardcore anime fans that came before you

3. there really HAS been better stuff SINCE eva, and you just happen to have seen them BEFORE you ever saw eva.

either way. if you closely match number 2 (was introduced to anime with fma, bleach, naruto, anything on adult swim) then you don't know what your talking about, don't understand why people went crazy over it, woudln't know good anime if it hit you in the head, and you just plain don't have a say in anything anime related. go watch the past 30 years of anime before ever thinking of commenting on anything.

after all that is said and done however. i gotta say, hamtaro is totally more awesome than everything mentioned above. lol

And the last sentence made me lose all respect for anything you have and were about to say.

Considering you don't know how long i've been watching anime, it throws out your whole arguement. Not once in all of that did you say why Eva is good, all you did was discredit me. Hype does not affect me. Other than discrediting me it seems you can't give me any facts of why the show is good.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-26-2006, 12:17 PM
For it's time the show was awesome.

Also: Read this. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_%28Anime%29) Specifically, this section of that article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_%28Anime%29#Historical_con text).

06-26-2006, 12:33 PM
Anime annoys the shit out of me. It's all the same shit to me.

06-26-2006, 03:44 PM
uh, no

06-26-2006, 03:45 PM
uh, no

06-26-2006, 03:55 PM
i've just seen so many better shows (Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, GetBackers, Outlaw Star, Inuyasha etc.)

Oxymoron alert!

Anyway, Evangelion is massively overrated. I'll never dispute that. I don't even particularly like it these days, even though I was pretty fond of it back when I first saw it circa 1998. However, I still have to give it some props for being an ambitious project, even though it did fall apart really badly at the end.

I can easily name at least a couple dozen series that were better just off the top of my head, although none of the ones you named would be on my list. In fact, only one of the ones you named is something I would consider to actually be quality material. The others are mediocre, with the exception of Inu Yasha, which is utter crap.

matt damon
06-26-2006, 05:49 PM
Anime annoys the shit out of me. It's all the same shit to me.
i hate when people say that because it's not.

In fact, only one of the ones you named is something I would consider to actually be quality material. The others are mediocre, with the exception of Inu Yasha, which is utter crap.
hich one, hellsing? because if people say Evangelion is over rated, then HEllsing is DEFINITLY over rated.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-26-2006, 07:59 PM
i hate when people say that because it's not.

hich one, hellsing? because if people say Evangelion is over rated, then HEllsing is DEFINITLY over rated.

My money is on Outlaw Star, actually.

Never got around to seeing it, but I've heard it's pretty good.

06-26-2006, 08:22 PM
Everything really popular is overrated. As long as the show is a good show, I don't think it matters that it says BEST ANIME SERIES EVER on the box.

I'm really not sure why Eva's characters have been so popular in the collectibles market, though. On sites like hlj, there are still lots of new Eva products coming out on a regular basis.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-26-2006, 08:56 PM
Everything really popular is overrated. As long as the show is a good show, I don't think it matters that it says BEST ANIME SERIES EVER on the box.

I'm really not sure why Eva's characters have been so popular in the collectibles market, though. On sites like hlj, there are still lots of new Eva products coming out on a regular basis.

It's also apparently one of the favorite anime for non-tentacle hentai for some godawful reason.

matt damon
06-26-2006, 09:11 PM
I'm really not sure why Eva's characters have been so popular in the collectibles market, though. On sites like hlj, there are still lots of new Eva products coming out on a regular basis.
EVa characters are so popular because they are so awesome. in fact, Asuka is my new favorite character of any series.

06-26-2006, 10:12 PM
And the last sentence made me lose all respect for anything you have and were about to say.

Considering you don't know how long i've been watching anime, it throws out your whole arguement. Not once in all of that did you say why Eva is good, all you did was discredit me. Hype does not affect me. Other than discrediting me it seems you can't give me any facts of why the show is good.

i was pretty sure i was speaking in general. since you decided to PLACE YOURSELF into my line of fire, then i guess you DO belong in said categories and therefore don't know enough about anime to know that eva owns everything you've seen so far. lol


hamtaro > eva

06-26-2006, 11:29 PM
i was pretty sure i was speaking in general. since you decided to PLACE YOURSELF into my line of fire, then i guess you DO belong in said categories and therefore don't know enough about anime to know that eva owns everything you've seen so far. lol


hamtaro > eva

No, it was directed towards me because you were responding to my question. You didn't type as if you were talking to the general public because you used the word "you" when speaking to the reader. So maybe your the one who should be in the said categories.

I still think Hamtaro sucks

06-27-2006, 08:18 AM
lol. dude. you've seen hamtaro right? seriously. at what point do you think it'll hit you and you'll realize that i'm joking. O_o

as for the rest of my post. dude, the word "you" can totally be used generally. ever read an article before? like in the newspaper where maybe their talking about the avian flue or some crap and they say "YOU could be at risk if YOU live in these areas". all because they said "you", doesnt' mean it fucking means YOU.

like i said. i put down little "guidelines" to show/give example of POSSIBLE reason why people might deduce/come to the same conclusion as you have. i listed 3 points.

you decide which point you fall under. for some reason, you complain about me calling you a '2', though it would appear that '3' is what your trying to make me see you as. but all your doing is just making yourself look like a '2' seirously. did you even READ my 3rd "point"?

3. there really HAS been better stuff SINCE eva, and you just happen to have seen them BEFORE you ever saw eva.

let me reword it for you. there HAS been better stuff SINCE eva, and you saw this stuff, before you ever saw eva. this is one possible outcome that might have made you think eva was overrated. (along with hype imo)

you deny hype, ignore 3, and just continue on complaining about 2. lol seirously man. get over it. my opinion shoudln't matter to you so much lol. my "guidelines" aren't written stone. they shouldn't even be taken seirously. lol if you want, i'll provide a 4th option for you.

"you might think eva was overrated because..."

4. your too dumb to understand the deepness, man. cause it was, like, so deep and like, its because your not in touch with your soul so you just can't understand it, man! maybe after you smoke some pot you can get all spiritual and totally get it man! /hippy talk

i mean. what do you want me to do? O_o lol

hamtaro > all anime

06-27-2006, 04:12 PM
That was your grammical error. I was the one who started thread and asked the question therefore, unless you say your directing you comment to someone else, you are talking to me. Maybe that wasn't your intention but thats what it seemed.

and yes, i got all of eva's symbolism (which i mentioned above if you bothered to read) and I was still bored. The story of eva was mediocre considering all the other anime series i have seen. ( so i guess i would be on the lines of 3)

And incase you didn't know, since people aren't sitting next to you when you type this, they can't tell whats sarcasm and what's not

06-27-2006, 04:14 PM
I think most people could tell that was sarcasm TBQH, even if it was rather lame.

06-27-2006, 09:22 PM
Really? Well that whole paragraph where i said people can't tell if it's sarcasm was sarcasm as well! Couldn't you tell?

06-27-2006, 09:23 PM
thanks throne. i think? (lame huh? how dare you!) lol

yah. that's what my hamtaro line was for. to make sure i try to get the message across that i was joking. if i left it out, i knew i'd get a lot more responses similar to pontius'. so i added the hamtaro thing so everyone else can backoff and be like "oh, he was joking. ok in that case i won't post a 5 page essay on why i think he's a douche, then"

i don't care if you started the thread. my post was totally not directed at you because i clearly stated possible areas/categories/guidlines from any person could infer are the reasons why they came to the same conclusion that you and many many others have come to in the past.

i reread my post like 4 times already. and i still don't see a reason to edit it. its totaly kewl by my standsards of english and the TLA format. (formely the MLA format) the TLA is the 'tact's language ass-kicking' format which clearly states i can post in poeples threads and never once directly speak to them if i wish to do so. lol

also. my new point 4 is totally totally a joke man. i can't believe you tried defending yourself from that one. seriously dude. O_o i'm not making fun OF you. but arguing against my obvious attempts of sarcasm and jokes is just lowering yourself man.

anyway. i think your a cool guy. and i do like how your keeping your cool about this. your arguing the logic rather than flaming back at me. that' takes smarts. :D (or lack thereof) and the fact that you like outlaw star. why that's ++ points for coolness. if you agree that sailor moon is the greatest anime of all time then we can be the best of friends. lol

if you dont' agree i'll kill you! O_O

Hamtaro > Wolf's Rain

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-27-2006, 09:31 PM
Hamtaro > Wolf's Rain

You say that as if that's all that difficult to accomplish.

06-27-2006, 09:35 PM
alright, i guess it was just a misundertsanding. I also must give you ++ points for liking outlaw star since it is probably one of my favorite anime shows of all time. Can't say i've seen Sailor Moon but it used to be on Cartoon network if i remember

06-27-2006, 09:35 PM
rofl. i just wanted to bug a few fans of the series. it always gets them started.

yay. does that mean were friends now? group hug!! you too odin! don't run away!!

matt damon
06-28-2006, 02:06 AM

06-28-2006, 04:00 AM
i hate when people say that because it's not.
I didn't say it was all the same. I said it was all the same to me.

I hate when people don't read sentences properly.

Dark Mage626
07-01-2006, 11:58 PM
The whole "Evangelion is the greatest anime of all time" thing is just a bunch of people's oppinions.
The show is pretty good, I watched it for the first time ever the other week and absolutly loved everything about it, the music, characters, voices etc. So even though they may be wrong in saying that Evangelion is the greatest anime ever, it is still pretty great.

The Ricky
07-03-2006, 10:29 AM
Seriously, Xenogears and Eva are too similar. The mechs look the same, the story is practically the same with a few changes here and there. Disk two, Fei is sitting in a chair, with a light on him, just like Eva, now I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Xeno was a ripoff of Eva.

07-03-2006, 11:41 PM
Seriously, Xenogears and Eva are too similar. The mechs look the same, the story is practically the same with a few changes here and there. Disk two, Fei is sitting in a chair, with a light on him, just like Eva, now I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Xeno was a ripoff of Eva.

I was thinking of getting xenogears, but now that i was warned I won't. Thanks

07-04-2006, 10:01 AM
Evangelion was way too sentimental and longwinded for my liking. I don't know how many times I've heard Shinji question his own abilities and Asuka go rank at someone, anyway, if I ever want to see/affiliate with emotional riff raff.....wait, I wouldn't.

07-04-2006, 08:15 PM
yah i've heard a LOT of poeple talk about how they hate shinji for that very reason. cause he's to pussy and all this other crap. but i never found him to be TOO whiny. i mean, are poeple comparing these characters with chracters from another show? how is it they can say they were TOO anything? everything seemed to fit, it was a good show. me and my sister liked it. i still don't understand any of the reasons why the show "sucked" to some people even when i try to see it from their point of view.

i thought it was a great show and worth the time it takes to watch it.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-05-2006, 05:03 PM
yah i've heard a LOT of poeple talk about how they hate shinji for that very reason. cause he's to pussy and all this other crap. but i never found him to be TOO whiny. i mean, are poeple comparing these characters with chracters from another show? how is it they can say they were TOO anything? everything seemed to fit, it was a good show. me and my sister liked it. i still don't understand any of the reasons why the show "sucked" to some people even when i try to see it from their point of view.

i thought it was a great show and worth the time it takes to watch it.

Well, all I know is that the kid you play as in the first Zone of the Enders game makes Shinji Ikari look like god damn Clint Eastwood, so he isn't as bad as he could've been.

07-05-2006, 08:12 PM
clint eastwood from dirty harry. or clint eastwood from the good, the bad, and the ugly?

he's so much more nicer in tg,tb,and tu. lol

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-06-2006, 11:13 AM
Clint Eastwood in The Unforgiven.

The Ricky
07-06-2006, 01:44 PM
I was thinking of getting xenogears, but now that i was warned I won't. Thanks

Don't let that stop you from getting a good game though, there are just a lot of similarities in the story.

07-06-2006, 05:43 PM
Eh, i thought Evangelion's story was mediocre though

The Ricky
07-07-2006, 02:29 AM
Xenogears pulled it off a lot better.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-07-2006, 02:42 AM
Eh, i thought Evangelion's story was mediocre though

So did the guy that wrote the scripts for it. Evidence: End of Evangelion - The Movie was his big "Fuck you!" to all the rabid fans in Japan that sent him hate mail for not giving the series a real ending.

07-07-2006, 02:43 AM
So did the guy that wrote the scripts for it. Evidence: End of Evangelion - The Movie was his big "Fuck you!" to all the rabid fans in Japan that sent him hate mail for not giving the series a real ending.

haha well said

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-07-2006, 02:46 AM
Evangelion's popularity probably had a lot more to do with the Eva's themselves and less to do with everything else.

Face it, the show wouldn't have lasted beyond the first three episodes if not for Unit 01's berserker rage going all apeshit on the first Angel. Everyone wants to see the Evas tear shit up (organic mechs with crazy monstrosity characteristics > bulky mechs that trip over rocks and have crazily overpowered and inconsistent weaponry).

Well, that and the occasional bit of shameless fanservice with the female characters. Pedos probably have a field day over all the Rei Ayanami hentai that's out there.

07-07-2006, 03:15 AM
Yeah, the butchering of the first angel was probably the only reason i kept watching

matt damon
07-14-2006, 05:29 AM
So did the guy that wrote the scripts for it. Evidence: End of Evangelion - The Movie was his big "Fuck you!" to all the rabid fans in Japan that sent him hate mail for not giving the series a real ending.
End of Evangelion is insane. i saw it and just thought it was crazy. i prefer the other ending though when it comes to all the deaths like misato. but asuka kicks ass in EoE. like i said before (i think i said it already) she's my new favorite character

Vash The Stampede
07-15-2006, 06:43 AM
I really don't see why this show is labeled "the greatest anime show of all time". It's good, don't get me wrong, but i've just seen so many better shows (Hellsing, Wolf's Rain, GetBackers, Outlaw Star, Inuyasha etc.) Please tell me why this considered the "best anime show" (Please refrain from bitching or whining, keep it civil)

Nothing is the best anime ever. The best anime ever is just something people say to display thier favorite anime show. The best anime show would be liked by EVERYONE. I mean like the whole population. Which is an impossiblity, so the Greatest Anime can only be mesaured by the quality in the animation and the reviews, which is untrustworthy. Plus, 4chan likes to say Evangelion is the best, been to /b/ lately? Oh well. Love and Peace, and Good luck to you.

07-16-2006, 05:44 AM
the closest you could probably get to the best anime ever would be if you ignored the passage of time per individual.

so that, if someone liked an anime at one point in their life, and then hated it later on, that point in their life where they DID like it, would still be counted.

if you do that with everyone living being on earth (who sees anime) and added up the results and all that, i'm pretty sure the top most loved anime of all time would prolly end up being DBZ. lol

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 05:51 AM
DBZ had the most predictable plot I have ever seen

07-16-2006, 06:06 AM
that still won't keep it from being the greatest of all time if you count the fans like i say we do. :D

07-16-2006, 04:53 PM
that still won't keep it from being the greatest of all time if you count the fans like i say we do. :D

Yep you have a point.. I didnt like DBZ but i did like DB..

I wont say Evangelion is overrated.. its fun but i did think it was better 2 years ago :P.. i think Trigun and Champloo are great animes :D

Vash The Stampede
07-16-2006, 05:01 PM
DBZ is very extreme, the yelling kept me watching.

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 05:06 PM
that still won't keep it from being the greatest of all time if you count the fans like i say we do. :D

You can't judge something popularity.

Example: Bush got voted into office and he's probably the biggest dumbass alive

07-16-2006, 07:55 PM
You can't judge something popularity.

Example: Bush got voted into office and he's probably the biggest dumbass alive

you are wrong there (im a socialist so i hate buch too :P) beacause even how powerful your dad and your firends are you cant be the presiden in the us and be a idiot..

Van Finel
07-16-2006, 09:53 PM
you are wrong there (im a socialist so i hate buch too :P) beacause even how powerful your dad and your firends are you cant be the presiden in the us and be a idiot..

Your forgetting that Bush is a mere puppet of the Repuclicans. Puppets doen't need to be smart.

07-16-2006, 10:28 PM
You can't judge something popularity.

Example: Bush got voted into office and he's probably the biggest dumbass alive

popularity is what i mean by greatest of all time. what else? O_o

since when does greatest of all time mean "smartest"? or well done? or best animation? or best story? it means none of this. greatest = it sold more, it got the most ratings, has/had the biggest fanbase that constantly begged akira to keep making more and more episodes. i mean, they've begged the guy forever! he wanted to end it so many times long ago in diffrent parts of the series. but poeple loved it so much, they wanted more. they even made gt when he woudln't do anymore. what does that tell you?

do you see anyone asking for more whr? champloo? cowbe? wr? pa? i don't think so. whatever anime YOU think is the greatest of all time, doesn't compare to the power of DB/Z. the numbers don't lie. its all around you. even when they get hiim to do character designs for video games. everyone wants a piece of toriyama. they like him too much and his works.

400 billion fans can't be wrong. -_- (lol ignore the fact that the world pop maxes out at like 250bil lol)

same thing with ff7. everyone here talks about how much it "sux". but its the ONE and only ff game that gets the most attention/love/remake/animation done out of it.

i mean. why not remake ff8, or 9? no. they're gonna remake ff7! and the older ff remakes don't even count cause those were half assed compared to what they want to do with the ff7 remake. its not ff8: advent children. its not ff:9 crisis core. its not ff6: last order. ITS FUCKING FF7!!!!!! ff7 rocked everyones pants off.

and bush ownz your ass too. he's proof that pop > everything else.

matt damon
07-17-2006, 01:28 AM
same thing with ff7. everyone here talks about how much it "sux". but its the ONE and only ff game that gets the most attention/love/remake/animation done out of it.

i mean. why not remake ff8, or 9? no. they're gonna remake ff7! and the older ff remakes don't even count cause those were half assed compared to what they want to do with the ff7 remake. its not ff8: advent children. its not ff:9 crisis core. its not ff6: last order. ITS FUCKING FF7!!!!!! ff7 rocked everyones pants off.and bush ownz your ass too. he's proof that pop > everything else.
omg, i want to smack you. you really can't base anything solely on poularity. there is so much demand for FF7 crap because all the stupid little fanboys wouldn't know something good if it went up their ass. and you wanna know why there's all these FF7 things? because they story sucked so much ass and they didn't do anything that they need to go back and make all these extra games and stuff to actually make it make sense

07-17-2006, 01:53 AM
True you can't accept something that is popular to be fitting or right in being popular. But I hate it because my supervisor kind of has that mentality...where majority rules. And it does, but it has an obligation to represent what that majority needs/wants. Most of the time it's what the majority wants, nowadays anyway, or in the U.S. anyway.

07-17-2006, 03:03 AM
omg, i want to smack you. you really can't base anything solely on poularity. there is so much demand for FF7 crap because all the stupid little fanboys wouldn't know something good if it went up their ass. and you wanna know why there's all these FF7 things? because they story sucked so much ass and they didn't do anything that they need to go back and make all these extra games and stuff to actually make it make sense

lol please. what does that have anything to do with the fact that ff7 ownz your ass? seriously. if you really wanna get down to the nitty gritty. your gonna have to pull out complicated inmesurable stuff like how is it that square KNOWS that its popular in order to want to continue to make/remake anything based on that game? how do they know theres tons of fanboys asking for this? you don't really expect every idiot out there to email square saying shit like "omg i luved ff7 please make more" do you?

what i'm trying to say is how is it that your "fanboys" are the getting the message across? why isn't the stuff YOU consider "great" getting the same type of recognition? where are YOU failing in such "duties"? does it really require the effort of communicating ones opinion? or is it a simple matter how many copies were sold? OR, is it possible that people inside the industry themselves, are the ones pushing it forward? really now? do you know?

this is important if you want to have any chance of proving that popularity has NOTHING to do with whether it is good or not. (if it was never good since the begining, it woudln't be as big as it is now) nevermind the fact that it might not be good NOW. if it was good THEN, (really good) then that's good enough to get anything started. even if you now realize you were wrong and regret thinking like that. (same with how everyone voted for bush/scharzenegger but now regret it) fuck the regret. i dont' give a shit. you live with it now if you EVER in your entire life felt that ff7 was your fucking god! live with it and fucking admit it. and admit the fact that you helped square realize theres a cash cow in this even if they themselves think it was a piece of shit.

whether its "fitting" or has a right to be popular is not the issue either. -_-

popularity = popularity. if its big, its big. you can't deny it. why does everyone always try to deny it? look at the sims! everyone will agree, every expansion after like the first 2 was just the same shit and was crap. but because the first one was so awesome, there was enough incentive, enough reason to work to make more and more. if there was never a reason, there would have never been anymore.

seriously. aside from trying to attack my point of view from all the wrong angles, why not do me a favor, and explain to me WHY what YOU consider to be fucking awesome and worthy of worship never even gets the fucking time of day?

why? explain that! is it because nobody knows about it? or because your taste in anime sucks?

maybe i should whine too. oh woe is me, i think macross plus is the greatest anime of all time. but almost nobody knows anything about it. they should make like 10 series, 50 movies, and 100 games based off of it cause its SOO fucking awesome. but instead they just keep making series and games based on gundam. that's so dumb. that series sucks and it just copied robotech cause gundam sucks! (/sarcasm)

-_- lol.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 04:56 AM
popularity is what i mean by greatest of all time. what else? O_o

since when does greatest of all time mean "smartest"? or well done? or best animation? or best story? it means none of this. greatest = it sold more, it got the most ratings, has/had the biggest fanbase that constantly begged akira to keep making more and more episodes. i mean, they've begged the guy forever! he wanted to end it so many times long ago in diffrent parts of the series. but poeple loved it so much, they wanted more. they even made gt when he woudln't do anymore. what does that tell you?

do you see anyone asking for more whr? champloo? cowbe? wr? pa? i don't think so. whatever anime YOU think is the greatest of all time, doesn't compare to the power of DB/Z. the numbers don't lie. its all around you. even when they get hiim to do character designs for video games. everyone wants a piece of toriyama. they like him too much and his works.

400 billion fans can't be wrong. -_- (lol ignore the fact that the world pop maxes out at like 250bil lol)

same thing with ff7. everyone here talks about how much it "sux". but its the ONE and only ff game that gets the most attention/love/remake/animation done out of it.

i mean. why not remake ff8, or 9? no. they're gonna remake ff7! and the older ff remakes don't even count cause those were half assed compared to what they want to do with the ff7 remake. its not ff8: advent children. its not ff:9 crisis core. its not ff6: last order. ITS FUCKING FF7!!!!!! ff7 rocked everyones pants off.

and bush ownz your ass too. he's proof that pop > everything else.

Smartest, most well done, and best animation are all traits of great. Greatest in no way means "sold more"

Definition of great...
Superior in quality or character.

I assume thats the definition people use.

I think i can summon an answer to the 2nd and 3rd paragraph by simply saying "no"

And I can tell your republican from the typical republican response to when people say bush sucks and give reason. ZOMFZ BUSH COULD KIK YR ASS IN A FIGHT!

07-17-2006, 06:14 AM
van. thank you for the reclarification of what is truly great. it agrees with my belief that ff7 was great. :)

if people don't agree, that's fine. just don't bring the conflict of opinion of ONE game into an argument of greatness. it'll just get us all sidetracked and confused. are we arguing about whats can be great, or what is great? what was great? Or what great is? who knows. now even i'm confused. lol

and van, i have no political affiliation. i'm registerd to vote but never have nor plan to. i'm guessing that'll piss you off too like it did my teachers. they're always baffled by how lots of 18+year olds have the liberty/freedom to vote, a right that was faught for, and we don't even give it a second though. meh. i don't care. like i always say, my vote ain't gonna make a diffrence. and even it did, i don't care two shits about any politic bullshit to wanna vote anyway.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 01:06 PM
van. thank you for the reclarification of what is truly great. it agrees with my belief that ff7 was great. :)

if people don't agree, that's fine. just don't bring the conflict of opinion of ONE game into an argument of greatness. it'll just get us all sidetracked and confused. are we arguing about whats can be great, or what is great? what was great? Or what great is? who knows. now even i'm confused. lol

and van, i have no political affiliation. i'm registerd to vote but never have nor plan to. i'm guessing that'll piss you off too like it did my teachers. they're always baffled by how lots of 18+year olds have the liberty/freedom to vote, a right that was faught for, and we don't even give it a second though. meh. i don't care. like i always say, my vote ain't gonna make a diffrence. and even it did, i don't care two shits about any politic bullshit to wanna vote anyway.

I think I understand what your saying in the second paragraph but i got a little lost towards the ends.

Sooner or later you just stop caring about voting because you realize both sides will screw you you over anyway so why does it matter. Not voting is a good choice. I myself am neither, I just hate Bush.

07-17-2006, 03:32 PM
This thread has gone on a very retarded tangent. I have no real point to make. Just an observation.

Vash The Stampede
07-17-2006, 04:05 PM
I think I started it. Maybe I do cause disaster where I go.

07-17-2006, 04:41 PM
Actually, this thread degenerated into total retardation when Van Finel randomly started Bush-bashing. It just snowballed from there.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 05:34 PM
I just used Bush as an example to prove my point. The convo only evolved after Tact said "Bush ownz yr ass". Whats retarded about a discussion about politics. I would gladly debate anyone in that subject.

07-17-2006, 05:40 PM
Nothing's wrong with a discussion about politics. They just don't belong in the Anime & Manga forum.

Van Finel
07-17-2006, 05:53 PM
good point, sorry. I'll make one in General discussion later.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-17-2006, 09:20 PM
Thanks for the warning for the topic no one should bother reading.

07-18-2006, 01:31 AM
i like bush cause his speeches are a laugh riot. :D

also, i say everything ownz people's asses btw. lol

pokemon ownz all your fking asses!! lol

07-18-2006, 05:29 AM
Politics aside, The story was good, but the ending was way lame. On a deep or a shallow level, it was just way ambigious.