Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 03:26 PM
I think Final Fantasy VII is a totally brilliant game, and although it has its shortcomings, is brilliant enough to hide those shortcomings.

I know some people will not agree. I have created this thread so that those people can fight safely here without er... getting hoarse.

But kindly do not cram your keyboard into your modem if you get mad.

Control yourself. Let's hope the forums don't start shaking...

06-22-2006, 03:31 PM
Fuck off.

Hex Omega
06-22-2006, 03:31 PM
Thread 16724

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 03:35 PM
Fuck off.

I'd appreciate if you don't use vulgar language. Didn't you read the forum regulations when you joined? What on earth is your problem!?

Hex Omega
06-22-2006, 03:58 PM
We've had 100's of these debates, and the link I gave is proof that FFVII is infact, a over-rated, pile of garbage.

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 05:57 PM
I know there have been a lot of them, but I thought it would be a good idea to continue them in a fresh thread. No one ever seems to get tired of these debates anyway.

Do you really think FFVII is garbage? I don't agree with you (I still respect your opinion nonetheless; you've got every right to say you think it's garbage).

I read the link you provided, but honestly, though FFVII is not perfect, some people do seem to be totally against it. :-\

06-22-2006, 06:02 PM
I thought it would be a good idea to continue them in a fresh thread.

More like you wanted to feel like the center of attention by making a new thread about it.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 06:41 PM
ff7 was awesome... hang on ff7 IS awesome

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 06:57 PM
I really doubt anyone would read 28 pages of that thread in fairness.

Edit : Also how do you know we dont get tired of them? Youve only been here a few days.

06-22-2006, 07:03 PM
Feels like it's the late 90's again after reading the first post.

06-22-2006, 07:04 PM
We've had 100's of these debates, and the link I gave is proof that FFVII is infact, a over-rated, pile of garbage.
more like a select number of individuals that despise the game argued with the majority that did ~

ftr, I liked final fantasy vii. still do ! it's got shortcomings, but every game does. it was enjoyable. particularly the atmosphere before leaving midgar.

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 07:07 PM
The boss has spoken.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 07:09 PM
and now we return to whatever it was we were doing

06-22-2006, 07:19 PM
By the way, I just want to state something for the record that I don't think I've ever said before.

When I played FFVII, I did find it constantly irritating due to the numerous inconsistencies in quality, uneven storytelling, pathetic main character, awful forced minigames, and other things. However, by and large, I did enjoy the game. Yes, that's right. I enjoyed playing the game. That's why I bash it as hard as I do. Because I see the potential that was lost. I see where what could have been a rather excellent game went astray.

On the other hand, I understand where fans are coming from. Many of them were new to games (or games of its type) when they played it, so they didn't know enough about it to see the flaws that were so glaringly obvious to me. What gets to me is the way they proclaim it to be the greatest thing ever. As I've said before, I have no problem with people liking it. Good for them if they do. However, the game is still very flawed, yet it receives credit over games that are clearly superior from an objective viewpoint. That's why I'm as harsh as I am about it, and why I vehemently decry the people who put the game on a pedestal it never deserved in the first place.

06-22-2006, 07:27 PM
I know some people will not agree. I have created this thread so that those people can fight safely here without er... getting hoarse.

Lol now you couldn't have picked a worse website choice for that. People do respect other peoples opinions if they are reasonable of course but if silly comments/obviously misinformed comments are made in debates then people won't hesitate to trash them.

As for what I think about FF7, I used to think exactly the same about it as you back when I first began to play it. However that was before I really bothered thinking about what went into the making of a good game. I just looked at it from the how much I enjoyed it point of view. However later on after completing the game and thinking more about it I started to change my mind.

I'd now describe it as a game which isn't bad and enjoyable enough in parts (if you've not any or many of the other games) but which could have been made much better. IMO FFIX, and FFX are much better games, as well FFVI from what i've played of it so far. The characterisation and plots were put together pretty well in those games. I think both were pretty disappointing in FFVII

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 08:29 PM
More like you wanted to feel like the center of attention by making a new thread about it.

Hmm...something tells me that you're not the most good-natured, friendly and respectful person I'll ever get to meet in my life. Am I right? Because you're not really giving me a good impression from your aggresiveness...

06-22-2006, 08:30 PM
You are quite right.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 08:32 PM

Hex Omega
06-22-2006, 08:34 PM
Words cannot describe how shit that is.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 08:37 PM

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 08:39 PM
As for what I think about FF7, I used to think exactly the same about it as you back when I first began to play it. However that was before I really bothered thinking about what went into the making of a good game. I just looked at it from the how much I enjoyed it point of view. However later on after completing the game and thinking more about it I started to change my mind.

I'd now describe it as a game which isn't bad and enjoyable enough in parts (if you've not any or many of the other games) but which could have been made much better. IMO FFIX, and FFX are much better games, as well FFVI from what i've played of it so far. The characterisation and plots were put together pretty well in those games. I think both were pretty disappointing in FFVII

I have not played any other Final Fantasy games, except for little pieces of IV, V, and VI and quite a large chunk of Chrono Trigger on an emulator, but one can see that after all it's the story that counts.

You mentioned that the characterisations and plots were executed in a better way in IV, IX, and X. I cannot judge those, but I am sure there are a lot of defects in FFVII's storyline, not to mention that it gets you pretty much muddled up.

And yet, it worked for me. Despite the imperfections it was still magical. But I suppose it all boils down into a matter of opinion.

By the way, incidentally, I think FFVII is best in beginning, in the streets of Midgar. That's were I find a lot of its thrills, and 'Sarah' mentioned that as well.

As to your saying that eventually, you started spying the defects in FFVII, I think that happened to me aswell, but maybe not so drastically. I repeat however, that my fondest memories are in the first disc.

06-22-2006, 08:40 PM
Hmm...something tells me that you're not the most good-natured, friendly and respectful person I'll ever get to meet in my life. Am I right? Because you're not really giving me a good impression from your aggresiveness...

You'll get used to everyones form of debating eventually. ;)

Well I'm happy to discuss this, even if it has been already done on this site loads of times lol.

So why is it that you think FF7 is a brilliant game?

Further edit:

Sorry about that I see you've already replied lol

You mentioned that the characterisations and plots were executed in a better way in IV, IX, and X. I cannot judge those, but I am sure there are a lot of defects in FFVII's storyline, not to mention that it gets you pretty much muddled up.

Yup I'd say you've pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I thought that the actual story idea for FFVII was pretty good and had a lot of potential but the fact that key information was left out in certain parts let it down which made it pretty confusing. It's definitely worth playing some of the other games in the series. In particular I would recommend FFIX if a good plot and interesting characters is what you tend to look for in a game. It's well worth the time =)

As to your saying that eventually, you started spying the defects in FFVII, I think that happened to me aswell, but maybe not so drastically. I repeat however, that my fondest memories are in the first disc.

Same here funnily enough. During the time I played the first disk I thought the game seemed really fun and interesting. It was the first game in the series I tried out and I have fond memories associated with it as well. It was more toward the end of the 2nd disk and during the third that I felt things started to go somewhat downhill with it when I properly continued with the game much later.

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 08:42 PM
You are quite right.

Aha...I'll keep that in mind.

matt damon
06-22-2006, 08:47 PM
Hmm...something tells me that you're not the most good-natured, friendly and respectful person I'll ever get to meet in my life. Am I right? Because you're not really giving me a good impression from your aggresiveness...
you are really starting to irritate the hell out of me

I'd appreciate if you don't use vulgar language. Didn't you read the forum regulations when you joined? What on earth is your problem!?
ROFL!! you obviously haven't seen the site

FFVII is infact, over-rated.

FFIX and FFX are much better games

06-22-2006, 08:52 PM
I just wonder what this guy is going to think he runs afoul of the likes of Odin or MrMonkeyMan.

06-22-2006, 08:54 PM
Aha...I'll keep that in mind.

Prak isn't always offensive lol ;)

Anyway Prak there's one thing you have to admit. FF7 is much better than Troll 2! :p

06-22-2006, 08:56 PM
Different mediums. Not exactly comparable.

However, when you compare Advent Children and Troll 2, it's a pretty tough competition.

06-22-2006, 08:58 PM
However, when you compare Advent Children and Troll 2, it's a pretty tough competition.

Lol funnily enough that thought occurred to me as well.

Still I think the acting was mildly better in AC and at least the movie didn't have a title that had nothing to do with any of the film characters lol. Still admittedly neither of them are exactly master pieces. With AC the director didn't have alot of expertise. As for Troll 2 i'd say that whoever directed that had to be on drugs at the time hehe.

hb smokey
06-22-2006, 08:58 PM
Quiver in fear mortals, both fans and haters of FFVII. Prepare for what I shall share with you...


06-22-2006, 09:02 PM
Troll 2 was directed by an Italian porn director who basically had no idea what the actors were saying. All he ever really said to them was "do it with more feeling."

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 09:02 PM
advent children contained alot of... Flying and Insane jump height

06-22-2006, 09:03 PM
Troll 2 was directed by an Italian porn director who basically had no idea what the actors were saying. All he ever really said to them was "do it with more feeling."

Ha ha I didn't know that! Well obviously even that failed.

Still that movie is hilarious. Even if the humour was completely unintentional. I watched it again last weekend, and I have to admit I enjoyed every moment of it as much as the first time I saw it lol. If it had been marketed as a spoof it likely wouldn't be slated so badly.

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 09:03 PM
You'll get used to everyones form of debating eventually. ;)

Well I'm happy to discuss this, even if it has been already done on this site loads of times lol.

So why is it that you think FF7 is a brilliant game?

Hello Giga_Flare, it's good to see a reply from you. :)

Well, to answer your question...I feel that FF7 is a brilliant game because of the way it captured me into its world, as I have said my previous post, and even though it has shortcomings aplenty.

I suppose it struck me as one of those games were it involved my senses into one wild ride.

I may be biased, maybe because it was the first ever RPG I ever played, so as I was not used to it, it felt better than it was. Just like when you taste chocolate for the first time.

You know, after all my praising let me tell you some things that I don'y like about it, so as to prove that I'm not just brainlessly saying that it's good and so on...

1) Of course, we've heard about this one lots of times...the graphics. I kind of grew used to the chunky character looks, however, in some scenes they did look excessively clunky. For example, during Aeris' death, after the CG clip, the close-up figure of Aeris being held by Cloud looks - I'm sorry to say - bizarre. If Square managed to make the character figures so beautiful during the battle scenes, couldn't they have made the characters look better on the world map and the towns and villages? Maybe it was lack of memory? I don't know... It's a pity. I'm not talking about the chunky hands, but the torso of the characters literally splitting in two.

2) As much as the FMVs are beautiful, some are downright awkward, as they employ the same chunky looking characters in the actual video, such as the clip where Tifa is jumping onto the rope from the Highwind, from the Sister Ray. Why did they make her look like that when they could have made her look like say... the way she looks in the FMV after the North Crator explodes in Disc 2?

3) The dialogue. At some parts it's good, at others it's appaling. When Cloud and Tifa are in Sephiroth's 'illusion', they keep reffering to it as an 'illusion', and it starts to get silly because in reality people don't use the same word so often. It's hard to explain here but if you remember that part of the game, you might realise what I mean. There are other words like 'vision' and 'hallucination'.

4) The Summon Spells. I enjoy watching the Summon Spells immensley and never tire of them. However I'm sure there are people who get mad having to watch them again, and again, and again without any means to shorten the sequence. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind watching them, and in fact this has never been a problem for me, but some people may get a nervous breakdown from watching them repeatedly.

5) Parts of the story are confusing and I simply don't understand, or I think I understand and in reality would be screwing up.

That's all I can think of for now...

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 09:10 PM
WOW! While I was writing that last post there have been like 10 replies!!

Hex Omega
06-22-2006, 09:15 PM
Troll 2 was directed by an Italian porn director who basically had no idea what the actors were saying. All he ever really said to them was "do it with more feeling."

Hahaha, you aren't serious?! That would explain an awful lot!

06-22-2006, 09:15 PM
Standard rule of forum etiquette: Rather than making multiple posts in a row, you should edit your last post to include whatever you left out or want to add.

EDIT: Yes Diablo, I'm totally serious.

Hex Omega
06-22-2006, 09:18 PM
Still, the best woeful yet hilarious film i've seen is Predator 2. The stereotypical Jamicans, woeful acting(Danny Glover, Bill Paxton in the same film, oh dear...) make it a riot.

06-22-2006, 09:21 PM
Hello Giga_Flare, it's good to see a reply from you. :)

No probs =)

Unfortunatley thats partly why (in reference to the stuff you listed on plot/character dialogue), from a technical angle, that the game isn't brilliant. Those things could and should have been done alot better (amongst other things i.e music, ending). Not that I'm saying that made the game any less enjoyable for those who found stuff they liked about it, but considering the hype that surrounded it prior to it's release Square could have done alot better IMO.

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 09:22 PM
Regarding the hype you're mentioning, I remember seeing a poster online of Final Fantasy VII saying: 'Bring a cigarette and blindfold to all people who make cartridge games' or something like that. And: 'Possibly the greatest game ever made is coming exclusively for the Playstation'.

PS: By the way, is that you in your avatar? :)

06-22-2006, 09:24 PM
What is Troll 2? A movie?

You could call it that. It takes a stretch of the imagination though!

It's marketed as a follow up to the first Troll movie made. However despite the title it's got absolutely nothing to do with it and it's one of those movies in which there's just about no quality other than unintentional humour lol. :laugh:

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 09:32 PM
Troll 2 / Movie (1990)

Starring: Michael Stephenson, George Hardy
Director: Claudio Fragasso

Rating: (49 customer reviews) 3.5 stars on 5

I looked it up on Amazon.com and it has a pretty solid customer rate...well I've never seen it or heard of it until now. :-D

So Prak thinks it's better than Final Fantasy VII? (That's what I've made out from the conversations).

06-22-2006, 09:33 PM
Wow. That's pretty amazing.

Troll 2 is one of the worst movies ever made, but it's unintentionally hilarious. That's why people rate it highly.

And I don't compare that movie with FFVII. I only compare it to Advent Children.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 09:33 PM
in other words: retarded

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 09:38 PM
Wow. That's pretty amazing.

Troll 2 is one of the worst movies ever made, but it's unintentionally hilarious. That's why people rate it highly.

And I don't compare that movie with FFVII. I only compare it to Advent Children.

Ooops! I didn't realize it was Advent Children...sorry for the misunderstanding. :erm:

From its name Troll 2 suggests its being a horror movie, but from these posts I'm starting to think otherwise.

in other words: retarded

What do you mean???

06-22-2006, 09:44 PM
Troll 2 / Movie (1990)

Starring: Michael Stephenson, George Hardy
Director: Claudio Fragasso

Rating: (49 customer reviews) 3.5 stars on 5

I looked it up on Amazon.com and it has a pretty solid customer rate

Thats because it's the kind of movie thats so bad alot of people tend to love it, if that makes any kind of sense lol. It's supposed to be horror/fantasy but really should have been marketed as a comedy IMO.

I say AC is slightly better for what I think are pretty obvious reasons to anyone who's watched both films lol.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 09:45 PM
AC was really shit and julian i mean retarded as it was full of pointless humour (or what i've heard anyway)

06-22-2006, 09:46 PM
AC was really shit

Troll 2 was a fair bit worse!

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 09:48 PM
troll 2 must've been really bad

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 09:51 PM
was it bad as shrek 2?

06-22-2006, 09:54 PM
troll 2 must've been really bad

Yup, it sure was lol

I haven't seen Shrek 2 am afraid.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 09:59 PM
well it sucked

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 10:05 PM
I think Shrek 2 was a pretty good animated film and it was nominated for a Best Animated Film Academy Award.

However, I suppose the last golden age of animated films was in the mid-nineties at the time of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King.

(Sigh) It's sad to see how Disney have ended up. However we should be expecting an improvement any time now, with John Lasseter in charge of Walt Disney Feature Animation.

From Dreamworks, I'm hoping Over the Hedge will be good.

From what I've read on ultimatedisney.com, Pixar's Cars is a bit disappointing.

Zell dincht X0
06-22-2006, 10:07 PM
this is a ff7 thread btw but who cares!!!!!!!!1111!
i expected alot more for AC

Julian Carter
06-22-2006, 10:09 PM
I know we're getting out of point, but...

06-22-2006, 10:22 PM
try to stay on topic, guys.

06-29-2006, 01:30 PM
ffvii is a great game...

overrated or not, i really don't care about that...

but in my opinion, ffx is better...

King of Kings
06-29-2006, 05:58 PM
Listen. The fact is. There are countless people who will say good things about the game and countless people who will say bad things about the game. There is just no sence in arrguing over it. People like the guy from that link just like to say stuff like that to get a rise out of people. And people like the guy in this thread are just trying to tell people how they feel about the game and yet people can't just accept that. no. they have to throw in their two cents like the original likeness of the game will change for the person. it's just a waste of time.

06-29-2006, 06:03 PM
Will you shut up already? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Some very interesting discussion has come out of these debate threads. Also, there have been people who have reevaluated their opinions after reading the points presented in them.

In other words, you're totally wrong and your efforts at playing peacemaker are not only worthless, but harmful to the community.

06-29-2006, 06:04 PM
ffvii is a great game...

overrated or not, that's the work of their fanboy...

but in my opinion, ffx is better...

hb smokey
06-29-2006, 06:14 PM
Listen. The fact is. There are countless people who will say good things about the game and countless people who will say bad things about the game. There is just no sence in arrguing over it. People like the guy from that link just like to say stuff like that to get a rise out of people. And people like the guy in this thread are just trying to tell people how they feel about the game and yet people can't just accept that. no. they have to throw in their two cents like the original likeness of the game will change for the person. it's just a waste of time.
The fact is, there has been a lot more valid points thrown around by people who don't like the game, than people who do. The fact is, there has been a much larger argument as to FFVII being a bad game, than it being a good game. The fact is, you are just going to be another one of these useless fanboys who come and go through here everyday, just to make this FFVII the most populated place for retarded fanboys.

Zell dincht X0
06-29-2006, 06:25 PM
Listen. The fact is. There are countless people who will say good things about the game and countless people who will say bad things about the game. There is just no sence in arrguing over it. People like the guy from that link just like to say stuff like that to get a rise out of people. And people like the guy in this thread are just trying to tell people how they feel about the game and yet people can't just accept that. no. they have to throw in their two cents like the original likeness of the game will change for the person. it's just a waste of time.
if we can't debate there will be no point in forums

06-29-2006, 06:28 PM
if we can't debate there will be no point in forums

06-29-2006, 07:39 PM
Where did this come from? Any other time, you're spouting some sort of wannabe-peacemaker stuff in the midst of a heated debate.

As for FFVII--After playing it again, I no longer think it the worst of the series (that would be VIII). However, I wouldn't call it excellent. Like Prak said, it had phenomenal potential, but the execution was awful. Well...after the first disc, at least. Once you-know-who meets the pointy you-know-what, courtesy of the other you-know-who, the game starts going downhill. Fast. Like Olympic sprinter fast.

06-29-2006, 07:52 PM
Really, if the game had a more personable protagonist, less archetypal secondary characters, better exposition, less emo self-loathing crap, a character advancement system that didn't devalue 2/3 of the party, a lack of forced minigames, and a general feel of polish, I probably would have loved it.

06-29-2006, 07:57 PM
Listen. The fact is. There are countless people who will say good things about the game and countless people who will say bad things about the game. There is just no sence in arrguing over it. People like the guy from that link just like to say stuff like that to get a rise out of people. And people like the guy in this thread are just trying to tell people how they feel about the game and yet people can't just accept that. no. they have to throw in their two cents like the original likeness of the game will change for the person. it's just a waste of time.
Do not post here again.

06-29-2006, 08:13 PM
You know...despite his stereotypical fanboy "it's my opinion" garbage, he'll still defend his Sephy in a very nearby thread.

Zell dincht X0
06-29-2006, 08:18 PM
[QUOTE=CyanCyde]Where did this come from? Any other time, you're spouting some sort of wannabe-peacemaker stuff in the midst of a heated debate.[QUOTE]
I have expanded my awesomeness

06-30-2006, 08:55 AM
Final Fantasy VII.


well there is a lot to say about this game. Yet, why does everyone love it? I know why personally (and from the help of Prak haha) what this game didn't have.

So people, I want to hear why you thought this game was so great so I can bash you for it.

Cid's character was the only part I enjoyed in this game.

Everyone says, "Oh this game has the BEST storyline!!"

The storyline is pretty damn good but it is not as confusing as people want it to be.
People like to come up with their own ideas and thories that are most of the time "bologna".

Of course SE got a kick out of it and had to release 3 crappy spin-off games, and a lame movie that kids desperately waited for 3 years.

07-01-2006, 03:02 AM
I reckon the reason this game has been noticed as much as it has (well i'm guessing anyway) is because of how it was advertised. As a result plenty of gamers were attracted to the FF series (including myself quite a few years back now), who hadn't played or noticed the earlier games before, and upon the introduction were easily pleased with what they saw and so counted the game as being really good having not experienced any of the better FF games, which is where the misunderstanding stems from although of course this doesn't go for all FF7 fans.

07-01-2006, 08:12 PM
life sucks,
i have no clue what we're talking about,
and i really don't feel like argueing.
thank you
have a nice day.....
not really.

07-01-2006, 08:14 PM
piss ants.....

07-01-2006, 08:29 PM
if this arguing continues, there will be murder.
not that it bothers me.
my opinion,
everyone is right
everyone is wrong.
but you are too dull to comprehend that no one gives a damn.
you all piss me off.
go on....
hate me.
bad mouth me.
say what you want.
it really won't affect me.
your reactions tell just how mature you are.
go ahead and hate me,
cuz i feel the same way towards you.

Zell dincht X0
07-01-2006, 09:18 PM
please go away nobody likes you

07-01-2006, 09:27 PM
please go away nobody likes you

Valerie Valens
07-01-2006, 09:39 PM
Wasn't there a topic about this subject already? Also Julian, you're new here so you should look around before you run your mouth off on other members. Prak is pretty well respected here, he's rough around the edges yes, but he knows what he's talking about most of the time.

Personally, I think that the game is pretty mediocre, the story is a mess and characterizations doesn't work as well and the gameplay is plain vanilla. It's not terrible like Beyond the Beyond, but I don't think it deserved the countless laudations of praise it got from the fans. It's a big step down in quality when compared to FF6 or FF4, in fact.

07-02-2006, 12:43 AM
make me go away.

07-02-2006, 12:43 AM
inconsiderate asshole

07-02-2006, 12:53 AM
Okay, you've contributed absolutely nothing to this discussion. You rightly deserve any flames you get, seeing as you've been nothing but a disruptive troll. I eagerly await your ban.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 01:12 AM
I don't, new fish are always good to bash for a while.

07-02-2006, 03:50 AM
how amusing.
try and bash me,
then kick me out.
of course!
why not!
nobody else seems to care!
what a f***ed up life i have...
long boring story of abuse...
nobody cares, bla bla bla...
with a life like mine,
you would hate the world too.

thank you for hating me.
you are my 1000th basher.
please come again to make my life hell.

Hex Omega
07-02-2006, 03:54 AM
And people wonder why FF7 fans get slaughtered so much.............http://www.sportnetwork.net/smileys2/sleep.gif

Oh, and for the record, I don't hate you, your far to under me to muster any sort of emotion in me whatsoever.

07-02-2006, 05:32 AM
hey, that's great.
i lost all emotions the day that
i met dicks like ________(identity protection)
either way,
i hope that you have enjoyed this waste of time.

hate me.
that's my job in life.
to be hated.
and abused.
bye now!
have a nice day!!! ^_^

Valerie Valens
07-02-2006, 07:51 AM
First off, the edit button is more than just a decoration. If you want to add something to your posts, click the edit button instead of making a new post. Secondly, nobody cares about your stupid whiny fagdance. Either post something substantial or pertinent or don't post at all.

In other words :


Zell dincht X0
07-02-2006, 10:55 AM
hey, that's great.
i lost all emotions the day that
i met dicks like ________(identity protection)
either way,
i hope that you have enjoyed this waste of time.

hate me.
that's my job in life.
to be hated.
and abused.
bye now!
have a nice day!!! ^_^
why did you join these forums?

07-02-2006, 01:45 PM
hey, that's great.
i lost all emotions the day that
i met dicks like ________(identity protection)
either way,
i hope that you have enjoyed this waste of time.

hate me.
that's my job in life.
to be hated.
and abused.
bye now!
have a nice day!!! ^_^
Damn, what a waste of space.

matt damon
07-03-2006, 08:03 AM
you know, maybe he's trying to be his idol cloud.

07-03-2006, 08:28 AM
FF7 rocks

07-03-2006, 08:30 AM
dont you all talk about anything else

07-03-2006, 08:30 AM
sorry im new at this

matt damon
07-03-2006, 08:33 AM
triple post. tsk tsk. try the edit button next time, buddy

07-03-2006, 09:06 AM
dont you all talk about anything else
You are in a FF7 discussion??

07-03-2006, 09:19 AM
He is? Good thing you clarified. I had no idea after reading the posts by Innocent Evil over there (nice name, pal. Just one step away from the pearl that is White Darkness.)

07-03-2006, 09:25 AM
cruel world . . . that just means less psychopaths . . .

but where will all the hate go ?

07-03-2006, 06:20 PM
someone please ban me.
i look forward to it.
this place sucks.

07-03-2006, 06:22 PM
this place sucks.

i love this place...

07-03-2006, 06:23 PM
someone please ban me.
i look forward to it.
this place sucks.

Why would we ban you? Fucktards like you are our primary amusement.

fastidious percolator
07-03-2006, 06:24 PM
Why would we ban you? Fucktards like you are our primary amusement.

No, they're your primary amusement.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:38 PM
someone please ban me.
i look forward to it.
this place sucks.

fastidious percolator
07-03-2006, 06:40 PM

M/F ?

07-03-2006, 06:42 PM

i love joan...

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:43 PM


07-03-2006, 06:46 PM

two thumbs up to joan...

Julian Carter
07-07-2006, 12:06 PM
What's up with that guy in the picture???? He looks weird!

hb smokey
07-07-2006, 04:51 PM
I almost forgot about this thread, but thankfully you posted. Still working on my post.

07-07-2006, 06:22 PM
What's up with that guy in the picture???? He looks weird!

he play ffvii 24 hours a day...

jewess crabcake
07-07-2006, 06:38 PM
you might wanna create an arguing thread about something more recent like the 7 sequel

07-08-2006, 01:59 AM
hmm, i knew this thread would create argument's from the start lol enjoy i sopose...

Hex Omega
07-08-2006, 02:21 AM
you might wanna create an arguing thread about something more recent like the 7 sequel

How old something may be, is totally irrelevant in a debate, jftr.