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06-22-2006, 08:34 AM
Hey all. This is my first post, so hello!

Now, I hope this isn't spamming... I don't think it is... But anyway, I've penned up a Final Fantasy VII Remake petition and wanted to invite everyone here to sign it... It's only got a few signatures now but I'm hoping it'll grow.

Here's the link:

I hope you guys sign this and don't worry if you do, I'm not one of these people who writes up a petition and then ignores it. I'm freaking dedicated to this game, heh.

06-22-2006, 08:49 AM

06-22-2006, 08:59 AM
haha @ the dumbass

06-22-2006, 09:01 AM

Safer Roco
06-22-2006, 09:02 AM
haha @ the dumbass

06-22-2006, 09:22 AM
Well, alrighty then, that cleared things right up then didn't it?

06-22-2006, 10:01 AM
There's one born every day.

06-22-2006, 10:07 AM
Omfg. How many times have I seen this petition? Square will probably ignore it anyway... it's been up for over a year..

06-22-2006, 10:24 AM
:-\ Um, you've never seen this petition before. I just wrote it up last night.

06-22-2006, 10:39 AM
haha @ the dumbass

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 11:01 AM
If there not going to make it then a petition wont change their minds. If they are then fair enough, least we wont have anymore of these threads.

06-22-2006, 11:11 AM
HAHAHAHA!!!! People put up a FFVII for PS3 Remake up at the end of last year you loser. So, before you embarrass yourself more, STFU.

06-22-2006, 12:33 PM
Square will remake the game, and i guarntee it will not be avalible to downlaod via PSP emu officially either.

Only days ago the head honch of square (i think the big cheese) said about it. but he never stated that it was not being remade.

And i think it was either tetsu nomura or the square president who said "at the end of the compilation of final fantasy VII there will be something big".

this can only lead consumers to believe that the game is being remade. and i would think that sony would pay square millions to make it, as it would guarntee the sales of thousands probs millions of PS3's as FF VII has one of the largest fan bases ever. i would only pay $1000 AU for a PS3 if there was FF VII.

FF XIII can wait till the console reaches a reasonable price (650).

Plus this begs me to ask would FF VII be remade in 1080P or 720P?

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 01:37 PM
I guarantee it will be remade. They'd make a fortune so they would be fools not to make it.

06-22-2006, 01:39 PM
HAHAHAHA!!!! People put up a FFVII for PS3 Remake up at the end of last year you loser. So, before you embarrass yourself more, STFU.
you know, it is possible for there to be more than one petition for the remake of FFVII.

06-22-2006, 01:41 PM
wow.....that's all i have to much as i LOVE FF7.......


Oh and the tech demo just showed us what it WOULD HAVE looked like IF there was one......:-0 wow there ya go everything wrapped up in one big plz, i LOVE FF7 too, but if their not making a remake, their not making one unless like everyone in the world asks for one. So wait until that happens , then join the world and send your petition ok....?

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 01:51 PM

06-22-2006, 01:52 PM
Wtf!? ok....... MOST LIKELY WILL NOT BE 1

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 01:57 PM
Will there be 2?

06-22-2006, 02:00 PM
absolutely NOT

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 02:01 PM
I think we should petition for 2 remakes of the game. One for PS3 and one for the Atari.

06-22-2006, 02:02 PM
So we use one joystick to move Cloud, and............................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .....

Swedish Fish
06-22-2006, 02:09 PM
i guna sine dat smokin' petition 'bout final fantasy 7.

06-22-2006, 02:26 PM
I'm just saying they MAY not make a remake, not that i don't want 1, believe it or not i signed the petition already.

06-22-2006, 02:44 PM
Why are people so fucking hung up on a decade old game that was inferior in the first place? And what's with the moronic cunts saying they'll buy PS3s if FFVII is on it? Who in their right mind is going to pay hundreds of dollars to play a single game when they can buy a dozen or more games for an older system with the same money. It's absolutely fucking retarded.

06-22-2006, 03:10 PM
How bout these petitions

8065 people signed it


4585 people signed it

I signed all of them, and the one posted in this topic.

Desert Wolf
06-22-2006, 04:03 PM
Why are people so fucking hung up on a decade old game that was inferior in the first place? And what's with the moronic cunts saying they'll buy PS3s if FFVII is on it? Who in their right mind is going to pay hundreds of dollars to play a single game when they can buy a dozen or more games for an older system with the same money. It's absolutely fucking retarded.

I dont think any game made is worth $1000.

Hex Omega
06-22-2006, 04:03 PM
haha @ the dumbass

Neo Xzhan
06-22-2006, 05:46 PM
Welcome to the internet.

06-22-2006, 08:08 PM
And what's with the moronic cunts saying they'll buy PS3s if FFVII is on it?

I'd, personally, say this is worse:

I LOVE THIS GAME!! Even if i couldn't get a PS3, I would still get the game just for the sake of having it. Make a remake plz!!!

So this guy would have the game so he could... what, idolize the box cover? Include it in his shrine to Sephiroth?

06-22-2006, 08:15 PM
And i think it was either tetsu nomura or the square president who said "at the end of the compilation of final fantasy VII there will be something big".

Tetsu? You mean Tetsuya Nomura right? Ok good because I wasn't aware it's entirely ok to drop the last 2 letters of someones first name. My name must be Gi.

06-23-2006, 01:01 AM
did not have a clue how to spell his name. Sorry

i would happily pay 1K to play Final fantasy 7 in 1080P (please 1080p not 720p)
but then i would have to spend another 6K to buy a tv that supports 1080P. man that sucks.

And the money hungry square would remake the game. i mean come 7 parts to FF VII. the game itself did not leave much to be answered (vincent, yes, zack not really) and if you check square-enix's profit drop by like 6% even with FF XII sales.

it would be cool if they made a cloud/sephiroth type game on the wii. where you could battle with those massive swords.

Ohh i can agree with the guy who said about buying it even if he did not have a ps3. i mean my collection is getting pretty big and i have some games that i do not have the console for anymore.

06-23-2006, 04:47 PM
Online petitions are worthless, anyone one can go on and sign it as many times as they want under different names, SE knows this and will never listen even if 7 billion people signed it.

06-23-2006, 04:51 PM
Why are people so fucking hung up on a decade old game that was inferior in the first place? And what's with the moronic cunts saying they'll buy PS3s if FFVII is on it? Who in their right mind is going to pay hundreds of dollars to play a single game when they can buy a dozen or more games for an older system with the same money. It's absolutely fucking retarded.
not any more absurd than people that spend thousands to upgrade their system to play one or two games.

imho, the reaction to this guy's initial post irked me more than the post itself. flaming people mindlessly doesn't help anything.

Sharon Agathon
06-23-2006, 04:55 PM
EGM says remake is on the way so i guess there is no need for any online petitions. :laugh:
Here's a link to the little scanned article:

06-23-2006, 05:01 PM
Can't argue with you on the first point, Sarah. That is just as crazy.

And yeah, the reaction was pretty extreme since endsdawn wasn't exactly being a total nitwit or anything. Sephiaya, on the other hand, is a prime example of complete insanity.

06-23-2006, 06:06 PM
I have to admit much as right now I couldn't care less about picking up a remake of FFVII for the PS3 (if it's ever done) the fact that FFXIII is coming out the PS3 is making me think about picking one up at some point. I want to first see what other games come out for it though before making a final decision, and certainly want to wait for the price to drop although no doubt that'll be a while.

06-24-2006, 02:29 AM
I would buy the PS3 when FF VII comes out on the console. (if it does)
And there are also a few other titles i would want so that wouold also be another reason to buythe console.

i mean i spent about 1K on my 360 on launch (i got 7 games though) and i have not regretted it since. i also bought an LCD so i could run High-Def.

And i would imagine that by the time any FF VII remake camo out the PS3 would have already price dropped :).

06-24-2006, 03:24 AM
We don't need a petition. Enix is fully aware of how many people love FF VII and would want to see a remake

06-26-2006, 08:15 AM
then some 1 tell them to hurry the fuck up and make if not for the fans but for the money

06-26-2006, 02:28 PM
EGM says remake is on the way so i guess there is no need for any online petitions. :laugh:
Here's a link to the little scanned article:

Response of Square on the ff7 remake rumor. Taken from the same site the pic is from.

"We have confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII is in development, but have NOT confirmed a FF7 remake at any time. The remake has been a popular subject for rumors, but that's all they are. Obviously the Best Buy listing was made in error"

Sharon Agathon
06-26-2006, 02:38 PM
Someone should inform EGM about that:

Zell dincht X0
06-26-2006, 04:52 PM
i would like to see it remade because the current one is a piece of wank cheese

06-26-2006, 06:15 PM
wow.....that's all i have to much as i LOVE FF7.......


Oh and the tech demo just showed us what it WOULD HAVE looked like IF there was one......:-0 wow there ya go everything wrapped up in one big plz, i LOVE FF7 too, but if their not making a remake, their not making one unless like everyone in the world asks for one. So wait until that happens , then join the world and send your petition ok....?


Sorry noob but you should pay attention to the news, petitions just piss Square off

Zell dincht X0
06-26-2006, 07:48 PM
also square piss us off with games like ff7 (sorry couldn't resist)

06-29-2006, 04:00 AM
That kinda sucks, It would be nice to see FF VII redone well with a different battle system

J. Peterman
06-29-2006, 05:42 AM
You really shouldn't ask Square-Enix to remake Final Fantasy VII because they'll probably add a character called Cowboy Bob and ruin the game for everybody.

Not Cowboy Bob Orton.

06-29-2006, 09:19 PM
Barrett -> Shaq imo =\

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 01:50 PM
Has nobody ever heard the saying, let sleeping dogs lie. FF 7 is one of my all time favourite games, but why do we need a film made about it, a handful of spin-off games and worst of all a shoddy remake. Why make a game that has already been out ten years anyway, this petition is pointless and they should never even consider remaking ff 7 for crying out loud, leave it alone.

Sharon Agathon
07-03-2006, 01:57 PM
Why make a game that has already been out ten years anyway, this petition is pointless and they should never even consider remaking ff 7 for crying out loud, leave it alone.
...because there are many FFVII fanboys/girls out there?

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 02:07 PM
...because there are many FFVII fanboys/girls out there?

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 02:07 PM
They should leave it alone though.

07-03-2006, 02:12 PM
All good things must come to an end . . . . as well as the bad things . . . .

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 02:14 PM
Exactly, just stick FF7 on and enjoy how good it is.

07-03-2006, 03:09 PM
More like bury it and hope the series never hits such a low point again.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 03:16 PM
already hit a low point with Final Fantasy X. God that game was poor.

07-03-2006, 03:19 PM
At least it was a sizable step up from the all-around pile of crap that was FFVII, and the even worse abomination called FFVIII.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 03:21 PM
At least it was a sizable step up from the all-around pile of crap that was FFVII, and the even worse abomination called FFVIII.

Do you actually like any Final Fantasy games??

07-03-2006, 03:22 PM

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 03:23 PM
Alright just sounds like you don`t from the way your dissing them.

07-03-2006, 03:25 PM
I only bash the ones that deserve it.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 03:26 PM
Which ones don`t deserve it??

07-03-2006, 03:33 PM
VII, VIII, and X were the only ones that were clearly sub-standard.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 03:38 PM
VII, VIII, and X were the only ones that were clearly sub-standard.

Your a strange one, clearly VII was the best ones, it had a least annoying characters in it. I can`t believe you actually liked FFIX, the ability system was dire, Garnet didn`t even get her summons til the 2nd disc, you couldn`t arrange your party til the 2nd disc. I mean the plot was okay for FFIX but I would much rather play with a dried dogshit.

07-03-2006, 03:45 PM
Oops. You have now failed at life. Kindly remove yourself from the gene pool as soon as possible to avoid contaminating it further.

You obviously haven't read the debate threads where several of us have proved pretty conclusively that FFVII was a mediocre game at best, along with a detailed explanation of why it has such a rabid following even though it doesn't deserve such attention.

Also, you have shit reasons for not liking FFIX, just like most people who don't like it.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 03:49 PM
No, I just like my games to be playable, it has failed where many previous games have succeeded, but I would gladly read your debates has to why FFVII is a "mediocre game" or whether you just choose not to like it cos everyone else does.

07-03-2006, 03:53 PM
And how, pray tell, was FFIX unplayable? Please note that I have argued with people on this subject before and have NEVER lost this particular argument. Therefore, you will need very strong points with solid backing if you want to proceed.

The FFVII debate has raged through numerous threads in this forum, so it shouldn't be hard to find a thread devoted to the subject on the first couple pages or so.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 03:56 PM
Your a strange one, clearly VII was the best ones, it had a least annoying characters in it. I can`t believe you actually liked FFIX, the ability system was dire, Garnet didn`t even get her summons til the 2nd disc, you couldn`t arrange your party til the 2nd disc. I mean the plot was okay for FFIX but I would much rather play with a dried dogshit.

Look here, noob! (Thread 28803)

And FTR, FF9 was much more playable then FF7, the ability system is actually a good thing. I assume you're only marking it down as a weak point because you never bothered to utilise it properly

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 04:00 PM
Well apart from the fact that you feel like its been played through for you. The game picks your team at the start for you, most of which are Marcus and Blank who you can`t even equip yourself. Yopu lose Steiner for a huge chunk of the game and when you get him back he`s ten levels lower than everyone elso. Quina keeps vanishing and randomly reappearring whenever it suits him. The trance system is stupidly inferior to the limit break system. Garnets trance is ultimately useless til the 2 nd disc, Garnet becomes a useless character for 2 hours of the game and all the characters a vastly dislikeable.

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 04:01 PM
I'll always accept a FFVII remake, but they'd need to polish up the plot, re-do the battle system, take out the materia, give the characters less annoying personalities, etc. Basically, remake every aspect of the game.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 04:05 PM
When you end up with a whole bunch of weapons and armour with all the abilities learnt on them, all the AP you get from that point on is a waste of time, donctha think??

07-03-2006, 04:07 PM

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 04:08 PM
When you end up with a whole bunch of weapons and armour with all the abilities learnt on them, all the AP you get from that point on is a waste of time, donctha think??
Compared to when every time you equip a materia, it lowers your character's stats?

07-03-2006, 04:12 PM
Well apart from the fact that you feel like its been played through for you.

What? That makes very little sense.

The game picks your team at the start for you, most of which are Marcus and Blank who you can`t even equip yourself.

All the FF games do pretty much the same thing at the beginning. Try again.

Yopu lose Steiner for a huge chunk of the game and when you get him back he`s ten levels lower than everyone elso.

I assume you're referring to the period where he and Garnet have run off back to Alexandria? The game is designed so that isn't detrimental. It never puts you at an unfair disadvantage because of it.

Quina keeps vanishing and randomly reappearring whenever it suits him.

So? Quina is an optional character for about half the game.

The trance system is stupidly inferior to the limit break system.

That's nice. Now back that up by telling how it is inferior rather than simply different.

Garnets trance is ultimately useless til the 2 nd disc,

Maybe that's a legitimate complaint, but it's pretty minor without a lot of other justifiable gripes to tie into. And I'm not seeing any.

Garnet becomes a useless character for 2 hours of the game

Boo hoo. It's a single character who can easily be replaced by Eiko suring that period. You're really reaching if that's the best you can do.

and all the characters a vastly dislikeable.

And why is your opinion about the characters more valid than those of the myriad people who thought the characters were better than those in the previous two games?

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 04:26 PM
I assume you're referring to the period where he and Garnet have run off back to Alexandria? The game is designed so that isn't detrimental. It never puts you at an unfair disadvantage because of it.

Maybe, just maybe I might have wanted to use Steiner at that point rather than letting him get weak.

So? Quina is an optional character for about half the game.

Why would I want optional characters.

That's nice. Now back that up by telling how it is inferior rather than simply different.

Maybe that's a legitimate complaint, but it's pretty minor without a lot of other justifiable gripes to tie into. And I'm not seeing any.

Boo hoo. It's a single character who can easily be replaced by Eiko suring that period. You're really reaching if that's the best you can do.

Eiko sucks.

And why is your opinion about the characters more valid than those of the myriad people who thought the characters were better than those in the previous two games?[/QUOTE]

I feel like my opinion is just as valid as yours and all I can see are your opinions.

07-03-2006, 04:35 PM
And as usual, the FFIX hater is shown to have retarded reasons for his opinions, as well as a total lack of any ability to put together a cohesive argument.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 04:42 PM
Hey, just opinions like yours and I don`t hate FFIX just think it sucks a bit.

07-03-2006, 04:44 PM
Too bad your opinions are in direct contradiction of established facts, which makes them unequivocably wrong.

Twilight Princess
07-03-2006, 04:45 PM
I'll always accept a FFVII remake, but they'd need to polish up the plot, re-do the battle system, take out the materia, give the characters less annoying personalities, etc. Basically, remake every aspect of the game.

Lol, sounds like you want them to just make another sequel.

Personally, I think the battle system and materia were great for the game. I realize figuring out good materia combinations, what weapons and armor to use for the materia slots, and leveling the materia are all vastly annoying aspects of the game. But that's a good chunk of what makes Final Fantasy VII what it is. Without those annoying little balls of magic, almost 20 hours of gameplay would be shaved off, what with not having to mess around with them. You wouldn't want that now would you? :P

And how would they change the battle system? Updating the graphics would be good, but that's a given.

Polishing the plot. I'm assuming you mean making things more clear in spots and maybe adding side quests. Cuz if they changed the plot, it wouldn't Final Fantasy VII anymore, now would it?

I'm done rambling.

07-03-2006, 04:47 PM
Not being Final Fantasy VII anymore would be a very good thing.

07-03-2006, 04:50 PM
Put a dagger through FF VII cuz its done .

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 04:55 PM
Not being Final Fantasy VII anymore would be a very good thing.

That`s the problem with you, you think your opinion is fact, poor you.

07-03-2006, 04:58 PM
I don't deal in opinions. They're worthless in most conversations. The fact that you don't recognize my facts as fact is what is truly sad.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 05:05 PM
I guess you`ve been throwing your opinions around so long that opinion and fact have become blurred or maybe your just one of these people who thinks their always right when their not.

07-03-2006, 05:09 PM
No, I am simply always right. There is no mistake. It is fact, because all I deal in is fact.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 05:11 PM
You sad little man.

07-03-2006, 05:13 PM
Actually, I'm quite a happy person; not sad at all.

07-03-2006, 05:17 PM
Oops. You have now failed at life. Kindly remove yourself from the gene pool as soon as possible to avoid contaminating it further.

You obviously haven't read the debate threads where several of us have proved pretty conclusively that FFVII was a mediocre game at best, along with a detailed explanation of why it has such a rabid following even though it doesn't deserve such attention.

Also, you have shit reasons for not liking FFIX, just like most people who don't like it.

Hahaha you guys didn't prove shit. It was your opinion not fact. Just because four kids who spent half their life on a forum say something doesn't mean it's true

Manga just ignore them, they would never admit they were wrong.

And i bet money i know how their going to reply to this

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 05:17 PM
Me too, listen I don`t wanna be all personal on this so lets just agree to disagree on this.

07-03-2006, 05:19 PM
Hahaha you guys didn't prove shit. It was your opinion not fact.

You think so? Try taking us up on it. Your puny fanboy opinions are no match for the power of objective analysis.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 05:20 PM
Hahaha you guys didn't prove shit. It was your opinion not fact. Just because four kids who spent half their life on a forum say something doesn't mean it's true

Manga just ignore them, they would never admit they were wrong.

Well thats just sad.

07-03-2006, 05:24 PM
I know birds of a feather flock together, but dodos are supposed to be extinct. That would explain why your brains seem to be fossilized.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:25 PM
Give us a real objective argument to back up your opinions. Then I might consider them, and no, ONE character being a mere 10 levels below the rest of the party or the fact that trance mode is underpowered when compared to limit breaks are not valid arguments. Tales of Phantasia had Chester and Suzu who were a good 30 levels lower than the rest when you get them in your party and that doesn't take shit away from the quality of the game. The trance mode gives your characters a good healthy boost IMO and it's more well balanced than having to rely on limit breaks to win a battle.

Manga Legend
07-03-2006, 05:29 PM
I know birds of a feather flock together, but dodos are supposed to be extinct.

To know that you would actually have to go outside every now and again and I can`t imagine you would do that been as you probably spend all your time forming opinions, oh I`m sorry I`m mean forming facts about you things you pretend to know about.

07-03-2006, 05:31 PM
It was very hard for me to make sense of that sentence because you neglected to use proper punctuation. However, once I deciphered your dialect of the retard language, I found that the content was just as worthless as anything else you've said. All that translation work for nothing.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:31 PM
To know that you would actually have to go outside every now and again and I can`t imagine you would do that been as you probably spend all your time forming opinions, oh I`m sorry I`m mean forming facts about you things you pretend to know about.

Care to reiterate that in proper English? I don't speak Moron.

07-03-2006, 05:36 PM
You think so? Try taking us up on it. Your puny fanboy opinions are no match for the power of objective analysis.

Haha yesss. I won the bet. I knew i should actually bet money.

Manga those 4 twats (you've only met 2) will never admit to being wrong. They think your opinions are false and their opinions are facts. Just ignore them.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 05:39 PM
I'll admit to being wrong when it's been proven that my statements are wrong, not before.

07-03-2006, 05:39 PM
Yes, please do, Pompous. We don't really care. We will merely mock you whenever you make an ass of yourself, just as we've been doing.

07-03-2006, 05:41 PM
I'll admit to being wrong when it's been proven that my statements are wrong, not before.


Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 05:55 PM
This is fucking hilarious. Ftr, FFIX is one of the best, if not the best FF game in the series.

07-03-2006, 06:23 PM
This truly is going to far . . . . .

Hex Omega
07-03-2006, 06:32 PM
Since your new i'll refrain from any abrasive behaviour. You should know that we like insulting the idiots around here. Prove your intelligence(by not acting like a cunt/spoiled child, posting sensibly etc) and you are more then welcome to join the festivities.

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:32 PM
No way! We're just getting warmed up!

hb smokey
07-03-2006, 06:35 PM
No way! We're just getting warmed up!
Admit it, you are just getting warmed up for me :-*

07-03-2006, 06:37 PM
Very well then,
Ill leave the sheep to the wolves .

Valerie Valens
07-03-2006, 06:40 PM
haha uranus <3

07-03-2006, 06:41 PM
i want a remake...

07-03-2006, 10:30 PM
Since your new i'll refrain from any abrasive behaviour. You should know that we like insulting the idiots around here. Prove your intelligence(by not acting like a cunt/spoiled child, posting sensibly etc) and you are more then welcome to join the festivities.

christ. not only are you shitting up the forums and putting out trollbait, you're encouraging other people to do this same. this is not how things work. don't listen to this, guys, please ;-;;

if you see someone mindless flaming and ruining threads, PM me.

Manga Legend
07-04-2006, 09:33 AM
I just don`t like people throwing around their opinions and making them out to be fact.

07-04-2006, 01:27 PM
Ah, but the whole point in a forum like this is to back one's opinions, as opposed to falling back on "Well it's just my opinion," or something like that. That sort of thing just murders discussion.

Desert Wolf
07-04-2006, 01:58 PM
Its not the only thing that murders discussion.

Manga Legend
07-05-2006, 09:32 AM
Its not the only thing that murders discussion.

I hear that.

07-05-2006, 01:50 PM
Most people who do not like FF IX would have come into the final fantasy series with 7. a lot of the old school fans who liked IV,V and VI DID NOT like FF VII, or VIII.

Reason being is because VII and VIII are all about 1 character. i mean there is every characters story but it is insignificant in comparisson.

FF IX envolves every character, if you notice it is not always about cloud, or Squall; it changes from character to character, and even though you ues zidane throughout the game you become more familar with everyone. There is also a lot more character devolpment with FF IX. Like in Final Fantasy VI, Terra is the main character but Celes is envolved almost as much, and everyone shares an equal part.

And the Sole reason FF VII sold so well (it was a great game) but it was because it was marketed like a bitch. FF VII was everywhere (like halo 2 was).

and who cares if you cannot use Eidolons till the second disk. i mean it is not like you need them. there are pleny of alternertives. And the option of Abilities is great. (sucks for mages though, they don't get enought ability points)

And Final Fantasy X was one of the most pathetic RPG's i have ever played. the story was great, but it did not feel like fantasy to me. i did not even finish it as i was so upset. And Tidus what a wank. Anyone notice that square are starting to use more Japanese names now. That sucks to.
i would much prefer names like sabin, celes, locke, zidane, vivi ECT.

All in all final fantasy VII is great but it is pretty much equal with FF IX i would say. But Final Fantasy IX had much cooler characters in the game. i mean who does love Master Vivi, he is so dam cool.

Hex Omega
07-05-2006, 04:51 PM
And the Sole reason FF VII sold so well (it was a great game) but it was because it was marketed like a bitch. FF VII was everywhere (like halo 2 was).

Quoted for truth. Also, good post.

07-05-2006, 05:46 PM
I don`t hate FFIX just think it sucks a bit.

I would much rather play with a dried dogshit.

So... is playing with a dried dogshit something you enjoy then?

I was compelled to point this out.

07-05-2006, 07:24 PM
Most people who do not like FF IX would have come into the final fantasy series with 7. a lot of the old school fans who liked IV,V and VI DID NOT like FF VII, or VIII.

Reason being is because VII and VIII are all about 1 character. i mean there is every characters story but it is insignificant in comparisson.

FF IX envolves every character, if you notice it is not always about cloud, or Squall; it changes from character to character, and even though you ues zidane throughout the game you become more familar with everyone. There is also a lot more character devolpment with FF IX. Like in Final Fantasy VI, Terra is the main character but Celes is envolved almost as much, and everyone shares an equal part.

And the Sole reason FF VII sold so well (it was a great game) but it was because it was marketed like a bitch. FF VII was everywhere (like halo 2 was).

and who cares if you cannot use Eidolons till the second disk. i mean it is not like you need them. there are pleny of alternertives. And the option of Abilities is great. (sucks for mages though, they don't get enought ability points)

And Final Fantasy X was one of the most pathetic RPG's i have ever played. the story was great, but it did not feel like fantasy to me. i did not even finish it as i was so upset. And Tidus what a wank. Anyone notice that square are starting to use more Japanese names now. That sucks to.
i would much prefer names like sabin, celes, locke, zidane, vivi ECT.

All in all final fantasy VII is great but it is pretty much equal with FF IX i would say. But Final Fantasy IX had much cooler characters in the game. i mean who does love Master Vivi, he is so dam cool.

I see that you know how to express your opinion. I agree on almost everything. Btw people who started with ff7 would probably not like the world of ff9, as it is completly difference than ff7s.

07-06-2006, 03:25 AM
We get it, viper. you hate FF VII.

Hex Omega
07-06-2006, 03:28 AM
I don't hate it, I think the praise it gets is unjustified. Also, your going on my ignore list to prevent further arguements. I suggest you do likewise with me.

Manga Legend
07-06-2006, 09:14 AM
Most people who do not like FF IX would have come into the final fantasy series with 7. a lot of the old school fans who liked IV,V and VI DID NOT like FF VII, or VIII.

Reason being is because VII and VIII are all about 1 character. i mean there is every characters story but it is insignificant in comparisson.

FF IX envolves every character, if you notice it is not always about cloud, or Squall; it changes from character to character, and even though you ues zidane throughout the game you become more familar with everyone. There is also a lot more character devolpment with FF IX. Like in Final Fantasy VI, Terra is the main character but Celes is envolved almost as much, and everyone shares an equal part.

I think FF7 involved all the characters on equal par with each other (with the exception of Vincent and Cait Sith). Each character had his own storyline and you to see them all in small bits much like Lost. I`m not saying FF9 was a bad game, in fact with all the new Final Fantasy games on the horizon its one of the few I would even still play, I`m just saying don`t hate FF7.

07-08-2006, 02:32 PM
I think FF7 involved all the characters on equal par with each other (with the exception of Vincent and Cait Sith). Each character had his own storyline and you to see them all in small bits much like Lost. I`m not saying FF9 was a bad game, in fact with all the new Final Fantasy games on the horizon its one of the few I would even still play, I`m just saying don`t hate FF7.

Not really. i mean throughtour FF IX the story changes, it may go from say vivi, to garnet, then back to vivi. FF VII just had Barret, cid cloud ECT. it had a basic story about each character and then focused on Cloud. it did not really get into that characters story.

And no chance that the Character in FF VII shared an equal part.
Yuffie: 45 min (in her town)
Barret: 1 H start of game
Cid:1 Hour in space
Vincent: 3 mins with his chick
Tifa: has a fair part
cat sith: nothing really
Red XIII:1-2 hours
Aeries: has a fair part for the start of the game
CLOUD remainging hours. (which is about 20-22 hours)

Now that is not an equal part, i mean the main character should have more but that is a lot more. And i mean in FF IX there are little bits of Zidanes story throughout the game, and only at the end is his story told in one big hit. Not big cloud climax, Red XIII, Cloud climax again.

And i don't hate FF VII. if anything i am a fanboy of it
(i have about 1.5 K worth of stuff, just FF VII). Just that i also love FF IX and i do not like people ragging on the game when they don't have good evidence.

And it is just that the world in Final Fantasy IX is much more fantasy. Like in the older games before VII they had like a medievil sort of setting. (VII,VIII had a more modern setting), which made the game not as enjoyable. Examples are like castles, knights, ect.
Plus the reason the characters are cooler in FF IX are because tetsua Nomura did not exactly design the character, nor did he have mauch part i believe.

so we did not see belt clips and zip and spiky hair. we saw basic but great characters, who had that lovable feeling about them.

That is also why none of the characters from FF IX or VI have stared in any KH games. Tetsua does the character design for KH.

07-08-2006, 04:25 PM

07-08-2006, 04:31 PM
No you haven't; that would have been the PS3 technical demo.

You know how it starts off with the words "Final Fantasy VII Technical Demo for PS3"? Massive fucking clue right there.

jewess crabcake
07-08-2006, 04:47 PM
it's retarded to post that like square enix cares about fans of ffvii there moving up to bigger and better things i do think some classic games should be redone but i could care less, Square Enix only remakes games when they have nothing better to do. and 7 wasn't even that good 7 was better than 5 and down everything else blows it away *i don't know about XI i need to try it out*

07-09-2006, 02:54 AM

Dude any hope of a remake died about 1 week ago, when sony announced that both FF VII and VIII would be on the PS1 emu. If square was gonna remake VII they would not have these for the PS1 Emu.

And why isin't FF IX going to be on PS1 Emu for PSP. Could it be that square thinks that it is such a good game that they are going to remake that instead. lol

07-09-2006, 03:18 AM
that makes me sad. I think if enix actually put a good amount of effort into a remake, it would turn out great.

Hex Omega
07-09-2006, 03:39 AM
I'm sure you know my feelings on FFVII by now Pontius, however I agree with you. I think FFVII was actually very good until your party leaves Midgar, it just dies for me after that. If they honed the game, fine-tuned it a bit, cleaned up the story line, re-vamped the Materia system, it could turn it to be an excellent game. Alas, it was never going to happen.

07-09-2006, 03:54 AM
Yeah Midgar was definately the highpoint of the game. I think they should also find better voice actors for some of the characters.

What I don't understand is that enix has no problem with making cheap mediocre add-ons to FF VII (DoC, AC, etc) but remaking FF VII would probably be the most successful out of all of them and their still not doing it

07-09-2006, 04:00 AM
Maybe Square grew some self respect and stopped trying to make money of old things. Anyhow if it was gonna be remade on PS3. i mean the console is a rip and it is a peice of sh*t. if they were gonna remake it i think that they would not use the PS3 now; As sony is just diggin a bigger grave for themself.

How about FF VII on wii. you could use the wii mote as a buster sword. lol

07-09-2006, 04:07 AM
Maybe Square grew some self respect and stopped trying to make money of old things. Anyhow it was gonna be remade on PS3. i mean the console is a rip and it is a peice of sh*t. if they were gonna remake it i think that they would not use the PS3 now; As sony is just diggin a bigger grave for themself.

How about FF VII on wii. you could use the wii mote as a buster sword. lol

FF VII or any FF game on the Wii would be ungodly fun.

As for the PS3 I think Sony's going to pull it off somehow, they usually do

07-09-2006, 04:10 AM
i think that in the long run sony could start getting buyers, but not at 1K. i mean there conosle is not even that more powerful than the 360. And the 360 has a better graphics card. plus the need for 1080P for HD.

i mean 360 use 720P which was a big ask of gamers, i myself ended up buying and LCD soley for this. But i would not go out and buy 1080P for PS3. plus i do not want blue-ray anytime soon, for the moment upscaled DVD's look great on my TV.

07-09-2006, 04:13 AM
1k? it's not going to cost 1k

07-09-2006, 04:13 AM
1K Australian, not US

07-09-2006, 11:07 AM
1K? Sure you're not looking at the pre-order price there? I've seen a few sites where you can pre-order one for around that ammount. Either way though, it will still cost alot without the pre-order price, and I think most people are really pissed off about the pricing. I am for one, I might go with a Wii and 360 instead.

Also I agree with Viper, if they were to do it and went with a complete remake and not just updating the graphics, this would turn out to be an amazing game. Explaining the story alot more with some extra scenes and flashbacks so I actually understand everything would be first on my list, and improving the battles would also help. If they do it right, this would really work.

07-09-2006, 12:09 PM
I'm going to end up getting PS3, but I am not excitied for it to be released. I'm just waiting for the major price drop. heh.

Back on FFVII:

The game shouldn't EVER be remade.

I can argue about this for hours. DoC, AC, BC, CC, these are already bad enough.

I beg of SE, please no more FFVII.

07-09-2006, 02:35 PM
']I'm going to end up getting PS3, but I am not excitied for it to be released. I'm just waiting for the major price drop. heh.

Back on FFVII:

The game shouldn't EVER be remade.

I can argue about this for hours. DoC, AC, BC, CC, these are already bad enough.

I beg of SE, please no more FFVII.

But that just depends. If they remade it well and not did a slop job like they did with DoC, AC, BC, CC, then it would actually be great. I don't really see how you could be against them if they remade and tried. We all know that when enix trys, their going to produce a pretty damn good game.

hb smokey
07-09-2006, 03:10 PM
But that just depends. If they remade it well and not did a slop job like they did with DoC, AC, BC, CC, then it would actually be great. I don't really see how you could be against them if they remade and tried. We all know that when enix trys, their going to produce a pretty damn good game.
But that's the main point, is <B>when</B> they try. Don't do the job half-ass and put out a product that is below average that I'm sure I won't like at all either and will just hate the series even more. Spend a good amount of time on it with a lot of people, remake it as best as possible without really making it a totally different game, and I'm sure I'll like it.

07-09-2006, 03:32 PM
Sure it would probably have some awesome cutscenes and what not.

But I wouldn't want to them to remake the game because there is nothing that NEEDS to be remade.

FFVII made its point, and a very good one that kept people talking for so long, that SE thought "Hmm, they love it so much let's milk this game for all its worth."

And it honestly ruined FFVII

so anything further on the game would suck.

And if they DID remake it I could tell you I would prefer the original over the remake anyday.

No matter how flashy graphics were, or how awesome Sephiroth looks, or how the music sounds.

There should only be one.

07-09-2006, 03:43 PM
']Sure it would probably have some awesome cutscenes and what not.

But I wouldn't want to them to remake the game because there is nothing that NEEDS to be remade.

FFVII made its point, and a very good one that kept people talking for so long, that SE thought "Hmm, they love it so much let's milk this game for all its worth."

And it honestly ruined FFVII

so anything further on the game would suck.

And if they DID remake it I could tell you I would prefer the original over the remake anyday.

No matter how flashy graphics were, or how awesome Sephiroth looks, or how the music sounds.

There should only be one.

You miss the point completely. FF VII was good, it wasn't perfect. They wouldnt just edit graphics, sound, and "making sephiroth look cooler"
Read the quote.

I think FFVII was actually very good until your party leaves Midgar, it just dies for me after that. If they honed the game, fine-tuned it a bit, cleaned up the story line, re-vamped the Materia system, it could turn it to be an excellent game.

Also if they changed the battle system and added some decent voiceacting it would be great. Their is nothing wrong with remakes. Nintendo DS lives off remakes and they all actually kick ass. If FF VII was remade it would give the game a whole different feel.

07-09-2006, 04:01 PM
I think you are missing the point.

It isn't perfect but no game is flawless.

It's like how FFI was soooo good.
And when they re-released it they totally changed around the magic system to "make it better" and it totally ruined it.

There is nothing wrong with FFVII to remake it.

07-09-2006, 04:37 PM
And I am saying that there is always room for improvement.

07-09-2006, 05:23 PM
This point may have been brought up already, so apologies in advance--been a while since I read this thread. But at this point, Squeenix has quite a few irons in the fire, so to speak. If they are currently working on a FFVII remake, then it's probably going to suck, seeing as many of their best folks are working on other things currently. Things like Dragon Quest Wii, the 360 FFXI port (that is still in the works, no?), and FFXIII (all six trillion of them...).

07-09-2006, 05:26 PM
This point may have been brought up already, so apologies in advance--been a while since I read this thread. But at this point, Squeenix has quite a few irons in the fire, so to speak. If they are currently working on a FFVII remake, then it's probably going to suck, seeing as many of their best folks are working on other things currently. Things like Dragon Quest Wii, the 360 FFXI port (that is still in the works, no?), and FFXIII (all six trillion of them...).

Damn, good point. forgot about that

07-09-2006, 06:21 PM
Yes, there is room for improvement, but not so much room that it is necessary to re-make the whole game.

Every FF had room for improvement. But that doesn't mean they ALL should be re-made

07-09-2006, 07:41 PM
Theirs plenty of room. Gaming has evolved so much over the years that their is an endless possibility of things that could be changed or made better in FF VII

07-10-2006, 05:25 AM
So basically with that statement, it is reasonable for SE to re-make FFI-FFIX?

07-10-2006, 05:51 AM
Why are you so bloody hung up on remakes in the first place?

07-10-2006, 07:19 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but isn't this a thread about a FFVII remake?

Well, I don't know why I bother posting in this, beacause a remake isn't going to hapapen anyway, so there really is nothing for me to complain about.

07-10-2006, 07:48 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but isn't this a thread about a FFVII remake?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you going on and on about every FF being remade? Granted, I can understand I-VI's rereleases. But seriously, why bother with remaking the others, especially when Squeenix can spend their resources on far better things?

07-10-2006, 08:03 AM
i would have to agree with Joey[WARRANTY]. Just because a game isin't perfect you should not remake it. i mean there are dozens of games that are great but could use improvement, so should we remake those.

VII was an excellent game and it should be left where it is. i mean FF AC was just something cool that was for the fans, but then SE Milked the Fu*k out of it by making like 7 stories. some of which are not gonna be in English.

they should leave FF VII where it is now, i mean it is pretty much still regarded as one of the best, if not the best RPG ever made.

07-10-2006, 08:10 AM
they should leave FF VII where it is now, i mean it is pretty much still regarded as one of the best, if not the best RPG ever made.

I agree that FFVII should be left as is. So should the rest of the FF's. But only idiot mainstream magazine writers and fanboys would publicly regard FFVII as one of the best RPG's ever.

Manga Legend
07-10-2006, 08:59 AM
Does that mean they should remake PS3 updates of everything then.

Streets of Rage

No, I don`t think so, I think it is just lazy remaking games. Can`t people come up with new original ideas?

07-10-2006, 10:30 AM
I mean you have to look at the history of remakes.

Everything that has been remade, including movies, never did better (or as good) as the originals.

FFVII one of the best RPG's ever?

You have to be joking. FFVII never deserved anything more than itself.

07-10-2006, 09:25 PM
I agree that FFVII should be left as is. So should the rest of the FF's. But only idiot mainstream magazine writers and fanboys would publicly regard FFVII as one of the best RPG's ever.

And only idiots state opinions as if they were facts. In my opinion, FF VII was my favorite RPG of all time (Not counting the Kingdom hearts series since they were a blend of rpg and action)

']So basically with that statement, it is reasonable for SE to re-make FFI-FFIX?


']I mean you have to look at the history of remakes.

Everything that has been remade, including movies, never did better (or as good) as the originals.

FFVII one of the best RPG's ever?

You have to be joking. FFVII never deserved anything more than itself.

The fact is when Enix trys, they always succeed. You are miss out on so many factors on remaking games. Nintendo for an example, which relys on remakes alot, usually always does an excellent job at remaking. It all depends on the company.

Again, don't think FF VII is the best rpg of all time, thats your opinion, but don't go stating it as a fact because their is a lot more evidence (as in # of people) that it is then it isn't.

07-10-2006, 09:30 PM
I don't see an opinion in that statement of CyanCyde's that you quoted. Perhaps a bit of exaggeration, but not an opinion.

07-10-2006, 11:10 PM
And only idiots state opinions as if they were facts.

The fact is when Enix trys, they always succeed.

Please explain yourself.

You can't really compare Nintendo to SE, for many reasons.
Mainly because they operate like two completely different things.

fastidious percolator
07-11-2006, 12:20 AM
If it ain't fixed, why break it? :p

jewess crabcake
07-11-2006, 03:16 AM
It's retarded to post that like Square-Enix cares about fans of ffvii. There moving up to bigger and better things i do think some classic games should be redone but i could care less. Square Enix only remakes games when they have nothing better to do, and 7 wasn't even that good 7 was better than 5 and down everything else blows it away *i don't know about XI i need to try it out*
I said it once I'll say it again

07-11-2006, 04:11 AM
Alright, Enix is a respectable company. They have made some mediocre games, but they've always stayed true to the Final Fantasy franchise. What I respect most about enix is that they have made so many Final Fantasy titles and most of them have been great. The reason i compared enix and nintendo was because they both have been around a while and have been known for making excellent first party titles. If Nintendo can remake classics like a 2d mario and turn it into 3D (mario 64), which was just as good if not better than the 2d one, I see no reason why Enix couldn't revamp FF VII like they Nintendo did to mario.

And as for Lion, the first sentence you said is pretty incompetent. more Fans=more money, common sense. And believe me Enix has a shitload more than "nothing else to do". According to the shitloads of FF VII fanboys, FF VII is the best and since fans=more money, they are what count.

07-11-2006, 06:31 AM
If Nintendo can remake classics like a 2d mario and turn it into 3D (mario 64), which was just as good if not better than the 2d one, I see no reason why Enix couldn't revamp FF VII like they Nintendo did to mario.

I see your point, but there's a bit of a flaw in your reasoning. Mario 64 was an entirely different game from say, Super Mario World. A revamped FFVII would still be FFVII.

07-11-2006, 09:40 AM
Mario 64 was an entirely different game from say, Super Mario World. A revamped FFVII would still be FFVII.

hb smokey
07-11-2006, 09:43 AM
I'm having a brain fart at the moment, and I'm way too lazy to look right now. But is Square-Enix having any part with the almost released FFIII DS, plus FFV and FFIV Advance? Or is that strictly Nintendo doing the duty?

07-11-2006, 10:21 AM
I agree that FFVII should be left as is. So should the rest of the FF's. But only idiot mainstream magazine writers and fanboys would publicly regard FFVII as one of the best RPG's ever.

Dude look all over the net, most people still regard Final Fantasy VII as one of the best RPG's ever made. i mean it was revolutionary for it time. And yes it was a mainstream game, not like the older FF games. but you foget Mario bros was alos a main stream game and that managed to sell over i think 40 million copies.

VII was much better than VIII and X(X-2). i mean come on X-2 all women WTF, that is not a true final fantasy, and X don't get me started. VIII was great but just did not live up to VII, also after VIII FF died down a little.

Remakes can be great, but how many RPG remakes are good. i mean the only new thing to offer is superior graphics. ports can be good some times, but remakes can destroy a game. And basically VII was a landmark For RPG's and should be left where it is.

07-11-2006, 11:02 AM
Wow kid, you have a lot of nerve.

First off, it doesn't matter what you and other fans think, there is really no way to prove that FFVII was the greatest based off of gameplay. (It is all opinion.)
If you are relating it to sales, then maybe.

X-2 not a true FF?

The only thing that seperates this game from the rest was the fact that it was a direct sequel from another FF. Something Squaresoft never never did before.

Other than that, it was also marketed as a mainstream game, and had every aspect of a FF.

And your reference to all girls, bad thing does make you sound like a douche.
Now, many people on these forums probably think I'm a sexist dumbass based off the FFXIII thread.

But I'm not.

Just because X-2 had all girls, definately doesn't take away its FF title.

I think the only thing I can agree with you on, is your statement about not remaking the game.

07-11-2006, 11:17 AM
Nah it was just that FF X was really a let down. i mean when i finally got X i had just down a marathon type thing of FF VI,VII,and IX in almost a week. so my expectations were really high, and i played X to be nothing but disappointed. i played for about 25 hours, and then turned it off and haven't touched it since. (2003)

I got FF X-2 (i got 3 sealed ones for 50 AU each) and turned it on. i was pissed when there was no CG intro (start up), and i did not even start a file, as i friend told me that the final mission was not on this version and that it was not as good as X. Plus Every FF game needs a male character. He is the character that always assumes the postiion of the hero of the story.

now i am not sexiest, but when it comes to FF there should always be a male character. i just find it less realistic when a women takes on the world. (plus the fact that i am a massive fan of Meele attacks). And the characters were slutty as hell. i mean come on look at what they wear.

Look on the net, and search around people still think FF VII was up with the greats. i can still remember when the game came out, it was everywhere and it was what people were talking about.

it is like defining a genre.
Platformers: EG. Mario, Sonic ECT
FPS: EG. Counter Strike, Halo ECT
RPG's: Final fantasy VI,VII Vagrant story. ECT

Final Fantasy VII is regarded as one of the best, and is know by most gamers (even by a lot of newcomers.) But it does not deserve a remake, port to protable, Hell Yeah (PS1 emu for PSP). But i just got my NDS lite so i guess it is jist FF III for me

07-11-2006, 11:22 AM
So you never actually played X-2 but you continue to bash it with false knowledge?

FFVI, FFVII, Vagrant story.

Are you assuming that these are the best RPG's ever?

Just give me a yes, or no answer.

07-11-2006, 11:24 AM
Yes, but keep in mind i only came into games at SNES. and there are many others titles that would be added to that list.

Ohh and FF X-2 used that exact same sphere grid like X. there is a reason they took that out of FF XII

Ohh and defining a genre would be this for RPG, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest

07-11-2006, 11:26 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but FFVII was on PS1.

And for that second sentence, could you please clarify and not sound like a dumbass?

07-11-2006, 11:27 AM
yeah what, i have not really played games before SNES. If you notice i said Final Fantasy VI, that was the first RPG ever for me.

I believe that FF X-2 used sphere grid for level ups. that was not like by a lot of RPG fans, and that is the reason why square took it our of FF XII. Plus that fact that X and X-2 did not sell as well as its predesesors

Ohh and did you know that FFVII was goona originally be on SNES CD.

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 11:43 AM
Plus Every FF game needs a male character. He is the character that always assumes the postiion of the hero of the story.

Rubbish. What about Terra and Celes in FFVI? A male character is not a neccisity for ANY game.

now i am not sexiest, but when it comes to FF there should always be a male character.

You clearly are with that kind of attitude.

i just find it less realistic when a women takes on the world. (plus the fact that i am a massive fan of Meele attacks). And the characters were slutty as hell. i mean come on look at what they wear.

Slutty as hell? What kind of an arguement is that? That isn't an arguement against the game, that's an arguement against testosterone.

Look on the net, and search around people still think FF VII was up with the greats. i can still remember when the game came out, it was everywhere and it was what people were talking about.

Do you know why? Because, it was one of the most marketed games in gaming history.

I believe that FF X-2 used sphere grid for level ups. that was not like by a lot of RPG fans, and that is the reason why square took it our of FF XII.

Rubbish. I loved the dress-sphere system. It is well-thought out, original(Dark Knight, Samurai, Trainer etc) and easy to use and master. Also, it elimanates the need for an army of playable characters. The reason it's been 'taken out of FFXII' is something called variety. SE always change the battle system.

07-11-2006, 12:39 PM
Ohh and did you know that FFVII was goona originally be on SNES CD.

Yeah, but it wasn't and never will be that doesn't change any point to your arguement at all.

07-11-2006, 01:46 PM
I see your point, but there's a bit of a flaw in your reasoning. Mario 64 was an entirely different game from say, Super Mario World. A revamped FFVII would still be FFVII.

eh, it probably wouldnt have an impact like from Mario 2d-mario64, but the game would probably have a whole new feel to it, if they did it well that is.

07-11-2006, 03:15 PM
eh, it probably wouldnt have an impact like from Mario 2d-mario64, but the game would probably have a whole new feel to it, if they did it well that is.

If Squeenix did it right, yes; I agree there. However, my "irons in the fire" point stands. Squeenix just can't do it at this point in time.

Look on the net, and search around people still think FF VII was up with the greats. i can still remember when the game came out, it was everywhere and it was what people were talking about.

People like who? Doing a quick google search, the entirety of "best game ever" or "best rpg ever" reviews were either done by raving fanboys or folks trying to sell the game. At any rate, I can remember when FFVII came out, too. It just happened to have the biggest marketing blitz ever. Quite a few blockbuster flims have had smaller ad campaigns than FFVII. No wonder "it was what people were talking about."

07-11-2006, 03:47 PM
Dude look all over the net, most people still regard Final Fantasy VII as one of the best RPG's ever made. i mean it was revolutionary for it time.

Did you have a point? For one thing, most people have not even heard of the game, I would wager. You are massively overestimating the game's popularity. It simply has one of the most rabid and outspoken fanbases in the history of gaming. That's because its fans are typically younger and had relatively little gaming experience prior to playing FFVII. Young and immature kids are usually very outspoken about things they like.

It was also not revolutionary in the slightest. 3D games had been done before, and done better. CG cutscenes were being done by umpteen different games around that time, so it wasn't unique or groundbreaking there. The gameplay was nothing new. It wasn't the first game to have a story behind it. All it had going for it was a huge marketing campaign.

VII was much better than VIII and X(X-2). i mean come on X-2 all women WTF, that is not a true final fantasy, and X don't get me started.

Now this is just retarded. X-2 is not a true Final Fantasy game because all the playable characters are women? Not only is that absurdly sexist, it's full of a completely deranged form of arrogance.

]First off, it doesn't matter what you and other fans think, there is really no way to prove that FFVII was the greatest based off of gameplay. (It is all opinion.)

No, there are solid standards that can be used to compare games and determine their quality. It is not all based on opinion, regardless of what those whose opinions are wrong would have you believe.

]The only thing that seperates this game from the rest was the fact that it was a direct sequel from another FF. Something Squaresoft never never did before.

Not correct. The first example of a Final Fantasy sequel was a 4 episode anime series called Legend of the Crystal that was based on FFV. FFX-2 was, however, the first sequel to appear as a game.

I got FF X-2 (i got 3 sealed ones for 50 AU each) and turned it on. i was pissed when there was no CG intro (start up), and i did not even start a file, as i friend told me that the final mission was not on this version and that it was not as good as X. Plus Every FF game needs a male character. He is the character that always assumes the postiion of the hero of the story.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. FFX-2 did have an opening CG.

Also, you completely misunderstood your friend. The "last mission" your friend referred to was some extra content added to the international version of the game. The version you got was still complete.

now i am not sexiest, but when it comes to FF there should always be a male character. i just find it less realistic when a women takes on the world. (plus the fact that i am a massive fan of Meele attacks). And the characters were slutty as hell. i mean come on look at what they wear.

It sounds to me like you're very sexist. Why is it less realistic for a female to be a protagonist? I suppose you hate Tomb Raider for the same reason, don't you?

And who really gives a damn what the characters are wearing? Are you some kind of muslim freak who thinks women should wear really thick clothes that don't show a single square inch of skin?

Ohh and FF X-2 used that exact same sphere grid like X. there is a reason they took that out of FF XII

Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. FFX-2 used a completely different system. The dressphere system was a variant of the job system originally used in FFV. It was not the sphere grid used in FFX.

Plus that fact that X and X-2 did not sell as well as its predesesors

Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Final Fantasy X was the second best-selling FF title to date. Around 8 million copies of it have been sold. FFX-2 has sold well over 5 million, making it a massive success also.

07-11-2006, 03:56 PM
FFX-2 was, however, the first sequel to appear as a game.

Yeah that is basiclly what I meant.

jewess crabcake
07-11-2006, 04:08 PM
Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Final Fantasy X was the second best-selling FF title to date. Around 8 million copies of it have been sold. FFX-2 has sold well over 5 million, making it a massive success also. half of these people were expecting somthing closely related to FFX,like me, and i was highly dissapointed

Hex Omega
07-11-2006, 04:11 PM
half of these people were expecting somthing closely related to FFX,like me, and i was highly dissapointed

I could shred this, but i'll leave to Prak as he can do it much better then I can.

07-11-2006, 04:19 PM
half of these people were expecting somthing closely related to FFX,like me, and i was highly dissapointed

And the packaging alone wasn't enough to tell you that it wasn't going to be more of the same? Frankly, if you can't enjoy something on its own merits just because it isn't enough like something else for you, then you don't deserve any consideration in the first place.

Besides, many of us make an effort to learn about things before we buy them. Games are too big an investment to spend haphazardly on them. If you can't be bothered to read up on a product before you pay money for it, you have no right to complain when the content surprises you.

hb smokey
07-11-2006, 04:37 PM
VII was much better than VIII and X(X-2). i mean come on X-2 all women WTF, that is not a true final fantasy, and X don't get me started. VIII was great but just did not live up to VII, also after VIII FF died down a little.
The whole argument of FFX-2 not being a 'true' Final Fantasy is crap. It's a sequel to a critically acclaimed title in FFX, it's still got a lot of the core aspects that appear in most of the prior titles, you spend a lot of time playing through the game, etc. You may argue that it's not a true title to the series because it is mission-based, but so is FFT: Advance, and that turned out to be quite a great game.

Remakes can be great, but how many RPG remakes are good. i mean the only new thing to offer is superior graphics. ports can be good some times, but remakes can destroy a game. And basically VII was a landmark For RPG's and should be left where it is.
Not really. Take FFIII DS for example. They are completely rehashing the graphics of course, and the only thing they are basically leaving untouched is the storyline. Everything else you can think of is getting a touch up. FFIV Advance has the entire dialogue re-written, the music was re-done a little bit, and you really couldn't notice the graphical update.

Nah it was just that FF X was really a let down. i mean when i finally got X i had just down a marathon type thing of FF VI,VII,and IX in almost a week. so my expectations were really high, and i played X to be nothing but disappointed. i played for about 25 hours, and then turned it off and haven't touched it since. (2003)
First off, it's pretty ridiculous to try and finish three Final Fantasy games in a week. Heck, even one is way too much, considering you'd probably have to average 5-7 hours everyday of the week to accomplish one title. If you had played FFX after taking a break from the series, I bet you would have finished it because you weren't burned out from playing three prior titles consecutively like that.

I got FF X-2 (i got 3 sealed ones for 50 AU each) and turned it on. i was pissed when there was no CG intro (start up), and i did not even start a file, as i friend told me that the final mission was not on this version and that it was not as good as X. Plus Every FF game needs a male character. He is the character that always assumes the postiion of the hero of the story.
That's a pretty lazy reason to not give it a try, really. I never listen to my friends concerning if I decide to try a game or not. It's due to the fact that they usually don't have any real reasons to give me except 'oh i dont know it's pretty cool and sweet', plus the fact that I make my own opinion. Sure I look around and read reviews to get an idea, but by then I've already made a decision if I'm going to give it a go. That's what you need to do.

now i am not sexiest, but when it comes to FF there should always be a male character. i just find it less realistic when a women takes on the world. (plus the fact that i am a massive fan of Meele attacks). And the characters were slutty as hell. i mean come on look at what they wear.
Now I'm not racist, but black people need to learn some serious communication skills and quit saying 'ya kno' every 5 seconds when they speak.

Seriously, what you said is sexist. Just because the vast majority of people who play Final Fantasy are male doesn't mean all the characters should be male. FFX-2 was hoping to bring in more female players to the series to hopefully make the series even more popular.

Look on the net, and search around people still think FF VII was up with the greats. i can still remember when the game came out, it was everywhere and it was what people were talking about.
Yes, and I've already explained why it was everywhere and it was what people are talking about. And I said it had nothing to do with the quality, or lack thereof, of the game. Plus, ask just half of the people who say FFVII is so great, and they won't be able to come up with any good reasons.

I believe that FF X-2 used sphere grid for level ups. that was not like by a lot of RPG fans, and that is the reason why square took it our of FF XII. Plus that fact that X and X-2 did not sell as well as its predesesors
I believe you're a dumbass. FFX-2 doesn't have a sphere grid. You may be thinking of a garment grid, but then again, I think you're just that ignorant. You level up in FFX-2 like most of the games in the series, by earning exp. points. And if you haven't noticed, FFX/FFX-2 have been Greatest Hits titles for a while now. Also, there's a reason why they haven't sold as much as those games you mentioned. I'll point if out if you really can't figure it out, but I hope that for both our sakes, you know why already.

EDIT: I just noticed the sales numbers that Prak gave, so that pretty much disproves your point. I knew they sold well, but those are pretty damn high numbers considering they have only been out for a few years.

Also, a little tidbit of information I'd like to throw out. Famitsu readers, one of the most popular Japanese magazines to date, voted FFX as the best game ever a few months ago.

Ohh and did you know that FFVII was goona originally be on SNES CD.
N64, not SNES

i just find it less realistic when a women takes on the world. (plus the fact that i am a massive fan of Meele attacks). And the characters were slutty as hell. i mean come on look at what they wear.
Is this because woman are less capable of saving the world when they should be cooking for their husbands and taking care of the kids all day? Is it because they should be talking on the phone all day with their girlfriends, and going to the mall to frollock and such? Seriously, your comments have sexism written all over it.

And regarding the clothing they wear, my good friend brought up a good point. What's the difference between what they wear, and what characters in Dead or Alive: Beach Volleyball wear? Just because you expect volleyball players to wear material like that, doesn't exclude it from what you're trying to say. I would say that what the players in that game wear is worse than what Yuna/Rikku/Paine wear, because the developers purposefully gave all of them breasts the sizes of their heads, then gave them the skimpiest clothing possible to get males to salivate over it and sell the game. But you really don't hear a damn thing about that being too slutty, now do you? Of course not, but once a portion of that strikes a Final Fantasy game, it's an automatic red light that the characters are lesbians and sluts.

07-12-2006, 01:06 AM
VII was much better than VIII and X(X-2). i mean come on X-2 all women WTF, that is not a true final fantasy, and X don't get me started. VIII was great but just did not live up to VII, also after VIII FF died down a little

What in your eyes is a "true" final fantasy? I think every game in the final fantasy series is atrue final fantasy. There are no true or fake ffs as far as they are made from the same company.

I can understand only a different meaning from the phrase "true final fantasy".
A game in the final fantasy series that gives you the feeling of the classic ones. (ex:IX). So VII and VIII are for sure not "true" final fantasy games. And X is way more "true" than vii and viii in that way.

07-12-2006, 10:17 AM
Dude it was not gonna be on N64, it was gonna be on SNES CD.

VI was great, but do not forget it wasn't a ban of 12 women, more than half the characters were male (and they assumed the position of heroes, Edgar,Sabin,Locke). As for the clothing, it is just that it is almost like square are trying anything to sell there products (which is natural). But i mean it is much more enjoyable when you use a respectful character like Terra or Celes, Not a sleezy big breasted character. And i am not a muslim, or one of those extremist.

And As for DOA volley ball, yeah they should be wearing bikins, as it is a volleyball game, not a game where people walk around in society. Volleyball is played at the beach. RPG's are meant to show a world. now aside from the women part.

FF X was just not fantasy. i mean the world is a fantasy world, but it is just to real, which ruins the feeling of the game. It is a good game, but in my opinion it was nothing worthy of the name final fantasy. (XII makes up for that though)

Manga Legend
07-12-2006, 10:31 AM
And the packaging alone wasn't enough to tell you that it wasn't going to be more of the same? Frankly, if you can't enjoy something on its own merits just because it isn't enough like something else for you, then you don't deserve any consideration in the first place.

Besides, many of us make an effort to learn about things before we buy them. Games are too big an investment to spend haphazardly on them. If you can't be bothered to read up on a product before you pay money for it, you have no right to complain when the content surprises you.

5547 posts since June 2004, strikes me as a bit sad.

hb smokey
07-12-2006, 10:48 AM
Dude it was not gonna be on N64, it was gonna be on SNES CD.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt the first time, but not again. It was never going to be made for the SNES CD. You are mistaking it for the N64, dude.

The rest of your post was pretty much pointless. Also, mind responding to my points?

Hex Omega
07-12-2006, 11:38 AM
5547 posts since June 2004, strikes me as a bit sad.

Insulting someone over their post count, because you cannot respond to their arguement, strikes me as a bit sad. Ftr, Prak averages around 7 posts a day I believe. I find it utterly hilarious that Prak is ALWAYS the target of abuse from angry noobs. Without fail.

Valerie Valens
07-12-2006, 12:06 PM
now i am not sexiest, but when it comes to FF there should always be a male character. i just find it less realistic when a women takes on the world. (plus the fact that i am a massive fan of Meele attacks). And the characters were slutty as hell. i mean come on look at what they wear.

You're making it very hard for us to believe you aren't sexist.

First off, what's wrong with a woman being on command?

Secondly, I could see where you are coming from with Rikku, but you see, her outfit reflects her bouncy (and arguably carefree and ditzy) personality. As for the rest of the crew of femme fatales, I see nothing objectionable about their attire, what brings you to the conclusion that they are "slutty"?

And finally, Terra and Celes from FF6, Lenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie Profile, The Girl from Secret of Mana and Lise from Seiken Densetsu 3 pretty much proves wrong your argument that females are incapable of taking on the world. :P

Also, the Final Fantasy series is far from genre-defining in the Console "RPG" department. It still has the Tales of, Grandia, Dragon Quest, Ys, Star Ocean, Xeno, Dynasty Warriors and the Sa.Ga series to compete with, not to mention the whole slew of formidable standalone titles like Skies of Arcadia, Legaia Densetsu, Legend of Dragoon, Tail Concerto, RYGAR and Radiata.

07-12-2006, 12:49 PM
Now apart from the women parts.

FF VII was never gonna be on N64 it was gonna be on SNES CD.

And if you were to define a genre for RPG in 1 game series, It would be Final Fantasy. It is the most well know and sold RPG series ever made.

The only RPG to come close to final fantasy is dragon Quest. But FF definently defines the genre.

Now what i meant by women taking commad, was more of an all women thing. for example ff VI has terra and Celes, but it also has male roles as well (locke,sabin,edgar ect). Now sorry if i offended anyone for my last posts.

Off that subject, Final Fantasy VII will not be remade.

Dude N64 started being made after nintendo and sony disagreed about the SNES CD. here is a link that shows that FF was gonna be on SNES CD

Hex Omega
07-12-2006, 12:59 PM
The Games!
There wasn�t many games announced for the ND...
The adventure game 7th Guest ported from the PC by Virgin and a game called Gdleen from Seta was on the way though. Other titles that were planned were Robocop and Cosmic osmo. These both titles later ended up on the PC format instead. Also a new Final Fantasy game was rumoured to be released to the ND. A new Zelda, Mario and a Street Fighter sequel was also rumoured.

07-12-2006, 01:06 PM
Now apart from the women parts.

FF VII was never gonna be on N64 it was gonna be on SNES CD.

And if you were to define a genre for RPG in 1 game series, It would be Final Fantasy. It is the most well know and sold RPG series ever made.

The only RPG to come close to final fantasy is dragon Quest. But FF definently defines the genre.

Now what i meant by women taking commad, was more of an all women thing. for example ff VI has terra and Celes, but it also has male roles as well (locke,sabin,edgar ect). Now sorry if i offended anyone for my last posts.

Off that subject, Final Fantasy VII will not be remade.

Dude N64 started being made after nintendo and sony disagreed about the SNES CD. here is a link that shows that FF was gonna be on SNES CD

Are you sure? I find it hard to understand how Square developed a 3D game which was planned to be on a 2D console.

The site yougave out says:
Also a new Final Fantasy game was rumoured to be released to the ND.

That means it was never officialy told that a ff game was developed for ND. (stands for Nintendo Disk)

Btw you should try Star Ocean :)

07-12-2006, 02:26 PM
FF X was just not fantasy. i mean the world is a fantasy world, but it is just to real, which ruins the feeling of the game. It is a good game, but in my opinion it was nothing worthy of the name final fantasy. (XII makes up for that though)

This is an absolutely ridiculous claim. It's not worthy of a retort because it's obviously incorrect without me pointing that out, but it's worth saying something.

5547 posts since June 2004, strikes me as a bit sad.

My average number of posts per day is only one higher than yours. Hang around for two years and post at the same rate you are now, and you'll have annoying people like you popping up at random times to say you're sad for having a high post count. Then you'll realize what a cunt you look like now.

And if you were to define a genre for RPG in 1 game series, It would be Final Fantasy. It is the most well know and sold RPG series ever made.

Not correct. In Japan, the Dragon Quest series is marginally more popular than the FF series. It just depends on the region and the exposure each franchise has there. Also, the FF games are not true RPGs. If you really insist on using the misnomer, could you at least call them CRPGs?

The ND mentioned in the link was actually the disk drive that was planned for the N64, unless I'm horribly mistaken, which I seriously doubt. After Nintendo scrapped the project, Sony carried on development and turned it into the PlayStation.

hb smokey
07-12-2006, 08:03 PM
Now apart from the women parts.

FF VII was never gonna be on N64 it was gonna be on SNES CD.

And if you were to define a genre for RPG in 1 game series, It would be Final Fantasy. It is the most well know and sold RPG series ever made.

The only RPG to come close to final fantasy is dragon Quest. But FF definently defines the genre.

Now what i meant by women taking commad, was more of an all women thing. for example ff VI has terra and Celes, but it also has male roles as well (locke,sabin,edgar ect). Now sorry if i offended anyone for my last posts.

Off that subject, Final Fantasy VII will not be remade.

Dude N64 started being made after nintendo and sony disagreed about the SNES CD. here is a link that shows that FF was gonna be on SNES CD
Dude, I'm going to be the second or third person to tell you this, but nowhere in that link does it say that FFVII was originally going to come out for the SNES CD. And you better not even try to weasel out of it when you said 'FF is going to be on the SNES CD'. You went ignorantly against the fact that FFVII was slated for release on the N64, and for who knows why, you now realize how wrong you were by claiming what you did. Now, I can give you a link that tells the correct information, but I'll pass.

07-12-2006, 08:34 PM
5547 posts since June 2004, strikes me as a bit sad.


Hex Omega
07-13-2006, 04:27 AM
My average number of posts per day is only one higher than yours. Hang around for two years and post at the same rate you are now, and you'll have annoying people like you popping up at random times to say you're sad for having a high post count. Then you'll realize what a cunt you look like now.

07-13-2006, 07:12 AM
but eventually they will make 1 because they are remakeing 1, 2, 4

07-13-2006, 08:01 AM
alright dude sned me the link. And RPG games now stands for things like FF, dragon quest ect. they are classed as rpg games. Role Playing Game.
And on a world wide scale not Japan, if you were to define the rpg genre with 1 game it would be final fantasy. and i think it stupid to argue against that.

it is like defining the platformer series, Mario.

hb smokey
07-13-2006, 09:59 AM
alright dude sned me the link. And RPG games now stands for things like FF, dragon quest ect. they are classed as rpg games. Role Playing Game.
And on a world wide scale not Japan, if you were to define the rpg genre with 1 game it would be final fantasy. and i think it stupid to argue against that.

it is like defining the platformer series, Mario.
Respond to my points.

07-13-2006, 02:37 PM
alright dude sned me the link. And RPG games now stands for things like FF, dragon quest ect. they are classed as rpg games. Role Playing Game.
And on a world wide scale not Japan, if you were to define the rpg genre with 1 game it would be final fantasy. and i think it stupid to argue against that.

Do you understand the meaning of role-playing? By your standards, any game where you have an avatar onscreen (such as Metroid or Super Mario Brothers) is a role-playing game. No, I'm afraid the only thing the FF series have in common with RPGs is a few conventions born in real RPGs, namely those of levelling systems and interchangable equipment. Those, however, did not define the genre and to call something an RPG simply because they have those elements is wrong.

Making your character open a chest and equip the item inside is not playing a role. Making a choice whether to have your character do the right thing or betray an elderly woman for a few extra coins is playing a role. True role-playing games are all about defining the character you're playing as. If the character's personality and actions are already predefined, it's more like an action/adventure game.

And how did the term get applied to games that don't warrant the use of it in the first place? That's easy to answer. The title was assigned by different people from those who defined the term. It was hijacked by people who probably didn't even fully understand its meaning, who proceeded to twist and pervert it. The term as you use it is nothing but a misnomer, and it will remain a misnomer until people wake up and start using the proper definitions.

Hex Omega
07-13-2006, 02:40 PM
Why is this thread reminding me of this (Thread 16724)?

Desert Wolf
07-13-2006, 06:10 PM
Why is this thread reminding me of this (Thread 16724)?

Because all these threads end up the same?

Hex Omega
07-13-2006, 07:06 PM
Yes, that would be it.

07-14-2006, 01:01 PM
Man, the remake footage looks awesome I do hope they remake it, because its extremely hard to find a decent version of the PS version in my area. It'll be good to hear the voice actors too.

Hex Omega
07-14-2006, 01:48 PM

It wasn't remake footage, it was a technical demo, to demostrate the capability of the PS3.

07-14-2006, 01:55 PM
I know that! but they still remade the scene exactly how it was from the original hence its remake footage.

Valerie Valens
07-14-2006, 02:30 PM
It's a technical demo, even the Sony and Squeenix officials stated that. The fact that they remade the scene is pretty irrelevant IMO.

07-14-2006, 02:36 PM

It wasn't remake footage, it was a technical demo, to demostrate the capability of the PS3.

This made me laugh. :D

07-14-2006, 02:54 PM
Even if its just a demo they remade a small scene. I stress the word, "remade". I find the whole thing simply stupid. Its like holding a bone to a dog and not giving it to him.

07-14-2006, 07:30 PM
Square knows the fans want a Final Fantasy VII remake, they're just not bothered.

jewess crabcake
07-14-2006, 07:39 PM
It's retarded to post that like Square-Enix cares about fans of ffvii. There moving up to bigger and better things i do think some classic games should be redone but i could care less. Square Enix only remakes games when they have nothing better to do, and 7 wasn't even that good 7 was better than 5 and down everything else blows it away *i don't know about XI i need to try it out*
I said it once I'll say it again

07-14-2006, 07:48 PM
Okay. We're all well aware that you've said that at least three times now. However, the thread's moved on since then. Why don't you bring up something new if you're that desperate for attention?

jewess crabcake
07-14-2006, 07:53 PM
Okay. We're all well aware that you've said that at least three times now. However, the thread's moved on since then. Why don't you bring up something new if you're that desperate for attention?
Actually the only reason I said that is becaue Clouds response was closely smiliar to mines, so i reposted it.

Manga Legend
07-15-2006, 01:07 PM
And the packaging alone wasn't enough to tell you that it wasn't going to be more of the same? Frankly, if you can't enjoy something on its own merits just because it isn't enough like something else for you, then you don't deserve any consideration in the first place.

Besides, many of us make an effort to learn about things before we buy them. Games are too big an investment to spend haphazardly on them. If you can't be bothered to read up on a product before you pay money for it, you have no right to complain when the content surprises you.

Its not like you`ve got anything worthwhile to say anyways.

07-15-2006, 01:16 PM
Final Fantasy 7 was the best one to me, I liked 8 wasn't too sure of 10 Tidus looked like a girl to me, but FF7 was the one that got me into this craziness of FF and I believe this statement to affect a lot of other fans too.

hb smokey
07-15-2006, 02:32 PM
Its not like you`ve got anything worthwhile to say anyways.
He's got every right as you do to comment on the subject matter. Just because he isn't wanting a remake under the current circumstances, doesn't mean he doesn't have any helpful input.

Manga Legend
07-15-2006, 02:35 PM
I don`t want a remake, I just like making childish attacks on people I don`t like.

hb smokey
07-15-2006, 03:06 PM
Final Fantasy 7 was the best one to me, I liked 8 wasn't too sure of 10 Tidus looked like a girl to me, but FF7 was the one that got me into this craziness of FF and I believe this statement to affect a lot of other fans too.
We've got a winner here folks!

07-15-2006, 03:26 PM
Lol were you being sarcastic ? It kinda hard to tell on the NET!

07-15-2006, 03:49 PM
I don`t want a remake, I just like making childish attacks on people I don`t like.

Its not like you`ve got anything worthwhile to say anyways.

What's that old saw about a kettle being called black?

07-15-2006, 06:16 PM
I said it once I'll say it again. Square Enix only remakes games when they have nothing better to do, and 7 wasn't even that good

Believe me, Squares got plenty to do (XII, XIII, Versus XIII, Dirge, etc.). And saying 7 isnt good is your own opinion, not everyone elses

jewess crabcake
07-15-2006, 06:34 PM
Oh yeak I've been meaning to ask this what is versus XIII

07-15-2006, 06:39 PM
no clue. An expansion of XIII maybe?

07-15-2006, 06:53 PM
"Final Fantasy Versus XIII is an action based Final Fantasy title for the PS3, from the Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children teams." - Gamespot.

And, article. (

So I'd say it's another story, but in the same world as XIII.

07-15-2006, 07:21 PM
the making for the ultimate game.

07-15-2006, 07:43 PM
All the FFXIII games are different worlds, different stories, different characters.

But they all have the same base behind them [the crystal]

jewess crabcake
07-15-2006, 08:25 PM
OMFG I hate the classic FF crystal concept. That's one of the reason I hate V and down. I thought when FF reached PSX they had finally started thinking right. Now their taking steps back omfg.

07-15-2006, 08:30 PM
You can basiclly read about all the bullshit here.

07-16-2006, 12:06 AM
Final Fantasy 7 was the best one to me, I liked 8 wasn't too sure of 10 Tidus looked like a girl to me, but FF7 was the one that got me into this craziness of FF and I believe this statement to affect a lot of other fans too.
Yup yup yup. It's true. Same thing here

07-16-2006, 05:33 AM
OMFG I hate the classic FF crystal concept. That's one of the reason I hate V and down. I thought when FF reached PSX they had finally started thinking right. Now their taking steps back omfg.

You can basiclly read about all the bullshit here.

If you get away from the WAAH ITS NOT FF7 REMAKE factor for about three seconds, you'd see that's actually a pretty neat idea. Unfortunately, the FFXIII's are the only titles I've seen for ps3 that interest me.

Valerie Valens
07-16-2006, 04:30 PM
Personally, I'll stick with FF4+6+9.

07-16-2006, 06:39 PM
Oh yeah, I think it is a good idea.

I'm just thinking SE has enough on their plate, and I just hope that they don't turn out half-assed.
Otherwise, yeah I like the idea of the Crystal and all that jazz.

jewess crabcake
07-16-2006, 07:46 PM
If you get away from the WAAH ITS NOT FF7 REMAKE factor for about three seconds, you'd see that's actually a pretty neat idea. Unfortunately, the FFXIII's are the only titles I've seen for ps3 that interest me.
Are you kidding me I didn't really care for seven which is why I wonder why people thought it was soo great. And personally I think they milked FF7 dry now tooo many expansions, honestly who gives two shits about Vincent.

07-16-2006, 08:42 PM
Are you kidding me I didn't really care for seven which is why I wonder why people thought it was soo great. And personally I think they milked FF7 dry now tooo many expansions, honestly who gives two shits about Vincent.

I will dedicate my next two toilet trips to the disproving of your point.

Seriously, though, FFXIII pleases me a lot more than any crappy FFVII addon could.

Even moreso if they link FF's world KH stylee.

07-17-2006, 01:12 AM
Even moreso if they link FF's world KH stylee.

Wow. Congratulations.
Never in my life, have I heard such a horrible idea.

07-17-2006, 02:44 PM
lol @ Manga Nobody's idiocy and PompusPilate's "it's just your opinion" equivalency bullshit.

Also, FFXIII looks like I will hate it at least as much as FFVII or FFVIII. Any hopes I might have had for it being decent were totally dashed when one of the S-E people said the main character was modeled heavily after Cloud. Yet another example of the company sacrificing artistic integrity in order to appeal to mainstream morons who want nothing more than more of the same in a shinier package... I can't comment on the Versus XIII game yet because I don't know anything about it.

jewess crabcake
07-17-2006, 05:31 PM
OMFG S-E needs to let FF7 die, it's had a great run, but all things must come to past I mean my God.

Manga Legend
07-18-2006, 08:09 PM
lol @ Manga Nobody's idiocy and PompusPilate's "it's just your opinion" equivalency bullshit.

I suppose if you didn`t laugh you`d only cry though.

07-18-2006, 08:16 PM
Sometimes I laugh so hard at the stupider people here that I do start to cry!

Manga Legend
07-18-2006, 08:19 PM
Sometimes I laugh so hard at the stupider people here that I do start to cry!

You mean you cry cos you realise your a weasly little internet nerd that never leaves the house and the only woman you`ve ever seen naked is your mom.

07-18-2006, 08:23 PM
Uh oh. I've been attacked with the dreaded "you're a nerd with no life" insult that is the bane of retarded first-graders. Whatever shall I do now?

Seriously, brat, you fail at life for making such a poor attempt at an insult.

hb smokey
07-18-2006, 08:23 PM
You mean you cry cos you realise your a weasly little internet nerd that never leaves the house and the only woman you`ve ever seen naked is your mom.
Oh jeez, don't even start throwing around insults again. Especially first grade ones. Just leave it alone and try to talk about the topic.

Manga Legend
07-18-2006, 08:25 PM
Uh oh. I've been attacked with the dreaded "you're a nerd with no life" insult that is the bane of retarded first-graders. Whatever shall I do now?

Seriously, brat, you fail at life for making such a poor attempt at an insult.

And that hasn`t proved me wrong at all, it wasn`t an insult, more a fact.

07-18-2006, 08:33 PM
Everyone may now point and laugh at the moron.

07-18-2006, 08:40 PM
People take shit too seriously.

Manga Legend
07-18-2006, 09:05 PM
Everyone may now point and laugh at the moron.

How pray tell are people gonna do that you fucking loser?

hb smokey
07-18-2006, 09:06 PM
Did you not hear what I just said? Quit throwing around first grade insults, and start talking about the topic at hand.

Manga Legend
07-18-2006, 09:11 PM
Alright, they shouldn`t remake Final Fantasy 7.

hb smokey
07-18-2006, 09:15 PM
Quoted before the edit.

07-18-2006, 09:18 PM
Stupider is a legitimate conjugation.

Manga Legend
07-18-2006, 09:31 PM
I can`t help but feel a little sorry for ya though.

07-18-2006, 09:38 PM
Yes, intelligence is a rather overwhelming burden. You should consider yourself fortunate to have inherited none of it.

Valerie Valens
07-18-2006, 09:49 PM
Yes, intelligence is a rather overwhelming burden. You should consider yourself fortunate to have inherited none of it.

quoted for truth.

Desert Wolf
07-18-2006, 11:57 PM
Yes, intelligence is a rather overwhelming burden. You should consider yourself fortunate to have inherited none of it.

Damn good come back imo.