06-20-2006, 08:05 AM
Hello everyone. I will teach you how to kill the Hardest boss of all games. First of all you need to pick BOTH swords in the beggining of KHII. Then you need to be level 71. For more check click here (http://www.gamefaqs.com)

06-20-2006, 08:20 AM
Hardest boss of all games eh?

06-20-2006, 02:25 PM
Oh great. Another shit n00b. This one gets double shit points for having goku in his name.

06-20-2006, 03:28 PM
Triple for the obligatory n00b one winged angel mess.

06-20-2006, 05:52 PM
impressive guide A+++++ would read from again

Neo Xzhan
06-20-2006, 07:39 PM
Oh great. Another shit n00b. This one gets double shit points for having goku in his name.

You forgot the ONE WINGED ANGEL OF DEATH in his custom rank thinger. That'd easily make for triples atleast.

[edit]And the signature with the obligatory typo.

matt damon
06-20-2006, 11:46 PM
sephiroth in Kh2 is not the hardest

06-22-2006, 02:42 AM
And the signature with the obligatory typo.
Heh. Make that typos actually.

And the hardest? Nah? He messed me up for a while, but once I studied his tactics carefully and gave it my best concentration, I was able to defeat him on Proud mode without even having to look at a guide for any tips.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-26-2006, 12:01 PM
1. He's not a boss, he's an optional mini-game battle enemy.

2. He's not difficult. At all.

3. Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger.

Safer Roco
06-26-2006, 05:44 PM
you didnt even tell us anything, you just told us to go to gamefaqs

J. Peterman
06-26-2006, 05:51 PM
I am cooking some food.

06-26-2006, 06:55 PM
I've still yet to come across Sephiroth in KH let alone KHII lol. I heard before he was supposed to be really hard to beat in those games and got the idea that Square had finally made him a real challenge. From what i'm reading here though, seems like what I heard was wrong.

06-27-2006, 12:13 AM
Sephiroth is accessible in the Coliseum in the first game. However, he's only in the North American version and Final Mix, so given that your location is listed as being in the UK, it's possible he's not in the version you have.

As for KHII... well, he really shouldn't be all that hard to find. He shows up automatically once as part of the plot, but as for finding him again, just check your event quests and think about where he could be lurking... (And if it's not there, then you still have some other stuff to finish.)

jewess crabcake
06-27-2006, 12:36 AM
1. He's not a boss, he's an optional mini-game battle enemy.

2. He's not difficult. At all.

3. Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger.
O shut up you racist dick

Valerie Valens
06-27-2006, 03:01 PM
Fucktard, you don't know shit about hard bosses until you've faced up against Indalecio in Star Ocean 2 with limiter off in universe mode.

06-27-2006, 04:50 PM
O shut up you racist dick

Odin is non prejudiced when it comes to administration of "the phrase."

07-08-2006, 05:59 AM
Hello everyone. I will teach you how to kill the Hardest boss of all games. First of all you need to pick BOTH swords in the beggining of KHII. Then you need to be level 71. For more check click here (http://www.gamefaqs.com)


you know you can beat him in your 50's-low 60's, no matter what you pick at the start, right?

07-08-2006, 06:27 AM
He was more of a challenge in the first KH.

Seriously, KHII has to be the easiest game ever, even on Proud Mode.

07-08-2006, 08:32 PM
I'd say he was easier in the first one. Cure Arts + the move that makes you restore mp when you get hit + a little bit of timing = gg

07-09-2006, 06:13 PM
Sephiroth is accessible in the Coliseum in the first game. However, he's only in the North American version and Final Mix, so given that your location is listed as being in the UK, it's possible he's not in the version you have.

As for KHII... well, he really shouldn't be all that hard to find. He shows up automatically once as part of the plot, but as for finding him again, just check your event quests and think about where he could be lurking... (And if it's not there, then you still have some other stuff to finish.)

Thanks i'll bear that in mind =)

09-09-2006, 02:50 AM
dude seriousley. any half trained monkey could beat sephoroth in KHII. the first one is a lot harder.
but the fight is pretty awsome looking.

10-10-2006, 03:32 PM
Oh, I'm not at Sephiroth in KHII yet, but if people say that he's easier than in KHI I'll own him even without a guide. Sephiroth in KHI is hard, but easily beatable with enough routine.