06-19-2006, 03:46 PM
hey guys, new to this, need some helped, recently acquired the FF8 PC version and i was playing it on the PC however at a certain point:

it crashes here :\ ANY help is appreciated however im asking another question:
is it possible to play my saved game (on the pc) on the PS? coz i have the PS version but i dno how to transfer it, if thats posssible! thanks!

Swedish Fish
06-19-2006, 04:00 PM
The sound you hear would be Rinoa farting. Since it's so unladylike to fart, the game crashes because it is ashamed of itself.

BTW-You need to plug your dick into your computer before you can transfer the data.

06-19-2006, 05:07 PM
1. It would either be a problem with the disk, or some Windows XP problem. Pray it's the latter and look for a patch. There seems to be a few patches for FFVIII PC here. (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/finalfantasy8/downloads.html)

2. No, they are different formates, not to mention the fact that you would have to find some way to get the files on a memory card anyway...