02-24-2002, 11:23 AM
Make room, Make room. Stand aside
Shuffle the table and chairs to the side.
I stand before you to glimpse behind,
Of a life flash playing back in rewind

Back in rewind...

The moods have been set; the days gone by,
As time spirals back, the counter clocks fly.
The roses are undone; the chickens in an egg
England's in an uproar, some rats got a plague

Armies in the center; dispersed to form a line
Right, left, right; the women reverse their pine
The dead are slowly rising, just to shrink in size
Russia is in turmoil, some advisor's telling lies

Quilts unwind to thread, trees grow into fern
Land changes masters; as the tables turn
The dice jump in the cup; as beer flows in the barrel
the Great thinkers eat their words and wash them sterile

Cars revert to horses; houses-shacks of clay
cotton silks to animal hide, beds to cots of hay.
One to another, back through endless time...
rewind, pause, rewind, each life comes up from grime



02-24-2002, 08:38 PM
That's a really nice poem...

02-25-2002, 12:26 AM
I like QC... I like very much actually... I like the contrast of comparisons that you make in each of your lines.

I wanna see more of your work... :D

02-25-2002, 05:20 AM
You tell me you would walk through the fire
Fight the battle and never tire,
but once you doubt, you fall to shreds
crumble scraps of lint with ties to threads
You'd fight the world and beat it back
but when you face yourself, you fail, you crack
What you are you know, who you are not quite
you degrade yourself to a pitiful sight
you destroy your visions, erase your hope
try to forget, cuz you still can't cope
look for the out, search for escape
wear a mask, hide in a cape

Forget of this madness, let loose of your fears
Bring back the sunshine, resolve all the tears
reforge that lost trust, remember your name
The good who you are, return to the same
You chased away shadows, to live in your own
But you needn't keep silent, you don't fight alone
Return to the memories, return to the days
Return to your glory, dispense of this haze
You're more than you know...
more than you show...
be calm...
be calm...

02-25-2002, 05:46 AM
Wow QC!!! :eek:

What an emotional piece...

I especially like the last seven sentences... very uplifting dispite the beginning of the poem... a way powerful work!

Keep 'em coming Quisty! ;)

02-25-2002, 06:24 AM
really touching QC...it really struck a part of me...I hope to see more poems from you as moving as this one is...thank you :)

02-26-2002, 04:07 AM
It's hard to look up when your heart is down
Hard to smile when you want to frown
No room to laugh, just left to cry
wasting away with nothing to try
Dark clouds ahead, thunder behind
No place to find some peace of mind

Cuz every day it rains,
every mile crushed with stains,
Cuz every moment sears
buried in a stream of tears
Cuz every drop burns deep,
you're tired of it all, but just can't sleep

It all builds up
I want to hide
no place to stay
no one confide
All lost control
Why won't my life
Just let me be!

In a single word...
just one simple thought...
It all comes down
to just one plot...

you play you lose..
you mess, you fail...
try as you might,
you won't prevail

you give, they take
make no mistake
it's all or none
to chance this fun

When all is said
and no more known
take a step back
reap what you've sown

Learn now and hear
Your greatest fear
and remember well
why you fell

You looked behind
and not ahead
You didn't think
to face your dread

You didn't move
to stay your hand
prevent control
to slip like sand

You lost yourself
to lose your soul
as with your heart..
your life they stole...

02-26-2002, 05:20 AM
A very powerful piece...

it makes me think of a lot of things QC I like it

... keep those good poems coming!! ;)

Anima Relic
02-26-2002, 05:34 AM
your poetry still rox my world Lisa. Rock on and keep on posting these. :)

02-26-2002, 07:59 PM
Thats some pretty awsome stuff. Those poems seem to have everything a poem needs to be great. Keep them up!:)

02-26-2002, 09:01 PM
Look in the mirror, tell me, what do you see?
You'd only say there was nothing, if you're someone like me.
You'd say "Just a dreamer trapped in a cloud"
You'd say "No one to notice, nor to be proud"
You'd lower your eyes, unable to look any longer,
Curse yourself for not being stronger
Remember the times of childlike innocense
Wish for the times of youthful ignorance.
Condemn the world for not letting you be
Pity yourself for not breaking free
Reflect on your values to consider your worth
Then question the reason mother gave you birth

The dramatics continue the self-beating and hurt
You've beat yourself to the ground and now pass the dirt
The thoughts spiral on in mad pools of pain
You turn back to the mirror, eyes full of disdain
You vocalize your anger and release your rage
You're sick and tired of living in a cage
You pick up the nearest object and shatter it all
And you see very little as glass shards downward fall
Then as you stand there, something catches your eye
The object you've thrown was a plaque, you now cry
The words had held meaning and you'd kept them near...
"Remember who you are, and you'll always be dear" (love mom).

Now it's no longer you, but me, I
I'm the one there who'd started to cry
I'm that person who'd forgotten my self
I, who didn't recognise my wealth.
I'm the one who couldn't live
I'm the one I couldn't forgive
I'm the one hiding; inside myself curled
I, who blamed myself on the world...
I, who must take responsibility
for who I am and what makes me me...

It is I, who have lost myself...

02-26-2002, 09:04 PM
geez... you relal yget to the heart of an emotion don't you Quisty? ;)

Beautiful and well-written.

Moves my heart and makes me comtemplate... :D

02-26-2002, 09:14 PM
that's beautiful QC... really nice...you always seem to be able to express emotions so clearly in your writing. It almost makes me cry somtimes.

Anima Relic
02-27-2002, 03:48 AM
you're starting to sound like me Lisa. But I can feel the emotion in that, and also i can feel mine, and I can relate... Very well done.

Rabid Monkey
02-27-2002, 05:30 PM
Heh...sorry I didn't stick my banana in here sooner (do with that terminology what you will), but ya know I love all you're poetry anyway so I should have to ;)

02-28-2002, 05:39 AM
So you posted it....I like how it ended....Bravo Lisa!

02-28-2002, 05:43 PM
I really like the way you rhyme in your poetry. It fits very nicely, which i think rhyming poetry rarely does. :D thumbs up to you (god I'm hyper)

02-28-2002, 09:47 PM
How can you dream so fast when you know it may not come to pass?
When your hopes may not last; You still keep your visions on this one lass...

How can you lok to the future when you feel how the present is uncertain?
How can you keep such a picture when you know fate has yet to raise the curtain?

You want me happy, the sentiment is clear, but you can't give your all and recieve nothing back...
You can try, say you're fine and not to worry, but what I fear is that after giving and not getting, you'll eventually crack..

Can you tell me I'm not some obsession?
Can't you see you need more dreams in your life than me?
Am I just some kind of infatuation?
I'm asking for you to open your eyes and see...

Tell me... Why am I enough...
Why am I all you desire...
Why must your world revolve around me...
Why am I all your heart does require...
How can you dream so fast?

03-01-2002, 05:01 AM
Lisa... you really have a knack for getting to the honest root of an emotion don't you? :)

It was a very heartfelt and prettiful work... thought provoking as well. Keep it up QC! ^_^.

03-02-2002, 07:33 AM
Your bid for my love was complete.. absolute victory
My heart was in your soul... gently locked with a key...
You moved my stars, turned my world with your voice..
And when you broke my heart.. I know it wasn't by choice...
when the tears fell each night, I know yours unshed did weap..
and as I tossed and turned, you as well could hardly sleep...
while I pulled inward to hide from the world, you did just the same..
And as I accused myself for the sorrow, you also felt the blame...
As I hurt deep inside with shattered dreams, you sympathized though more you couldn't do...
It just wasn't the same... my future.. my life.. knowing I'd have to continue living without you...
Even now I still whimper for the times we two knew...
Together, so happy... with time just too few...
I shall always.. will always.. love you in my heart...
You've claimed a piece that you'll always have part...
Find joy.

03-02-2002, 07:53 AM
Nice poem QC... makes me wish that my heartbreaks were as touching...^^.

I like your writing style.. it's refreshing... keep it up.

03-02-2002, 08:25 AM
i love your poetry quistis, keep it up :)

03-03-2002, 08:36 AM
In every poet there is a love song...
A depth only it's creator can fathom
Words may attempt to reach beyond pure feeling,
But nothing compares to the experience that inspires
Life must be lived and learned from that living
Words seldom inspire so ferocious a fury
Vengeance, hate, these must be experienced
Without powerful emotions we cease to exist
They keep us whole and within our surroundings
Instead of droning on as machines.

I could spend a lifetime to tell you what love means
Countless poets have sung of it and yet it remains incomplete
Many thousands will proclaim of it, but still it will not compare
To know of love is to have loved, otherwise is ignorance
But do not get me wrong, it is not in fault to trust in words
Words are bringers of caution and warners of woe
I would never step where others fell if first I'd been told so
So listen well, as the poets sing, to what they have to say
So when it comes to learn and grow, you know where not to tread.

03-04-2002, 12:30 AM
unlike most of my poetry... this is one of my treasure poems and I didn't just write this as I sat here and posted... this has been written out and kept for several years and it is something that expresses me a great deal. I thought I'd go out on a limb and show this one, though I'd like it not to be taken from me. I hope you all enjoy.


My emotions, my eyes betray
My hate and pain my eyes portray
My love, my sorrow, and my despair
My hurt and injustice that life's not fair
My joys, my passions, the moments I win
Things not shone through a stony faced grin
I'm hidden away, I'm tucked apart
There are steel bars surrounding my heart
I cry for the pain that must be there
But I think with my mind, "I can't afford to care"
I shut all the doors and lock myself in
Fear is the cage that keeps me within
The Fear of Rejection, the Fear of Great Loss
Keep my emotions in check, show I'm the boss.... but..
But I'm not in charge, no matter what I say
The battle was lost when fear got away.
I want the bars open, I want myself free
But I'm too afraid of others not accepting me
So there I stay with the shutters all shut
Too afraid to walk out of my little self-hut
Through clear window glass my eyes are the key
To the inner being whose emotions make me


03-04-2002, 12:36 AM
Awesome...full of emotion...my favorite one youve done...

03-04-2002, 01:56 AM
Nice QC.... my fav poem so far.... heartfelt and very expressive QC.... reveals a lot. A truly memorable work. :)

03-05-2002, 05:59 AM

Forget that I have words, Forget that I have pain...
I just can't keep my head up and out of the rain.
I know my heart beats strong and I know my heart beats true.
But I don't like what I'm feeling and I don't know what to do.
Every silent minute that passes, every second that goes by
I feel a growing detachment and it makes me want to cry...
Every soldier has his battles, every ruler stress and strain
Every aching, every worry adding on more senseless pain...
For MY Ruler all my heart goes, for MY soldier much the same
How uplifting, how rewarding it feels when he calls my name...
But the silence after battle, and the calm before the storm
Make me tremble, make me fear of all that is outside the norm.
And the quiet that I'm hearing hurts to know that it's for me.
To not being able to end it, but unwillingly let it be...

All alone am I sitting, all alone, it seems, I've been
Surrounded yet alone as a silence in a din.
Fleeting shadow will you listen, to my words as they cry out
To the screaming of my heartache, to the reasons why I shout
I am frightened and unsure of myself and all that I know
And I know not who to turn to and I know not where to go...
It's been minutes since I left you, hours too have gone by
But I can not seem to find you, though please know that I do try...

Two times now have I fallen to the emotions that destroy..
And I have yet to find a counter measure to employ.
I can't express what I am feeling, nor could I even say..
But my mind is going crazy, so I'll spill it, what the hey..
I care deeply for MY soldier, even though he wages war...
And the battle rages still, and I truly miss him more..
While the fighting and the leaving I can aid no way at all
I'm still waiting I'm still watching hoping that he soon may call...
Now the battle presses onward, and MY soldier looks ahead
And I hold to all I know and to all that has been said...
Yet his eyes are not around me, nor really should they be..
But.. it does still have affect for it does still hurt me...

There's a difference between knowing that a fact said is true...
than feeling what it means, doubting even though you knew..
Now my purpose has been lost, in this sad attempt to share..
While I sit here and I whimper, no where near being all there...
So empty is the silence.. so quiet is the sound...
it's thick enough to feel it... and it hurts to be around...
Forget that I've seen shadows, forget I've seen the day...
I just wish that MY soldier's pain could go away...

03-05-2002, 06:25 AM
long, deep, and powerful... ;) nice job...

03-05-2002, 06:39 AM
Nice Poem heh;)

Heero Yuy
03-05-2002, 09:38 AM
It's very Touching(For me)....heh;)

03-07-2002, 10:17 PM
Why do we give it our all..
When we know we'll only fall..
Why do we continually strive.
Plug our nose and headfirst dive-
through waters too strong
that we sink before long...
Why do we then struggle more...
What is it really for?

In the end we all will fail...
Our attempts will all go stale..
When it is finally all done...
No one will have won..
There is not much one can do
To fight a life gone askew..
So why do we push the hands of fate?
Don't we know... it's all too late?...

03-07-2002, 10:25 PM
Thought provoking... But is it to late....?
I enjoyed reading this poem... ;)

Anima Relic
03-07-2002, 11:09 PM
These are all excellent lisa :)

03-10-2002, 08:04 AM
Sometimes i wonder... just how much I can take...
How far I can be pushed till I reach the point I break...
How much pressure must build to collapse the dam
I wonder how strong I really am...

I've never been particularly strong
In truth, I can push myself but I'll fall before long
I've never been able to last through the storm
I'm quite the pathetic lifeform

I can feel my strength leaving
My energetic dance of life so decieving..
I wish I could build myself till I pass the stars
Not fall so short as to miss even mars...

I'm tired of being tired and winding down...
I feel the weight of the world; an unworn crown...
I came to the top only to topple backwards again
I want to leap ahead.. but I can't leave where I've been...

03-10-2002, 11:39 PM
Powerful piece Quisty... I like the last two stanzas, a very thoughtful and well written piece! :)

03-11-2002, 03:40 AM
Well Done Lisa...;)

03-12-2002, 06:10 AM
My tears fall blindly, seeking a tender arm to rest and hide..
A comforting ear to listen, a kindred soul to confide..
A tear for every worry, a tear for every woe.
A tear of longing for someone to make my troubles go..
Through life I have been fighting, for life I continue on..
But the life I knew and valued, is now all but gone...
I beg, oh silent stranger, that as each tear flows down..
that perhaps you might take a care to sympathise my frown.

03-12-2002, 06:21 AM
Aww, you can cry on my shoulder, ill be your sympathetic ear...
Great job conveying your emotions... :Sad::Sad::Sad::Sad:

03-15-2002, 10:08 AM
Are these tears that mar my features?
Are these falling from my eyes?
My world seems new to me
Yet it is the same endless lies...

Is this pain I feel inside real?
How could someone hurt so much?
My limbs lay snapped apart
and I'm left without a crutch....

My soul lies open and bared
its contents for all to see
vulnerable and so afraid
what's on display is me...

03-15-2002, 03:41 PM
Wow QC thats alot of great poetry. I loved alot of those poems. Very enjoyable. Keep them up.:)

03-15-2002, 05:08 PM
Powerful, emotional heartfelt pieces Quisty...I can feel your heart in these poems. A unique reading experience... I like ur style of writing and I look forward to ur next work!

03-18-2002, 02:28 AM
Why kid ourselves thus, love is a folly
To take from our hearts what strength we but own
A soul-biting plague that drinks of our life
A monster dependant on the taste of our woes

What sorrows it brings, what turmoil to mind
We think we've won, but the victor lurks in shadows
Stand upon your triumphs, but know they'll end
Now that you're numb with joy, let's rip in the pain

Disaster, distrust; bitter burdens to bear
Only a fool looks the other way to the glorious sun
Betrayal, deceit, these are lifes realities
The mischievous nature of one to another

03-21-2002, 08:47 PM
A powerful, truthful piece QC!

I especially like the last stanza... very moving... keep up with the good works! ;)

03-21-2002, 08:56 PM
Yea thats a really great piece. Very well done. Your poetry is great, make some more soon.:)

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-30-2002, 08:07 AM
*wipes the tear from the corner of his eye*

Very good, QC. And very moving... makes me wish I was as good at "meter and rhyme" so I could give an adequate reply.

Hope to see some more of your work.

04-01-2002, 05:37 AM
Please don't walk on my heart...
Please, let go of the memories...
It hurts to be torn apart...
And not to carry on...

Please leave me my soul..
Please, let go your claim...
or I'll bleed till lifes end
and feed bitter shame

Please guide me towards finish
Please, stay by my side
but don't block my path anymore
I can't be your bride...

Please stay my good friend
Please, that's all it can be...
If I'm ever to mend...
I want you still with me...

Please know of my love
Please, understand why it hides
Forget not, but act not...
In the past it resides...

Please... help me to dream
Please,.. help me to live...
but give me nothing more...
my love, please forgive...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
04-06-2002, 04:11 AM
Very good, QC. One of the few poems I've read about "former loves" that didn't make it seem that the person it was addressed to was dead, and still just as moving (Bah, excuse my grammar, lack of sleep as usual). I look forward to your next entry...

And... My first and last attempt at any kind of poetry, the best I could come up with:

The fair night of the poet,
Fill it with innocent stars.
A pace apart Orion stands.
His glare sees everything,
Marking our passing forever.
Welcome darkness and stare,
Blinded in the after.
There is barren eternity!

I leave the interpretations of it to you.....

08-01-2002, 05:09 AM
Ok there Froggie, Im ready for a new poem from you, lets get going... Silver ;););)

Setsuna Yuna
08-01-2002, 07:00 AM
I really like your last poem. It reminds me of things... :p Keep up the good work. ;)

EDIT: I just noticed that this is my 200th post. um, yay...:uh?:

08-08-2002, 06:44 AM
Phantom fingers in the heavens
Dismal spirits through my hair
Chains of every metal
Pull me down to deep dispair.
The distance only teasing,
from prison to freedom fields.
I struggle and I stretch
but still nothing yields...

My mind has almost snapped
from the urging stress and strain
I see happiness ahead
but shadows corrode my brain.
Sanity is at a loss for words
Vacant, without a clue
Abast ye, Wash the decks
Sink the ship without the crew.

Knights, all forward,
Dance upon your heads!
Spinning gangs of monkeys
Pirahnas in your bed.
Thus is born the one to fear,
Who makes the sun shine green
I tell you all to step aside
and Welcome your Queen.

~ Chaotica ~

(Guess you had to be there....)

08-08-2002, 06:46 AM
lol......guess so ;)

08-08-2002, 04:45 PM
Very nice, my Queen! Bravo!

It's so nice to see that one can truely express herself in poetry!

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-18-2002, 05:36 AM
That last poem brings to mind about how I've felt lately over some recent events.... don't know why...

Great work, Lisa.

I look forward to the next entry.

08-19-2002, 09:57 AM
Oh what loathsome people these days give rise,
We spread what we want, who cares if they're lies.
We take as we please and keep what we don't.
If it hurts others lives, who cares, we sure won't.

We trounce who we will to reach to the top
We crush people's lives without thought to stop
We cheat and we plot without any remorse
Why, oh why...
Why has society chosen this course...

08-19-2002, 10:33 AM
Wow, who did what to you before you wrote this one? Its a well done poem Lisa. ;)

08-19-2002, 10:54 AM
This is a story that has three parts (where the third part ran off to I have no idea) but I'll give the fist now, the next sometime later, and maybe rewrite the other eventually.

** ** * ** ** *
The Past
** ** * ** ** *

Mllorn waited silently for her love to return.
He had scouted ahead to see what he could learn.
It was awefully silent, Mllorn noted, but didn't think to wonder.
That letting him go off alone could be a serious blunder.

An hour passed, or was it two? she soon lost track.
Then a bush rattled, she looked up, and he there was back.
He was severely injured, no..wait...gravely so.
What had happened? Who had hurt him, Mllorn begged to know.
He sat up coughing and spitting up blood.
His hands and clothes were dirty, covered with mud.

He took her close grip firm and tight, so she could hear.
That she must flee and run, great danger was near.
She began to sob, the ache and pain consumed all her heart.
Her entire life, her hopes, her dreams were all ripped apart.
The man in her eyes could only kiss her one last time.
And then fell dead to the earth, into the muck and grime.

Insanity took control of Mllorn, she'd make the world pay.
But another side, the better side, didn't want it that way.
The two different feelings wrestled till eventually they split apart.
One got the brain while the other claimed the heart.
Mlliana the cunning, evil and cruel, had control for awhile.
She changed her appearance and attire to fit her hateful style.
Mllorn's soft blonde hair and bright green eyes turned empty into
And so Mlliana, black as death, sought the 'danger' to pay them back.

Not a soul of that army that had left her love to die.
Would ever breathe again, on their own, under this sky.
But that wasn't enough to calm Mlliana's rage.
She brought all existance, every life, into her Darkening Age...
The good Mllorn may have been down, forced to watch all the death.
She occasionally gained control..and would take a deep breathe...
Good Mllorn, sweet Mllorn had only moments to find...
Someway to keep control of her mind.

08-20-2002, 03:54 AM
Wow. :eek: Damn Lis. Very powerful stuff. I think the last stanza really drew me in as to what the rest of the piece was trying to portray.

Heavy stuff, beautifully well-written and speaks to the heart as always. It's good to see you post things again QC! ^_^. I look forward to the next part.

08-23-2002, 12:00 PM
The Present

The long journey had been harsh..and the damage all was done.
The weary traveller licked her parched lips, cursed by the sun
Her quest was incomplete, but the time was fading fast.
She knew she would fail, but of all the would-be heroes...she was the last.

Innocent, her life had been, pure when she was young.
The memmories brought a gulp that burned her sponge-like tongue.
A small time girl in a small time town,she had been raised to one day wed.
But the man that she had loved and awaited was now gone and dead.

Mistress Mllorn pushed back her hair and continued her west-ward trek.
She would continue searching even past the borderlands of heck.
She sought to destroy her evil side before it consumed her soul.
She did not care if it led to death but that was her only goal.

Appearing with a frequency that was gradually increasing,
Mlliana the Mistress of Evil's power was releasing.
Armies were raised and trained, to do her evil deeds.
While Mllorn searched desperately for any freedom leads.

Till on this fateful pilgrimmage, Mllorn found her way
In order to fight back the dark, she too herself must slay
And as she pulled forth her knife, to end it now for all
Mlliana retook control and made that dagger fall
Determined as ever to stay alive, Mlliana kept Mllorn within
Mllorn only waited, silently waited, till her turn, then she would win.

08-23-2002, 10:29 PM
Look at what I stumbled apon Quistis!!!!:D I never knew that you were so good at poetry!!! how come you never told me before!! good thing I came across this... or i would have lived my life in sad ignorance!

08-24-2002, 09:03 PM
lol, never knew you were interested, cuz :)

08-25-2002, 05:49 PM
Hey, QC, I like The Present! It's very...moving...*starts to cry*

08-31-2002, 08:08 PM
I'm going to take a detour from Mlliana and Mllorn for a sec and freestyle what I feel right now...

It always hurts, to look back...
Because it shows me now what I lack...
At what we shared...
our hearts we bared
Our souls combined,
Our lives intertwined...
Our love so whole
Even marriage our goal
together so complete
alone I'm obsolete,

I miss your happy smile,
Your words so dear...
I miss you comforting me
as you hold me near..
I miss the games we played
as you cheered me on
I miss just being with you
throughout the night till dawn..
I miss you being the hero
that saves my day.
I've longed for you
since we've gone our separate way
I miss the pranks you pull
with that silly charm
I miss just cuddling up
in your cosy arm...
I miss your laughter too
back when the world was bright...
You made it seem that way
you were my daily light...
You were the friend that I
knew I could always confide.
You helped me stand my ground
when I wanted to run and hide...
You shared my greatest joys
to my deepest sorrow...
without you I look ahead
and see no tomorrow...
You were the force
that drove me on...
And I miss you, so miss you
now that you are gone...
I miss the things you do...
I just miss loving you...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-31-2002, 10:30 PM
*Plays "Matrix sound files - Neo says Whoah.mp3"*

Many questions come to mind when I read that, QC. But I think I'll save them for when I bump into you in IRC.

08-31-2002, 11:07 PM
I just read "The Present." Exceptionally well written QC. I like it a lot and I can't wait for the next one.

Your freestyle one, however brought tears to my eyes. (I've been kinda emotional lately. I can totally relate to that piece. The poem was great, and it made me remember a lot of things. . .

Keep it up Lis. ^__^

09-13-2002, 05:35 AM
Wow, Lisa. That's really a moving piece. It kind of speaks the way I feel now, too. Keep it up! :)

09-13-2002, 06:29 AM
The free style was touching, moving, and beautiful.

Almost a shudder to readthe lines and think what might be.

Future uncertain, Past already written I suppose

I really enjoyed it

09-30-2002, 07:48 AM
I can't find words to express how I feel...
How spending each day with you seems so surreal...
A dream that I'd wish never to wake...
A dream that I'd wish never to break...
Am I too attached, do you want me to go?
Want me to back off? please let me know...
Is it just me that thinks and feels so inside..
the wanting to continually be by your side...
I'm sorry to push, sorry to pull...
especially if you've decided you're full...
I wish I could find the words just to say...
What it means to me to have you in my day...
How happy you truly make me feel...
making dreams seem so real..

10-01-2002, 10:40 PM
I can totally relate to this poem. It seems to express exactly how I've been feeling lately. (You know, I can relate to ALL of your poems Lis.) ^___^

Well written and utterly beautiful really. :D Ya know I'm a fan of your work QC. Keep it up.

10-23-2002, 01:41 PM
Of course I'm interested!!!!!!!!!!!

If I would have known you were so good!......... I would have just known you were good, and my life would have been a little happier!!! Wow, you really are awesome, cuz.

Mmmmm, I like how you portray your feelings. Especially since I kinda know the *cough stories behind some of them.

Love YOU! :D

10-30-2002, 03:29 AM
Heh, I don't really have time to read all your poems Lisa but that recent one was pretty good with good expression with words. emotion and it's really easy to relate to. So like, yeah... GO you!! ^_^ :uh?:

The Wandering Knight
11-10-2002, 01:55 PM
Hey Lisa...this thread just cought my eye, so I said why not look at what she writes..and lucky me:D I came here...way cool:D..
Keep the good work..I'll try to see every now and then...way touching by the way:D

11-23-2002, 06:54 AM
Dear love I wish you were happy.
I wish you felt sure in self with pride
I wish you wouldn�t worry
And have faith on what�s inside
I see a lot in you that�s good
You have so much to show
I�m sticking here with you
Because I love you so.
I wish I knew how to make you smile.
I wish I had that power
Because if I could I know I would
Use it every hour
I love it when you�re laughing
And when you tease me back
I love the moments together
How well we interact
I love it when you�re silly
When you drag me through the malls
I love you so greatly
So much it grows and never falls
I love how much you care
For all you come to know
I love how you strive
To help each friend to grow
I love how tender of a heart you hold
How gentle and sweet you are
To upset that heart or hurt you
Would be the last I�d wish by far
You have blessed my life as I yours.
You�ve helped me when I�m down
Now I wish with all my heart
To help you erase your frown
I wish to dry those tears
I want to comfort you now
And chase away your fears
You�re loved, you�re sweet, you�re kind
You have no need to fear
Because despite what others may say
You have me, I�m still here.

11-23-2002, 11:09 AM
Oh, that's pretty good and it's full of good emotion. The rhyming is perfect and the wording is great. I especially like the end.

Great job Lisa! *Hands Lisa a cookie* =D

Anima Relic
12-02-2002, 11:03 PM
You still rock Lisa. I like it a lot, and it's simple :)

12-10-2002, 08:29 AM
Steffi and Steven ~

I may have been in shock when you told me, but regardless I'm seriously happy for you two and know you'll have a wonderful life together~

How wonderful it is to see two lovers meet
To watch them grow into one life complete
Remarkable how they find each other
And grow to love one another

To see the sparkle in their eyes
As hearts merge and take to the skies
Not only to be sealed with a kiss
But when together life is bliss

And then to confess those feelings so dear
And wish to be together; always so near
A bride for a husband, a lifetime to share
Safe and assured that they'll always be there...

Congratulations you two!!!!

12-10-2002, 08:41 AM
Lisa, that's probably one of the nicest things you could have ever done.

That poem is extremely beautiful and touching, and it means a lot that you have dedicated it to us.

I love ya hun, beautiful work.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-10-2002, 10:31 PM
*Reads last three entries by QC, having missed them somehow*...


Hey, what's this?!

*Wipes a tear from his eye*


Beautiful stuff, Lisa. What else can I say?

12-11-2002, 11:01 AM
Heh, Lisa that's a really kind thing that you did for Steffi and Steven by writing that poem as it shows you care and it makes them feel more important cos you wrote a really lovely poem for them. Sure, it was slightly shorter than your other poems but it was really great poem all the same. Yush, you go girl!

*Claps and makes Lisa bow* ^_^

12-14-2002, 04:53 AM
It's not about who was right, or who was wrong.
In the end it's about growing, deciding to change
If there is anything to learn it should be learned
and then take it to life, fix it and rearrange

It's not about giving up, calling it quits and leaving
It takes quite a bit of adjusting to stay
but in the long run it is the happier choice..
hold to eachother, repent and pray

but... if I'm the only one who will try to grow
If I'm the only one trying to repair the wall
And that wall between us, the bridge that binds
that which holds us together, will simply fall

And if it falls... it will fall on top of me...
and the weight I could not bare to withstand
my heart was in those walls... that bridge
and to see it topple upon me like forsaken sand...

would break my heart...

12-14-2002, 09:34 AM
Heh, that's a great poem of yours Lisa. It's full of really good emotions and it's easy to relate to. Good on ya Lisa! ^_^

12-15-2002, 10:26 AM
There is this man in my life, who makes me happy
but sometimes while together things will go wrong
we'll both feel responsible or take the blame
but now I worry that that'll lead to 'goodbye' 'so long'

I love this man in my life, who makes me happy
he's a giant kid at heart that makes me love him more
he's not perfect, but then neither am I
I just know that this is the man that I adore

I miss this man in my life, who makes me happy
he tries so hard to bring a smile to my face
sometimes it backfires and doesn't work out
but this man is someone I wouldn't replace

I need this man in my life, who inspires me
by being by my side I can't help but be in awe of him
the thought of him leaving me... having enough and wanting out..
hurts to the core, I can't think, can't dwell, it's so grim...

I need this man in my life, who inspires me
I want to be good for him, but I don't know how...
I want to be a ray of sunshine for him, light his day
Always be with him when time will allow...

I need this man in my life, who inspires me
he helps me get out and enjoy time away
he tries so hard to make me happy...
I just wish I could be with him every day...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
12-15-2002, 04:28 PM
*reads poem*


Well (seeing as many poets tend to draw on personal experiences for their writing, especially these types of poems), all you have to do is be yourself. You're a wonderful person to talk to/be around, and it should be blatantly obvious to this guy (how you feel about him) if he's in any way capable of sensing emotion or reading a facial expression.

But then, absence does make the heart grow fonder, as the saying goes. So he should be feeling the same way about you when you're apart.

I'm rambling, but I couldn't just go without replying to this one.

12-15-2002, 11:41 PM
That's a good poem Lisa. I liked the way you used a subject people can relate to and you obviously know a lot about as well as it makes the poem that much better. Keep it up! ^_^

01-16-2003, 08:37 AM
How dare you mock me more...
My heart was yours to take,
but you looked to others beds
and made me taste my mistake
The taste was vile, a putred bile
that I choked on every bite
You couldn't have hurt me worse
with plain uncaring spite...
But this is what you chose
the path you chose to make
and what is it to you
if my heart you casually break
I gave you the full extent of my love
I let my heart fall fast beneath your eyes
But you have looked to others and left me
And cradled me naively in well placed lies...
I trusted you, I trusted you to do what's right
But you had other views to what that might be...
And now I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise
that I've been destroyed as you suddenly left me
How dare you, How dare you break my heart like this
How dare you take my dreams and wishes to crush
How dare you break a tender heart that only cared to give...
How dare you, how dare you, how dare you treat me thus....

01-16-2003, 05:07 PM

What a powerful and moving piece, somewhat of a contrast from your recent pieces. But it's still very. . . poignant. (sp?)

Keep it up Lis. ^___^

01-16-2003, 10:06 PM
Yeah, Lisa your recent poem is very heartfelt and well written. Enough said~ Keep it up! ^_^

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
01-17-2003, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by Quistis-chan
How dare you mock me more...
My heart was yours to take,
but you looked to others beds
and made me taste my mistake
The taste was vile, a putred bile
that I choked on every bite
You couldn't have hurt me worse
with plain uncaring spite...
But this is what you chose
the path you chose to make
and what is it to you
if my heart you casually break
I gave you the full extent of my love
I let my heart fall fast beneath your eyes
But you have looked to others and left me
And cradled me naively in well placed lies...
I trusted you, I trusted you to do what's right
But you had other views to what that might be...
And now I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise
that I've been destroyed as you suddenly left me
How dare you, How dare you break my heart like this
How dare you take my dreams and wishes to crush
How dare you break a tender heart that only cared to give...
How dare you, how dare you, how dare you treat me thus....

The poem itself, moving stuff, Lisa.

...But I can't help but feel a bit unsettled at the perception I had that most poets draw on events in their life when writing emotional poetry...


01-31-2003, 07:06 AM
There's something to be said about the dirt...
Despite being the final resting place of all life...
In a way it's also the beginning...
The best and the worst things go in and come out...
I too in my own way, and in the way of all life,
am a product of the dirt...
it clothes me, it feeds me, it keeps me warm,
but at the same time, I know the dirt is waiting...
It knows the days of my life, and it shall know the end
It knows my every deed and will know all I have done
And in the end, it wins every time...
But when I say I'm lower than the dirt,
I do not mean the dirt that clothes, feeds, or tends to...
I mean the dirt that at its worse makes us cringe and look away...
The dirt that men walkover every day and could care less to think twice of...
Yes, that dirt, that filthiness that is worthless and disgusting to the eye...
And just beneath that, is me.
Lower than the dirt.

01-31-2003, 07:23 AM
Interesting theme Lisa but I like the way the end of the poem worked out. Great poem~ *Claps* ^_^

02-01-2003, 04:38 AM
DEATH TO THE MAN THAT MAKES MY SISTER SO SAD SHE WRITES SUCH MOVING AND GREIF STRICKEN POEMS... DEATH TO THEM.. was one of them about me? LMAO j/k nice lisa ;[ maybe you can teach me some big words like bile ;.;

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-03-2003, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by Quistis-chan
There's something to be said about the dirt...
Despite being the final resting place of all life...
In a way it's also the beginning...
The best and the worst things go in and come out...
I too in my own way, and in the way of all life,
am a product of the dirt...
it clothes me, it feeds me, it keeps me warm,
but at the same time, I know the dirt is waiting...
It knows the days of my life, and it shall know the end
It knows my every deed and will know all I have done
And in the end, it wins every time...
But when I say I'm lower than the dirt,
I do not mean the dirt that clothes, feeds, or tends to...
I mean the dirt that at its worse makes us cringe and look away...
The dirt that men walkover every day and could care less to think twice of...
Yes, that dirt, that filthiness that is worthless and disgusting to the eye...
And just beneath that, is me.
Lower than the dirt.


Lisa, please, don't let that bastard get to you like this. He simply isn't worth it. And you are far better than that.


There is a lot more that I would like to say, but I can't think of the words to express it the way I want to. At least, not in an uplifting sort of way to try to help you get over this.

...just don't forget about your friends. Those of us who will do whatever we can to help, even if all we can do is be a shoulder to cry on.

03-14-2003, 04:50 AM
Pain seers up my legs
Yet you simply walked on...
blood fell, perhaps not much,
but it wasn't your blood
so you just kept going.

the mud, the gravel, the cement
These were what stopped my fall
no helping hands, no tender care
just the cold, damp and grime.

I fell for you, to save you
but did you deserve to escape?
Apparently not, you didn't stay
you didn't appologize or ask if I was okay.

You simply walked on.
Waited for me to pick myself up.
Waited till I moved out of your way.
Then you kept going.

No kind words, no concern, no care.
And there I was, hurting.
I hope you're proud of yourself...
These cuts and bruises were yours.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-14-2003, 07:42 AM


Well, that's about all I can think of with this one, so many visuals. Great writing, Lisa.

03-14-2003, 10:46 AM
Quistis-chan: Like Odin said it's hard to deal justice to this poem because it's really good. You have obviously been through a lot of pain and I hope you can get through it. Keep on writing QC..

Lord Rahl
03-14-2003, 06:47 PM
that was a really great poem QC. seems a little sad to me though.:erm:

03-19-2003, 09:23 PM
Candy canes and gumdrops...licorice....starbursts...
they all make quite a mess
My sister had gum once---trying to get that out of the carpet was useless.

I mean bubble gum is great and all
but I hate how people leave it under desks and stuff.
I mean, am I the only one who is sick of pulling gum off their shoe or hair and has had enough?

Chocolate is always great.
I think in the end everyone swings that way.
Except for a few people I know who are allergic o_O
I mean, I go on about chocolate and then I learn they're allergic and then it's like... what do you say???

I'm sorry?
Then there are those animal crackers...
Those were great when you're little... you line them all up... like being on a safari.

Anyway, today I'm just eating carrots.
Doctor told me my sugar intake was too high.
I don't know where on earth he got that idea.
but I can tell you one thing, there's no way I won't eat that pie...

So.... gonna share?

Lord Rahl
03-19-2003, 10:06 PM
lovely poem there QC. looks like you had a sweet tooth talking. keep up the good work. you're a natural.

03-20-2003, 05:58 AM
Lisa, I think you're on something other than too much suger O_o One of the stranger pieces I've seen, but good nonetheless

The Dark Lord
03-20-2003, 10:56 PM
Quistis-chan that was an interesting poem. what in your right mind made you think to write that one up? I think Lord Rahl might have a point there. were you on a sugar high and had a enormeous craving for something?

03-21-2003, 08:53 PM
If I were a painter...
My work would show my heart
I could create a masterpiece
With you the central art
But I've no such talent
My brush just could not do
justice on this canvas
for how I feel for you

If I were a sculptor
My inner world could be bare
And that world would be beautiful
because you would be there
But I have no luck with clay
my hands can't replicate
the images in my soul
that show that you are great

But I am just a poet...
My words are all I can say
So I speak them oh so often
Repeating day by day...
I love you, I love you
heart and soul combined
I say it so often
that the meaning has resigned...

I'm sorry for my errors...
I'm sorry my words fail..
To me when I speak them
They are far from stale...
But I know for you to hear
Those words so many times
They're worth grows less and less
Till they are less than dimes...

I wish to tell you
from the bottom of my heart
That I love you a lot
And I'll miss you when we're apart...

The Dark Lord
03-21-2003, 09:17 PM
ohhhh, how sweet! QC write this lovely poem for me! even though I don't think I am the best one for her. but to me, she is the bestest. Thank you lisa for the beautiful poem. I will jot this one down in my lisa poem book.

03-22-2003, 12:25 PM
Good poems QC. The 'sweet tooth' was a bit too insightful (?) for a poem but it made for a interesting read anyway. Yah, keep up the great work..

03-25-2003, 05:01 AM
I remember him...
He was always there, the strong silent figure in the background.
The first to pick up a child; rocking it and speaking to it softly...
I remember that chair he used to sit in, the one that did the rocking.
When I was little, it rocked for me as well.

I remember him...
Always happy to see family come, smiling and welcoming...
Proud of each and every member; of who they were
Acceptance and warmth were all around him
He had lived a good life; had been a good man

I remember him...
he was my grandfather...
I love him, and he loves me...
I remember...
he would call me precious...
a precious grandchild...
I remember...
his love...

The Dark Lord
03-25-2003, 05:05 AM
very beautiful poem Lisa. It is very heartwhelming. and sad. I love you sweetie.

03-25-2003, 07:15 AM
Good poem QC even though it's quite dark, the theme. You have seemed to endure a lot in hardship in your life judging on the topics you write about in your poetry. I just hope you feel better soon because you really deserve it hun..

03-25-2003, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Autumn
Good poem QC even thoigh it's quite morbid.

mor�bid ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m�rbd)

Of, relating to, or caused by disease; pathological or diseased.
Psychologically unhealthy or unwholesome: �He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses� (Edgar Allan Poe).
Characterized by preoccupation with unwholesome thoughts or feelings: read the account of the murder with a morbid interest.
Gruesome; grisly.

How is that poem morbid? It's nostalgic if anything, but certainly not morbid.

Beautiful poem QC.

The Dark Lord
03-25-2003, 08:55 AM
Incase anybody is wondering about that poem. Lisa has lost a loved one and has written that poem for them. in dedication to that person. So even though it may sound depressing to some. The poem has a lot of meaning behind it, especially to lisa. I love you Lisa.:D

03-26-2003, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by Ethereal

How is that poem morbid? It's nostalgic if anything, but certainly not morbid.

Er, true.. I think I got my meaning to the word morbid mixed up with another word (nostalgic, most likely). My bad..

Sorry QC, if I offended you.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-28-2003, 03:03 AM
No surprise at all, there, Autumn. Considering that death is one of the central themes of the poem (the other being how Lisa is reacting to it).


Wonderful poem, Lisa. And a worthy tribute to someone who obviously played a large role in your life.


I'm not too good at offering condolensces or other sentiments, so I'll just end my post here.

04-02-2003, 05:54 AM
They say you can tell a lot about a person by what they collect...
If you looked through what they went out of their way for,
you would see hopes, desires, wishes...dreams
The things that they hold the dearest, the central core....

But what happens when you learn your loved one treasures what you despise the most
How can you look him in the eyes?
How can you go back in time and trust him with your everything
When now all you do is wonder if it was all a disguise...

I couldn't express what I feel now...
this hurt puts words to shame, nothing could compare
Maybe if I said I were confused, shocked, stunned,
in turmoil, anxiety, stress, but most of all despair...

I want to cry more than anything, but the tears won't come
Everything in my world has just been thrown upside down
I don't know what to do... what to think.... what to feel...
All I know is now I'm wearing this frown

And it's just not moving...

Two poems in one night, how special
It always seems the case...
When one crises ends, the other's begun...
I hate this endless cycle...
from problem, fix, to new problem
Is there ever a pause for the weak in heart
to place their legs beneath them once more?
No. Never. It shall not come till dying day...
So wait with me awhile... till the end is nigh...

The Dark Lord
04-03-2003, 12:10 AM
Lisa, I see who this poem is about. and the reason for it. I do not desire these things. I desire a taste for design, art, photography. none of what you have seen is extreame as what could be.
you don't have to look at me anymore. don't be hypocritical about it all. I am so sorry for the pain I have caused you. and the extra pain you cause yourself. I hope someday you will forgive me.
Lisa is the bestest and the highlight of my life. I don't deserve to be trusted. because well, I wasn't mr. Perfect long before she ever met me.
and I collect coins and fantasy things. I go out of my way to help other people. I wood carve, pencil drawing, etc..

04-03-2003, 05:30 AM
Prettiful poem QC even if it has a sad side to it. It's good.. Don't give up on writing now.

04-14-2003, 10:10 PM
Thought I'd be uplifting today ^___^ Inspired by Finals strangely enough o_O which I haven't taken yet.... oh, that and boredom.

This is where life has taken me
To face this one last test
To prove how much I'm worth
To show that I'm the best.

This is where my life has come
No other pains I bare
Then the path of which I've chosen
For I decided not to go there.

But this place where life has brought me
This moment of time I live
Convinces me I have a lot to do
Proves I have much to give.

So when I think of grandeur
Of royal deeds and acts
I know that I'm among them
Because I face these facts.

04-15-2003, 05:22 PM
It's good to see a change in the topic of the poem, QC. As for the poem itself it's very good. Keep it up..

04-16-2003, 06:12 AM
It's so hard to leave and go...
knowing I won't see you each day.
Hard to leave the smiles
or from your tender arms stray...

But homeward I am heading
to care for the family I left behind
And for a few months
You'll be a tender memory in my mind.

I love you sweetheart
You've held me up through rough seas
And even though we both wish
for the very time we live in to freeze

So that we can spend these last few days
in eachothers warm embrace
We'll just have to rely on that memory
that not even time can erase.

Take care and enjoy your life
And no matter what comes be sure
That even if our paths never cross
A part of love will always endure.

~je t'adore, mon ch�r~

The Dark Lord
04-16-2003, 06:17 AM
awwwww.... how sweet. Thanks Lisa. I love you too and I will miss you when you're gone.

04-16-2003, 01:19 PM
I really like the flow in your poems. There are so many variations (LIke the speed or tone of voice) running through my head as I read them, and the rhyming fits so well.

Good stuff. :D

04-17-2003, 02:27 AM
Hm, I think that might be one of my favourite poems of yours QC but I don't exactly know why.. I think it's because even though it's long it still keeps the reader interested without going off track on the topic. Well done QC..

04-28-2003, 01:44 PM
"I just want to go home"
is all I thought through the winter
As tears streamed down my face
and I felt such bitter shame...

"I'll feel better once I'm home"
was my mistaken belief
I had some cockeyed idea
that home would mean relief.

But also during that winter
my family moved away
so if I were to go home
it wouldn't be where I stay.

It would be where others have been
where I have never gone
The weather and the house
are just all wrong...

Change makes me uneasy
so it isn't hard to guess
why even though I've made it home
I still feel like a mess...

I feel like I'm on trial
Like I have failed to live
and I can't recieve the comfort
that these walls they cannot give

"I want to be happy, I want to be happy..."
it is still the same old cry...
but despite all the wailing...
there's just nothing left to try...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
04-29-2003, 01:22 AM
For some reason this poem struck a bit deeper than the rest of your work, Lisa. In the interest of not getting too personal on these forums, however, I will not elaborate.

But I will say this, you are not alone in how you are feeling, Lisa. I've gone through it many times in the past and am in the midst of it yet again.

The only difference being that when I read about you experiencing it there is a sense of injustice about it. As much as you care for others and as often as you lend a caring ear to the problems of others in spite of your own, there is no cause for you to be so saddened.

Anyway, don't give up trying. Things don't stay horrible forever, as long as you try to rise above it.

Know even the most cold-hearted, depressed, and ill-fated member of this human race has their period of happiness. It all lies in what they define as that which is good, and to what degree they expect it in their lives.

And if all else fails, look to that gift I sent you for your birthday.

And smile. Remember, you are never alone, and there is always someone that cares about you.

One more thing, and I know it's cliche, but:

Home is where you make it.

The Dark Lord
05-03-2003, 06:53 PM
very good poem. I love you lisa and I hope things work out at your new home. Make the best of it and make lots of friends there and make it your home instead of your parents home. I love you lots.

06-02-2003, 01:26 AM
It was the hardest thing to do...
to bring this hurt upon you
the hardest things to say..
because my heart wants you to stay
It was the most painful act
but deep down it was a fact
I had no other roads to take...
I'm sorry I was a mistake..
I'm sorry to make you cry...
though I want your arms around me; try
not to give up hope..
that maybe another could help you cope...
I hate to see you sad...
perhaps it'd be better if I'd made you mad
but to cause such pain to you...
just breaks my heart in two...
I know you tried so hard...
I hate myself, to leave you scarred
I know it hurts inside...
I know deep down you cried...
but I'm sorry... I couldn't take another path...
and perhaps, I'd deserve your wrath...
but I hurt myself inside.. knowing I broke your heart...
I hurt myself inside.. that place where you claimed a part
I know I must move on...
but my feelings are not gone...
I feel the pain that's deep within
for all that hurt I put you in...
I'd just like to say I'm sorry...
Oh, how I'd like to see you happy....
oh I'd like to say I'm sorry...
Oh I wish I wish you're happy...
please move on... but still know...
that I do love you so...
I'm sorry, but I need to let you go...
I'm sorry... please..know..

06-02-2003, 03:38 AM
Lisa no be sad ;-;.

Just remember, I'm always here for you, Lisa, if you need someone to push around =/

06-02-2003, 11:04 AM
Good poems Lisa. Very emotional and heartfelt. I know writing poems must help you to feel better so keep at it, I say.

The Dark Lord
06-04-2003, 05:40 PM

08-30-2003, 11:41 PM
The summer birds are flying
To rest in southern spheres
The summer songs are fading
as fall and winter nears
The flowers are all wilting
as leaves fold up and sway
For soon they'll all be leaving
to wither; spent decay
But summer luster lives
restored in every way
by the slightest vision
of your smile in my day

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-31-2003, 12:43 AM

It's nice to have people in your life like that, isn't it?

Oh yeah,



Take care, Lisa.

09-13-2003, 10:27 AM
There is pain beneath the surface.
Tis mine alone to bear...
You may not actually see it...
but trust me, it is there.

My health is always failing,
my labored breath runs dry
Perhaps soon it will stop
and my body give and die.

Or maybe its my spirit
saddened with dismay
knowing that with each morning
I have another lonely day.

So come to me oh shadows
Hide me from within
For once I've come to get me
all is gone that has been.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-13-2003, 07:46 PM
*huggles Lisa*

Very well written, Lisa... but a bit depressing...

09-16-2003, 03:45 AM
There once was a flower that didn't know how to bloom.
It tried to reach for nutrients but other's wouldn't give it room.
It tried to spread its roots out within the gentle ground,
But it couldn't move an inch while the others were around.
What made matters worse and was cause for much grief,
There were tiny crawlies chewing on each leaf.
The flower gave to mourning; sinking to decay.
It didn't want to wither but it had no strength to stay.
Then there came the Sun; driving the flower on.
Restoring all the energy of life that had been wan.
The flower pushed its roots further down in Sacred soil,
Knowing that the trek for down no other plant could spoil.
Then next the stem, now fully charged, began to truly grow.
Keeping straight; firm and fast, despite how the wind did blow,
And it shook its leaves within the breeze to escape the feasting mites.
And it grew and healed and soon restored those leaves missing bites.
And when that flower, whole and pure, had topped the trees above,
It oppened its petals and bloomed once and for all within the Sun's dear love.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-16-2003, 05:32 PM
*claps hands*

Very good, Lisa. I like this one, the imagery brings to mind many topics which I am reading about elsewhere.

I'll leave analyzing of the poem to everyone else that might read it, however, as they might see things in it that I do not see.

Do you have some more of this type of poetry?

09-24-2003, 01:47 AM
In my english class today I decided to experiment with rhyme patterns a little, these 3 poems are the result.

They are love poems and I've titled them with the understanding of that is what it is :P.

I remember being happy in your love.
A time I can not forget, nor see once more.
You were my comfort and gentle companion.
A gentleman of earth, sea, sky and beyond.
The days were many but few to feel,
Blinded in our love; blazing brilliance abounding.
So magical and wonderful, I yearn for you once more,
To bring back the fires of a world surreal yet sound.
And through this life we'll race,
Unknowing of the time...

I love my sweet forever,
Whom softly keeps me by
With songs of blessed tomorrow,
Till beyond the day I die.
Love encompasses my morrow,
Caressing my aching breast,
Berefting me of ill-placed worry,
That harrows my heavy burdened chest.
Sweetest heart do not forsake me,
But remain beyond the shadows.
And let us forget of winter nights--
Long gone in joyous tomorrows.

You seek to take my hand
With care and kind rephrain.
Restraint to tame the black disdain,
And in perfection stand.

But I know better now,
I've seen your misshapen heart.
A canker, I wish of no part;
No more my heart you plow.

Cruel spawn.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-24-2003, 01:53 AM
Excellent writing, Lisa.

...and that's about all I can think of to say...

Just... breathtaking...

09-30-2003, 06:33 AM

There's a calm...
so profound it seems empty..
so unnatural to the subsequent turmoil;
My life had been driven.

And yet...
As I look around
there's just nobody there
Not even shadows in the chasm

Cavern, cave
Pit, gorge, vacuum
The void that waits the day of freedom
the day we stop to ponder...

What now?
To what have I led
steered by oceans not of my design
landing in vacant waters

It is over, it is beyond...
but something remains amiss...

10-01-2003, 12:03 AM
It all began...
And then the titans fell...
For who could survive Zeus' mighty onslaught
To procure the ends of an existance without meaning.

Yet, I survive.
Yet, I remember once more.
For though I'm not lord Cronus' brood,
and know not sweet ambrosia,
I remember Aphrodite.

She carried me when Trojan walls they fell,
through the cursed lot of the Kings of Thebes,
She swore to me strength on the River Styx,
and protected me 'neath the Aegis shield...

Oh I remember Aphrodite.
She brought me what no other could-
a love like no other neither immortal nor of men
Could compare with what you've given me....

~Desole, mon coeur...~

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-01-2003, 01:12 AM
It's funny, really, I recognize the greek myth references more readily than I do most norse mythos references. Guess that's all thanks to the public school system we have here (sic).

Anyway, great stuff, Lisa.

lol, I'm kinda running out of creative ways to say "I like it!".


The Dark Lord
10-08-2003, 08:26 PM
would I be considered the cruel spawn? Very lovely poems lisa. keep up the good work.

10-14-2003, 11:29 PM
The air is thin...
Or perhaps... only teasing.
My breaths, though deep, struggle to catch its play.

My heart pounds...
Eager to possess the invisible dancers,
To subject them to the river of roses which seeks to blind my vision and pull me ever swiftly to sweet earth's embrace.

And Oh... how my insides tremble...
Begging freedom from restraint.
Vibrant tides desiring no supplication to will, but to the bearer hold service everafter;
The Musictian fueling fanciful feet...
upon the simple breeze.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-15-2003, 01:55 AM
Excellent work!

Heh, again, I'm running out of things to say.

The Dark Lord
10-16-2003, 04:00 AM
Very profound and thoughtful poems lisa. anywho, would you know what is wrong with my siggie? it doesn't seem to be working.

10-16-2003, 06:21 PM
I just spent an hour reading through all the pages in this thread and the only thing i can really think to say is... Wow... that is talent. Great works Quistis-chan, very thought provoking, emotional, and haunting lyrics.

11-21-2003, 10:13 PM
I am falling- I am drifting,
Drowning in my pool of tears.
I am shaking- I am quaking,
Subject to my world of fears.
While my Savior keeps awaiting,
Holding for me Heavenlier spheres.
I am crying- not quite trying,
To escape my field of spears.

Thus, the time it keeps its turning,
And my heart- direction steers.
For through time I have been learning,
When I reach, my Savior nears.
I can put off all the sighing,
To replace with shouts and cheers.
For I know as I keep spiritually growing,
My Father in Heaven, my prayers He hears.

12-12-2003, 03:52 PM
Your talent taunts me
Change your avatar dangit, it looks like there's a cheeto up your nose.

The Dark Lord
12-13-2003, 03:07 AM
good job lisa. keep up the good work.

12-31-2003, 12:56 AM

Try some sonnets or such. Petrarchian seem to work better for what you do...but I think you could mold a Shakesperian sonnet quite proficently.

12-31-2003, 03:31 PM
hey, nice work... Keep it up =)

01-07-2004, 02:41 AM
You lick yourself, so pompously
To profane my heated bed
Oh I wish I had a blunt object
to aim for your swollen head.

Oh the hair you callously toss
as your chin rises in the air
how you taunt me with my blankets
... it just isn't fair

sprawled out beside my pillows
self-worshipping and adored
I'll show you a HIgh-NEss
you over-bloated Lord




OW! YOu Bit me you stupid cat!!!!!!

01-07-2004, 03:01 AM
That was very strange... although the first two lines were pretty hot.

01-07-2004, 06:22 PM
He!! thats was REALLY :eek:

It was nice, but realy strange :)


Never mind.......

01-08-2004, 02:33 AM
I was in a very weird mood when I wrote that last one o_O I looked over at my roommate and asked what to write about in a poem and she came up with the same thing I was thinking----her cat, which just so happened to be sitting on my bed at the time o_O... Go Bio's.

01-08-2004, 06:44 AM
Good job QC. I really liked the one about your cat. Keep it up. Very funny!

...Except that I'm not stupid! :mad:

-Your Pet Kitty =<^_^>=

01-08-2004, 08:04 PM
It wasn't a battle, but a slaughter...
I was foolish to care for you, worse still for loving you...
She was family and you were mine,
but that didn't keep your lips from roaming.
Wounds upon wounds; pain upon pain.

It's been ages since I ended things.
Time has come and gone-- as too the memories,
But the wounds never fully heal.
I keep scars of a life I wish to flee.
Scars of a love I regret feeling.
My trust shattered in all places I once thought home.

And now the weeping slackens and the memory dims,
Time continues, but my heart, all scarred...
Shall always remember the slaughter...

The Dark Lord
01-09-2004, 03:21 PM
funny poem about the cat QC. nice poems.

01-18-2004, 05:39 AM
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'd buy you some sweets
if I didn't hate you

Your eyes are so big
and bright with your love
thinking of happiness
and a white turtle dove
so here, let me give you your napkin
and here is your bag
now get out of my sight
You contemptable hag

Invest in a mirror, or how about two
Cus I'm sure the first will break after looking at you.

How much do I love you?
Oh let me count the ways
You make life hell unending
without vacation days

I think that's enough o_o...huh...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
01-18-2004, 09:02 AM
lol, Lisa.

How 'bout one for those of us who aren't "love haters"?

01-21-2004, 06:09 PM
why all that hate? ..... be calm, .... calm........
practice some yoga..... or something like that.........
wath you need is a little of dream theater (for this situation i recomend erotomania or space dye vest) or Van Halen works too (dance the nigth away or panama, or even better Humans being)

01-21-2004, 10:28 PM
Go Lisa's Anti-Valentines Day Poetry!!! Just what we who never get anything good on Valentines Day need. Great way to spite a holiday.

01-27-2004, 01:09 AM
Love the cat one. Spread a little humor in the dark dank abyss that is becoming the youth poetry movment. Write something happy sometimes, even if you have to lie or make up the life you write from.

02-02-2004, 10:46 AM
other than love poetry.


Nobody sees.. how it feels.. when the meaning has all gone...
How do you fight the tide... when it overcomes your mind and brawn...
It's sad to say goodbye when the past demands you stay...
But in the end after all the fighting, there is no other way...
I've been locked up in the battles.. branded with irons red
To the point where all feeling seers until it's dead...
So now it's time to leave what once had been my home...
For as the feelings gone, so too my heart does roam...

02-02-2004, 11:15 AM
*Salutes* And so an age ends. The exodus has begun.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-02-2004, 04:10 PM

02-02-2004, 04:23 PM
i have removed my comment

02-02-2004, 04:46 PM
denny: uh, this is reserved for commenting on Lisa's poetry. try to not do that in the future.


02-03-2004, 02:26 AM
Amazing stuffs Lisa, as always, you know I admire your work sis.

Sad to see yet another go, though. ;__;

02-12-2004, 12:49 PM
lol... that was nice (the last one)...
i really like that one... and the one about the cat.... that was nice....... funny....

well... bye...

The Dark Lord
05-05-2004, 12:00 AM
very good poems lisa. a lot of thought into those. some are sad and some are funny. you shall be missed among many.