jewess crabcake
06-17-2006, 08:12 PM
Today the WB launched an attempt of an american anime today I would like to know your views on it if it was seen. Me I think it was a good storyline but bad display of media maybe a game or movie would be better suited.

06-18-2006, 07:55 AM
looks more like anime than the stupid avatar shit i've been seeing previews of. thoudh the dvd's of avatar have awesome cover art. makes me think there's a more cooler story in it then i first imagined. if only they didn't try to be so fucking stupid with the comic relieve (big eyes, sweatdrops) type of thing, it woudln't look so corny or like they tried to hard.

regarding spider riders. after seeing the intro, it reminded me A LOT, of the gatchaman or voltron intro i think. where the narrator is like "blah blah blah, wordl, when its in danger, we have the [insert team of heroes here]" followed by the intro song and stuff. a lot of times, when i try to put myself in the place of producers and stuff, as much as it might seem like they do their research, they do emulate many key elements and even cliche stuff from here and there, but i always think that aside from trying to be more appealing and get more viewers, its also as if they're trying to make fun of it. like their thinking

producer: "hey, japanimation is like popular now, we gotta incorporate some of that stuff"

some guy being sarcastic: "oh you mean like voltron, defenders of the universe! pfftt lol"

producer: "hehe, yah, its funny, we should parody that and use it at the same time!"

some guy "genious! lets also copy all those sweat drop bloody nose gags too for no reason"

i don't know. they always bother me. which is probably why your asking the baord what we think. and why many threads in the past regarding teen titans, and totally spies, and who knows what else. sure it bothers me too. but then when you think too much on it, you get to a point where its like, anime is just animation. the simpsons is anime. or you can get technical and be like anything made in japan is anime, if its made in france or china its not.

depends on what you WANT anime to stand for. either generalize it and take it as it is...animation

or set it apart, and apply a whole set of rules and conditions for any aniamted work to qualify as anime. (origin, style, animators,)

meh. from my point of view, to try to keep myself from hating copy cats, and wannabes, i just try to, let it all go. and not worry about it. i've ranted about other shows in the past. and i'm tired of it. if a show sucks and you can't stand it, don't watch it. if its good, watch it. simple as that.

06-19-2006, 11:24 PM
As if Totally Spies hasn't been imitating Anime for the past couple years.

06-20-2006, 12:15 AM
at least it doesn't piss the fuck out of me like Teen Titans.

06-20-2006, 02:31 AM
But that's a different issue altogether.

06-20-2006, 03:18 AM
Tact, that was bullshit. Anime is a special term created specifically for shows originating in Japan as defined by the dictionary, so it doesn't mean "animation" in general. Avatar is not an anime since it was created and directed by Americans.

Spider Riders was bullshit also. I noticed a lot of cheap animation like in Speed Racer, and the actual show either doesn't come in HD or was purposefully left blurry to make it look better. The story, at least to me, didn't make much sense, and the scripting for the main character's spider wasn't good at all. I watched some of it, then just turned back to TMNT.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-20-2006, 12:16 PM
at least it doesn't piss the fuck out of me like Teen Titans.

Which season? The actual quality of the show in terms of how much/little of the "animu" bullshit they had in the episodes varies depending on which one you watched.

I think Season 4 was the best out of the bunch, honestly (the one that ended with the whole Trigon arc). Though this last season before they cancelled it was decent, with the whole Brotherhood of Evil and every-single-kid-hero-in-existence battle in the last episode.

It's not epic or anything, but it's not supposed to be. Still beats the shit out of Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto for entertainment value, though (mainly because something will actually happen in a Teen Titans episode, instead of everyone standing around talking for thirty minutes).

06-20-2006, 09:45 PM
pfft. like i know which season i watched. i hated it too much to even watch 10 episodes. i've seen like 4 or 5 random eps. the one where bb likes that one girl. the one where the alien girl is drinking mustard. (rofl) and who knows what the fuck else.

totally spies was more fun to watch. prolly cause i like watcing girls be girls or something. (animated girls turn me on) :D

and teknoblade. thanks. that's the way i like to think of it. but from what i heard, Japanese people call ANYTHING animated "anime". because that's THEIR word for ANIMATION. like how spanish peeps might call anything animated an "caricatura". so if anyone cares to, you can use that. since we are niether japanese or in that country, anime should/must mean JAPANESE ANIMATION for the rest of us.

and dude. all i saw from spider riders before giving my input was the fucking opening. i thought i said it. if the show is worse than the opening, then excuse me. lol

02-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Hmm. Spider Riders made a return a couple of weeks, but will they finish what they started?

jewess crabcake
02-01-2007, 07:46 PM
Thank you for that vague, effortless, post, and revivng a topic with no contribution whatsoever.