02-24-2002, 06:06 AM
This game looks sweet! Anything made by Rockstar I know has to be good and this one look cool. I dont know to much about it but my bro say it just like GTA 3 expect you just dont use cars but hopefully some of you guys can tell me about this game and when is it coming out???

Hope you like this Screenshot

02-24-2002, 06:29 AM
uhh...its already out and the game is can like chop someone's arm off and beat him with it....i dont have but ive played it

02-24-2002, 06:37 AM
Cool I make sure to get it then but what is the game play is it like a buch of roits or is it where you go around shooting ppl and then get chased by cops?

02-24-2002, 07:37 AM
Rockstar really makes me sick. GTA3 was just one game, but they're starting to set a really disturbing trend. Why is it that they insist on putting acts of serious violence in all of their games? I mean, I really don't have a problem with blood, FPS-style. But when people are going "This game is awesome, you can rip someone's arm off and beat them with it" that is REALLY sad. Honestly, what is so cool about ripping someone's arm off? Do you really need to do that? Is it really a good thing that you think it's so cool?

I'm not going off on some "Video games cause our youth to perform violent acts!" rant, because I think that's all a crock of donkey doo. I just find it disturbing that we live in a culture where someone can make a video game that simulates performing brutally violent acts on human beings and have people raving about how incredibly cool it is because of that - not because the gameplay is great, not because it has an incredible storyline, but because you can murder people in horrific ways. I can't wait until Rockstar releases their next game, which will no doubt be "Baby Rapist XTREME" and have people raving on message boards about how cool it is that you can pretend to be a pervert in it.

If you still don't buy it, just ask yourself what State of Emergency's main selling point is. Is it that you can have fun manipulating onscreen objects in ways that require skill, concentration, and thought? Or is it the fact that it lets you simulate extreme violence? With most games that are labeled as violent, the answer is that they are just fun to play. With State of Emergency, I honestly don't think that's the case, and if you think it is, I think you need to seriously re-analyze the situation.

(btw, I'm in no way saying "People who play SoE are sick freaks who should burn in hell!" I'm just throwing into question why exactly everyone wants to play this game so much - afterall, the beat-em-up genre is not exactly the hot one right now, is it?)

02-24-2002, 08:05 AM
The game is almost like Kessen 2(Many ppl on the field).

I like it, it can refresh my mind.:o

02-24-2002, 10:59 AM
It seem too blocky for me. The characters and building seem to look like they belong in an older console. I've heard that the control system is very bad too. Stick with GTA my friend :)