matt damon
06-16-2006, 10:23 PM
which do you think is better? i personally prefer, and think that, Perfect Dark is better. true, the story sorta gets a bit wacky towards the end, but the gameplay is so much fun. the guns are so much better with their secondary modes and all the different options you have like the combat simulator and all the other things make it so fun. true that PD did sort of expand upon GE, i still think PD is better.

what about you?

hb smokey
06-16-2006, 11:03 PM
I think that the gameplay and multi-player in Perfect Dark was considerably better. Sure the storyline was fun for a little while, but just got to the point where I was playing it only to see if the ending was worth watching. There was so much customization that you could do with multi-player that I played it for hours upon hours. It also includes one of my favorite weapons in any game, the Farsight XR-20.

Swedish Fish
06-16-2006, 11:13 PM
I prefer Perfect Dark by a pretty large margin. In Goldeneye, I can only play the missions because of the shitty multiplayer, but in Perfect Dark I derive extreme pleasure from both multiplayer and mission mode. Although Goldeneye had a slightly better single player, the whole restrictions with multiplayer really did it a disservice.

In terms of story I have to go for Perfect Dark. By the time I played Goldeneye I had already seen the movie at least a dozen times. Perfect Dark was fresh and interesting, whereas Goldeneye was cut and dry if you had seen the movie. And in terms of final battles, Perfect Dark easily comes out on top. Not that the Skedar king was overly difficult, but it was definately different. Trevelyan really got annoying though.

Gameplay was about equal in both of them, but Perfect Dark stands way in front of the competition because of the weapon selection. It had such a vast array of guns. Not to say that Goldeneye didn't have a large selection, but the guns were and the same sort, black/gray/brown, cold war era, bullet poppers. Perfect Dark had Skedar weapons, Maian weapons, and human weapons, and most of them looked pretty damn snazzy. My favorite would have to be the RCP-120. I loved cloaking myself and hitting a friend right in the back.

And unlike Goldeneye there were a bunch of different modes for muiltiplayer. I particuraly like the counter-operative missions.

matt damon
06-16-2006, 11:25 PM
In terms of story I have to go for Perfect Dark. By the time I played Goldeneye I had already seen the movie at least a dozen times. Perfect Dark was fresh and interesting, whereas Goldeneye was cut and dry if you had seen the movie. And in terms of final battles, Perfect Dark easily comes out on top. Not that the Skedar king was overly difficult, but it was definately different. Trevelyan really got annoying though.
are you kidding me? the skedar king was incredibly hard. you were so far away from him and then they were all those tons of skedar that kept on rushing at you

Gameplay was about equal in both of them, but Perfect Dark stands way in front of the competition because of the weapon selection. It had such a vast array of guns. Not to say that Goldeneye didn't have a large selection, but the guns were and the same sort, black/gray/brown, cold war era, bullet poppers. Perfect Dark had Skedar weapons, Maian weapons, and human weapons, and most of them looked pretty damn snazzy. My favorite would have to be the RCP-120. I loved cloaking myself and hitting a friend right in the back.
seriosuly. the guns in PD were so good. i think my favorite gun had to be the Mauler. so good. there were also tons of other good ones, such as the Phoenix, Callisto NTG, Farsight XR-20 (the ultimate sniper rifle), K7 Avenger, Super Dragon, AR 34, and who can forget the DY357 Magnum LX

and the combat simulator was amazing. it was so fuun to do the challenges given or to customize it all yourself and add simulants and teams and weapons and levels......omg, the game is awesome

Swedish Fish
06-17-2006, 12:04 AM
are you kidding me? the skedar king was incredibly hard. you were so far away from him and then they were all those tons of skedar that kept on rushing at you

I kid you not. Just get out the Callisto on secondary mode, hit him a bunch until he falls, get out the phoenix on explosive shots and shoot the thing above him. Took me two tries to figure out when he falls, and where exactly the thing that kills him is. If he rushes you just pump the plama into his sorry ass. When the subordinates come, three Callisto bullets (on secondary mode of course) will bring one of them down. And if he uses the dreaded Ultimate-Double-Slayer just either try to shoot them, or if that fails, get to one side and have them follow you until they explode. After making him fall over just two or three times you should be able to finish the job.

06-17-2006, 02:08 AM
ive never played goldeneye but Perfect dark is the only n64 game i have.

so i can't really say, but it's fair to assume perfect dark would be better given that Rare took goldeneye and would have tryed to improve on it (and it took 3 years to do so)

It's a shame now that timesplitters 2 is so damn smooth because it makes playing felicity with 8 bots insane (framerates less than 5 per second)

06-17-2006, 11:08 PM
After playing smooth framerated games for so long, it was hard to go back to Perfect Dark in November of 2004 when I did. But boy was it worth it. It didn't take long to get back into it. I always thought that Special Agent and Perfect Agent were impossible. Then I got back into the game ane beat it on Special Agent (before I had only gotten to the third mission before I gave up on Special Agent). I kinda skipped around on Perfect Agent, but eventually I beat all of them up to the Attack Ship level. That level is so hard on Perfect Agent. That took me like eight months to beat, which pretty much led me to the end of 2005. Then I finally beat that and the last level and beat Perfect Agent.

Okay, enough rambling. My experience is only positive with Perfect Dark, and there's very few games I can say that about. There's a lot of reasons this is better than Goldeneye.
1. Better multiplayer modes
2. Sweet weapons
3. Better, high-res graphics; they still look pretty good today
4. Tons of voice acting, and it's not half bad
5. Dolby Surround sound, still one of the best Surround sound games out there, in my opinion.
6. More control options, such as Dual Control Stick;though I never got into that, it's the thought that counts.
7. Counter-Operative mode
8. Sheer replay
9. Impressive AI
10. Up to 8 bots, and plenty of types

hmmm...can't think of any other major reasons. I would say better single-player missions, but I never got into those on Goldeneye-I played Goldeneye because of multiplayer mostly. So it would be biased to say PD is better in that aspect, but as you can see from my rambling, I love the sinlge-player missions. And with bots, you can play forever by yourself. Plus, the 30 challenges are really cool. And then there's the Carrington Institute with the training and firing range...

Bottom line is that I could go on and on. I would definitely pick Perfect Dark over Goldeneye.

Cloud On A Stick
06-19-2006, 01:08 AM
i think the story line or golden eye is way better but the multiplayer is what i prefer so my vote goes 2wards perfect dark

06-20-2006, 07:03 PM
Dudes, you guys post on a message board, I'm just saying you obviously don't have many friends that do multiplayer games with you.

Goldeneye is definitely better.