Memento Mori
06-16-2006, 05:26 PM
I know you're out there somewhere. Let's chat about it!

06-18-2006, 12:57 AM
no-one lol i wonder why :P

06-19-2006, 08:55 PM
I haven't played it yet I first read xenosaga lol but what is it about

Memento Mori
06-20-2006, 07:14 PM
I actually do wonder why. No game on earth has a better storyline... I admit I would have loved to see more gameplay and less narrative on disc 2, but nonetheless, great game...

06-22-2006, 12:02 PM
i am currently nearing the end of disk 1, i was told that disk 2 had like 3 hours straight of narritive. if that is so then i better order pizza before i get too disk 2.
the story so far is pretty dam good, would anyone say that it wagers up to either FF VI or IX.

06-23-2006, 01:52 AM
I just got my copy yesterday. My PS1 is PAL and isn't chipped, so I have to put up with crappy emulation for the time being.

06-23-2006, 08:39 AM
What Emualtor are you using. i am quite sure that with a good enough PC you should be able to get 60FPS (with sound).

But man My ps1 is pal (chipped) and i must say NTSC kicks ass. there are no black line on the top and bottom of the screen. good luck

Memento Mori
06-23-2006, 05:37 PM
If anyone needs any help let me know... I would be the self-proclaimed guru.

J. Peterman
06-23-2006, 05:47 PM
this game man beat it years ago when it first came out you guys are all late man xenosaga sucks though

Memento Mori
06-23-2006, 06:08 PM
lol, i beat it back in '01. and about 14 times since, LOL...

06-23-2006, 07:43 PM
I beat the game twice back in 1999. I would probably say that this would be one of the most better RPG games back in the PSX era imo. I wasnt even bother with the narrative part on disc2 cause I was actaully feeling the story.

I did remember beating a giant robot or sth using only Fei's Koho Technique.
And Damn Rico looks exactly like Blanka! ! ! To bad we wont be playing any sequels :( (fucking Xenosaga!).

Memento Mori
06-23-2006, 07:46 PM
yeah, Xenosaga ended up being its own thing, which disappointed me greatly...

XS is still a good game though, IMO, just nowhere near the awesomeness of Xenogears.

06-23-2006, 08:11 PM
I could see it from your username :)

06-24-2006, 06:42 AM
What Emualtor are you using. i am quite sure that with a good enough PC you should be able to get 60FPS (with sound).

I'm using epsxe, with Whatsisface's openGL v2 plugin. The gameplay's smooth, but I can't get the damn thing to run FMVs at full speed, so pretty much any game shits me too much to get through the intro.

06-24-2006, 09:53 AM
hey you should use the psx 1.5 emualtor. i just asked a friend (hacker) and he said that was the best.

But it all depends on what PC you have.

06-28-2006, 09:16 AM
Xenogears was awesome. Loved ot on the PS1. Was my second fav RPG on it (next to FFtac). Indeed dit Rico look like Blanka... Great story. Amazing, epic and well written. I did find the game quite hard at times. Especially some bossfights.

08-01-2006, 09:07 AM
in response to the topic.....yeah, sorry i didnt notice this before , but i am one.

finished it 2 times, from the 1st time it camed out, then after that time 4 years later to.

08-01-2006, 07:01 PM
Xenogears has, without a doubt, THE greatest storyling in RPG History. If you haven't played it, I STRONGLY suggest you find yourself a copy. The graphics and gameplay aren't the greatest out there, but push yourself forward and you'll experience a magic unlike any you've seen before.

And the reason for the long narrative part at the beginning of Disc 2, if anyone was wondering, is that Xenogear's budget was cut, thus, resulting in a less-than worthy intro to Disc 2. Personally, I didn't find it too bad. It could have been better, but I enjoyed it.

12-01-2006, 07:35 AM
lol, i beat it back in '01. and about 14 times since, LOL...

lol yea this is my fav rpg, I usually don't replay rpgs but I've made an exception for this one more than a few times.

...and a Krelian fan huh? I thought he was an excellent character as he was probably the most intelligent villain ever created with knowledge in molecular engineering as well as running a highly advanced country...

12-01-2006, 09:30 AM
Um, yeah. Necroposting like this is generally frowned upon here at FFS. Just so you know.

12-01-2006, 09:49 AM
Episode 2 butchered the series.

12-01-2006, 11:33 AM
Um, yeah. Necroposting like this is generally frowned upon here at FFS. Just so you know.
I'm almost certain that Sarah has stated in the past that Necro-posting is ok if what the person posts is on topic.

Also, I'm a big fan of the story in Xenogears, but generally consider it to be a rather unfinished mess of a game in most other aspects. I found Xenosaga Episode I to be considerably better than Xenogears, even if the story was weaker.

12-01-2006, 02:45 PM
Actually, Sarah said that necro-posting is okay if it adds something significant to the thread that is actually worth reading. If it's nothing more than a mindless "oh yeah I like it" post like that one, it shouldn't be made.

On topic, I really cannot stand any of the Xeno games right now. Random battles and turn-based systems annoy the crap out of me since they're totally unnecessary these days and have been for years.

12-01-2006, 06:48 PM
Um, yeah. Necroposting like this is generally frowned upon here at FFS. Just so you know.

Ok...but I have no clue what the fuck a necropost is. Last night was my first time in these forums.

Memento Mori
12-01-2006, 09:44 PM
Necro-posting means taking a dead thread and revitalizing it just for the sake of revitalizing it, without having added anything new to the thread itself.

On topic, I agree about Krelian's character wholeheartedly. I also found him to be a sort of a tragic-hero as well, which is very unusual for shit like this...

12-02-2006, 03:26 AM
*offtopic*Meh, seeing as the damage has been done already, why not?

Yes, I have played Xenogears - and loved it. For its time, it was a bit more innovative than most RPGs, had the best RPG music, and had a deep and compelling storyline. Oh, and of course, I can't forget about the lovely cutscenes!

Xenosaga, however, I have not, and with the announcement being that the company making it is actually going to stop short of catching up to Xenogears, I probably won't.

12-02-2006, 06:57 AM
Episodes I-III of Xenosaga are not a prequel to Xenogears. That's one of the most common misconceptions surrounding the series.

J. Peterman
12-02-2006, 11:42 AM
billy had healing spells so i used him

citan man those swords he hyuga or something man oh my power up

that rico no hits acc. so poor

chu chu whatever don't give me that

i no like big big big gear that sucks at everything else


allinall good times

12-13-2006, 12:35 AM
Shit I loved Xenogears and it is my all time favoritte Game, I think Iplayed and beat it some where around 4 times, and thats only because I don;t own it (have never found it ne where other than Ebay) I do own the Stat guide, never had a chance to use it though, bout it years after the last time I played Xenogears.

12-13-2006, 02:23 AM
theres one xenogears thats been out in the u.k for some time not sure which one it is though what are these games like in comparison to some of the other rpgs out was thinking of buying it

12-13-2006, 03:02 AM
Xenogears is really like no other RPG, but every bit like Final Fantasy. It has the basic Platform RPG concept, and has a battle system similar to FF VIII. Only instead of GFs you have Fully modifiable and upgradable Gears, and there special combos are alot more extensive. It is a fairly complex game with all the modifiers for your gears and chars. Not to mention the Specials and other shit. Just buy it and play it, I assure you you will be pleased. Make sure its "Xenogears" you buy. I am having a hard time finding it ne where other than Ebay. Not to many people have it or have even played it. Its kinda like on of those looked over RPGs that is blanketed by the FF series, but trust me it, in my opinion, is better than ne of the Final Fantasies.

12-13-2006, 03:13 AM
Xenogears is king. I havent played it in a couple years though.

02-27-2007, 12:04 AM
Number one Xenogears advocate right here! I absolutely love and cherish this game so I am going to post something I wrote last night here since it may be more fitting:

The Final Fantasy series was amazing to me. The Final Fantasy series captured my heart for years of my childhood and formed loyaties within me so stong I thought my favoratism would forever be unbreakable. How could it not? The game series had grown as I had and I'd been an encaptured witness to each one. But at about 15 years old, the day came where my developed awareness of the world around me and all the important and prodominant issues concerning it would make room for a more worthy stimulant as far as gaming was concerned. Don't get me wrong, each installment of the Final Fantasy Series was unique and most posessed a special quality that I cherish and will forever love but Xenogears, (Gears, not Saga,)was personally a welcome and much needed new experience that would effect me in ways I never ever thought A VIDEO GAME was capable of. Every aspect of it tapped into the depth of my dormant psyche waking within it a more active cycle of thought. Perhaps more important than this, it delved suprisingly deep into the depths of my emotion. An area of myself not easily breached from such outside sources. The following insight, theory, and reasoning for why Xenogears is the single most ingenious game in my eyes is devided into topics. Story, Characters -Sub Category:Villians-, Music, and Battle System. Though much more can be touched upon, these topics reign the most recognized in my mind. So let's get started.

First and foremost is that of the story of Xenogears and any loyal fan will agree. Without ruining a single detail of it's mastery I will explain. Never before have I played a video game that touched upon so very many issues the real word we live in today faces. The difference in levels of society, A hierarchy of chosen few who choose to manipulate each of these societies through fear and deciept, how through such action confusion and betrayal is unavoidable, religeous conflict and dominance, the mess of politics, the labarynth of the human mind and how easily twisted it becomes as well as special pschological problems that can develope within it, and so much more. The pace was mostly smooth, each chapter blending into the next without the blink of an eye. Never again do I expect to be graced with a story so powerful and relevant within an RPG.

Without great characters, a promising story might as well be an empty shell with no substance to command attention and form it's entirety, and the characters of Xenogears are no exeption to this rule. They are the heart and soul of the story and stand as beacons of the genious of the game. They were all real on some level, posessing personal history and path incredibly shocking but also emotions that seem almost tangible they are so easy to relate to. The bond between each really brings to light the backbone of friendship and trust and how both of these can sometimes be compromised for the ideal of something greater. Empathy between player and characters is undeniable and I myself hope it to be fateful. The "villians" of Xenogears are indeed included in this description which deems them even more interesting in their entirety. Save for one "villian" that I know of, an in depth past accompanies each making thier downfall into corruption understandable and therefore questioning how evil they actually are. Though their acts are undeniably terrible, their motive and drive must be taken into account. Such quality makes for great characters. (Sephiroth for instance). I, for one, will not easily forget what each character had to offer and the ones that opened my eyes to things I had not thought about before will always have aplace in my heart.

Ah yes, Xenogears OST. Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. Yes, the same who wrote for Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and Xenosaga. Of course all of his works are amazing. I owe much of my sanity to this man and much of it is in debt to the XG OST. The story, characters, and music should all work hand in hand and this game is a prime example of the fact for as stunning, epic, and emotionally stimulating as the rest of the game is, the scores match it forming to it appropriately. Yasunori Mitsuda has never let me down for even without playing the games first one can simply derive the emotional context of it through his masterwork. Xenogears was the best example of this though I might be being slightly biased. ;) Simply breathtaking.

For the day and age the game was created, the battle system was quite unique. Not only being able to engage in combat on foot, but in large mechanically manipulated machines called "Gears"? Awesome! The combo idea though slightly repetative by today's standards was exiting back in the day! Up until that point battle within an RPG had been slightly generic give or take a few exeptions here and there but Xenogears nailed it once again with battle system. Some might compare it so Evangelion but don't ask me to specify and comment. I never watched Evangelion so I have no say in the matter.

As far as Xenosaga goes, I believe that if one wants to take the time to watch such a movie like game focusing much of it's time upon the cinematics then it could possibly provide a good storyline. I wouldn't know because after playing about a week or so worth of XSII granting it the benifit of the doubt after the XS, I actively refused to play it. So frustratating how you play for about 2 minutes at a damn time and then BOOM another feature length film interruption. Also, I think a lot can be said for accomplishing creating a story so epic and moving within ONE video game. I've lost interest, and espessially the time to keep up with a story that is going to span over so many years. The Final Fantasy Series tactic worked well concerning this topic as each game continaed a whole new storyline and characters. Back to Xenogears though, the second disk didn't bother me. They worked around budget cuts quite nicely if you ask me.

I must add the following. Xenogears was brilliant. Each aspect is worthy of some sort of praise in my opinion though I realize that everyone has a right to their own even if by chance, it differs from my own. I just speak from a personal standpoint when I state that the game changed so much inside of me that words may not even be able to express. Please forgive the passion that spurred such a burst of lengthiness but the topic was such a temptation I could not help myself. :P

Otaku Ichise
04-07-2007, 07:16 PM
Im a fan of xenogears but not xenosaga for sure.

04-07-2007, 07:25 PM
I'm a fan of Xenogears and Xenosaga for sure.

Xenogears is my favorite game, if I can't enter a vote for VIII (I'm a horribly biased fanboy, as you know). Despite all its flaws, I still somehow find myself loving Xenosaga. I even prefer Ep. II over Ep. I. I haven't played Ep. III yet, I guess I'm prolonging the inevitable. I can't wait to, though.

Otaku Ichise
04-07-2007, 09:45 PM
Theres also Parasite Eve 1 who deserves lot aplauds for its amazing intro of the opera ;)

04-07-2007, 10:21 PM
Burning audience members FTW!!

05-07-2007, 09:41 AM
It's the best of the best!

The story is very complex and clever.IMO it's the best story I've ever seen even compare to any novel,manga,movies.It's ashame that it's been cut budget that they couldn't manage to complete the real story.

The gameplay is very innovative in it's time.
The music is the best thing ever created in VGM world.:D

06-16-2007, 01:38 PM
really the square no make good games more they want sold the games

06-17-2007, 08:57 AM

I played Xenogears when it first came out. It was real cool and all. I enjoyed it and then my game got erased halfway through. This is a really long game. I gave up on it then. And I really didn't understand much of wtf Citan was blabbing about anyway lol. I played it again and apparently my vocabulary was much better cuz Citan actually made sense...he still talks too much tho.

This game keeps you in the dark about everything until a plotbomb was dropped toward the end of the game. Man, it was awesome. Great characters. Great battle system. Best storyline evar!

Too keep it simple. zenogierz ZOMG!

Oh yea :love: Emmy.

06-17-2007, 04:55 PM
really the square no make good games more they want sold the games


06-17-2007, 10:16 PM
Why won't you have sexy time with me Vaanisgay?