02-24-2002, 04:18 AM
I am not sure. i have heard rumors that it is only internet compatible. So i am having 2nd thoughts about it.

Rabid Monkey
02-24-2002, 04:41 AM
I'll be moving this thread now...

02-24-2002, 06:08 AM
IT is almost all on-line and I don't even plan to buy it if that tells you anything.

Either way it isn't going to be a TRUE Final Fantasy game I don't think

02-24-2002, 08:13 AM
Well,since this will be next FFseries.I'd like to try it.It's fun to play with the others(that's the best thing for me)

02-24-2002, 09:07 AM
I've heard tons and tons of negitive things about it so far. All they do is whine whine whine, Square is making a mistake *cry* they can't do any thing with a MMORPG, it's been tried before and hasn't been good yet *cry*. But as far as I've seen it looks like it's going to be a cool game. Dispite the popular nono bad MMORPG thinking.

I believe people are stuck on EQ and the way it was. MMORPGs are a new style of games, their systems are not set. Companys will try new things to attract customers, or as I've seen, some will stick with EQ's style and give it a new look, to be safe.

I'm thinking Square will be one of those companys to try somthing new, personally. I'm thinking they WILL accually have a story line that's worth while on their MMORPG. Cause, come on, FF is known for their story lines, even if you have been stuck on FF since the SNES days, like myself. It's not like they will go bankrupt if their new game didn't work out too well.

In this next few years MMORPGs are going to be developing and new ideas for them will be stirring. Companys will make MMORPGs and give to them somthing new each time a company comes out with one. And maybe one of these contributers will be Square, making a MMORPG with a worth while story line that's accually beatable, but never ending(When boss dies, new boss comes,ect.)

Well, NE ways, don't judge it badly just because it's a MMORPG, MMOs are new to the market, and are dominating the gaming world bout now.

02-27-2002, 01:58 PM
ffxi is going to be the best ff of them all the only tht stinks is the funding whether there will be amontlhy fee, you have to get dsl/cable/ you have to buy the broadband adapter so if anyone says it stinks its cuz they cant play it. i am upset about that but i still think it will be the best and im going to preorder it asap. who doesnt like a good online rpg?!?! i sure do.

02-28-2002, 12:52 AM
I could afford the fees that will be involved for playing the game. I just am not willing to spend that much money when I doubt I will like it.

And anyone who is buying it JUST because they don't want a hole in there collection is foolish and must have alot of money to throw around. It might be a good game, but just like Phantasy Star on-line its not a true game for the name. There was a thing I heard that it MIGHT not require the Hard Drive but rather support it.

03-05-2002, 06:34 PM
Let's do some math (assuming you start with nothing):

$300 PlayStation 2
$150 Hard Drive
$75 Broadband Adaptor
$50 Monthly Cable/DSL
$55 FFXI
$?? Monthy Fee to Play

Once you calculate in tax and the monthly fee... we are looking at almost $700 for a startup kit to play FFXI! I think that's nuts! $400 for someone who already has a PS2!!

Unfortunately, I just love the series too much... and I'll pay it.

03-06-2002, 12:44 AM
Just becaues you're buying the modem and HD for FFXI doesn't mean you wont use it for other games as well, I'm sure the HD means that you wont need those pesky Memory Cards for your PS2 any more, just keep one so you can take it over to a friend's.

03-17-2002, 06:37 PM
actually its no longer broad-band only. Sony realized that the states haven't taken to the broad-band service so much as japan so when they release the broad-band adapter in august it will also come with a 56k modem card.:cool:

03-28-2002, 04:22 AM
I think 11's gonna be good but not the best

03-28-2002, 04:31 AM
it all depends on what kind of rpg you like. on the most part ffXI will be very good. it won't get old. it has the best benefits and LONGEST play time of any final fantasy game. its like the never ending game. and what makes this game different than all the others is that this game is a hell lot more interesting with more things you could do.

03-29-2002, 06:45 AM
Yeah Shensolidus is right it'll have endless gameplay as long as squaresoft can keep ppl from hacking. That's what made me quit diablo 2.

03-29-2002, 11:29 PM
since you are paying they are kinda obligated to remove hacks and keep everything legal. also the updates are a necissity as well

Nanaki XIII
03-30-2002, 01:23 AM
Thats what worries me. FF11 is going to be a title in the series which usually means once they get through one of the games, they go to the next. So after this they will focus all their attention on 12. So if they do that will they have the updates on the game as often as Id like. Probably not, but Square has never gone wrong. Right???

We wont mention the movie.

03-31-2002, 05:47 AM
usually ur right. square would just focus on the next. but square know's that mmorpg's have to have these updates to be a success.also since we are paying they are obligated to update like other mmorpg's.

04-01-2002, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by Shensolidus
usually ur right. square would just focus on the next. but square know's that mmorpg's have to have these updates to be a success.also since we are paying they are obligated to update like other mmorpg's.

I really love the Final Fantasy series. I really went Final FantasyXI but I am not pay for a fee. I will just wait till Final FantasyXII.:(

03-15-2007, 04:32 PM
Too bad this turned out to suck. You have to pay to play this game, and there is no voice chat (even in the Xbox 360 version.) This looks like it kills the FF series also. Man, I hate MMORPGs, but I know that FFXI is a waste of time when you can pay to play a better MMORPG (World of Warcraft.)

03-17-2007, 08:46 AM
Don't revive FIVE YEAR OLD threads plz.