01-02-2006, 01:38 PM
Hey y'all =) ,

Just wondering if there's anyone else out there with 255 of every stat? (including Luck). I've been dying to talk to someone else about they're journey in doing this, it might be fun to talk about.

There may already be a thread started about this topic, if so, could someone please redirect me =) . I'm new to this forum and haven't managed to check every thread yet :-[

See ya soon =)

01-02-2006, 01:40 PM
There may already be a thread started about this topic, if so, could someone please redirect me =)
Sure thing!
Thread 27965
Thread 27964
Also, getting 255 luck is pretty pointless/impossible if you're getting 255 in every other stat.

01-02-2006, 01:47 PM
I got 255 Luck for every chara about a year ago, it's just one of those obsessive things - everything has to be 255, lol =)

(oops, think I pushed the wrong button or something. There seems to be 3 identical threads that I posted, sorry =) )

01-02-2006, 01:56 PM
As far as i know, if you have 255 in every other stat, it is impossible to have 255 in luck.

01-02-2006, 02:11 PM
Yeah really, unless you have an unusually large sphere-grid which is also impossible :P

I wouldn't mind seeing a screenshot of 255 stats for that character of yours. Do show :)

01-02-2006, 02:20 PM
Hey chewey,

It took forever to do, it was mainly just a matter of endurance.

Fighting heaps of "Greater Sphere's" for luck spheres and heaps of "Earth Eater's" for fortune spheres. It's alot like fighting multiple "Jumbo Flans" in order to get enough magic spheres, it's not too hard, it just takes aloooong time.

Cleaning up the sphere grid so everything is resting at 255 was abit of a mission too, but definitely possible. The characters HP (all), is only at 35-36k, because of this. To keep everything at 255, HP probably could'nt go beyond 40k.

I'll try and post a screen shot tomorrow (gotta borrow my mates digital camera)

01-02-2006, 03:29 PM
Ah sacrifising HP. I suppose that's the only way to preserve the sphere grid slots.

01-02-2006, 05:00 PM
If you make full use of Clear Spheres you can have 255 for all stats, 999 MP, as well as<ul><li>+58,200 HP for the Expert Grid,</li><li>+67,500 HP for the Standard Grid (NA),</li><li>and +74,700 HP for the Standard Grid (PAL/International).</li></ul>

01-02-2006, 06:59 PM
I always try to max HP at the expense of luck. I think I end up with about 220luck with max stats, 99,999 hp and 999 mp on the standard grid and 150 luck on the expert grid. At least in theory, I havent done it in practice yet.

What exactly does luck do as I see guides and stuff that suggest that for various dark aeons or the arena bosses it is best to have high luck, 120+?

01-03-2006, 01:39 AM
I always try to max HP at the expense of luck. I think I end up with about 220luck with max stats, 99,999 hp and 999 mp on the standard grid and 150 luck on the expert grid. At least in theory, I havent done it in practice yet.

Since Luck can replace Accuracy and Evasion, you should lower them instead. You can remove all Accuracy nodes and most Evasion nodes.

What exactly does luck do as I see guides and stuff that suggest that for various dark aeons or the arena bosses it is best to have high luck, 120+?

Roughly 230 Luck, 60 Evasion, base Accuracy (no extra nodes), and 255 in everything else. If you choose 999 MP, you will hit 99,999 HP. Due to the high Luck, there will not be any difference in evasion and accuracy at all when you're fighting enemies.

01-03-2006, 05:50 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing a screenshot of 255 stats for that character of yours. Do show :)[/QUOTE]

Hey Kie, here's a couple of screenshots. Hopefully the links work okay. I actually maxed stats with all charas, however, since the lower half of the screen is identical for the stats page, I just took a shot of Rikku's and Lulu's.

This was using done the Standard Sphere Grid (PAL), although I'd like to give it jam with the Expert Grid, I just don't think I have the patience/endurance, lol :-(

Jewels - you're totally right, accuracy and evasion dosen't increase at all. Wow, +74,000 hp is possible with max stats, man, thats gotta be some crazy sphere grid manipulation.

In general, I think max luck did end up being pretty pointless, but for me, it's just a numbers thing. If one character is maxed, it dosen't feel complete until they all are :). It's kinda like the items list, it dosen't seem complete until every empty space is full. Or... it could be a mild case of o.c.d. :)

01-04-2006, 08:38 AM
Nice :) Personally i'd never bother, but nice anyway.

01-05-2006, 03:15 AM
At some point I got 255 in everything but couldn't max out Luck. Yeah, I think that you can't max Luck out if your other stats are already at I wrong??

01-05-2006, 03:49 AM
Well that guy did it :P

Unless by all stats you mean HP too.

Desert Wolf
01-05-2006, 07:43 PM
Does Luck give you anything important if you have it?

01-06-2006, 03:36 PM
Luck increases your Accuracy, Evasion and Critical Hit Rate.

If you have 255 Luck, you can pretty much forget about Accuracy and Evasion altogether. A little Evasion would be good in the PAL/International versions.