Rodent Fifty Six
12-31-2005, 05:55 PM
Hello users. I am new here, but I am not new to game music. I just finished getting music from a game I noticed you guys do not have. Could I send you the files for the site? If so, how does that happen? Would an Admin please send me information on this? I would really like to contribute. I am about to do another game that is not here also

12-31-2005, 06:03 PM
If an admin doesn`t get back to you send one a PM. I think Sarah is the best person to go for.

Also, welcome :)

12-31-2005, 10:00 PM
welcome to the shrine

12-31-2005, 10:03 PM
at the moment we don't take submissions to GH.

however, you can always post them in this forum for people to enjoy ~

01-01-2006, 10:02 AM
Good job sarah

Rodent Fifty Six
01-01-2006, 10:46 AM
hey jiro, reread what everyone has posted.. "Good job Sarah" ... whats good about it? sounds like your sorta telling me off... Well, Sarah, as soon as you guy s accept music from users, can you send me an e-mail? I don't think I shall be returning anytime soon due to the comment "Good job Sarah".

I mean really, if you read Sarah's post, its just info for me. It really needs no comment like that. It sounds like an attack on me.

The music I have made and would like to send is the soundtrack to Timesplitter; Future Perfect.

01-01-2006, 11:01 AM
*Sighs* This is the second time my words have been misunderstood. Anyways what I meant by saying,"Good Job Sarah" Meaning she has explained the reasoning that gh won't be accepting anything for now, and that you can post your music on the forums for the people here to listen to. So by making such judgemental assumption, of being told off. You should put thoughts before assuming something, that was not even close to what I've said. If you really wish to post your music here, you've need not ask an admin, mod, etc. All you needed to do is upload your music, post the link, and people can listen to it. Anyways to put it simply, I've never been the type to tell people off, and being accused of doing so, well I don't know it sorts of makes a big deal. But seriously you've no need to take everything seriously around here.

Well I've forgotten to welcome you, Well Welcome.