Swedish Fish
12-28-2005, 06:53 PM
I just beat the game yesterday. It says Congrats on beating the game blah blah blah. Then it says that you've unlocked special abilities, weapons, and armor. Then it asks if you want to save your completion file. I say yes. I load my save game and it transports me to Rokahura Palace. The place I'm in before the final battles. And it gives me the items I ended the game with. I ended up with only enough to heal 450 HP. And there are also circular stones that say "Return upon competion, and a door to another dimention shall open". Once I beat the final battle, I can't go to the one in Chapter 2, but the one in Kyoto doesn't change. And nothing has changed in the game. And if I start a new game it just acts like a normal game. Has anyone encountered this problem? Or am I just not doing something?

EDIT: Sorry about the n00bish question.

09-20-2006, 02:31 AM
i play to middle of game and everything till now is ok
but about end i think that is story problem because
you cant get new game with new story then all same
about unlock i must check that again later...

Swedish Fish
09-20-2006, 03:05 AM
Good job reviving a Thread 9 months old. Don't respond to Threads like this again.