12-27-2005, 01:59 PM
This thread is also a simple one ^^ Which Final Fantasy piece, song, music, wateva u wanna call it is your favourite playing on the instrument?
Although we all have our favourite Final Fantasy Song, it is usally very different from our favourite that we like to play on our instruments For example one of my favs song is the Chocobo them from FFVII but it is absolutely dreadful to play on the piano... and i mean dreadful =(

So here we go

My Fav FF Song to play on the piano is FFX To zanarkand (piano ARrangements) because it absolutely owns on the piano.. quite easy to play except for the bit near the end where u have to play really fast but that doesnt matter... ^___^

P.S. Nkwp and trance Kuja plz dont ruin this thread or make it go off topic like u did to my FFAC OST thread =P

Trance Kuja
12-27-2005, 02:12 PM
P.S. Nkwp and trance Kuja plz dont ruin this thread or make it go off topic like u did to my FFAC OST thread =P

I have no intention to reply in this thread (other than this reply, of course), because, IMO, Final Fantasy music is mediocre, and I can't play an instrument well enough to master any mediocre Uematsu piece, sadly.

Lord. C
12-27-2005, 02:13 PM
Tifa's Theme on my synth.

12-27-2005, 04:23 PM
Eternity (FFX-2) on a piano/ keyboard!

12-27-2005, 07:31 PM
I have no intention to reply in this thread (other than this reply, of course), because, IMO, Final Fantasy music is mediocre, and I can't play an instrument well enough to master any mediocre Uematsu piece, sadly.

That's too bad, cause he does have a lot of simple stuff that doesn't require too much skill.

That said, I like playin Breezy from FFVIII on my classical guitar and played it for a recital last semester. Good times.

Trance Kuja
12-27-2005, 07:57 PM
That's too bad, cause he does have a lot of simple stuff that doesn't require too much skill.

Either way, I don't think I want to learn any composition. I'm sorry, but the man kills me ;_;

12-28-2005, 08:33 AM
Trance... you dont have to be good at something to enjoy it... its like you dont hafta be good at basketball to have fun playing it wif ur friends or brothers and sisters ^_^

And people do make really simple versions of his stuff that you can probably learn in 2 days with self teaching ^^ you really hate the guy dont u =P

Lord. C
12-28-2005, 11:47 AM
FFX Main Theme on the synth keyboard. Easy.

Trance Kuja
12-28-2005, 12:33 PM
Trance... you dont have to be good at something to enjoy it... its like you dont hafta be good at basketball to have fun playing it wif ur friends or brothers and sisters ^_^

And people do make really simple versions of his stuff that you can probably learn in 2 days with self teaching ^^ you really hate the guy dont u =P

But, in my case, it's like saying how can I play basketball when I have no arms. I'm simply not good enough to play a theme, despite having a fair notch of musical knowledge.

Yes, I hate the guy. His music is mediocre. 'nuff said.

12-28-2005, 01:08 PM
you can play basketball wif no arms.. u just have to be extremely skillful wif ur feet newaiz whats mediocre... u always say it and i have no idea what it means

Trance Kuja
12-28-2005, 01:40 PM
you can play basketball wif no arms.. u just have to be extremely skillful wif ur feet newaiz whats mediocre... u always say it and i have no idea what it means

Yes, because I'm so likely to get more than 1 shot in the hoop in an hour.

Mediocre - Tiring, Boring, Not Unique, Uninspired, etc. Got the idea?

12-28-2005, 02:39 PM
Trance i play basketball i get the ball in less than one shot an hour... mainly because i play defence but still...

Mediocre - tiring, boring, not uniqute, uniinspires, crap, hate it, gonna burn the cd, maybe ask for money bak, i kno lets burn the shop muhahahah, im hungry, yea, lets eat satay ^^ like that?

12-28-2005, 03:38 PM
I like melodies of life and 1000 words on my violin. Hymn of the fayth is also pretty easy, and soon I plan to be able to do X ending theme on my violin as well, as soon as i finish arranging it appropriately

12-28-2005, 04:09 PM
Final Fantasy X ending theme is too hard on the piano... im worked on the FFVII fighting theme (the one that appears in FFAC) but thats also a bit of a problem coz i cant play at the right speed and if i try to i make a billion mistakes.... so right now im currently working on fixing my tiiming in Aerith's and Tifa's theme so its good enuff to be perfect and learning my grade 7 AMEB pieces which i can hopefully sit at the end of 2006 ^^

Trance Kuja
12-29-2005, 12:02 AM
Trance i play basketball i get the ball in less than one shot an hour... mainly because i play defence but still...

Mediocre - tiring, boring, not uniqute, uniinspires, crap, hate it, gonna burn the cd, maybe ask for money bak, i kno lets burn the shop muhahahah, im hungry, yea, lets eat satay ^^ like that?

I was taking in your example of playing with your feet. I think that's called soccer, not basketball.

...No. Mediocre doesn't mean bad, just average.

12-29-2005, 09:40 PM
But, in my case, it's like saying how can I play basketball when I have no arms. I'm simply not good enough to play a theme, despite having a fair notch of musical knowledge.

Yes, I hate the guy. His music is mediocre. 'nuff said.

Just curious, what do ya mostly do with music?

Trance Kuja
12-29-2005, 11:46 PM
Just curious, what do ya mostly do with music?

I listen to it. Isn't that what music is all about?

12-30-2005, 04:27 AM
trance >_< its basketball that im talking bout no soccer otherwise i would say its soccer (football to all you ppl from the UK) buts its basketball im talking about

anyway some ppl do illegal stuff wif music that just listen to it ^^

Trance Kuja
12-30-2005, 04:50 AM
trance >_< its basketball that im talking bout no soccer otherwise i would say its soccer (football to all you ppl from the UK) buts its basketball im talking about

anyway some ppl do illegal stuff wif music that just listen to it ^^

I know what you mean, but what's the point in playing Basketball (with no arms) when you can play soccer?

And why do you think people do illegal stuff with it?

12-30-2005, 05:04 AM
I listen to it. Isn't that what music is all about?

Well the reason I ask is 'cause there's so much to music besides playing. Or listening. Some study theory/form/analysis, some are more into the history of it all, some are into composing, sound engineering/recording, there's teaching, etc etc etc.

I mean, if all that ya really do is listen, that's cool. Nothing wrong with that at all. I was simply curious. Not everyone can achieve having a fair notch of musical knowledge with just listening, so it's an impressive feat.

But hey, if ya ain't a fan of Uematsu, I can respect that. It's all subjective.

Trance Kuja
12-30-2005, 05:22 AM
I mean, if all that ya really do is listen, that's cool. Nothing wrong with that at all. I was simply curious. Not everyone can achieve having a fair notch of musical knowledge with just listening, so it's an impressive feat.

Oh, I've had a few musical lessons and I have taught myself theory and all ;)

12-30-2005, 05:47 AM
Oh, I've had a few musical lessons and I have taught myself theory and all ;)

=) Music theory f'n rocks.

12-30-2005, 07:39 AM
well if you play basketball wif no hands u can just kick the ball and hope it goes in the ring and everyone gets angry wif u coz when u kcik the ball all those strange lumps appear but besides that i think ppl do illegal stuff wif music coz its illegal... just like doing bad stuff in class coz the teacher sed not too and stuff like that...

hbk4everdx i hate u >_< music theory is the worst thing EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! worse than when ur chocolate melts

Trance Kuja
12-30-2005, 07:53 AM
well if you play basketball wif no hands u can just kick the ball and hope it goes in the ring and everyone gets angry wif u coz when u kcik the ball all those strange lumps appear but besides that i think ppl do illegal stuff wif music coz its illegal... just like doing bad stuff in class coz the teacher sed not too and stuff like that...

People don't just do illegal stuff because it's illegal. People have reasons why they do things, but it's not because they want to break the law.

12-30-2005, 08:28 AM
well u neva know they're mite be some ppl ^^

Trance Kuja
12-30-2005, 08:43 AM
well u neva know they're mite be some ppl ^^

But you said people do illegal stuff with music just because it's illegal. Give me an example, please

12-30-2005, 09:07 AM
once upon a time there was a bad boy named Trance who likes trance music and techno but prefered trance and hated DDR ^^ one day he was listening to a cd when he suddenly realised there was a subliminal message on the last song... every 20th line the song sed do not give this cd to other ppl or sell it.... so this little bad boy sold it to a stranger on the street for $15 and just downloaded the album from the internet.. ^^ or somethiung like that can u do betta?

Trance Kuja
12-30-2005, 09:31 AM
once upon a time there was a bad boy named Trance who likes trance music and techno but prefered trance and hated DDR ^^ one day he was listening to a cd when he suddenly realised there was a subliminal message on the last song... every 20th line the song sed do not give this cd to other ppl or sell it.... so this little bad boy sold it to a stranger on the street for $15 and just downloaded the album from the internet.. ^^ or somethiung like that can u do betta?

That just suggests he wanted the cash, and downloaded the album again for free.

12-30-2005, 09:58 AM
gahh what bout this one ^^

Once upon a time in far far away area a.k.a australia there was a naughty bad named Kuja who liked house music and loved DDR ^^ he bought a DDR cd which clearly sed only use for personal use do not resell blah blah blah wateva that warning says thats also on DVDs ^^ anyway coz it sed it was illegal he did it anyway he made a thousand copies and sold them for $1 each
weeeee =)

Trance Kuja
12-30-2005, 11:57 AM
gahh what bout this one ^^

Once upon a time in far far away area a.k.a australia there was a naughty bad named Kuja who liked house music and loved DDR ^^ he bought a DDR cd which clearly sed only use for personal use do not resell blah blah blah wateva that warning says thats also on DVDs ^^ anyway coz it sed it was illegal he did it anyway he made a thousand copies and sold them for $1 each
weeeee =)

That also suggests him making pirate copies to get extra cash. Next one?

12-30-2005, 12:09 PM
Once day a boy that answers to the name truja (trance and kuja put together.... unless u prefer kujrance betta ^^) bought a cd called the Ministry of Sound Annual 2006 and in the front thingy is sed this CD is for personal Use only... but he was a bad boy just like trance and kuja and he liked to do illegal things coz they are he uploaded the CD and EVERYONE DONWLOADED FOR FREE.... oh yea his father was Kazaa and his Mum as Limewire =P

is that good enuff for u... trance? oh yea whereabouts Aus are u from?

Trance Kuja
12-30-2005, 12:14 PM
Once day a boy that answers to the name truja (trance and kuja put together.... unless u prefer kujrance betta ^^) bought a cd called the Ministry of Sound Annual 2006 and in the front thingy is sed this CD is for personal Use only... but he was a bad boy just like trance and kuja and he liked to do illegal things coz they are he uploaded the CD and EVERYONE DONWLOADED FOR FREE.... oh yea his father was Kazaa and his Mum as Limewire =P

That suggests that he was a bad boy and wanted to prove how bad he is, or, he wants to share the CD around because he wants to spread the joy. Everything has reason. It's hardly possible to do something illegal because it's illegal.

12-30-2005, 12:22 PM
OkAiiizzzzz Trance.... u always win like always... anyway man u reply fast but there is something that ppl do thats's because illegal but not everyone that does it do it because its illegal because some people have reasons if that makes sense

this is called graffiti and although most people do it to earn respect and stuff some people join crews just to have a feel like what its like doing illegal stuff and having da cops afta u although its pretty rare but it happens ^^

12-30-2005, 12:23 PM
Anyway We have GOOOOONE COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC!!!! =.= i knew this woulda happen sooner or later *stares at Traance* but its half my fault so im gonna say SORRY ^^ lets get bak to topic...
everyone share your most favourite piece you like to play on the piano/violin/flute/guitar/any other instruemtns including drums and the sitar and marracaas for weird ppl ^^

12-30-2005, 06:39 PM
hbk4everdx i hate u >_< music theory is the worst thing EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! worse than when ur chocolate melts

:-( But music theory's our friend. And let's not be saying things we can't take back, like saying theory's worse than melting chocolate. That's some pretty harsh language, there, sonny.

Ok, back to topic. I'll probably learn Melody of Lute from FFIV sometime next year.

01-02-2006, 08:45 AM
lol theres worse than melting chocolate like eating squishy maggots covered in your best friends vomit or lighting ur mate on fire and watching him run around wif some romantic music in the background (o.o i dunno can u think any others)

Im Gonna try and Learn suteki da ne sooon on the piano yay ^^

01-04-2006, 04:53 AM
lol theres worse than melting chocolate like eating squishy maggots covered in your best friends vomit or lighting ur mate on fire and watching him run around wif some romantic music in the background (o.o i dunno can u think any others)

You're the most homosexual kid ever.

01-04-2006, 09:46 AM
I play aeris theme on the piano

01-04-2006, 01:56 PM
You're the most homosexual kid ever.

how does thinking eating maggots covered wif ur mates vomit worse than eating chocolate make u homosexual.. u have some serious problems o.O

01-05-2006, 01:13 AM
It sound like a huge gay orgy party.

01-06-2006, 09:06 AM
you have a fuked up mind

01-06-2006, 09:07 AM
I play aeris theme on the piano

Aeris Theme sounds awesome on the piano ^^

06-16-2006, 12:22 AM
I can play Suteki da ne on piano...I learned it by ear and memory of the tune. ^_^

Musical Banana
06-17-2006, 11:07 AM
I also enjoy to play Final Fantasy songs by ear; in fact, it was my early interest in the songs that motivated me to learn to read music and, in consequence, learn to (officially) play the piano. And even though today I'm playing more difficult pieces, I still enjoy dawdling in the Piano Collections books and finding pieces there that spark fond memories of the games. "The Castle" and "Silence and Motion" from FFVIII are the first to come to mind... ah, the good old days...

Also, Trance Kuja, concerning your interesting (to say the least) conversation earlier in the thread, many people do commit crimes for the purpose of breaking the law; for example, cleptomaniacs purposely steal things because they receive a rush from it--a euphoric effect, of sorts--that is not so dissimilar to the effects of certain drugs. However, commiting the crime is, in effect, a means to achieve an ends: the person steals as a means to attain a high. Most crimes are committed by either the emotionally/psychologically impared or the poor, the former out of mental instability and the latter due to necessity; yet, in both instances, the offending party breaks the law with ulterior motives. A sociopath's wanton desire to kill stems from childhood trauma; a husband who kills his wife after discovering her infidelity does so out of passionate rage; an impoverished father of three steals a loaf of bread to feed his family; and a thirteen-year-old kid who steals a toy from a store may do so for a number of reasons, be they peer pressure or lack of money. Therefore, while a person can and will commit crimes for the sake of doing it--such as the clepto--he or she will always be driven by some root cause. So, in other words, I agree with you. I think.

Anyway, I haven't learned Aeris's theme for the piano yet... Alvinz, are you referring to the DoReMi version or the Piano Collection arrangement? I've only heard the latter, and it is one of my favorites of Hamaguchi's piano arrangements thus far. Anyone play the FFPC's? The FFXPC has some toughies...