12-23-2005, 11:26 PM
I haven't really done any FF art which is quite surprising, but hopefully I will have soon.

Anyway here are some sketches I have done of mostly manga orientated characters, although some obviously are not :P

Rei from NGE (doujin; so alternate style :P)

Tohya from Megatokyo

Satsuki from Ichigo 100%

Rinslet from Black Cat

Warrior dude

Naruto with Kunai

Naruto with two katana's and scroll

07-25-2006, 12:42 AM
its pretty good, but i think that you should pay slightly more attention to your body/head form, or how they are formed. manga university has a great guide to drawing head and bodies!
the lines are a bit sketchy, but no duh they're SKETCHES!:)

07-25-2006, 03:26 PM
Hey ^^ Nice sketches. Did you like sketch them from an already made drawing or straight from your head? Either way they're all nice, although the head does get out of proportion sometimes :) but practise makes perfect ^^

05-06-2007, 12:38 AM
Well ok...not been here in a very long time...but here's some more of my newer art :O

Angel - KoF fanart

Elly - Xenogears

Shampoo - Ranma Fanart

Sword - Devil & Devil