02-23-2002, 06:36 PM
Simple question. If Squaresoft didn't make games only for Sony would you own a Playstation 2?

02-23-2002, 06:57 PM
a good question, even though i love squaresoft games, i would keep my ps2, basically because they have other great games like

Devil May Cry
tony hawks pro skater 3
and i think Xenosaga is going to be made by namco not squaresoft but im not sure on that

Bahamut ZERO
02-23-2002, 10:26 PM
I haven't bought a PS2 yet. I am waiting for three things to happen. One, the release of FF X in the UK. Two, for a price drop for the PS2 when the Game Cube and X-Box are both released in the next couple of months. Three, confirmation of whether or not FF X will be released on the PC or not. If FF X is released on the PC, along with MGS 2, then I probably won't bother investing in a PS2 just yet. I'm playing the waiting game.

02-23-2002, 10:39 PM
dont have one but if i did id buy FFX, MGS2 and TH3.

02-23-2002, 11:51 PM
If you bought a PS2 just for Squaresoft games, then you aren't a real gamer.

I bought my PS2, not just for Squaresoft games. My PS2 means a lot more than a "Squaresoft System." It's my 4th generation system in which I choose to get for what games are on it... and if Square sided with X-Box, I would still get a PS2 and wouldn't careless for X-Box. Sure I might get an X-Box... if the price is right =P

02-24-2002, 12:14 AM
I guess I'm not a real gamer, then.;) I don't know, but I have very little time for videogames, so I've only played the more popular games. If it weren't for Final Fantasy, I'd hardly be playing any videogames at all.

02-24-2002, 02:53 AM
Well I probably wouldn't. PS2 has some pretty good games, but I defenatally like Square games. PS2 would still be great, but i'd rather spend my money upgrading my PC.

02-24-2002, 03:29 AM
Of course. There's only a few games on PS2 thata re actually from Squaresoft. There's loads of other great titles such as GTA3, MGS2, GT3 and MoH.

02-24-2002, 03:45 AM
It's my dad's PS2, so of course I would! =P But even if I did buy my own it wouldn't have been because of square, more because of Capcom. They were the big brand on PS2 shelves when ti first came out. But now they switched companies, so it's more of konami/squares show I guess.

02-24-2002, 07:43 AM
I don't have one but I put "I wouldn't have it" anyway because I'm planning on getting one, but I wouldn't be if it weren't for Final Fantasy X. The system's got plenty of good games, just none of them really so good that I'd buy the system for them except FFX.

02-24-2002, 11:14 AM
No way. The only reason i got one was for FFX so............

02-24-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
If you bought a PS2 just for Squaresoft games, then you aren't a real gamer.

maybe his definition of a "real gamer" is different from yours, id like to see you define "real gamer"

02-24-2002, 05:22 PM
Yeah I would still own a ps2 becuase there are other gamemaker like:
EA Sports
Plus Squaresoft doesnt make to many games

02-24-2002, 05:30 PM
I haven't got one yet, but when i do it won't be only because of Square, I hunger for MGS2 and Xenosaga just as much as for FFX.

Rabid Monkey
02-24-2002, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Kotetsu DX

maybe his definition of a "real gamer" is different from yours, id like to see you define "real gamer"

Real Gamer: A video game enthusiast who plays a variety of games on many platforms of varying difficulty, who owns a 'library', or collection, of games based on quality of the game and not by the company it is made by, the system it is made for, or the age group it is intended to target.

I think that sums it up pretty well...

Anyway, yeah...I would have a PS2 anyway...need a system that can play DVD's AND have decent games...

02-24-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
If you bought a PS2 just for Squaresoft games, then you aren't a real gamer.

As if being a "gamer" is a profession or something. Maybe people just don't like any PS2 games enough to want to own the system aside from FFX?

Tactical Error #5
02-25-2002, 12:14 AM
Sure Square makes great games but PS2 has plenty of other great titles (MGS2,GT3,GTA3,ect). Now if, dare I say it, Nintendo were to pull its head out of its you know what and reconcile with Square that would be awesome. It would never happen though.

02-25-2002, 06:02 AM
What is up with people saying this crap about *oh your not a real gamer cause you said that* What the hell is a REAL GAMER? I consider a Real Gamer a person who plays alot of games and enjoys it.

I personally think the ps2 is overpriced for what it has and can do. I mean the Gamecube is only 1/2 the cost and it has 4 control ports, can push more polygons, and has cheaper memory cards. The Xbox has a Modem, Hard Drive, Faster CPU, More memory, and better video as well. It also has 4 control ports. Even the Dreamcast had a modem and 4 control ports on it!! and they where 100 bucks when they was still popular.

The only other game on ps2 I REALLY want right now is Grand Theft Auto 3. I own a few other games but there not worth paying 300 bucks for a inferior console for.

Unfortunely as of right now there is 0 games on xbox that appeal to me, and only a couple on Gamecube. I do expect to see some great games in the future on Gamecube though.

DuO MaXwEll
03-04-2002, 11:17 AM
My reason to bought PS2 is Squaresoft....nothing else....Ya know:o

03-06-2002, 03:16 AM
nope i prolly wouldn't have one in that case. mebbe, but not likely. i prolly would get it, but a really long time from now, when the price drops by aLOT. lol

03-07-2002, 06:32 AM
How is the ps2 an inferior system, right now it has better games than the gamecube and xbox combined, of course thats only my opinion. And the gamecube isn't half the price of a ps2, also if you want price stuff, look at the ps2 as dvd and games, 150 for each, that makes the game part of a ps2 cheaper than gamecube. A system isn't inferior just cause its technical specs are less than another system, its the games that count.

03-07-2002, 06:47 AM
It's kinda hard to seperate all the great software monopolies that Sony has gotten for PS2 from the actual console, though.

...and I still think it's a superior system. ;) I love mine, I wouldn't trade it in for anything!

03-08-2002, 07:33 PM
***How is the ps2 an inferior system, right now it has better games than the gamecube and xbox combined, of course thats only my opinion. And the gamecube isn't half the price of a ps2, also if you want price stuff, look at the ps2 as dvd and games, 150 for each, that makes the game part of a ps2 cheaper than gamecube. A system isn't inferior just cause its technical specs are less than another system, its the games that count.***

Well then I might as well sell everything but my Super Nintendo cause it has more great games then any system out there.

The Xbox has dvd playback also and it has alot more to it then the playstation 2 has except for the fact the games suck on it. Yes ps2 has the best games right now. But right now the only games i would REALLY want are Grand Theft Auto 3 (which is coming to other systems soon BTW) and Final Fantasy X. So once again if it wasn't for Squaresoft and future games from them I wouldn't own a ps2 cause it is overpriced for what you get with it. A gamecube can be purchased for 150 bucks and it is techically better minus dvd playback then a ps2. And the xbox is the same price and it has a modem, way more memory, way more speed, and the 10 gig hard drive.

And as for the Dvd playback on the ps2 I still have to keep my 80 dollar dvd player cause the ps2 don't play vcd's like almost every other dvd player can do.

03-09-2002, 02:24 PM
Yeah, 'cause there would still be a lot of cool games like GTA3 and MGS2 ^^