Fatal Divide
02-23-2002, 02:15 PM
Ok, here is where I will post all my poems. I'll post some old ones just to start off, but I'll be posting more.

Lost In My Own Mind

Confused about the matters of life
As I struggle to find something constant
Things are changing so fast it�s a blur
Everything around me seems so distant

And so I hide in my mind
So that I can recover and rest
From the hell of the world around me
But even my mind is a mess

Lost in my own mind
In so deep I can�t escape
Lost in my own mind
In too deep to contemplate

Something�s not right, it shouldn�t be like this
Why should I suffer, why should anybody suffer?
Is this really such a great reality?
Unloved, unwanted...

Nothing really matters anymore
So why should I care?

Lost in my own mind
In so deep I can�t escape
Lost in my own mind
In too deep to contemplate

It�s so confusing, life.
Nothing stays the same for long
Laugh on the outside
Cry on the inside

Leave me alone
Lost in my mind
I just want to be alone
Lost in my mind

Virtual Love

Met by chance, friends by destiny
Finally found someone the same as me
Loved by choice, turned down by fate
It�s not your fault, it�s me that I hate

Met by the chance of virtual love
Lost by curse of vitual love
Turned down by virtual love
Destroyed by virtual love

We see everything eye to eye
But that doesnt matter when you cry...
And I act happy for you outside
but really I�m torn up inside

And I can�t take it no more
And so I�m gonna close another door
Of my life long hell
Another story never to tell...

So I give you this one chance
To look at this event, this disturbance
Of my miserable life as you laugh
As you laugh...

Met by the chance of virtual love
Lost by curse of vitual love
Turned down by virtual love
Destroyed by virtual love

Met by chance, friends by destiny
Finally found someone the same as me
Loved by choice, turned down by fate
It�s not your fault, it�s me that I hate
It�s not your fault, it�s me that I hate

Suicidal Thoughts

Lost so deep in my soul it hurts
Reaching with desperate hands
For support, for something that matters
Finding nothing, and falling...

Can't go on with this pointless existence
Thought I could survive, but you proved me wrong,
Torturing my soul to my last decision
To end it now, to stop the pain

And now it ends,
With this final action
To end this existence of pain and suffering
Having suicidal thoughts

Never ending torture of this tired body
Looking for an answer, a solution
Sucked into the whirlwind of thought
As I see no other alternative

And now it ends,
With this final action
To end this existence of pain and suffering
Having suicidal thoughts

And now I don't care anymore,
About who I hurt, who I damage
And now I don't care who cries
as if anybody would...

And now it ends,
With this final action
To end this existence of pain and suffering
Having suicidal thoughts

Thrust into the darkness,
The only escape I can see
Only the deep brown of my eyes
Telling the story of my life...

And now it ends
Having suicidal thoughts

02-23-2002, 02:31 PM
Those are some great poems. Well done. I hpoe to see more soon.:)

Fatal Divide
02-27-2002, 08:10 AM

The morning dew settles on the old dead man's face,
Lost in a sea of wet grass,
His pale white, wrinkled skin sinks further into the mud.
Forgotten, lost forever.

The small boy, growing up in this world,
Searching for his place in life, in existence.
But finds nothing, and breaks down crying.
Forgotten, lost forever.

The woman, forever longing to bring a life
Into this miserable world,
Dies with first scream of her new born baby,
Forgotten, lost forever.

Nobody will ever understand somebody else,
As nobody even understands themselves,
And so you and I continue through life,
Forgotton, lost forever.

02-28-2002, 04:49 PM
Wow... powerful piece Fatal... keep up the kick ass works. ;)

Fatal Divide
02-28-2002, 05:39 PM
Thank you very much SSJ and Tifa. I am very grateful for all the support you have given me since I started writing poetry.

03-01-2002, 05:07 AM
No prob Fatal... I looove getting feedback because I know how much I like to recieve it! ;)

Fatal Divide
03-05-2002, 05:45 PM
Silent Love

The moonlight falls on your skin
Showing every inch of your beauty
I can't find the right words to say
And so stay silent...

The sunshine that is your heart
Brightens my day, brightens my life
I can't find the right words to say
And so stay silent...

The stars shining in the midnight sky
Cannot compare to your beautiful face
I can't find the right words to say
And so stay silent...

That wonderful smile on your face
That makes me feel complete
I find the right words at last
I love you...

03-05-2002, 09:47 PM
Beautiful Fatal... just beautiful... an emotional and well written piece. It reminds me of someone... makes me contemplate... keep up the good poems. ;)

03-05-2002, 10:01 PM
^-^ i like it fatal. its a very very nice poem, and whoever it was made for must feel real special. ^-^

Fatal Divide
03-05-2002, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the comments.

03-05-2002, 10:23 PM
Wow, those 2 newer ones are great also. very well done, and great to read. Your poetry is great, and you should keep it up.:)

03-06-2002, 05:53 AM
You just keep kickin' ass lil' brother. I specially like the last one, it reminds me of someone. . .someone special. . .

Fatal Divide
03-07-2002, 05:29 PM

Twisted, screwed up mind
Nobody understands me
Nobody knows me
Leave me alone

Why do you even want to know?
Want to know that I want to be alone?
That�s none of your business

Why do people try to get to know me
I don�t want to know anybody
Don�t want to be close,
Or grow attatched to anybody...

Only hurts more when they�re gone
Only constant thing is myself
So why join anybody else?
Leave me alone

Fatal Divide
03-07-2002, 10:15 PM

It feels like I've done something wrong,
Why is life this way?
What have I done to you? To make things this way?
What have I done? Please, just tell me...

The music in my soul was poured out to you,
Yet here I am, alone, without you...
What happened? What did I do?
Do I really deserve this? Maybe I do...

I've lived life this way for too long
I need to know the answers now.
Is it me? Have I done something wrong?
Please tell me, it's eating me up inside...

My heart was offered to you, my soul, my life
But it's not mine you want, not mine you need
And so here I am, a lost soul...

03-08-2002, 02:47 AM
Both poems are very expressive and well-written.

"Unsure" makes me a little sad though... :Sad: And "Alone" I can totally relate to at times. But still Fatal... you have two strong and powerful pieces.

Keep up the good works. :D

03-08-2002, 05:56 PM
:( i dun like unsure... it makes me feel bad... like as if i did something. . sorry if i did anything fatal :(

Fatal Divide
03-08-2002, 06:07 PM
Don't worry Purcifur, Unsure wasn't intented for you. Far from it. Anyway, here's a new poem dedicated to a very special person in my life...


That golden sun that shone in your heart
That lightened my day, my life
That silver moon that shone in your eyes
That pushed my fears away

You saw something inside of me,
Something that nobody, not even I, had seen
And your happiness is all that matters to me,
And your sadness crushes me.

And you're always there for me
Whenever I need someone
And I want to be there for you
To be with you always

I love you
More than words can express
But I'll try...

I want to be with you
My heart's greatest desire
I want to hear your voice
Stare deep into your sparkling eyes

I love you
What else matters?

03-08-2002, 06:32 PM
*smiles* so fatal, who's this special person that all these nice poems keep going to ? ;)
btw, they r VERY nice poems *gets kinda teary eyed* very nice made me kinda emotional. a hard task for one to do, congrats ^-^

EDIT: ha[[y 300th post for me ^-^

Fatal Divide
03-09-2002, 10:28 PM
Looking In

Staring through the misty window
With the cold wind biting into my skin
Snow up to my ankles,
Like a wave of dogs snapping at my heels.

Inside the room is bright and warm
Happy, smiling people,
Somebody looks up,
Stares me right in the eyes

A look of digust crosses their face
And the curtains are drawn.
Darkness once more,
Left alone, rejected.

Too cold to move, tired face set in stone
Just fall on the spot,
and sink into the crystal white snow
Nothing left to live for...

And I wonder why...

03-09-2002, 10:47 PM
Nice poems Fatal... the "Untilted" one reminds me of someone... :D

"Looking In" makes me kinda sad as well but it's well written and very descriptive. I can tell you put a lot of emotion into that piece.

Fatal Divide
03-09-2002, 11:50 PM
Thanks once again for your kind comments Tifa. They mean a lot to me. And thanks Purcifur for your support too.

03-09-2002, 11:56 PM
no prob Fatal... I like commenting... :D

03-11-2002, 02:43 AM
np fatal ^^ i'm always there for ya and u know it! :p

Fatal Divide
03-12-2002, 09:13 PM
Born Loner

I ignore your questions,
The endless questions.
Why should you care about me?
Why do people expect me to talk to them...
I'm happier alone...
I just want to be alone...

Constant nagging, non-stop.
I don't want to talk to you,
Don't want to tell you about myself, my feelings.
Is that so hard to understand?
I'm happier alone...
Why can't you see that?

I can make it on my own,
Don't need somebody to help me along,
I can make it by myself,
Why do you want to get to know me?
Why should you care?
You aren't really interested...

I've made it this far alone,
I can go the rest that way too.
And you say "You have to open up more"
I don't want to tell you about myself
I don't have to talk,
I don't have to show emotions,
This is who I am...

03-13-2002, 04:03 AM
but u DO need to open up! *realizes that she's the nag character in this particular poem* O.O
ok i'm going to stop nagging now... sorry :( u dun hafta open up if ya dun want to... mind u i'd prefere it! i jes won't show it.

Fatal Divide
03-13-2002, 08:41 PM
Don't worry Purcifur, the poem's more about other people I've met in my life. You feel guilty way to often. This is just the way I am, and I appreciate it that you understand that I don't like talking about myself.

Fatal Divide
03-14-2002, 09:38 PM

I would die for you
Give my soul for you
Do anything
Just to be with you

Sacrifice my voice
My eyes
My heart
Just to be with you always

I'd fight a war alone for you
I'd protect you from all dangers
I'd sacrifice myself
Just to be with you...

03-14-2002, 10:11 PM
Good poems! Well done and just great poetry! Should keep them commin!:)

03-15-2002, 03:20 AM
Wow Fatal... "Sacrifice" is a very powerful, emotional piece... I like it and I can relate totally...

03-15-2002, 06:08 AM
*sniff sniff*

Lil' Brotha, get over here and give me a hug

Sacrafice. . .it was great for lack of a better word, you know how my vocabularys gone down hill as of late.

You keep up the kick ass work

Fatal Divide
03-15-2002, 05:35 PM
Thank you very much.

03-15-2002, 06:02 PM
eep. i missed alot x.X been a busy march break. and now i've missed alot here and at other forums. oh well. good work fatal ^-^
and yes,i do feel bad alot. but ur worse than me. so u should talk ;)

Fatal Divide
03-22-2002, 05:54 PM
Frozen Heart

It took one person
With the will to change him
To make him love again
To make him live again

He was alone in the world
He had all but given up on others
On himself

But the soul inside him was stirred
The torn remains pieced back together
Made him feel like a human again
All because of one person...

It was wonderful
To feel alive again
Like he had been re-born
Given a new chance...

This one person had changed his life
Made it complete
Given it meaning
And all he wanted was to be with that person

03-22-2002, 11:09 PM
Really good poem. Liked it alot. Hope to see more work soon.

Fatal Divide
03-24-2002, 09:05 PM
Thanks SSJ


Why is there pain?
Because we cause it upon ourselves...
Why is there death?
Because life is not everything...
Why is there evil?
Is there actually any good?
Why should any of this matter?
Because we want it to...

Why do you ask about pain?
About suffering?
About anger?
About hate?
The truth is vague, unclear...
That is why...

03-24-2002, 09:34 PM
Very cool poem. Nicely put together, and the words sound well together. I'd like to see more of your work.:)

03-30-2002, 10:57 PM
Awesome poems Fatal!!:) I can certainly tell that all of us are waiting for your next one!!!:) keep it up!!

Fatal Divide
03-31-2002, 11:27 PM
Cold Rejection

The tears you cried
Upon my shoulder fell
I tried to comfort you
Did the best I could...

The pain you felt
You shared with me
As I tried to take it from you
To lessen your sadness...

The brief glimpses of hope
When you thought that life was perfect
When I thought life was perfect
When everything seemed right

The happiness you felt as you met another
Another to fill the missing part of your heart
Another to share your life and love with
It wasn't me...

Fatal Divide
04-11-2002, 08:21 PM
I thought I'd have a go at writing a fan fic as I havn't written any good poetry in a while. This is just the first chapter, so if there's interest in it I'll carry on...

Frozen Heart

Squall jolted awake, as the dark nightmare he had been experiencing reached it�s disturbing end. He sat up, beads of sweat rolling down his face. The dream was a clear as ever, a sorceress glaring down at him. Everything was still dark, and glancing at the clock Squall noted the time to be 4:25 am. Leaning back against the wall, he breathed heavily, and closed his eyes. Why did he keep experiencing that same dream, that same nightmare? They had defeated Ultimecia...Maybe it was another sorceress? The thought caused a pain in his chest, and he glanced down at Rinoa who was peacefully sleeping beside him. She was a sorceress...

Standing, Squall silently padded across to the open window. A gentle breeze blew the curtains from side to side, and ruffled his dark hair. The Garden was back to normal again, with a few exceptions. Rinoa and Irvine were now SeeD students at
Balamb, and the Garden itself had returned to it�s original site. But the ability of flight was still an available option. Squall sighed and leaned on the window sill. He wouldn�t be able to get back to sleep now...Dressing as quietly as he could, he grabbed his
Lionheart and headed to the Training Centre.

His footsteps echoed around the silent corridor as he turned into the Training Centre. The moonlight shoe eerily, as Squall walked cautiously forward. It was unnaturally quiet. Even at night you could normally hear the monsters, but now he
heard nothing...He stopped as he reached room where Quistis had told him that she was quitting her job as an instructor. It seemed so long ago...He remembered how he had coldly shrugged her off, and made his way into the moonlit room. He stared up at the Garden, just as he had done before. It was peaceful, quiet...

The silence was broken as a yell echoed out from outside, causing Squall to swing round, just in time to see Zell pounding the last bit of health out of a monster. He celebrated proudly as the monster dissappeared, before finally noticing Squall in the doorway.

��S�up Squall?� he asked cheerily, but Squall turned away, uninterested. He�d hadn�t come here to put up with Zell, and he hoped he would take a hint and leave.

�Yo, what you doing here so late?� asked Zell, walking up beside him. Squall sighed.

�No such luck�, he thought silently, as Zell leaned against the wall, obviously preparing himself for a long talk...

There was silence for a bit, with Squall unkeen to say anything about his strange dreams and Zell waiting impatiently for an answer. It was Zell who finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

�Hey, come on man. Tell me...� he bugged Squall, punching him playfully on the arm. Squall continued to ignore him, not even turning. Zell looked puzzled, and wondered why Squall would be ignoring him.

�Have you fallen out with Rinoa?� he asked cautiously. Squall shook his head, but still said nothing...Another deadly silence followed, in which it became more and more obvious to Zell that his attempts at converstaion with Squall were pointless.
Sighing, he turned and walked to the doorway. �See ya round, man...� he said, but recieved no reply again. Shrugging his shoulders, he left silently, leaving Squall alone with his thoughts...

04-12-2002, 04:34 AM
Ohhhh... I like the fan fic very much Fatal. :D Very descriptive from the point-of-view of Squall. Well written. Do ya have another part to it? I hate to be left hangin' with a good work like that Fatal.

Keep it up. ^_^.

Fatal Divide
04-13-2002, 11:10 PM
Chapter 2

Squall entered his room, closing the door as quietly as he could behind him. But it was pointless, as he turned and saw Rinoa staring at him, hands on hips in her usual frustrated position.

�Squall...why�d you go off like that?� she asked, more in concern than anger. Squall shrugged off the question, and folded his arms. He loved Rinoa...but he couldn�t tell her about the strange dreams. No need to worry her...Rinoa sighed, and imitated him in a mocking way, folding her arms and putting a grumpy expression on her face. Squall sighed, and walked past her ignoring the joke. Rinoa turned, and stared at Squall. She was very concerned about him. She knew that he normally acted very cold, but this was different. She was sure he was hiding something, but hadn�t been able to figure out what yet.

�Come on, let�s get some breakfast...� she ordered him, grabbing hold of his arm and pulling him through the door. She had a plan...

Breakfast was going as normal as Rinoa and Squall arrived. Selphie was watching Zell in awe as he ate hotdogs for breakfast, while trying to join in the conversation. As a result, Quistis was also occasionally patting Zell on the back to make sure he didn�t choke. Irvine wasn�t at the table, but was talking to some female SeeD students on the other side of the canteen. Zell looked up and spotted Rinoa and Squall walking towards them, and waved them over. Pulling up seats, Squall and Rinoa
joined their friends, but Squall wasn�t in the mood to talk.

�Where�s Irvine?� asked Rinoa, glancing around. Selphie chuckled.

�He�s trying to impress those girls over there...� she laughed, nodding her head towards the other side of the room. �But I don�t think he�s doing too well...� Zell looked up to say something, but was forced into silence as he choked once again on a hotdog. Squall sighed, and continued to stare out the nearby window, interested in neither food or Irvine�s attempts at love. His mind was still on the dreams...and what they could possibly mean...He slowly became less and less aware of what was going on around him as his thoughts completely over took him...

�Hello? Squall?� asked a far off voice, but Squall ignored it. �Squall!!� yelled the voice again, louder this time. Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he found himself face to face with Rinoa, who obviously not best pleased that Squall had drifted off. �Do tell us if we�re boring you!� she laughed sarcastically. Zell chuckled, as he pushed his empty plate away.

�Seeing Laguna again, eh Squall?� he laughed, reminding Squall of the early times when they would be sent into the �dream world� by Ellone. Squall turned to leave, but Rinoa grabbed his arm. He tried to shale her off, but she held on fast.
Sighing, he looked down at Rinoa.

�What?� he asked stubbornly, as Rinoa looked up at him.

�I�m not letting go til you tell me what�s wrong...� she pleaded. Squall turned and started walking, pulling the struggling Rinoa behind him. Zell and Selphie laughed as they watched Rinoa desperately trying to hold Squall back, with the occasional yells of �Squall!!� and �Stop!!�

Fatal Divide
04-17-2002, 05:07 PM
Chapter 3

Squall gritted his teeth as he carried on walking, a desperate Rinoa clinging onto his jacket. Sighing, he decided that she wasn�t going to let go, and stopped abruptly. Rinoa finally released her grip, and looked at Squall, her face bright red.

�You could have stopped a bit sooner...� she sighed, dusting herself off. Squall smiled slightly, when suddenly the whole Garden seemed to shake with tremendous force. Rinoa was thrown to the floor, as Squall tried desperately to keep his balance. As the shaking stopped, he helped Rinoa to her feet.

�What was that? An earthquake?� she asked nervously. Squall shook his head. In all his time at Balamb Garden there had never been an earthquake. So what was causing the shaking? He stopped as the Garden shook again, as he held onto Rinoa
with one hand and a railing with the other. As the shaking subsided again, the intercom rang out.

�Squall, this is Headmaster Cid. Come to the Bridge immediately.� was the message, and Squall and Rinoa headed carefully along to the lift, stopping every now and again as the shaking increased. As they finally reached the bridge, Headmaster Cid
glanced nervously at them.

�It would appear to be time to get moving again...� he said mysteriously. Squall looked at him puzzled, but his confusion was answered as suddenly a Galabadian ship appeared infront of them.

�Galabadia? What do they want?� he asked. Rinoa shrugged, but Cid was already formulating a plan.

�We have to start moving again. We�re a sitting duck in the position, and they don�t look in the mood to talk...� He was interrupted as suddenly a message came through from the Galabadia ship. It was a simple, but deady message.

Give us the Sorceress or we will destroy you.

Rinoa gasped, and stepped backwards. Headmaster Cid shook his head sadly. �This is a bit of a problem...� He turned to Squall who was supporting a faint looking Rinoa. �Squall, I�ll stall them. Find somebody to go down to the lower levels and get the Garden moving again.� But Squall was puzzled.

�We can�t do it from here?� he asked, confused. Headmaster Cid shook his head.

�It�s been so long since we moved that the engine has shut down again.� he apologised. Squall put his hand on his head and frowned. He knew that he had to hurry for Rinoa�s sake, but he couldn�t help but be angry that the engine hadn�t been looked
after. Running back to the lift, he spotted Zell glancing around nervously. He shrugged, Zell wasn�t his perfect idea of a partner, but he had to hurry. Zell spotted him as he approached.

�Yo, Squall! What the hell is going on!?� he asked as yet another Galabadian missile hit the Garden.

�Come on, we have to go to the Engine room...� he said, pressing for the button in the lift.

�Huh? WAIT!!� yelled Zell frantically, leaping into the lift just as the doors closed.

Fatal Divide
05-06-2002, 02:26 PM
Ok, story doesn't seem so popular and I'm getting bored of writing it anyway. So I guess it's back to poetry.


I don't understand this life,
The hand I've been dealt,
Why I live with what I've been given,
Surely I can break free from all this shit.

I don't understand the point,
Of anything anymore.
Why things are the way they are,
Why do we just have to accept them.

I want to break free,
See things in a different light
Because everyone's so blind
Content with their aimlessness.

But I know there's more
I can aim for it, aim to achieve it
Make things come into perspective
Change everything that is unclear...

05-07-2002, 01:01 AM
whoop it up lil' brother, that last one hits me hard, kinda where I am right now in a way.

Kepp it up I love seeing new stuff from you, wish my inspiration would return.

ya truly got some gift there, don't stop

Fatal Divide
05-16-2002, 04:21 PM
Thanks Bro

Pushed Aside

People are always pushing me aside
Like I'm standing in their way
People are always torturing me
Like I've done something to deserve it

People are always blaming their problems on me
Like I'm the cause, the reason
People are always toying with my emotions
Like I have no feelings, no thoughts of my own

People are always pushing me aside
Like I'm standing in their way...

05-16-2002, 07:36 PM
Ish been a while huh Fatal? :D

:PuppyDog: I liked the storie!

But anywayse, "Pushed Aside" is a very powerful, forceful piece and I can feel that in your words. A great work. Keep it up.

05-16-2002, 08:25 PM
i know the emotion behind that poem all to well little brother, but your never really alone

i'll be posting my chara for gifted soon, busy and all


Fatal Divide
05-16-2002, 08:28 PM
That's ok Bro, just do it whenever you've got some spare time. No rush. Thanks for the comment and the same to you too Tifa. I should really start commenting on your poetry too, it's not really fair on you.

05-17-2002, 03:51 PM
Np. I don't mind to much Fatal commenting. Ish fun and 'sides, I like your poetry. :D

btw, when is Gifted gettin' off the ground?

Fatal Divide
05-17-2002, 04:06 PM
Thanks Tifa. As soon as Deus had joined and me and him have had a chat about it, we'll start it. Expect it at the latest by next weekend I suppose.

Fatal Divide
05-22-2002, 04:12 PM

The morning dew settles on the dawn of a new day
The rise of every creature, the start, a beginning.
So why is my heart black?
Why am I alone, always left alone?

The golden sun blazes in the azure sky
The aroma of freshly cut grass fills the air.
So why is my soul black?
Why am I torn between life and death?

The sunset, streaks of yellow, red and orange
zooming across the darkening sky.
So why am I here without you?
Why must I live alone?

05-22-2002, 04:15 PM
*sniffyle, snyffle* That was. . . so. . . beautiful.

It reminds me of missing someone. . . it was great and I felt the sadness about the poem. A great work Fatal. Keep it up friend. :D

05-23-2002, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Fatal Divide
That's ok Bro, just do it whenever you've got some spare time. No rush. Thanks for the comment and the same to you too Tifa. I should really start commenting on your poetry too, it's not really fair on you.


She's never fair lil' brother, and I mean never ;)

As for the new poem Jon, it reminds me of someone, a while ago, like four months to be exact. . .*sigh*

I hope this is over someone new. . .we need to talk some more

Keep up the great work though, I really love seeing new stuff from you

Fatal Divide
05-23-2002, 07:13 AM
Thanks guys. As always I appreciate your comments. And yeah, I hope we can talk again soon Bro.

Fatal Divide
05-29-2002, 04:20 PM
Untold Secrets

As I wake each day,
My first thought is of you.
As I close me eyes to rest
You are the last thing I think about
Before falling into the deepness of sleep.

But I can't tell you
Can't tell you my feelings
Kept locked up inside my soul
Hidden away, because of shyness
And fear of rejection...

The days drag by, and
My heart is torn from the secrets I hide
The untold secrets I cannot reveal
Tearing me up inside...
All because I love you...

Fatal Divide
06-11-2002, 07:35 PM
Unrelated Matter

As I stare into the darkening sky,
Grey with misery, I call out to you
With the wish that I will see you again
A silent promise, a deal with fate

The future is bleak, the past misty
The only thing clear is my love for you
That shines like a beacon of light
A ray of life, a ray of hope...

Death and misery in a world with no hope
The inevitable cycle of life continues
I pray for the day mine will end
Just so that I can be there,
With you...

06-12-2002, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Deus Immortale
She's never fair lil' brother, and I mean never ;)

Damn skippy. :D Well. . . I have my fair moments, but that's only once in a blue moon. Onto the point. . .


Good poem Fatal. Ish soooo beautiful. It reminds me of a lot of things. . . it's like you took me feelings and everything and put them on paper! A very emotional heartfelt work. Keep it up. ^^.

06-12-2002, 06:52 PM
Jon. . .youse the shiznit lil' brother, I mean. . . damn. . .

I connected with that, it spoke to me. . .

Fatal Divide
06-21-2002, 08:52 PM
Thanks guys.

Never Ending

The never ending night
Moonlit stars and endless dreams
A silenced wave, leading to the light
The dawn of a new day, a new life

The way the stars sparkle in your eyes
The way your perfect reflection
Shimmers silently in the
Crystal water of the lake...

The way you looked at me
The way I wished that night
Would last forever
Never ending...

06-25-2002, 01:25 AM
Hmmm. . . very emotional. Strikes a cord. It's a very beautiful piece Fatal.

06-25-2002, 06:49 AM
Damn Jon. . .marvelous, bloody marvelous

and you actually look up to me?

That one was just damn. . .

Fatal Divide
06-26-2002, 08:17 PM
Thanks again guys. And of course I look up to you Bro! You're such a great role model. You're inspirational with your work, and your always there when I need ya. You rock Bro, and you know it!

Fatal Divide
06-28-2002, 08:18 PM
*Just want to quickly apologise for all the double posting, but I just find it easier to keep note of my poems that way.*

Here's a new one...

Wings Of A Dove

The beauty I saw in you,
As you spread your silver wings
In flight, straight to my heart,
Where you settled into my soul

You were the one, different from anyone else
An image of perfection in my eyes
The white of innocence and peace
Flying into my life like a gift from the gods

Well I don't know what to say
What to do to show you how I feel,
To show my love, my undieing love for you
So I watch you fly on the wings of a dove...

06-28-2002, 09:07 PM
Such a beautiful, heartfelt poem Fatal. What can I say? That is one of your best works yet. I really like it. Keep up the fabulous pieces! ^^.

06-30-2002, 12:50 PM
Great poem Fatal! A true poem that I can definately tell that it came from the heart;) Keep up the good work!!

07-04-2002, 02:08 AM
A beautiful poem Fatal... just beautiful. Nothing more can be said.

Fatal Divide
07-21-2002, 08:50 PM
Woah, sorry about the long gap. Been kinda busy with things lately. Anyway, thanks for all your comments. I appreciate them greatly.

Sapphire Eyes

Spirit of the sapphire, endless skies, starry nights
Reflected in your eyes for all to see
Soaring birds fly above the sapphire sea,
The moonlight scattered at the surface...

Looking into your eyes, the world seems at peace
I feel complete, finally filling the gap in my soul
Silver clouds float silently by, crossing the sapphire sky
Nothing can go wrong, everything feels right...

And I gaze into your eyes,
Your sparkling sapphire eyes
And I know that all I want
Is to be with you...

07-21-2002, 09:48 PM
You really have talent. What are your influences, if any?

Fatal Divide
07-21-2002, 09:53 PM
Hmm, influences huh? Well, my life is pretty much the main focus of most of my poems, but my main influence at the moment would have to be the amazing Sapphire_Night who I love deeply. And thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it.

07-22-2002, 12:56 AM
Your work is so amazing, I really love reading your poems. Especially these last two, they're beautiful, I cherish them with my heart, just as I do you. You mean the world to me. Thank you for everything...for just being here for me, and I truly love you.

07-23-2002, 09:43 PM
Oh how SWEET!

I really like it... a lot. it's got this... thing about it, cant explain. it makes me think of...blue, the ocean at night, and my cuz!!
I can tell it's truelly from the heart, that big, golden heart of yours sky!! i... i wanna take a picture of it, but it's not visable, that's how i feel.

Fatal Divide
07-31-2002, 11:11 PM
Thank you again

Midnight Rain

As I stand here in the midnight rain,
Tear drops from the darkened sky trickling down my face
I send a prayer to the starry skies
That I will one day hold you in my arms

I dream of being there with you
Hand in hand, holding you tightly
I wish, I pray, I long
To hold you in the sunrise, sunset, moonlit sky

Tears of salty rain submit, silence...
And I'm left with my dreams
But alone
Without you...

08-01-2002, 01:04 AM
What a short and great poem. It's a romantic yet kind of a tear-jerker as well because your are separated from the one you love.

The piece is simple and sweet and I love the whole thing! (Since it's so short, I can really pick just one stanza!)

It reminds me of thoughts I've had millions of times myself.

Great work Fatal. Keep up the beautiful pieces. ^__^

Setsuna Yuna
08-01-2002, 07:13 AM
I really like your poems, esp. the last three. They're all really heartfelt and moving. I don't know many guys who can really express themselves through writing. Keep it up. You've definitely got the talent. ;)

Fatal Divide
08-18-2002, 12:50 AM
Thanks for the comments Tekno and Setsuna. I admire your writing talents too. Both of you are very skilled writers. Anyway, here's a new poem.

Forever My Light

Sunrise. Birth of light, birth of life,
Banishing darkness from the world,
Returning green to endless fields, blue to sparkling oceans,
Light and life to the world once more.

Such is how your love changed me,
Darkness to light, death to life,
Breath-taken in your presence, by your side,
You are like a shining light to me.

Cast away the shadows, the darkness,
Light my path, my road, my journey,
That leads me to you, my soul mate.
That leads me to you, my true love.

My heart is forever yours...
My love is forever yours...

08-18-2002, 06:23 AM
*sniffle, sniffle* What a beautiful, beautiful poem. Well written. Speaks to the heart it does, and it brought a little mist to me eyes. Amazing. Just an amazing piece of poetry.

Keep it up. That last one was just. . . *sniffs again*

Fatal Divide
08-19-2002, 12:12 AM
heh, what else is there to say? Thank you Tekno for your continuous support of my poetry. I really appreciate it.

08-19-2002, 12:18 AM
No problem Fatal, really. :D You've got mad talent. Keep it up. Maybe reading your works will inspire me to start posting my poems again. ^_^

08-22-2002, 09:23 PM
SuPeR tight job Sky! You do a really good job of putting that blossoming(or has it already blossomed?) love into words!

Fatal Divide
08-25-2002, 05:44 PM
Heh, thanks Shine. I want to see your poems too, y'know? Maybe you've made a thread already, I'll have a look. If you havn't, what are you waiting for? The world needs your poetry! lol, anyway, here's a new poem:

True Angel

Evereybody has somebody,
A partner,
A soul mate,
I was blessed with you...

Perfection has yet to match you,
Your beauty lights up the dark,
You are my all, my everything
You are a true angel...

I would do anything for you,
Brave the fiercest storm,
Fight raging seas,
Just to be with you.

I love you, now and forever
My true angel...

(lol, yet another sonnet...)

08-26-2002, 12:54 AM
OMG, Fatal, your poems are beautiful! Each one has such emotion put into them, their all great. I dunt think I'd be able to pick just one as my favourite, because their all written so wonderfully. And I did like that story you had been writting. It was very good :D

keep writtin, cuz I'd love to see more of your work ^_^

08-26-2002, 01:21 AM
What a prettiful poem Fatal! :D I love it! "True Angel" reminds me of this poem I had written and posted a while back. It's well written and expresses your feelings.

Keep it up! ^_^ (I'll be sure to my writers block soon Sky!)

Fatal Divide
08-26-2002, 01:29 AM
OmegaZell, thanks very much for the kind comments. Always nice to see a new face and new view on my poetry.

Tekno, lol, you know the routine by now. Thank you so much.

08-26-2002, 06:41 AM
Okay, I don't have time to read all those great pieces of poetry but from what I can see they are all really emotional and well-written. Keep up the great work Fatal Divide!

*Claps.* I think I know who some of those poems are about too, LOL ;)

FD Return
09-04-2002, 02:45 PM
Ok, here's a new one. It's ok I guess...

Can you imagine?

Can you imagine the summer breeze,
Whistling through the grassy fields?
Or the sparkling ocean in the sunshine,
The soothing sound of the waves calming your soul?

Can you imagine the joy of a child,
So innocent and pure in it's origin?
Or the cry of a new born baby,
A new face, new story, new start?

Can you imagine being truly in love,
Where every moment together seems like heaven?
Or making a wish on a shooting star,
As it blazes across the midnight sky?

Can you imagine these things and more,
That are all waiting to be experienced,
To happen,
To become reality...?

09-04-2002, 11:12 PM
yaaay, another poem ^_^

tis really good, and I like it very much. I love how you worded everything in "Can You Imagine?", and what you put into it ^_^

great poem :D

09-05-2002, 04:49 PM
You write very beautiful poetry. You have a gift, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You give such wonderful and intricate descriptions, it makes me want to draw pictures to go with them or something. Keep them coming, and I'll keep on reading them. :)

09-06-2002, 05:45 AM
Woah, I really like your last poem. *Claps.* It gave me images in my head of the things you said in your poem and made me think of perky moments.

Yus, it's a great poem to perk someone up. Good on you! It was full of perky emotions and was written really well.

GO you!! ^______^

09-13-2002, 01:23 AM
Nah, Im not that good, but maybe I will. I gots to write happier from now on! But thank you very much for the compliment. I really like getting them on my stuff every once and while.

GREAT JOB SKY! Tis a really original piece of work. It makes me think of stuff too. Which is good. You'll be a great auther someday Sky!

ultimate veggie
09-13-2002, 02:29 PM
0_0 youre goooood! howd yuo get sooo good at this?? :uh?:

09-13-2002, 03:05 PM
*bows deeply to his little brother*

And you claim they still have need for me here.

Your poetry alone shows how much you've grown and bettered yourself Jon.

You have an amazing gift and talent, always remember that, or I'll simply fly to England to kick your ass. ;)

FD Return
09-14-2002, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Deus Immortale
*bows deeply to his little brother*

And you claim they still have need for me here.

Your poetry alone shows how much you've grown and bettered yourself Jon.

You have an amazing gift and talent, always remember that, or I'll simply fly to England to kick your ass. ;)

lmao, you still got it Bro. And of course the Shrine needs you! *considers making a Merl appreciation thread*
Anyway, thank you to everybody else for your comments too. I really do appreciate them loads, they give me more confidence and help me keep writing. So thank you very much. Here's a new poem.


A reflection on a silver moonlit lake,
Picturesque sight...
Echoes heard through the crystal covered trees,
Diamonds shine in a sea of black...

Ripples break the tranquil surface of the water,
Circles of time and age spreading, then fading...
The long grass, cool from the summer shower,
Gently brushing against my legs, as I search for you...

And there I find you, half hidden in the field of dreams,
Waiting patiently. Waiting...
For so long, we have been apart. My endless search for you,
Over mountains, under water, through endless deserted plains...

It has finally ended...

The gentle breeze brushes through your hair,
Your eyes refect the moon, sparkling with their own beauty
That far surpasses any wonder this world has presented.
And as I lay down next to you, I finally feel complete...

09-16-2002, 05:29 PM
very touching, deep down moving inspirational shared feelings kinda touching.

You keep cranking out poems like this and I'll keep smiling

09-16-2002, 09:18 PM
Argh! Another good one! Im running out original compilments! I would have to say that this is my favorite so far Sky. It umm.... is cool! ACK!

FD Return
10-05-2002, 10:47 AM
Thanks guys. I appreciate the comments a lot! Geez, been ages since I posted here, so here's a new one to try and get going again.

Ode to the special person

Such a glorious feeling, long awaited
And much wanted. Of course I talk about love
Like warm sunshine melting the dark ice
Into streams and waterfalls after the bitter winter.

Upon thought, the Sun seems a good comparison.
Warm and enjoyable.
Not always experienced, but always there.
Waiting to burst through clouded heavens.

A ray of light banishing the darkness
From my original empty shell.

It appeared to me in the form of an angel,
A figure of light, beauty, perfection,
Floating into my life on golden wings...
A beautiful sight to behold...

There is no true way to describe it's affect on me.
To my knowledge there is no word suitable.
But new emotions, new feelings, as I love her.
The one. My soul mate.

Her words send me spiralling to dizzy heights,
To new levels of hapiness I never thought possible.
And I find perfection in everything she is...
Everthing she does...

I will always love my angel.
Now and forever...

10-05-2002, 07:04 PM
Wow!! This is way way way different than your others, and i think it may be better! It has a way over the reader, not like im reading it, but like you talking to me!

FD Return
10-12-2002, 12:45 AM
Thanks Shine, or should I say Starshine now? Heh, as always I really appreciate your kind comments. Ok, here's a new one...


Can I spare this thought with you?
As we lie in crystal shades of light from the moon,
A beacon of light, a source of peace and tranquility.

I want to tell you, share with you these feelings of love
I carry deep in my heart for you.
Like the reflection of lights on the night time lake,
Causing city lights and stars to be blurred in wonderous beauty

A perfect scene to share with you
As I wish for this moment to last forever.
To be by your side always,
And never have to leave...

I feel warmth within my soul, the most powerful emotion
To ever exist. Love envelops me in it�s blanket of happiness,
And for the first time in my life, I can say with all honesty;
I am happy...

I have you, a blessing for some unknown act in my life.
I know not what I have done to deserve you,
But just to be with you...I feel blissful happiness.

Like falling for eternity, my only target that shining light
Always far below, always so far away...

I believe now I have reached the shining light,
And I am lost forever in the sea of happiness
Wth you by my side.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-12-2002, 09:29 AM
These....are....fantastic, almost opposite to 'Omega' which has shit to do with death and crap like that.

But dude, these are quite something, i'll be waiting for more like these, you have a special talent so keep it up. :) :) :) :)

10-14-2002, 04:20 PM
I see the birth of a new writting style Sky! This is a really great poem!! And your welcome for me kind comments!

FD Return
10-18-2002, 11:58 PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate it as always.

Golden Utopia

Walking barefoot on the sand with you,
Waves gently lapping at our heels,
Stroking your cheek, soft as a rose petal
Wet with the morning dew.

Making me fall into a trance of awe;
A blissful moment, hoping to be ever lasting.

Like the first flower of spring,
The first golden leaf that falls to the ground
In the autumn storm, I find a new beginning.
A new life, that I wish only to share with you.

And I know in my heart, that no matter
How many times I say I love you,
It will never be enough.

The heat from the midday sun blazing down on us,
As we stand on that beach of paradise
Called love.

10-19-2002, 02:00 AM
omg yaay new poems ^_^

their so beautiful... the last few are really great and heartfelt ^_^ I'm still in love with how you word everything lol. You're a great writer :) I tried writing somewhat like you but wasnt able too, you have a very nice way of writing and I could never write like you ^_^ fabulous poems!!!! I love reading them :)

EDIT: w00t, you gots 100 replies in this thread, and I was number 100 ^^ congratulations (sp?) ^_____^

FD Return
10-19-2002, 07:00 PM
Wow, thanks MS. I'm glad you like my poems, and thanks for making the 100th post here. I read quite a few of your poems too, and they're all great. Anyway, thanks again.

10-21-2002, 05:16 AM
Oh, I like those more ah, perkier poems as they are slightly more fun to read but hey, they're just as good as the other poems you have written FD Return. Yep, I like the wording of that poem and it's really good the way it's all romantic and magical. Yeah, GO Sky!!

*Claps* ^________^

FD Return
11-02-2002, 03:06 AM
Thank you Arwen.

Now, to give poems a rest for a bit, here's an FFX fan fic I've been working on. It's set at the time of Lord Braska's journey just in case I don't make that clear. Anyway, hope you like it. Expect more soon.

A Fading Hope
An FF X fanfic

Leymak paced anxiously up and down the wooden bridges of Kilika. Where were they? They knew that this would be one of their last chances to practise before the tournament tomorrow. Yet they were nowhere to be seen. Glancing up at the darkening sky, he knew that time was running out. Making a snap desicion, he headed towards the bar to ask if anybody had seen his team. How embarressing...losing his whole team the night before the tournament. Turning the corner, he couldn't believe his luck as he spotted a team member.

Airan, the teenage striker of the Kilika Beasts was sitting quietly on the edge of the pier staring intently out at the calm waters. His spiky black hair blew slightly in the breeze, as he sat there lost in thought. His deep brown eyes showed nothing of his
feelings, and remained emotionless. Leymak approached him angrilly, knocking him out of his day dream. Airan glanced up at his coach, then looked away without a word.

"Where the hell have you been!?" yelled Leymak furiously, "You know we've got a practise tonight. Well, we did two hours ago!" The young teen merely shrugged.

"The others are at the temple..." he said, as Leymak frowned again. "They're praying for victory..." he finished, still not looking away from the sea. Leymak turned, thinking and mumbling quietly to himself. Turning, he patted Airan on the back.

"Come on, let's go meet them there." he ordered, as Airan stood slowly.

"Fine, whatever..." sighed Airan, as he walked off ahead with Leymak chasing after him.

"What were you doing anyway?" he panted as he caught up. Airan turned his head, and didn't reply.

* * *

The final stone steps were mastered as Leymak and Airan reached the summit. There infront of them stood Kilika temple. Leymak had remembered the visit of Lord Braska and his guardians well. Their one hope of defeating Sin? He hoped not...Surely fate couldn't lie in the ability of a summoner and his guardians. But that had been the way...the only way to calm Sin. Even if it did return later. Airan turned and stared out at the sunset on the horizon as Leymak walked quietly into the temple. He couldn't believe what he saw. There, in the middle of this holy temple, his team appeared to be arguing with the Luca Goers. He knew the Goers could be arrogant, but this wasn't the place to argue. Striding forward purposefully, he stepped inbetween the two sides and folded his arms.

"That's enough." he commanded. "Goers, we'll settle our differences at the tournament, but not here." The leader of the Goers sneered.

"Fine, we'll destroy you. You'll stand less chance than the Besaid Aurochs!" he mocked, as his teammates laughed. They seemed unwilling to move, but Leymak's determination was enough to make them wander off, still laughing about how they would crush the Kilika Beasts. Leymak sighed as Hayes, the Kilika captain approached to comfort their ageing coach.

"Don't worry about it Coach." he reassured him, "We'll make sure we beat them. Can't let them win after that, eh?" Leymak smiled. He could always rely on Hayes to do whatever he could to help his team mates. He nodded sadly.

"It would be nice to win this year. I don't have many years left in me..." he said sadly, shrugging slightly. Hayes shook his head at this remark.

"Don't say that. You're the best coach we've ever had. And you're gonna lead us to victory this time!" he yelled excitedly, before quietly apologising to all the others in the temple for disturbing their praying. Leymak chuckled. Hayes was as energetic as ever. It was time to get down to business. As the team met outside, Airan silently joined them as Leymak prepared his speech of encouragement. It wasn't his strongest point as a coach, but the team always humoured him. They knew that what he lacked in speech writing, he easily made up for in knowledge and experience.

"Ok guys, listen up..." he began, as he glanced around to make sure he had the entire team's attention. Maven, their athletic goalkeeper was awake and drinking in every word he released from his mouth. The two defenders stood either side of Maven, almost as if mimicking their formation. Kear was large enough to strike fear into any striker who dared challenge him, while his partner Brax was the complete opposite. Lean and fast, he could steal the ball from an opponent before they even had a chance to react. Turning his head left, Leymak saw the reassuring smile of Hayes. His captain, as always, was ready to do anything his coach intructed. And to his right stood the two strikers, Gray and the apprentice Airan. Gray had been with the team almost as long as Hayes, and Leymak was hoping that he could pass on his knowledge to young Airan. They had no subsititute, and as a result had had to pull out of more than one competition. But there was simply no other blitzer in Kilika. Leymak coughed, and scratched his head. "I honestly believe that this is the strongest team I have ever had the honour of coaching." he smiled, and a murmer of confidence ran around the circle of players. "We Kilika Beasts. We may not be the best, but we are certianly not the worst. In fact, I believe that our spirit...our teamwork...can count as a 7th man in the sphere pool. And with that 7th man, we can win this competition!" A cheer rose, led by Hayes who was almost jumping up and down in anticipation of the great tournament ahead. "We will go to Luca, and we will fight with all our heart. And we will win!" cheered Leymak, as the roar of the Beasts became deafening. "Now, on to Luca!"

* * *

The boat rocked gently as waves gently toyed with the creaking, wooden vessel. The journey had not always been this smooth, but the tension that seemed to be lacking in the sea seemed to have transferred itself onto the boat. Once more, the Luca Goers were travelling on board with them. Sometimes things went well...and other times like this, they didn't.

Leymak sighed as the sound of another argument errupted behind him. He stared out at the aquamarine sea, not caring what happened in the cabin where the heated argument seemed to be rising out of control. The Goers were trouble, always had been, always would be. There seemed little point in trying to stop an event that was inevitable. But to his suprise, the noise started to dim, and the shouting stopped. Turning to see what had happened, he saw Hayes leading the rest of the Kilika Beasts out onto the deck.

"Don't give them the satisfaction of getting to you!" he was shouting, as the other players cursed and frowned at the sound of the Goers laughing inside the cabin. "We'll show them in the tournament, right Coach?" Leymak nodded, and glanced at the team.

"Where's Airan?" he asked, and the team shrugged.

"He always goes off by himself Coach..." replied Gray, who was glancing up and down the deck. Leymak couldn't help but smile. Gray had become attatched to Airan, and despite the youngsters attitude he had perservered with him. "I'll go find him..." he finished, as he wandered off. Leymak chuckled, and turned to Hayes.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on the team..." he thanked him gratefully, glancing back out to the sea. "I'm getting too old to be dealing with stuff like that..." He gazed down at his wrinkled hands, and sighed deeply. 25 years of being a coach, and only one tournament win to his name. During his glory days as a player for the Kilika Beasts, he had won plenty of medals. Of course, the Luca Goers had always been more successful, but he couldn't help but wonder... "Do you think I'm a good coach Hayes?" he questioned his captain, whose shocked expression answered the question before he even opened his mouth.

"Of course!" he gasped, "You're the best coach the Kilika Beasts have ever had! And I promise you, we'll win this tournament for you. All the boys have promised me, even young Airan. We're taking the trophy back to Kilika, so don't you worry about a thing." he laughed, and headed off to have another talk with the team. Leymak smiled, and clenched his fist. Of course they would win. How could they lose with a team spirit like theirs?

11-07-2002, 02:34 AM
Sorry, but i didn't read all of it, but im sure it's incredible! Yeah!

FD Return
12-29-2002, 02:14 AM
This Feeling

I can feel your breath against my ear
As we lie in eternal bliss.
Did I ever tell you that I loved you?
Did I do enough to make it clear?

And I can�t stop this feeling
This wonderful sensation...

I couldn�t get out of the dark
But you became my light.
Chased away the shadows
And set me free...

And I don�t want to stop this feeling
This amazing sensation

Feeling like I�m floating on a wave
Of golden dreams and hope
As I ascend to the dizzying heights
That only you can carry me to.

And I love this feeling
This perfect sensation
Which you give to me.

12-29-2002, 03:24 AM
I've been waiting for another poem by ya :) It's great, just like the rest, and very well written. yay write more ^-^;

FD Return
01-01-2003, 02:09 AM
Thank you very much Amara Ciel.

Quest of the Soul

Calling through the mist of destiny
Always just out of reach of eachother
Tomorrow is just another day
Yesterday is another step on the road

A sense of freedom fills my mind
As I finally reach out to you
Tear away the metal cage
Which has held my soul for so long
Which has held my soul for too long...

Even the longest journey begins with
The smallest step, but I was unaware
Of how long I would have to travel
To be with you, my love...

Through places I can�t remember
With dreams that can�t be seen
Until the beacon of light,
Birth of the brightest star,
Led me to you.

Finally, my heart is free to express
The true extent of my love for you.
To tell of my travels across the highest mountains
And the deepest oceans to reach my destination,
The person my heart wishes to belong to.

01-08-2003, 06:07 AM
Yeah, I have been waiting for some new poems from you as well FD Return. Your recent poems are really prettiful and are really easy to relate to. They make a good read as well.

I really like the use of emotions in your poems and they used to be kinda depressing but I like them better know that they are more cheerful, no offense. Anyhoo, encore, encore I say. *Claps* ^_^

01-08-2003, 04:58 PM
Awww. It's been a while since I've read something of your work.

But what a beautiful poem Sky. It reminded me a lot of things and it really touched me where my heart used to be. ^___^ Very descriptive and heartfelt.

Keep it up. =D

FD Return
06-02-2003, 06:33 PM

Like a phoenix from the ashes of death,
A new life rises from the darkness.
A single light of hope
In a shadow of confusion and death...

Could you imagine life after death?
Who would have thought
It would just lead me through the same
Life I thought I left behind.

But now I'm free to correct the mistakes
I was not wise enough to avoid.
And when my time finally comes again,
I want to know that I did things my way
With you by my side.

06-04-2003, 03:58 PM
It's about time Sky. ^_^ Where have you been.... email meeee~~~ [/end spammage]

But no really... I've always been a fan of your stuff, and this has to be one of my many~ favorites. :D Beautfiul, simple and heart-wrenching. Keep it up...

06-04-2003, 06:38 PM
I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........I made u post..........I made u post.........I made u post.........

Sorry about that :rolleyes:

Great poem Sky! :D

FD Return
06-09-2003, 07:39 PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate it as always.


Fly with me across the silver lining
Of the midnight clouds, flowing
Like peaceful seas of black and grey.
They carry us on our dream.

Soar through eternity with me,
Tearing through the sky with no
Boundries or restrictions to hold us.
A dream of freedom for all.

We fly with golden wings upon
Our backs, beings of light above
The world of darkness, until we
Are forced to plummet

But tomorrow is another night.
Tomorrow is another dream...

06-15-2003, 03:20 PM
I know I said this the last time Sky, but... :D Out of ALL of your poems, this IS my favorite! Well, one of them, at least. ^_~

You know how I love a poem dealing with anything "dream" or "wing" oriented, and I must say that this is one of your better pieces of prose.

You just keep getting better... keep posting those great works.

FD Return
01-14-2004, 08:20 AM
Well, I'll be damned. It's still here :p Guess I might as well throw another post onto the pile.


That moment, forever treasured
In a memory filled with grief and regret,
A bold light against uncertainty
And mistrust, to guide me through
Whatever this life can still throw at me.
A beacon in the darkness,
A guiding light in my deepest moments...

A dream like state gripped me as I
Watched you approach, felt your
Warmth as you wrapped your arms
Around my wounded soul, shattering
The frozen core within.

Would it make a difference
If I tried to describe my emotions?
The greatest poets could not make sense
Of the feeling that rushed through me,
That incredible sensation I have never forgotten.
That moment. That feeling.

01-14-2004, 01:08 PM
I really like this one here. It's one of those poems that most people can really actually relate to, and kind of understand exactly what's being said. Just about everyone has had a moment like the one in your poem.

01-14-2004, 03:20 PM
Great stuff there. For some reason I really liked the lines

The greatest poets could not make sense
Of the feeling that rushed through me,

Looking forward to reading more stuff from you. I might have to go back and read the entire thread sometime.

01-14-2004, 03:53 PM
Well look at that, another Daisy. How it go little brother?

as for the newest one, these lines grabbed me the most:

Originally posted by FD Return

That moment, forever treasured
In a memory filled with grief and regret,
A bold light against uncertainty
And mistrust, to guide me through

a most impressive work, you've improved tremendously since the last time. Keep it up

Cetra Angel
01-14-2004, 05:44 PM
*smiles sappily for a while*




*treasures that memory*

*glomps again*

*smiles* i love that poem hun ^^

psst... [it was actually a dash up and glomp in front of his parents *grin* but just as beautiful a moment as portrayed in above poem ^_____^]

*looks around* o_O *chases after Sky* heeeey~~

01-15-2004, 02:42 AM
Sky, when did *this* get here? And why for you and Rach did not tell me of teh glomp?

Well, in any case, I'm as hooked on your writing as you were hooked on that first chapter I wrote.

*is an avid fan*

Good to see ya still writen~

01-15-2004, 02:48 PM
o_O Wow my last post really didn't work.....damn and I would have beaten Rachel to it -_-'

V. nice poem Sky ^^

Sky, when did *this* get here? And why for you and Rach did not tell me of teh glomp?

Oh dear o_O

01-22-2004, 09:11 PM
I kill what cant be killed,i bring life to the living,i sleep while awake,i swim in sorrow and dry off with hatred,the blood of my enemy is as sweet as battle itself,the gods try and stop me but i give them answers that make them coware away,i am eternal darkness with a shadow heart,living to kill,killing to live.

by Denis

01-23-2004, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by denny
I kill what cant be killed,i bring life to the living,i sleep while awake,i swim in sorrow and dry off with hatred,the blood of my enemy is as sweet as battle itself,the gods try and stop me but i give them answers that make them coware away,i am eternal darkness with a shadow heart,living to kill,killing to live.

by Denis

What the fucking fuck does that have to do with anything? GAH!

01-27-2004, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by denny
I kill what cant be killed,i bring life to the living,i sleep while awake,i swim in sorrow and dry off with hatred,the blood of my enemy is as sweet as battle itself,the gods try and stop me but i give them answers that make them coware away,i am eternal darkness with a shadow heart,living to kill,killing to live.

by Denis

Make your own thread! blasphemist! blasphemier! You defile Sky's thread! OUT! >:

ha ha. lol. Was in a mood to do that. ^_^;;

No... but really.

OUT. >:
