12-13-2005, 01:52 AM

I would like to know if anybody has the following two tracks from the Beyond Good & Evil soundtrack. It should be the official UbiSoft mp3s in 256 kbps.

29. In Hot Pursuit
30. Sins of the Father

They are missing from here:

Sharon Agathon
12-13-2005, 01:26 PM
There is no good source for those two missing tracks. They skip, pop and cracks lots of times and is beyond repair. I've already tried downloading from many sources and they give me the same problem. It could be the reason they don't have it on this website. You can try torrent sites like if you want to find the missing tracks but it takes a while to download the entire soundtrack.

12-13-2005, 01:41 PM
with programs like azurues or u-torrent, you can download individual files inside a torrent instead of the whole thing, jfwiw